Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 49 – Events of Last Night.

[Chapter Size: 3201 Words.]
Lucius POV
Somewhere, Orario.



Freya remained at the top of the Tower of Babel, observing the upper floors with an intrigued expression. The next day, she met with Ottar, her loyal follower, in search of information about the recent events involving the Hestia and Apollo families.

"Can you tell me again, Ottar?" The goddess's voice sounded, filled with curiosity and a subtle hint of malice. Ottar, always respectful, maintained his indifferent posture while narrating the events.

"The members of the Hestia family clashed with the Apollo family last night," Ottar reported, revealing details with apparent emotionless precision. Freya, surrounded by an aura of intrigue, yearned for more information.

"Can you give me details?" She insisted, her eyes shining with insatiable curiosity, especially as it involved her Odr, the divine attribute that connected her to her beloved.

"According to our investigation, a group led by Hyakinthos, the level three captain himself, followed Bell Cranel and his group to a bar. There, a member of the Apollo family provoked them, triggering the beginning of the brawl." Ottar's narrative continued, remaining neutral in the face of events.

"So Apollo wants to mess with my Odr? It seems I'll have to destroy him after all!" The goddess declared with a dangerous gleam in her eyes, suggesting an unwavering determination to protect what was hers. Ottar, aware of Freya's intense feelings, knew that his goddess was ready to eradicate Apollo, with meticulous plans already forming in her mind.

"Continue, I want to know how it ended." Freya's seductive and captivating voice echoed once again, revealing her continued interest in the narrative.

"Bell and others engaged in a fight, except for the mage Lucius and Captain Hyakinthos, who remained on the sidelines. The Hestia family ended up prevailing in the chaos, demonstrating their strength over the provocateurs from the Apollo family." Ottar concluded, realizing that his goddess patiently awaited the final developments of the events.

Ottar remained undisturbed, his expression unchanged as he reported the events to the goddess Freya, who attentively watched the narrative of the recent events.

"The fight was coming to an end, with all members of the Apollo family defeated on the ground," Ottar began, maintaining a cold and objective tone. "However, as the dust settled, Hyakinthos, the relentless captain, rose with renewed determination, attacking furiously and catching the members of the Hestia family off guard."

He continued, detailing the scene he had investigated. "It was when he grabbed Bell Cranel's neck that the last member of the Hestia family acted. Without ceremony, he cast fire magic on Hyakinthos, catching him off guard with the sudden attack."

The description of the fight extending into the streets was delivered with equally undisturbed composure. "The battle moved to the streets in a confrontation between Lucius and Hyakinthos. Many witnesses observed Lucius demonstrating short-range teleportation skills, skillfully dodging Hyakinthos's attacks. However, even with this notable talent, Lucius has already reached the peak of level 2 in physical terms, an advancement that contradicts the usual leveling expectations in just two weeks," Ottar logically analyzed.

Addressing questions about Lucius and his intriguing nature, Ottar remained true to his serious and undisturbed nature. "This peculiar member who joined the Hestia family seems to have notable abilities," he stated, without giving any hints of surprise or emotion.
Freya looked at him and reflected, "However, his soul doesn't attract as much attention as Bell's. It's remarkably ordinary. This raises the question: am I being deceived before my eyes? Who is this Lucius? Any additional information since we began investigating?" she questioned, maintaining her sensual tone, awaiting Ottar's response.

She was always keeping an eye on Bell Cranel and those who interacted with him, with the intention that nothing bad would happen to him. She never paid much attention to Lucius, beyond debating whether he would be a threat to her Odr or not. But she saw only a common purple soul, nothing too flashy; however, she is starting to feel that she is being deceived before her own eyes because his growth is no longer lower than Bell's, risking to say that it is still greater than the little newcomer.

"Nothing more than we've already gathered, a mediocre adventurer who came to Orario two years ago, showed little talent, being one of the poorest ever recorded in Orario's history."
"He belonged to the Heimdall family but was expelled two months ago for showing no progress despite his efforts. He joined the Hestia family almost two months ago and has been showing results completely opposite to what he was experiencing in recent years. I won't be surprised if he breaks the record for leveling from two to three in the next few weeks, according to my investigation."
Freya remained serene, her piercing gaze fixed on Ottar as she calmly formulated her questions. The atmosphere around, in the divine environment, was impregnated with the subtle tension that precedes intriguing discoveries.

"But according to your latest investigation, he didn't start showing his explosive growth until he joined the Hestia family, did he?" Freya inquired, her voice echoing with the certainty of someone accustomed to controlling the invisible threads of destinies in Orario.

"Yes, Goddess Freya," Ottar replied, maintaining his serious and respectful tone. "He disappeared from people's eyes after being expelled, but he didn't leave Orario. A week later, he bumps into Bell Cranel."

The scene unfolded in Orario, where dancing shadows and soft lights composed the divine setting as the conversation continued.

"He took that grimoire, didn't he?" Freya questioned, her words laden with a mix of curiosity and displeasure. The mystery surrounding the stolen grimoire caused a bitter sensation in her divine mind.

"Yes, we believe he took the grimoire on purpose. Then, after a few hours, he goes to the church, delivering a new grimoire to the Hestia family."

Freya pondered this revelation, her expression maintaining its usual calm, but her eyes conveying an intensity of deep thought.

"So, he stole the grimoire but came back with another one shortly after. A genuine one, as Odr learned his magic that same night."

"Yes, Goddess Freya," Ottar confirmed. "However, even before Bell went into the dungeon with his newly acquired spell, Lucius was already in the dungeon, unleashing the same magic. This indicates that it wasn't from Hestia that he gained his sudden growth. I heard reports that he could cast magic endlessly in the next few days, from some witnesses, but they all believed he had a large mana pool."

The narrative unfolded like a complex play, each revelation adding a layer to the intrigue. Freya, curious and determined to unravel the mystery of Lucius, pressed on with her questions.

"So, something happened in that interval between his expulsion and joining the Hestia family... And you don't seem to believe that he has a large amount of magic, do you?" The curiosity in Freya's voice was apparent as she sought to understand her son hidden emotions through the impassive Ottar. The divine setting provided the backdrop for this intriguing celestial interrogation.

"No, Goddess Freya. Our intelligence heard reports that he had to rest, but due to physical conditions, his magic seemed to never stop replenishing; it was as if it were inexhaustible. Furthermore, he's developing many spells, far beyond the limits of an adventurer with 3 slots, and there's no doubt that his spells are becoming more and more powerful. He's at level 3 or even 4 in magical terms already," Ottar declared, his firm voice resonating in the celestial environment.

Freya absorbed this information with a perceptible degree of surprise, her divine eyes reflecting the gradual understanding of the extraordinary potential Lucius presented.

"This is new. Have I been wrong all this time? Is there unprecedented potential alongside Odr? I can't see the degree of potential in that soul, as it presents itself as normal before my eyes, but my vision seems to have been deceiving me all along. This is very interesting. I've heard him say some quite arrogant things, but I never imagined it was real."
The divine setting transformed into a spectacle of shimmering colors as Freya processed the revealing information. The celestial room, bathed in ethereal light, seemed to echo the secrets that were beginning to unravel.

"Yes, he is quite arrogant. Seems to fear no one and doesn't even shrink in the presence of gods. Acts as if there are no consequences to his words and actions, even against those more powerful than him, he doesn't seem to back down."

Ottar's revelation about Lucius's audacity echoed in the celestial room, creating a curious tension between the goddess and her loyal follower. Freya, with her divine wisdom, delved into a moment of reflection as destinies intertwined amid the revelations.

Freya's contemplation, combined with Ottar's confession, created a space of reflection in the divine setting. Celestial light illuminated the knowledge that danced in harmony with surprise. Freya's seductive tone resonated once again, leaving an intriguing echo in the air, as if the very essence of the divine were immersed in mystery.

"But I don't think he'll last long with that attitude. He drew attention from his former god, and he picked fights with the Hestia and Loki families. He must be hated by the Apollo family after yesterday's events."

Ottar added more pieces to the puzzle, outlining a more complete picture of the tumultuous panorama in which Lucius found himself. The words echoed, portraying the complexity of the intertwined relationships between gods and their followers in Orario.

"Hmm... Is his past the one you confirmed?"

"Yes, he changed his last name, but he really belongs to the Ranekard family. He is the eldest, who escaped two years ago to come to Orario. The guild contacted him when he started attracting attention, which ended with the guild leader being threatened at that moment."

Details about Lucius's past, buried in the depths of the celestial city, were revealed to Freya. Her expression revealed a mix of fascination and surprise at the intricate plot that was beginning to unfold.

"So, that magical explosion came from him a few weeks ago? How interesting. I never expected there to be someone like him hiding while being next to my Odr! Who really are you..." Freya stared fixedly at a side of the city, where, in the slums, there was a destroyed church. Inside it, a unconscious man lay, with one side of his cheek swollen, a witness to recent events that were beginning to come to light.
"I want all the information about him and his movements in real time as well," Freya ordered, her words resonating with unquestionable authority. Her gaze, piercing as the sky itself, fixed on Ottar, eagerly awaiting the updates that would flow from the most hidden corners of Orario.

"Yes, Goddess Freya," Ottar replied, bowing in a sign of respect before divine will. The words were spoken with typical solemnity, reflecting the follower's unwavering devotion to his deity.


Third Person POV

Some time after Freya and Ottar discussed the events of yesterday, in another part of the city, in the sumptuous Twilight Mansion, the environment was drastically different from the slums that contrasted with its opulence. A richly adorned area, full of majestic mansions belonging to great merchants and nobles, stood out for the presence of a singular mansion: the Twilight Mansion. An imposing structure that transcended the others, and whose influence permeated harmoniously throughout the neighborhood. Everyone knew that this was due to one of the most powerful families in Orario, the residents of the Twilight Mansion.

Inside the mansion, a scene of refinement and elegance, an extraordinarily significant meeting was taking place. Executives and members of the main team, all gathered in a private room, holding a vital discussion. The importance of the meeting was evident, as no member of the secondary team was summoned, indicating the gravity of the unfolding events.

"ARE YOU SAYING THAT THE CHIBI HAS AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL WIZARD, IN ADDITION TO THAT RECORD-HOLDING RABBIT?!" exclaimed Loki, his voice echoing through the elegant corridors of the mansion, expressing his disbelief in the face of the events narrated by Bete, an eyewitness to the recent developments.

Loki's tone reverberated through the room, alternating between surprise and indignation at the surprising revelation. The atmosphere of the meeting, illuminated by golden chandeliers, conveyed a sense of importance and urgency as the powerful discussed the unexpected developments challenging the established expectations in Orario.

"From what I heard from Bete, he can summon a fire creature resembling a human woman, in addition to that Goblin, and can cast various spells without an incantation. But what's more surprising is that he didn't seem to stop casting them as the fight continued..." pondered Finn, the family captain, his eyes reflecting intrigue at Lucius's extraordinary abilities.

Collective attention focused on Riviera, the elf who, immersed in deep thoughts, had witnessed the events involving the enigmatic human.

"Have you heard of anyone like that, Riviera?" Finn inquired, seeking some clarification on the mystery surrounding Lucius from the elf's wisdom.

"Honestly, that human has been a complete mystery since the day I met him on the seventh floor. His growth is very rapid, not even someone like that among the elves in our history. He truly is incredibly powerful in magical terms. Even still at level two, I believe he can fight a level 4 and even win, if he has a powerful enough spell in his arsenal," pondered Riviera, her voice echoing with the consideration of someone who faced the enigma called Lucius.
Lefiya, by her side, shifted uncomfortably; she was quite jealous of someone even more talented than her emerging and now taking the attention of everyone in her family, even if the person in question was outside her family.

"So, the rumors are true?! Did he really destroy a Crystal on top of a Goliath in Revira?" Tione asked, her voice filled with excitement at epic feats, even if performed by an adventurer considerably less experienced than her. Tione had witnessed the change on the floor in the last few weeks, but the idea that the one responsible was the same man who had been knocked out by Riviera before the last expedition still intrigued her.

"It seems so... we investigated 5 days after the incident. There's indeed a change in the landscape on that floor, as you've seen, and it was caused by Lucius of the Hestia family..." explained Finn, his tone revealing the seriousness of the recent events. The decision to investigate only occurred after the main team rested while the second team took over the mission. Disconcert prevailed because, although some ventured into the dungeon during this interval, no one was certain of what had exactly happened.

"AHHHHH! Why did we leave at that moment?! I wanted to see the two Goliaths that I heard from the other adventurers!" lamented Tione, changing her mood by 180 degrees.

"Tsk, that human is still weak; he just knows how to release some fireballs," complained Bete.

"But his growth is remarkable," Riviera retorted.

"Hmm? Are you defending him now? Don't tell me there's something between you?" mocked Bete, his irritation evident in Riviera's response.

The gaze of the room converged on the elf at this moment, a palette of strange expressions painting the faces of those present. Aiz, maintaining her imperturbable posture, remained silent. The interest was not so much in the possibility of something between Riviera and Lucius but rather in the perspective of the family's most powerful mage on the mysterious adventurer.

Riviera, realizing the attention turned to her, blushed slightly at the insinuation. "OF COURSE NOT, I KNOW HIM A BIT. HE'S A NICE GUY IN THE END, ALTHOUGH HE HAS SOME WORRISOME FLAWS," she responded, momentarily breaking her stoic demeanor.

"Worrisome flaws? You say that after having something to do when you cast a high-level spell on him during our camp?" teased Tiona, introducing a touch of humor into the conversation.

"NO! That... was an accident," murmured the elf, a slight blush persisting on her cheeks. The small elf by her side, watching attentively, seemed perplexed, as if witnessing an unknown side of her teacher.

"And she thinks she has one of those sides too..." Lefiya reflected, recalling the days of training under Riviera's strictness, which left her restless even during sleep.

"She even thinks he's a nice guy in the end, these youngsters... hahahaha," commented the level 6 dwarf.

Riviera found herself in a dead-end corridor as this topic continued to unfold.

"MOM..." The impact of those words reverberated through the corridor, suddenly freezing any other conversation. All present turned their gazes to the source of these words, revealing the anguished presence of their Goddess. Loki's hands trembled, her fingers clenched, and the heads of her family bowed, creating an image of palpable distress.

"MOM... MOM..." Loki repeated, a lament echoing like a somber melody, casting a shadow over the room and instilling apprehension in most of her family members.

"Are you okay, Loki-Sama...?" Lefiya asked, her voice expressing genuine concern, while everyone's hearts pulsated in tune with the uncertainty hanging in the air.

Upon raising her head, everyone witnessed Loki crying, her tears flowing like drops of despair. The corridor, once silent, was now filled with the solemn sound of Loki's tears, like a symphony of sadness resonating in the dark corners of that space, just seconds before the goddess shouted with all the force of her lungs.

"I'M GOING TO LOSE MOM TO A CHIBI'S SON, UNFORGIVABLE!!! THESE BREASTS ARE MINE AND BELONG TO NO ONE ELSE!" The entire neighborhood heard Loki scream at this moment, while her family had to cover their ears.

A while later, Loki was still crying and muttering in a corner with depression.

"So he turns up here today?" Finn asked Bete, who was at the bar and exchanged a few words with Lucius.

"Yes, that weakling said he's coming here, and I'm going to beat him, so he's mine!" He announced.

"Well, this is going to be interesting..." Gareth spoke cheerfully.

But soon the ongoing conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Tiona quickly went to open it for her captain, and there, a level two member of the secondary team stood.

"Captain Finn, there's a member of the Hestia family at the gate, named Lucius Drakenar, saying he has scheduled a visit with some family members, including Princess Riviera-Sama."

"Looks like our boy has arrived!" Gareth said again, looking quite excited.

After he said that, all the members of the room stood up with curiosity to see the man who has been causing a lot of disturbance in their family lately.

But not before their Goddess, who was in a corner crying, and after hearing about Lucius, quickly stood up and ran like a level ten to the door, leaving everyone perplexed, with their mischievous goddess wanting satisfaction with this Lucius before anyone else there.



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