Chapter 185: Ultimate Supremacy
I gazed upon Zith with a tranquil expression. On top of her head was an imaginary orange screen which was none other than Sysmy. Instead of showing Zith's details and qualities, it displayed something else.
| Long time no see, your highness. |
I responded, "Huh, you're calling me lord. Since when did you start doing that?!"
The system texted.
| I can't just ignore my benefactor who did so much for me like a stranger. |
"For you?!", I asked.
| … Sorry if I'm being overly confident. |
"Phew, enough. I didn't call Zith to have a reunion with you. Just get back to being a system instead of Sysmy!!", I emphasized. Zith looked confused while Kendor stayed firm. However, my mount asked, "Master, you called that orange plate Sysmy. What was that? Those weird origin words, I mean. It seemed as if someone talking to you!"
"!!!!", her words made me speechless. In shock, I questioned, "What? You were able to see that imaginary tab?!"
She exclaimed, "I'm saying this again, master. We weren't termed 'Celestials' just because of our size!!"
I attempted, "Then how did you lose to Prat and the zooviyan deities?!"
She revealed, "I didn't lose to anyone, master. After all those zooviyan deities collapsed, Prat sneaked from behind and chained my body with large strings emanating darkened orange flames. Though the flames were in a mere second phase, I felt excruciating pain. However, that pain reminded me of my first master. Therefore, I thought a new inheritor of his power descended and conceded in hopes of serving a second lord authorizing 'Darkened Daylight'!"
I said, "Wait a minute. I'll be done with this one!", and looked at Zith. She felt puzzled the whole time. I asked, "Why are you looking like that?!", and she said, "Ah, well, it's just, I was wondering what Elder Figurine Kendor kept scroaring since earlier!!"
"... Kendor, they stayed with you for two million years but still aren't linguistic to you?!", I attempted while being dumbfounded. Kendor agreed, "I'm not some kind of pet, master. To be understood with mere screams.
How would they achieve something which even my first owner failed to do?!"
"... You have a point. But doesn't that mean I'm the weird one?!", I asked. Kendor replied, "I thought like that in the beginning, but not after that. It's just how special you are!"
I sighed and got back to Zith, "Huh, how did you do during these past millennia, Zith?!"
Zith answered, "Nothing seemed wrong, master. The system helped me reach half a million points of all qualities!!"
I ordered, "Come again!"
She repeated, "All my qualities reached half a million-!", but I interrupted her sentencing, ""WHAT? JUST HALF MILLION? AND THAT TOO WORKING FOR TWO MILLION YEARS?!""
"Cough, cough, your majesty, forgive me if I did something wrong!!", she pleaded while planting her forehead and nose on the floor. I glared at her for a moment and, "Phew, I guess you remained in this void, developing those qualities with just regular exercises and martial arts!!"
She nodded firmly at my response. I told her, "Listen, Zith. Your predecessor, Sysmy, achieved mutation within one millennium!"
"Gasp!!!", she gasped in shock. I said, "Living like an infinito would bring you nowhere. Mutation isn't something that is achieved by practicing or hard work. You need to devour others to absorb their traits and life force and several more!"
Zith countered, "Yes, your highness. But I simply can't bring myself to kill mortals just for a little award. So I decided to achieve mutation in my own way, may it take millions or even billions of years!!"
I opposed her, "Perseverance is good and all but we don't have much time. Soon, the Lord of Existence would break out of its seal. What would you do if you were still a crook during that time?!", but she persevered, "Please, my lord. Just believe this faithful figurine one time. She won't disappoint your expectations!!!"
"Sigh…, fine. I'll let you have it your way!", I declared. She let out a smile of enthusiasm. I exclaimed, "However, you need to change your way of improvement. Starting tomorrow, you are to travel into the vast horizons of the absolute abyss and gain insight into various things!"
Her smiling face vanished in a second. In gloom, she turned around and stepped out of the scene. I got back to my mount, "Okay, let's continue from where we left off!"
She responded, "Okay?!"
I questioned, "When I first sensed your power, it was half as powerful as mine. But you ended up exhausted after fighting Prat and the remaining zooviyan deities whose combined powers couldn't even match one-tenth of my own?!"
She responded again, "Yeah?!"
I questioned again, "Tell me, Kendor. At that time, you were hiding some kind of ace under your wings, right?!"
She rose her eyebrows in amazement, "... Khe, Khehehe, Kheheheheheheheeee. What to do with you, master? You keep getting more better at things than former Master Zord!!!"
I ordered, "Enough commenting. Just say what I asked you!!", and she followed, "Ahem, yes. But celestials do not use phrases like 'ace' or 'hidden thing'. We call it 'Ultimate Supremacy'!!"
"!!!", my head rang a bell.
[Ultimate supremacy? That sounds familiar to the book written by Senior Zord. Did he name it like that in an impulse?]
"Wait a second, Kendor!", I said raising my right hand. The little bird became puzzled.
Darkened yellow flames gathered on my palm, henceforth bringing forth a thick book out of the air. Kendor flinched after seeing it, "Th-that's Master Zord's Book of ultimate supremacy!!"
I asked, "You know this?!", and she replied, "He used to write some weird literature during leisure. When he was done writing it, he asked me for a name and I refused due to my bad naming sense. But he looked at me for a few moments and immediately spouted an embarrassing title!!"
"And that was 'Book of Ultimate Supremacy?!", I attempted. She felt embarrassed yet didn't hold back, "Y-yes, that was the most humiliating event of my life. I mean, how could he use a word treasured by celestials for philosophy?!!"
I chuckled, "Fine, I'll never bring up that topic. So chill out!!", amid petting her on my lap. She sighed in relief. I then attempted, "Anyway, this ultimate supremacy of your kind, what is it?!"
She elaborated, "We celestials hold immense celestial energy within ourselves which could manipulate reality. In order to control something like that, we create perks unique to us to hide the overbearing power!!"
"Can't you say it like a tale?!", I asked and she responded, "Fine, I'll tell you!!"
Her elaboration continued, "After the phase of existence came to be, we celestials were the first supreme entities to be born aside from origin entities. During that time, the origin of dark and the origin of light were at war.
We celestials used to ravage whatever came to our sight. The origin entities thought we were being arrogant but no, they were totally wrong. It was our celestial powers that held us guilty. To escape instant death from origin entities, a celestial named 'Hyumungus' introduced a perk called ultimate supremacy where one can hide their true form with a lot of efficiencies!!"
I interrupted, "Hyumungus? That sounds more like humongous!!"
She continued, "Only later did we find out that this Hyumungus entity was the mount of a newborn origin entity called 'Origin of Aftermath'. All of us thought we were played by that death sovereign. But no. He helped us survive. No one knew what his purpose was nor his motives!!"
I asked, "The end part was quite shocking for me to digest but I have no choice other than accepting it. So, care to explain what kind of perk this 'Ultimate Supremacy' is?!"
She interpreted, "When in use, we transform back to our original selves with the overbearing and rampant aura!!"
I got curious, "Then what does your true form look like?!"
She revealed, "I would gigantify ten times the size of my usual self and my body would start burning in darkened violet flames like a phoenix!"
[Kendor's usual size is equivalent to the solar system from my homeland. But she can tenfold her size even after that? And also unleashing flames out of her skin at that?
That could truly ravage one whole galaxy. She's more powerful than the late Scidra who fought against Senior Zord and me.]
In a daze, I kept staring at her. She attempted, "What's the matter, master? You seem curious!!"
My eyes twitched. Without even realizing it, I spouted, "Let's have a spar!"
The next few seconds were followed by constant silence. Suddenly, Kendor spoke, "Are you serious?!"
I nodded firmly. She exclaimed, "If it's you, I'd have to use my ultimate supremacy. That could destroy this whole void of yours!!"
I corrected her, "Not here, somewhere far and far away!!"
She emphasized, "Fine, choose the spot, master!!"
I snapped my fingers and we found ourselves in another domain where there was nothing but an endless space comprising twinkling stars in the background and countless meteors in between. Kendor noticed that we were sitting on a floating rock. She asked, "What kind of teleportation is this, master?!"
I said, "I chose the spot as you asked. Now it's your turn to complete the deal!"
She widened her eyes at my response. I smiled slightly. She stated, ""Fine. I won't hold back!!"", while emitting pressure. My senses alarmed me, "!!!!", to jump back.
Immediately, I jumped towards a nearby levitating rock. My mount exclaimed, ""This distance won't be enough to escape the impact of my ultimate supremacy!!""
A cluster of darkened violet flames exploded from her skin. I began warping further and further away from her.
---dash---dash---dash---dash---dash---dash---dash---dash---dash---___and so on---
I kept dashing farthest from those expanding flames for half a minute.
[How far are these flames going to spread?]
At once, I charged away at light speed. When I looked behind, an enormous creature with darkened violet flames on her skin came into vision.
The flames were fuming around her like that of Milky Way. The overbearing creature was none other than Kendor in her true hidden form. I was like a micro-sized particle before her. She gazed upon me, ""Time to begin the spar, master!!""
[It takes a mountain to win against another mountain.]
Amid emanating darkened yellow flames, my mouth emphasized, ""THIRD SOVEREIGNTY: FLAWLESS BLACK SUN!!""
The next instant followed an immense amount of aura erupting out of my body. Kendor blinked at the sight. Soon, I found myself residing within the heart of my celestial self which was two-third the size of Kendor's true self. Our eyes exchanged constant glares. Thus, a face-off between two celestials took place.