Daomu Biji

Chapter 497 - Finale · The channel is in the water

I immediately jumped into the water, and the water actually only reached the waist. I slowly touched it, and I quickly felt that there was indeed a hole in the wall of the edge of the coffin river.

There is a corpse that has been rotten at the bottom of the water, making the water smell quite unpleasant. I used a flashlight to shine around the hole. I touched the wall on the edge of the hole a few times and then I used the flashlight to take a picture of the corpse. I was afraid that the body would come to me.

The fat man also came down to help. After he touched the hole, he stood up and said to me: “Yes, they came out of this hole. It seems that the structure here is roughly similar to that of Xisha.”

All the technology seems to come from Wang Zanghai. It seems that Zhang Family and Wang Zanghai still have quite a lot of connections. There is a lot of technology and knowledge inherited between them.

The fat man dived to the bottom of the water, touched it in the water for a long time, and entered the hole. I watched the flashlight go deeper and then slowly back out.

“It’s very spacious inside. There are steps to go up a few meters!” The fat man surfaced. “But I guess it’s a waterway. I don’t know how the road is going, but if you want to go out, you may only try it here . “

I felt a little calm.

We climbed out of the coffin river and returned the same way, preparing to come over again with the stuffy oil bottle.

However, after I went up, I just picked up the stuffy oil bottle and walked a few steps. Then I felt something was not right-my throat was really uncomfortable.

The fat man’s respiratory system seems to have been injured. His discomfort is obviously worse than mine. He only took a few steps and immediately covered his mouth and nose, his expression twisted in pain.

I find it very strange, how could this happen to us?

The fat man’s face was already green, and he suddenly made a gesture that made me not move, and then turned his head toward the secret crossing that came here. Along the way, he was almost rolling and running.

I put down the stuffy oil bottle and ran with it. As a result, we didn’t reach the secret entrance when we came in. We saw a thick fog drift in. As long as you breathe in this place, you will feel intense burning pain, burning all the way from the nasal cavity into the lungs.

“I rely on, the organization started?” I was shocked.

The fat man nodded desperately beside him: “Go!”

We crawled back and forth and ran back to the ground. I said, dog day, it’s too dark. There wasn’t even any movement at all. This organ started so quietly.

Ran to the place where the oil bottle was waiting. I picked him up. The fat man picked up the backpack he had laid down, and then we continued to run desperately towards the Huhe River.

Reached the river, we jumped without hesitation. Then I quickly found the hole and dived all the way in, less than ten meters. The fat man pulled my arm. I carried the sullen oil bottle upwards and rushed forward. I soon found that there were steps in front. We walked up the steps step by step, and soon completely surfaced.

We looked around with a flashlight and found that this is a passage. The water in the passage only reached the knee. Looking along the passage, looking forward, it was about seven or eight meters away.

Is the gas hole full of waterholes? If so, it finally came out in a panic. I didn’t expect this time to be quite smooth. If I really go out like this, I will definitely find a fairy to express it.

I was ecstatic in my heart, rushed all the way, and the fat man ran in front of me. As soon as I reached the hole, the fat man stopped immediately, and I ran into his bear’s back. The whole body hadn’t responded yet, and the fat man had started to back away.

“What are you doing?” I asked. The fat man said, “Grandma, this matter is in trouble. We are more and more fierce.”

I looked forward from above the shoulders of the fat man, and I saw very strange things in the hole in front of me-I saw a lot of silk-like things hanging horizontally in the front channel, and many fruits like the silk thread were hanging thing.

How can I describe the structure of this cave, it is really too difficult to describe.

This is a basically round cave. At the bottom of the cave there is a water pool that is as deep as our ankles. You can see there is a single wooden bridge built with iron chains, which leads to the opposite side underwater, and there is also a hole opposite. Then, at the entrance of the cave, there are countless wire-like things that do not know whether it is iron wire or other materials, as dense as a wire hole. On these threads, the fruit-like things I have seen before are something I have seen long ago and are a little bit daunted-hexagonal bells. I saw countless hexagonal bells hanging on it, does the fat man say that we are fierce and mean this? As long as a thread is pulled, all the hexagonal bells here will ring. If this is the case, the situation will be completely out of our control and I do n’t know what will happen. I took a breath and said, How did they come here? However, I judged that everyone’s situation was very bad at that time. It was still possible if the dull oil bottles were carried over one by one with his skill and concentration.

“This is an anti-theft system.” Fatty said. He pointed to some mouths carved with dragon mouths on the walls of the cave. “When the Zhangs pass through here, they will definitely pour water through these mouths, submerge all the bells, and then dive in.”

It is obviously impossible for us to start the machine. I looked at the top of the silk thread. If I could pass the top of the cave, it would do. But just looking at it, I found that there were a lot of bells on the top of my head.

“Walk from underwater?” I asked the fat man. The fat man shook his head: “Look, this cave is about thirty meters wide, but only half a slap deep, we can’t dive underwater. Unless we can become cockroaches.”

“It’s okay to become a king,” I said.

The fat man said: “However, we are at least temporarily safe now, don’t worry, take a break, you can always come up with a way.”

I sat down on the ground and said that along the way, there was a place where I could rest at ease and it was really hard for my mother. Then I went to see the younger brother. I saw my brother’s eyes opened, and I said to him: “We have come out, you can rest assured, and soon we will be safe.” The stuffy oil bottle is very weak, he immediately closed his eyes again, and I said “You have a good rest.” When you finish talking, you see the mouth of the stuffy oil bottle moving.

I think he seems to be talking, waiting, and sure enough his mouth moved again. I was sure he wanted to talk, so he put his ears together and listened, and heard him saying, “Cool boat.”

What does 酷爱 舟 mean? What is the brand of computer? I said, “Okay, well, we’ll buy it for you when we go out.” The fat man turned his head. He was already in a trance, and asked, “What should I buy?”

I asked the fat man to listen. The fat man frowned and said, “No, brother asked us to cook porridge quickly. He wanted to drink porridge.”

Drinking porridge, I thought when the younger brother was so unreliable, the fat man suddenly patted his thigh, “What is drinking porridge, younger brother let us go!”

“Quick walk? What do you mean by brisk walking? Is there a danger here?” I said.

The fat man looked at the dark passages around him, and then walked back a few steps. After a few steps, he scolded: “Fuck, go!”

“what happened?”

“Fog!” I also glanced over and saw that there were two small holes in the wall of the passage when it came, and the white strong alkali mist was blowing, as if there was life, slowly spreading through the air , The mist is very dense.

The poisonous gas insecticide system here seems to have no dead ends, and all channels will enter the poisonous gas!

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