Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada

Chapter 194: Skills of the Ultimate Gambler (6)

"T-This! This is bullshit! Noe I know for a fucking fact that you cheated in this game!?! There's only 1/216th of a chance you would be able to roll three 6's! You already knew what was under their from the start so you must have cheated!!!" Kaede said while letting out the cry's of a loser that just lost everything, though he was broke it wasn't a situation that was unrecoverable as he wasn't put into debt he just had no money on him for the time being but it would take him months to reclaim what he just lost in this match.

But hearing that just kept on her same smile, "Your right, I did know what was under my cup the entire time Kaede-san, but do you know how I know the position of the dice as I would roll them in the first place? If you can guess I could give you a million yen back as a reward for figuring it out, but I will make it clear…." She said before eyes glowed red as I dark shadow overcame her eyes.

"I have never cheated in the entirety of this match we had together." She says before going back to smiling before pressing her finger tips together.

"So then, can you guess how I was able to win this game." She asks to which leaves Kaede stumped.

In a game all about chance and not being able to read your dice midroll it's supposed to be that luck decides who wins or loses for the most part in this game, but her constantly getting the rolls she needed made him have to question if this dice game was a game all about chance.

But while he was thinking this he was pulled out of his seat by Kirari's secretary and put over onto one of the couches while he was left to figure out how he lost while drowning in his own thoughts.

"I'm not that surprised you were able to defeat him Celestia, but as for how you won the last game, I have my own guess as to how you won it so easily." Kirari said as she looked over the dice before looking up at Celestia.

"Oh? Pray tell then how I did it?" She asked as she wouldn't be too surprised if Kirari figured out her trick in the first place as she gives off the aura, as she calls it, of a professional gambler.

"You have many years of being a gambler under your belt don't you? You must have been gambling for most of your life to gain such a skill, not only that but you have intricate knowledge of the shape of a normal dice with merely your touch." She said looking over the dice she had in her hand.

"By a mere touch, no matter how faint and even if your not looking you yourself can tell what side is facing up by feeling the pips(dice dots) on the side of the die not touching your hand, if you feel one you know six is opposite, if you feel three then you know four is facing up and same for five as you would know two is facing upward."

(Image of a pulled apart standard dice)

"Of course not all dice are standardized but you have seen many different types and that wouldn't be hard after you have looked them over once and know what dice your dealing with, then you calculate how to roll your dice and with that you can control what you will roll as a result." She said explaining the concept of the trick while Kaede was left slack jawed after figuring out how she really had done it, something only someone who has been gambling all her life that she can gamble without cheating and still getting the rolls she really wanted.

"Now then Celestia, shall we play a different game this time?" Kirari says with a gentle smile as her eyes began to glow slightly from the thrill of the upcoming match.

Hearing that Celestia smiled, "Of course Kirari, I'd love to have a gambling match with you." She said as her eyes equally glowed a in an ominous red light as the next match began.


"Match point Yuriko, this might be the final round for us both." I say with a grin as I have personally been enjoying this game of liars dice that we have been playing, maybe not the same for Yuriko.

After calling her out as a liar in the second round and I was correct as a result she lost another dice before we started the third round.

That round surprisingly she won when she called out truth which seemed like a heavy gamble as I said three 4's to which altogether we did have so I lost two dice and evened the playing field only for her to lose a dice in both the fourth and 6th rounds leading us to our final round with me only having two and her only one.

"It's quite heart pounding isn't it?" I say with a grin that to her certainly looked a demon smiling at her as she was faltering and on the verge of collapse with this possibly being the last match while Kumagusu was biting on her nails in fear.

Though I sighed as I grabbed my glasses as I put them back on before returning my hair back to normal as I looked at her while my eyes glowed as I looked at her.

"You know that fear that you have, the thought you can lose everything you have, you know it's all your fault right? Had you not tried to make a game where you staked the odds in your favor I wouldn't be remotely this ruthless with you, because I would have placed a bet just enough that I lost then all money would be yours and if I won then it would have been fine and you would have earned it, but now seeing you like this, heh…." I scoffed at her as some of my bangs go over my left eye as my eye glowed even more as I looked at her.

"Makes you seem weak…." Is all I say as I shake my cup before placing it down as I watched her slowly do the same thing as the final round began.

(H) 1,3

(Y) 2

"One 1" I said as it was time to end this.

"O-one 2" she said with a shake as now for the final round we could no longer call out truths as neither of us have three or more dice which is the minimum number to call out lies or truths.

"One 3" I said as I stared her down as she kept shaking as she now either have to say I'm lying or place her own guess, and she's backed into a corner because either choice I only see her losing no matter what she chooses next.

"O-O-O…. Li-Li….." she began to shake before I could hear her heart beating even from here as she grabbed at her chest as she began to hyperventilate as sweat just kept pouring down her face as she could barely keep herself conscious before she finally foamed at the mouth and fell sideways as Kumagusu grabbed at her.

"Yuriko! Oi! Hang on Yuriko!" She said as she held the unconscious Yuriko in her arms as I sighed.

"Well I looks like it's my win." I say getting up as her losing consciousness is forfeiting and thus is my win.

"Well she didn't really have a chance now did she, oh well, let this be a lesson for her to learn, maybe you both will learn not to try to be scumbags in the future after this match, oh and just have her give me whatever she can. I don't have time to wait for her to pay off a debt, but let me make it clear as I turn to Kumagusu who shuddered under the look she saw in my eyes.

"I'll have my eyes on her, so if she try's to screw me over then I'll have her have an 'accident' we wouldn't want any 'accidents' to happen to her now do we?" I said as I leaned over to look down on her as she shook her head rapidly.

"Good, Serenity, make sure these two don't go and kill themselves." I say grabbing my suitcase as I look over into the corner as Kumagusu looks at me confused.

"As you wish master." Serenity says as she appears from the shadows of the room itself, Startling Kumagusu as she never noticed that woman was there in the first place before the woman vanished once again which just scared her even more.

"Just remember…." I said as I did the 'I got my eyes on you' motion with my hand before I headed out of the cultural club room with a smirk.

"Looks like it's my win." I say as I begin to wander around the school in search of the student council room, not noticing I had just gotten the interest of 'another' crazy girl.


Winner: Hifumi(+500M-3B)

Loser: Yuriko(Broke)

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