Daomu Biji

Chapter 516 - Finale · Hometown

We moved on, looking for a way out of this snow valley, and finally found a place where we could climb, hidden by snow. I used a mountaineering pick to scrape off the snow, looking for a foothold on the rock bit by bit, climbing up with my pedals, and resting on the rock wall at night. It wasn’t until noon the next day that we climbed a cliff that was thirty meters high.

We continue to move forward with difficulty. I followed the stuffy oil bottle, and at dusk, we might walk no more than twenty kilometers, but we found traces of melting snow around. The dull oil bottle listened with his ears and touched little by little, and finally found the gap buried by snow.

After dark, the temperature dropped much lower than expected. We went into the gap and came to the hot spring where we rested at that time. There was a fire inside to warm up and burn some soup.

I have no appetite or eat anything, but the stuffy oil bottle doesn’t seem to want to eat anything at all. After taking a break at the gap, we continued to walk in. By this time, I already knew where the oil bottle was going. He is going to the bronze gate. That place completely subverted my outlook on life. I really don’t want to see that place at all.

But, obviously, the destination of the oil bottle is there. From this gap, all the way in, you will soon reach that place, no need to bypass the entire Yunding Tiangong.

I thought about those human-faced birds, and I do n’t know what the situation is now. That night I had a dream. I dreamed of me and the stupid oil bottle. Before I came to the bronze door, the stupid oil bottle said goodbye to me. Then I went in and left me alone at the door. I turned around and countless people The face bird looked at me and woke me up. After waking up, I saw that the stuffy oil bottle was not sleeping, but was sorting all my own things.

I asked him what he was doing, and he said, “I am looking at what you can use, and I will leave it to you. You may use it on your way back.”

“What about you?” I was surprised.

“Here, even if I am a newborn baby, it doesn’t matter, I’m very close to my destination.” He said, “You don’t need to go in, it’s too dangerous.”

I was surprised to see that the dull oil bottle actually took out two ghost jade seals from his package. He weighed it and gave one of them to me.

“Since you are here, I think you should know something,” he said. “You go back with this ghost jade seal, I only need one.”

“Where did you get this other one?”

“Lady Huo gave it to me.” The oil bottle said, “When you don’t know.”

“What is this thing for?” I went straight to the subject, and I was not interested in knowing what was going on behind it.

The oil bottle said: “Open the door.”

I took the Guiyuxi, and he said, “You come to the bronze door with this thing and the door will open. Ten years later, if you remember me, you can take this thing and open the bronze door. You may still see me in it. “

“What the **** is behind that door?” I asked the oil bottle, “Why are you going in?”

“I can’t tell you where it is.” The oil bottle said, “I can only tell you a promise. Many years ago, I found a so-called old nine door with a secret. In Zhang’s In ancestral training, retention has always been the biggest goal. The entire development process of the Zhang family is to hope that the Zhang family can survive in any chaotic world, thereby retaining the group burial of the ancient Zhangjia building. News from me Judging from this, only the patriarch can know a huge secret. The Zhang family obtained this huge secret from the very beginning. This secret runs in the long history of China, and no one knows what it is. We only know that there is this secret itself, The secret has a key time node. This node has now arrived. After the last remaining hope of the Zhang family is broken, I found the old nine gates at that time, hoping to use the power of the old nine gates to help the Zhang family to jointly undertake this obligation , So that this secret should not be discovered, but none of the old nine gates fulfilled their promise.

“The core of this secret I want to guard is right behind this bronze gate. Guarding this secret takes time. I will enter the bronze gate ten years later and wait for the next successor.”

“Why do they say that no one fulfills their promise?”

“Because in the past 100 years, all the people who guarded this secret are the Zhang family, the strength of the Zhang family is weakened. In our previous promise, the people in the old nine gates must take turns. Guard this secret. “

“Don’t they go alone?”

The dull oil bottle nodded: “I am already the last Zhang Qiling of the Zhang family. I have to protect all the days in the future. However, since you are here, I still tell you that ten years later, if you can remember Me, you can open this huge bronze door to take my place. “

“Wait.” I digested it and asked, “You mean, the old nine gates are going to take turns. You Zhang family have been taking turns for several lifetimes?”

Nodding the oil bottle, I asked him: “If this is not the case, according to the promise, who should be the turn of the old nine gates to the present?”

“You.” Said the oil bottle.

I? I froze for a moment: “You mean, I should have been behind this bronze door for ten years?”

Noisy oil bottle, I just wanted to say that you made it clear, suddenly the dark oil bottle reached out and pressed it behind my neck, and I lost consciousness at once.

That was the last time I saw a dull oil bottle. After I woke up, everything except him left me with the ghost jade seal.

I went to him insanely, squeezed deep into the gap, and found that there was no road there. The road we came out before was actually closed.

I remembered that when the stuffy oil bottle crawled inside, it disappeared in front of me. Was he starting something at that time to have our later path?

I stayed in that place for three days, and I was completely desperate until the snowstorm slowly subsided.

No words along the way.

Finally I returned to Hangzhou. When I was walking on the edge of the West Lake, there was drizzle in the sky. I thought about everything I had experienced before and thought of everyone’s ending. I suddenly felt so tired.

I don’t know why, my tears shed, and I went back to my shop, as if I had returned to that year when nothing had happened.

I thought that after I had done all this, there would be something left, but I didn’t expect that there was nothing left.

However, I realized that I couldn’t stop, I still have to go on, because there is another ten years.

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