Chapter 192: Kriassilis' Advanced Turf - (3)
A stone pad popped out of the swimming pool. It reached me by floating. I took the pad.
It shone the same phrase, 'Griphin!'
Kriassilis exclaimed, "You're holding the pad the other way around!"
"Oh!", I turned it to the opposite side. Instead of showing a phrase, it displayed a bright screen with pictures and origin literature.
I saw a picture depicting giant meteorites floating outside a planetary system. Below the picture was an underlined headline, 'Unknown ravager's debris spotted outside the planetary system, Kloriel!'
[Ravager? Oh, right. That's the term used for celestials of the afterlife, just like how the celestials of the absolute abyss are called evil gods.]
I then swiped the screen leftward. Another tab with a picture of ten planets moving around a white burning star came to play. The headlines above the picture said, 'Nolarque's burning star dissipating 400 inches outer radius every millennium, Judgemental Taharisch reports!'
[Judgemental? Wait, let's make a recap. Master had already explained to me.
First, crooks and mutant asymmetrons who work under the origin of dark are called 'Abyssal Ravens'.
Second, they are called 'Divine Spectators' if they're under the origin of light.
Third and last, those under the origin of aftermath are termed 'Judgementals'.]
I then swiped to another site and another screen popped up with the headline, 'Domzar becoming the biggest planet in the afterlife!'
Below the headline was a picture of a diamond-like meteor. Below it were some other pictures full of snowy mountains and crystals. I was puzzled.
[Eh? Why do all the background pictures of this planet look crystalline? Moreover, why is a planet in the shape of an asteroid and not a sphere?]
I went to the next page headlined, 'Judgemental Elvien vying to be the next Emperor of Howan Stargazers!'
Below the line was the picture of a silver-haired female making a tempting pose. Her ears seemed sharp. Her left hand was rubbing the hair with eight fingers. Below that picture was another picture showcasing colossal spaceships in the shape of spheres.
[This mutant asymmetron is just like Zith. She too must've been born with the shape of a lesser being. Wonder what kind of hardships she underwent to be accepted?]
And like that, I kept swiping left and right for a few minutes until I found the same pages popping up.
"Yo Kriassilis, I can't find any updates. I mean, the same pages from earlier are popping up. Is something wrong with your cosmic-net?!", I attempted. He said, "You read 200 pages in less than half an hour. That's all for today's revelation. New matters will be coming in a dozen hours!"
I responded, "Uh-huh, I get that part. But why are all the pictures showing space and nothing else in the background?
So far, I've only seen 10 pages with nature views like red skies and seas alongside the purple nature!"
He simply said, "That's just how high my cosmic network is. Far above the skies!"
I guessed, "And that 'Far above the skies' thing is space?!"
He chuckled, "Yeah!!"
[... Damn, this guy looks pretty asian. But he's got this cool and chilling mannerism which every african has.]
I then asked, "Huh, if you have a network of your own, why did my master never tell me about his?!"
Kriassilis replied, "That's because he doesn't have one!"
I flinched, "What? Why though?!"
He interpreted, "As you know, I was born from the souls who died meaningless death due to Madrona and Martha. Meaning, everything within me solely originated from living beings and infinitos. That would include my mind!"
I understood, "Yeah, people keep having weird thoughts. They would always want to try something new. Since you're an origin entity, you made whatever you want come true!"
He agreed, "Exactly!!"
I attempted, "If master does not have a cosmic network, how does he operate things throughout the absolute abyss? How would the abyssal ravens get to know things occurring around the corners?!"
He elaborated, "That's dark, okay? Even the entirety of existence that is brimming with endless chaos and echoes, lurks between space where the surrounding is filled with darkness.
Your master and those under his wing are always connected through the mind 'cause of that darkness. Distance's got no sh*t in their case!!"
I kept staring. He emphasized, "Remember one thing, Dray.
Death isn't as magnificent as light. Nor is it as dangerous as dark... But it is the most complicated!"
[He's saying the exact thing as master except for changing the order of phrases.]
Whilst putting the stone pad on the nearby table, flexing his limbs and gazing upwards, he chuckled. The view upwards was full of starry space. He narrated, "Heh, yeah. I just changed the wording order from that of your master. After defeating Martha for the first time, I felt so prideful and decided to go against him for the latter.
Curse my luck, I suffered utter defeat. Moreover, he didn't even use manpower and defeated me alongside my dead with his pseudo-darkened flames stage which he created a few years ago during that era.
After bringing me down to my knees, he stood before me with those scary eyes lashing out in all seven flames. Thought my head would go flying. But no. Instead, he appreciated me and called me by a new title, 'Origin of Aftermath'.
I tried rejecting him but looked at the faces of the dead people behind me staring non-stop. With no choice, I accepted it. Later, he warned me with his sovereignty, saying 'Dark isn't as simple as light, neither is it as complicated as your death but is the most dangerous…!"
He gave a slight pause. I looked with an open mouth. He continued, "That's all. Nothing after spouting the word 'Dangerous'. And I was like, 'What? That's it?'. Come on, man!!!"
"Phuhahahahahaha!!!", both of us laughed in unison. Kendor, who was unconscious until then, got up due to our long laughter. Kriassilis commented, "Since the situation was dire, I held myself back. My instincts told me he would pluck off my head like a flower if I asked!!"
"Kheahahahahahahaha!!!!", once again, we cried in laughter. Kendor quivered in one corner but we didn't bother. I jumped out and lay on the sleeping chair next to him. I asked, "What happened next?!!"
He took a breather, "Phew, while my mind kept wandering, he gave me some advice!!"
"Advice? Like what?!", I attempted. He exclaimed, "During that time, my people were nothing more than skeletons. He told me that all my power was amounting to was being wasted on mere bones...
At first, my nerves flickered in anger. Then he said, 'If you want your power to get acknowledged, try creating life from that debris'. My flickering eyes came to a sudden halt after hearing him.
After that incident, I always wondered if my power could be meaningful. Therefore, I tried numerous ways to create life from death. Finally, I achieved the perfect harmony of light and dark within me. That was the time I started seeing my people from a different perspective. Those with bones disappeared and those with a living body appeared. However, only an afterlife being is accustomed to such senses!!"
I said while looking upwards, at the starry sky, "Thanks, sir. Your info helped my insights grow. I can feel my power getting a bit closer to a breakthrough!"
He became puzzled, "Huh, your power can increase just from that much amount of Intel?!"
I interpreted, "Aside from authority to 'understand', I have a trait called 'Perception'. It helps me think beyond the topic and come to an understanding!!"
I jolted, "Uhm, Kriassilis. You're losing it!!"
He exhaled, "Sheesh, can't do much about that!!"
I spoke, "Yeah, we talked a lot. How about we go to sleep?!"
He said, "Yeah, we should go in!"
I exclaimed, "No, I like the view here. I'm cool with sleeping on this chair!!"
He chuckled, "Heh, your adventurer instincts seem to be kicking in!!"
I agreed, "Yeah!!"
I emphasized, "Okay, then I too will sleep here. Besides, your body won't sweat on this turf!"
I stated, "That's pretty obvious considering the fact that this domain is inside a vacuum!"
He conversed, "Yeah!"
Suddenly, a thought came to my mind.
[Oh yeah, in the past, I asked Prat regarding my fight against Scidra. Whether it was my victory or defeat. But that tigerhead flunked out in fear. Let's take this chance to know it from the smartest origin entity.]
"Kriassilis, I wanna ask you something!", I said. And Kriassilis exclaimed, "You don't need to say. Your mind had already told me. You did win against Scidra. However, the ending didn't reach your expectations!!"
I questioned, "Come on, can't you origin entities let go of those authorities and sovereignties? You can't keep sneaking into a person's thoughts!!"
He corrected me, "Dumba**, you got a lot of things incorrect. I, Martha and Kriassilis never read the thoughts of others. We instinctively guess what he or she thinks. That's our level of precision and intelligence accumulated through trillions of years of experience!!"
I jolted at his revelation. He stated, "Also, you said your two hundred thousand years human mentality and my trillions of years origin mentality are equivalent, earlier...
Sorry to say this but everyone is born with the same mentality in the beginning. Their life that splits into endless possibilities is what changes their future mentality.
Similarly, my life which was full of responsibilities made me adapt to this lifestyle so quickly. In the future, your mentality would also evolve to my level. Brace yourself when that change occurs, kiddo!!"
I accepted whilst gazing upon the above starry space, "... Okay, got it!!"
Like that, our discussion came to an end, Kendor hopped on my chest and we slept right after.