Darkened Daylight

Chapter 181: Re-Descent


Darkened yellow flames usurped out of my palm, therefore making me announce, "Let's start making a clone of me!"

And so, I began reshaping my aura in a 3D figure. Hashan asked, "My liege, you have never used your authorities since returning to your homeland. Why not revise them before doing the real work?!"

Raymen spouted, "Did you forget his 'Perception'?!", henceforth making Hashan shut. I closed my eyes.

[Authority to 'gift'.]


The reshaping flames began to fluctuate fiercely, thereby forming a shape and structure of a human figure.

A few moments later, a human being under the same clothes as me, stood in front. His eyes seemed lifeless and his shape was exactly like mine. Raymen spouted, "Now, it's time to sculpt every nook and cranny of his body to match that of yours. Not to mention his eyes, memories, and behaviour!!"

I countered, "I know!", and placed my left palm on the clone's head. Soon, his nerves began to twitch and whole body drooled in sweat. I let go of my hand. The clone's blurry eyes developed a serene infrastructure. I emphasized, "Done!"

Raymen commented, "Yes, my liege. His infrastructure matches you without a single flaw!"

Hashan interrupted, "Wait if he's an exact copy of liege, wouldn't he bare his fangs if he's brimming with his mentality?!"

I corrected him, "That's why they're called clones and doppelgangers. They are well aware of the fact that they cannot live in the same way forever and do their job without any extra work!!"

Raymen walked towards Ikaris who was yet to snap out of the trance. I asked, "What are you doing?!"

He replied, "You've worked for more than two hours, making a doppelganger. But this goofer still didn't wake up. There's only one way to wake him up!"

My eyebrows shot upwards, "Don't tell me!!"


With the tip of his left-hand fingers, he slashed off Ikaris' head. The next instant, Ikaris flipped back to normal, panting non-stop, "Pant, pant, pant, pant, phew… Thanks for bringing me back to consciousness, Raymen!"

I asked, "Based on your reaction, you must have entered into an endless nightmare of your past life, right?!"

Ikaris agreed, "Yes, my liege. It was back to the time I died in your arms. Don't know why but the scene kept repeating endlessly!!"

Raymen stated, "That's what is called a state of trance. You can never know what will happen inside your head!"

I said, "Let's leave this clone back in my bed and return to the infinite void!"

Hashan asked, "What? But, you can't pass through dimensions unless there's a rift created by your master!!"

I countered, "Yeah, that might be the case. However, do not forget the fact that I left a guardian shadow before returning home!"

"Gasp!!!", all three of them flinched at my response. Hashan cried out, "My liege, that Scidra cannot be placed under the same turf as us. His celestial size will destroy this entire terrain!!!!"

I said while emitting pressure, ""No need to tell me every single detail, you motherf**ker. I already decided to place him as the king of all zooviyan beasts and quashi-zodiun creatures in that shadow monster universe!""

The next instant, all of them stood firm, quivering anxiously. I spoke, "What I intended to say was that I can travel to my infinite void through the connection of Shadow Scidra. However, since I can't take the risk of leaving a shadow soul behind, there won't be any medium to return back to this world!"

Raymen said, "Doesn't that mean your clone has to live by himself?!"

I clarified, "He's not some puppet to be controlled by strings. He's my duplicate without any powers!"

"If you're done talking, I'll go do my job!", said an anonymous figure. We turned around only to find that it was my doppelganger. Hashan commented, "The clone is on duty before even receiving his master's command!"

I said, "Don't be in a hurry. Come here!"

He came to me without talking back. By grabbing his right shoulder with my left hand, I channel my darkening flames in the right arm. My shadows looked in amazement.


A black crystal spawned out of nowhere. Hashan jolted, "Gasp, isn't that the crystal of dark? How is our liege able to create such element?!!"

Ikaris stated, "He must have gained his share of insight during the fight with Evil God Cult!"

Raymen said, "Probably, he must've understood the true mechanism behind the crystal of dark!"

I conversed, "Actually, doppelgangers can't stay intact when their original selves drift too far from them. But by providing a clone with the original's power, that flaw can be easily overruled. The reason I chose the crystal of dark to be his living core is that I couldn't find any other objects to withstand Darkened Daylight!!"


The next instant, my right hand smashed his chest, thereby making the crystal that was on top of the palm, pierce into his heart. It made the clone vomit blood. However, after a few minutes, he stood firm. All his injuries dissipated into thin air. I emphasized, "As long as he is in possession of this crystal, he'll be the 'me' in this dimension even if time were to leap centuries!"

Hashan asked, "Won't you say your farewell to your companions?!"

I responded, "When I got back here, did I say my farewell to anyone?!"

He replied, "No, you just stood on your building roof, a rainbow-coloured portal spawned out of the air, you flipped past it and then found out that you were back in your homeland!"

I exclaimed, "Since this clone will be living 'my life', I could retrieve all his experience if I were to get another vacation!"

And so, the doppelganger walked away into a portal. My shadow underlings shifted their gaze back to me. I exclaimed, "Now then, it's time to have a reunion with my men. I don't know how long time has leaped in my private turf since it's stationed in a disclosed location of the absolute abyss. That is, in a different verse!"


Darkening flames bloomed off my foot. The next instant, I was in an all-black costume where a sleeveless hooded coat covered a t-shirt that stretched until my neck and wrist.

At the same time, there was also a door in one of the corners. It had the carving of me standing on a pole-like cliff while being surrounded by my shadow pupils in a bow.

[Seriously, when will I get used to these shadows' over-praising designs?]


With a slight push, I clanged the door to the other side. Soon, a narrow path opened up. Ikaris said, "Well then, time for you to make a re-descent, my liege!"


I walked forward while chuckling. Except for my footsteps, nothing was found to be heard. After a few moments, I found myself before another door except that it had no carvings.


Once again, I clanged the door open, thus paving the way to another side. To my surprise, I found a familiar turf after looking in front 'cause it was nonetheless my private chamber filled with a swimming pool, blue nature, creatures and most especially Kendor, my Celestial Mount sleeping on a blue leaf. The leaf was floating in the pool. She was chilling out like a human on a beach. With a slight smile, I entered the room.


At once, the door through which I entered the room closed itself. Later, it rattled to tiny pixels until it completely disappeared off the wall. I commented, "Huh, so noisy!"

Even during such a commotion, Kendor remained in a daze. It made me speechless.

[... Did she lose one of her senses?]

With a glare, I called out, ""HELLO, MY PRETTIEST BIRDY!!""

"Gasp, who's there!!!!", she jumped far off the pool in shock. But after taking a look at me, her gaze widened in circles. She stared at me for a moment. I spoke, "It's me, Kendor. Your master, Dray Adrona!!"

Tears leaked out of her left eye. I jolted.

"Master!!!", in a flash, I found myself being cuddled by her on the face. She wrapped my neck and chin with her wings. Her face kept rubbing my right cheek. I was dumbfounded by her childish act.

[We only spent two or three days together. So why is she acting like we had decades of companionship? No, I'd rather call this millennium.]

"Stop overreacting and settle down. Why are you being crazy?!", I spouted. She replied, "You don't even know, that shadow Scidra kept giving me orders all the time, though knowing he's weaker than me!!"

I suggested, "Then you should've challenged him to a death battle!"

She screamed, "If I were to do that, he'll surely die and get revived as a stronger variant due to the perks of a shadow soul!!!"

I emphasized, "You know that shadow souls are nothing more than replicas of their living souls, right? Can't you take advantage of that fact?!"

She said, "I do know that and also another fact that they do not have the tendency to think about themselves nor do they have determination or will of their own!", and scroared, "But their loyalty has no bounds. In order to not let down their owner, they'll do anything to prove themselves. I might have the determination and will but I also have loyalty towards you.

However, the present Scidra whom you turned into a shadow has nothing but loyalty and loyalty alone which would make him crazy as hell. Fighting him is no different from finding a way to the afterlife!!"

"That was too long. But thanks to you I gained a new insight. It might help my 'Perception'!", I said and pushed her away from my face.

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