Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode

Chapter 37

“Where on earth did you find the Knight Commander…?”

“Oh, that… After the fierce battle with the Watcher, I ended up falling into some dimension, you know? And there I found a woman who was trapped. So, I brought her along…”

“So that’s the Knight Commander, huh?”

“Yeah, that’s how it turned out…”

While I was awkwardly sharing this story about how I got tangled up with the Undying Woman, having left the Hunter behind who claimed he would check if there were any Outsiders near Rondan, I realized something.
“But how long will this go on…?”

Muyun had been gripping my wrist tightly the entire time, her hold so firm that it began to hurt.

I asked her awkwardly to let go, but she turned her head away with a defiant shake.


“Just think of it as punishment. Please…”

“Punishment…? I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong to you…”

As I grumbled, she finally looked at me, with tears glimmering in her eyes.


Seeing my shock, Muyun tightly shut her eyes and shouted in a loud voice.

“Th-That’s because you startled me, Tanton! Just keep quiet!”

“Y-Yes, ma’am.”

They say a woman’s tears are stronger than anything else. I really had no words to say.

At the same time, I couldn’t say I didn’t understand.

I mean, think about it from a third person’s perspective; I had charged with the resolve to take down a huge wolf trying to tear open a dimension for Rondan and ended up falling into another one myself.

I would be freaked out too, honestly.

“Uh, just to make sure…”

“Ask me anything!”

Perhaps she was calming down a bit, because Muyun replied with a slightly sassy expression.

“After that… thing with the Watcher, you were… fine, right?”

“At least for now, yes?”

“So, um…”

Muyun’s face turned slightly red as she spoke.

“You didn’t… do that particular thing with the other Outsiders, did you?”

She casually dropped words that triggered my own alarm button and nearly caused an outbreak.

“I didn’t! I absolutely didn’t!”


Muyun just looked shocked and crumpled again.

Is this a habit for her, to panic the moment there’s a chance?

“Phew, thank goodness….”

“What was that?”

“Nothing! I’m sorry, I was just curious…”

…Well, whatever.

Getting mad at this point won’t help. It’s all this ‘Leydan Tanton’s’ fault.

As I remained with Muyun still gripping my wrist, we headed toward the Hearth.

Following her lead, we soon arrived at what seemed like the Deputy Director’s office.


“Hm? Are you starting to remember something?”

The Knight Commander exclaimed like something had just clicked, and I thought maybe her amnesia was finally starting to clear up.

“It’s food!”

She pointed at a stale piece of bread wedged in the gravel-coated side wall. Of course, it couldn’t be anything else. My subtle expectations were utterly dashed.

“Wait a sec.”

Muyun knocked on the Deputy Director’s door.

Knock, knock.

“Deputy Director, it’s Muyun.”

“What is it?”

A heavy voice came from inside.

Ah, that guy hasn’t changed a bit. It’d be more surprising if he did, really.

“Well… we have some people here who need an explanation…”

“Then come in.”

Upon the Deputy Director’s words, Muyun finally released my wrist and opened the door to the office.

She entered first, and we followed behind her.

The first thing that caught my eye was the massive stack of documents piled atop the Deputy Director’s desk.

As he quickly pulled the papers, scanned them, stamped them, and moved them aside, his movements held an artistry about them, but perhaps because of that bear costume armor he wore…


Each time he stamped the papers, a gentle sound echoed.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed that pile of papers had already been completed, and after flicking through a thin stack left, he raised his gaze to Muyun.

“Okay, so who are the people we need an explanation for?”

“These people here…”

“What kind of people are you talking about…?”

The Deputy Director said, shifting his indifferent gaze to the Knight Commander and me.

At that moment, the eyes behind the bear costume literally widened.

So even a costume can be that dramatically expressive; it felt almost like a physics engine glitch.

The Deputy Director didn’t stop there; he slowly got up from his seat, stepped forward, and ended up facing me and the Knight Commander.

What now?

Judging by how he always acted, I thought he would say something like, “You could just take this one and go back to your lodging.”

However, the Deputy Director’s following actions were more than enough to bewilder me.

He suddenly dropped to one knee.


Even Muyun seemed startled, her mouth gaping open.

Wait, the Deputy Director just knelt?

Oh, right, I forgot the Knight Commander came in with me. Naturally, the Deputy Director would bow, given that a higher authority figure had returned from being presumed missing.

“Welcome back, the Hero of Rondan, Leydan Tanton, and the Knight Commander.”

I tried to think along those lines, but it seemed like he was emphasizing me to the extent of leaving the Knight Commander in the background.

I exchanged anxious glances with Muyun, silently questioning, What’s going on here?!

But Muyun seemed to mirror my confusion with a shake of her head, as if to say, I don’t know either!

“Hm? Who is suddenly kneeling?”

The Knight Commander prattled on cluelessly, but the Deputy Director slowly rose, casting his gaze towards her.

“The Knight Commander’s office will be cleaned up shortly. In the meantime, please follow Alpha and Beta.”

“Eh? I’m the Knight Commander?”

“…Well, that’s how it was. Everything will be clear when you regain your memory.”

Just then, two androgynous figures rushed in to take the Knight Commander’s hand and lead her away.

And just like that, the door closed behind them, and I couldn’t help but think, Wait, what about me?


The Deputy Director cut off whatever I was about to say.

No, seriously, can’t I just be sent away without needing to say anything? I really don’t feel like being in this mood!

“Will you forgive me for how I treated you during the time before, Leydan Tanton?”

“W-What do you mean? What did you do?”

I spoke as stiffly as I could, and the Deputy Director continued in a calm tone.

“No need to make excuses. I didn’t trust you, so I treated you poorly. But with this Hearth Rift incident, you’ve proven you are ready to dedicate yourself for Rondan!”

The Deputy Director raised his voice suddenly, and it was clear he was admonishing himself.

“I thought you had died. When I thought I couldn’t even apologize, I felt utterly pathetic. But not only have you returned safe and sound, but you’ve also brought back the Knight Commander; there’s no one else who could repay their enemies with grace like a saint.”

…What’s with this sudden change in tone?

Honestly, I expected him to think, ‘Good riddance, you bug.’

Turns out, he’s just strict by standards but endlessly merciful to his allies.

After his proclamation, the Deputy Director fell silent and seemed to be lost in thought, staring at me without a word.

As his gaze began to weigh on me, he finally spoke again.

“Now, I want to express my gratitude for the recent events and the rescue of the Knight Commander. Is there anything you need? You can ask for anything, and I will comply to the best of my abilities.”

Looking at the Deputy Director’s expression, it seemed like he was willing to grant almost any request.

And now that I think about it, I don’t really have any good weapons on hand.

“Could you recommend a good blacksmith?”
“Hm? Why do you want a blacksmith?”

“I’m looking to get a weapon.”

“Didn’t you get one from the Hearth’s armory?”

Oh snap! I had forgotten about that!

Quickly waving my arms, I shot back.

“No, that’s the thing! I broke my weapon while fighting the Watcher! So, I was wondering if I could get something usable made.”

“…So, it’s a Watcher, huh? To break a weapon that easily with just a blow.”

I found myself flustered and awkward by his tone of idolizing me, while at the same time feeling blamed.

“Honestly, I know a good place. Just follow Muyun’s guidance for what you need.”


“All your gear was made there. Still remember the way?”

“I mean, sort of…”

At Muyun’s acceptance, the Deputy Director nodded.

“That’s settled. Is there anything else you need?”

“I’m fine, really… ha ha. I didn’t do anything impressive.”

“…Are you really going to keep being humble? At this rate, the math just doesn’t add up.”

“Really! Truly fine!”

Ugh, why is this guy piling pressure on me?

Cut it out, just cut it!

Fortunately, after saying that, the Deputy Director seemed to head back to his seat.

The face that met me was scarred from years of battle, exuding an unyielding determination, but his expression showed a wealth of respect.

“Congratulations on your return, Tanton. May your knighthood always shine brightly. Now go and rest.”

With that, he offered me a salute.

Unsure what to do, I stood there dumbfounded until Muyun sent me an encouraging signal and I hurriedly returned the gesture.

Only then did the Deputy Director lower his hand and resume his paperwork, seeming to dive back into a mountain of tasks once more.

Well, I guess I could leave now.

Hastily, I stepped out, seizing the moment before anyone changed their mind and rushed outside into the hallway.

Muyun trailed after me, mumbling something.

“I-I remember when we went to handle the Gardener…”

“Yeah, me too!”

For some reason, Muyun seemed flustered, bending low and swiftly disappearing.

It was like she was particularly fidgety today.
Speaking of which, the blacksmith Muyun used, given the gear she had on now already showed decent durability, I couldn’t help but feel hopeful.

After all, not only was my physical ability improved by the cook’s food, but I also needed to boost my defense and attack.

Sword? Axe? Or maybe a gun?

Considering she’s the one I feel most at ease around right now, it might be wiser to go for an axe, particularly if learned with Muyun.

…But with how things ended with the Hunter, I can’t very well ask him.

I guess I should head to the blacksmith and ponder it over.

Today, I just wanted to follow the Deputy Director’s advice and head to my room to chill mentally.

Only the sound of paper stamping reverberated quietly in the Deputy Director’s office.

Having finally processed that overwhelming stack of documents, he leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh.

Knock, knock.

At that moment, a voice called from outside the Deputy Director’s door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me.”

“…Come in.”

The person opening the door was the White Mask.

It was impossible to know her expression due to the mask, but the Deputy Director could detect a slight frown in her rough movements.

“What brings you here?”

“Did I need a reason to visit?”

“Throwing a tantrum like that, and you say you don’t have a reason?”

After the Deputy Director’s remark, White Mask fell silent for a moment before sighing deeply.

“I hear he came back.”

“Tanton, you mean?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

As she spoke, White Mask plopped into a nearby chair.

She sat in silence for a brief moment as if lost in thought before speaking again.

“Shouldn’t we promote him? He’s the hero who stopped the Hearth Rift disaster.”

“I intended to report to the Princess about that. Given her unlimited generosity, she’s likely to grant him a substantial reward, maybe even elevate him to a high-ranking officer, typical of the Knights’ meritocracy.”

“Sure, but does that mean I get to train him?”

“…I’ve never heard you claiming the title of teacher before.”

White Mask shrugged, a bit defiantly brushing off the Deputy Director’s comment.

“Oh, I’m not that cold-blooded.”

“That’s for you to deal with. Besides…”

With a sigh, the Deputy Director continued.

“…It wasn’t just that before.”

“…Right. I was planning to talk more, but it’s still dull here.”

“Since when did you start enjoying small talk?”

“Well, that’s something.”

The once warm atmosphere around White Mask grew icy.

“I heard that the Knight Commander returned. They say he brought her back.”

“That’s true.”

“Nice, right? We even formed a small elite search party for her.”

While everyone assumed she was definitely dead.

Hearing White Mask’s indifferent tone, the Deputy Director snorted.

“So, what’s your point?”

“…I hear she isn’t in a fully recovered state of mind. Are we really putting someone like that back in the Knight Commander position?”

“Knights must follow the rules. She hasn’t received official retirement orders from the Princess.”

“…I don’t know how you can forgive someone who caused the Expedition Disaster so easily. Or do you still have feelings for her?”

“…It’s not that easy, and I’m not that lenient.”

White Mask made her way to the door, seemingly preparing to leave the Deputy Director’s office.

Before exiting, White Mask remarked, “You really are a curious person. Anyway, I came here just to ask how you feel about it.”

With that, White Mask exited, leaving nothing but the sound of paper shuffling in the Deputy Director’s office.

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