Danganronpa: Digital Daze

Chapter 43: Fourth Class Trial

For the fourth time, we found ourselves in the Courtroom. For the first time, however, this was a double murder.
"Alright, shitbags," Monorakun addressed us. "We've got ourselves Double Jeopardy here. Two deaths, so you've gotta figure them BOTH out! Get either one of them wrong, and everyone except our lovely Blackened, or Blackeneds, get to graduate! All the rest of you, of course, flunk out of life. No pressure!"
With that, we began the Class Trial.
"So, got two deaths. One Blackened, or two?" Kenchikka asks.
"Let us address one at a time," Theo offered. "Then the truth shall become clear."
"That makes sense, I think," Chiaki replied. "Splitting up parties rarely ends well, after all."
Kaito spoke up next. "Ok, so let's start with the first death. Makoto. What do we know about this?"
Theo responded, "From our initial observations, Makoto had two prongs of a taser in his chest, along with the wiring connected it to the taser itself. As for poor Mukuro, she had two identical marks on either side of her neck."
"Marks consistent with what taser would do. Plus, taser found in cold tub, missing prongs. Confirmed prongs, wires from Makoto's chest, match detachable part of taser. Thus, taser kill both," Kenchikka added.
"That would appear to be the logical conclusion, yes," Celeste replied.
A question popped into my mind.
"Wait a minute. Wasn't water found in Mukuro's lungs? Doesn't that mean she drowned, and wasn't electrocuted?" I asked.
Leon agreed with me, as did Chihiro.
However, Chiaki seemed to ponder my thoughts.
"Not necessarily. Perhaps the initial injury was to stun Mukuro from behind. Then the second injury happened while her head was underwater, I think," Chiaki thought out loud.
Kaito's eyes widened. "Hey, that actually might make some sense! I was wondering why there would be two wounds on Mukuro, instead of one. I figured it was because she was so tough, that one wouldn't do it."
Leon couldn't help a chuckle. "Damn right! That chick didn't take shit from anyone. But... still, how would someone overpower her like this?"
Kenchikka considers. "Overpower? Unlikely. Wounds from near back of neck, shoulder area. Likely, ambush from behind. Would be... safer, I think."
Nobody had any real objections to this theory, and it made a lot of sense to me. None of us would defeat Mukuro in a straight-up hand-to-hand fight; she was the Ultimate Soldier, after all.
"So," Theo spoke up again. "It would appear that Makoto was murdered first, followed by Mukuro. Do you think it safe to say the taser contributed to both murders?"
"Sounds about right to me," Kaito responded.
"That would appear to be the case here, yes," Celeste replied.
It made sense to me, so I nodded my agreement.
"Alright. Taser murder weapon. Makoto death, rather obvious. Shot in chest, thousands of volts, dead. Mukuro? Still a mystery. Need to discuss," Kenchikka remarked.
"Discuss what, exactly?" Leon asked. "Does it really matter how Mukuro died?"
Kaito disagreed. "I think Mukuro's death could be the key to all of this, actually. I can't think of how one of us would've taken her down."
"Yes, indeed. A most curious part of the puzzle," Theo agreed.
"Shall we look into it, then?" Celeste suggests.

We all agreed to look into how, exactly, Mukuro died.
"First, let's consider everyone's alibi during this time," Kaito declared. "This morning, I was in the pool with Chihiro and Bera. I didn't leave until 11:35am to take a shower, then I went to the Dining Hall at noon for lunch, spending most of the time in the Kitchen."
"Yes, I do remember seeing you in there," Theo mentioned. "You, Celeste, Bera, and Kenchikka were in the Dining Hall around noon."
"Indeed I was," Celeste replied. "Kaito, Kenchikka and I discussed Kenchikka's hair color, as I do recall."
"Yes," Kenchikka agreed. "Then you, Kaito both, left around noon."
"I was in the Carnival Room all morning," Chiaki replied. "Mukuro and Bera were there, too. They left at different times, I think."
"So, where were you, Kenchikka?" Celeste asked.
"In dorm room. Had migraine, vertigo. Walking no good," Kenchikka responded. "Came out just before noon, after migraine passed. Argue with Celeste, Kaito. Tell Asshole Raccoon, I want stuff him in incinerator."
Leon responded, "Hey, I was in the Exercise Room until 10:45am, then went to the Jam Room until the announcement went off. Don't look at me!"
Chihiro claimed to be working on Alter Ego, which I was able to back him up on that.
Celeste, however, admitted to being in the Spa Room that morning, using the back/shoulder massage at the automated table.
"I was face down the entire time," Celeste confessed. "If someone came in, I wouldn't have been able to see them."
I thought about that. Celeste left the Spa Room, the scene of the crime, at 11:45am. Makoto's time of death was around noon; Mukuro's death around 12:30pm.
Theo began to look at Celeste suspiciously. "Wait a moment, Celeste. You were the only one to admit to being at the scene of the crime."
Celeste shrugged, brushing one of her drills indifferently. "And? I left 15 minutes before anyone died. Your point?"
"So you say, but can you prove it?" Leon challenged.
"Can you disprove it?" Celeste challenged.
Kaito fires back, "You admitted to being in the room near the time the crime was committed. You say you left beforehand, but I wonder if you had time to commit Makoto's murder before you left."
Celeste chuckled, though she clearly did not find anything funny.
"Going in circles. Need to confirm, deny claim. Then, address claim." Kenchikka was ready to consider this claim of Leon's.
"I think Leon could be onto something," Chiaki chimed in.
Chihiro, however, seemed lost in thought. "Maybe... but I don't know."
Leon, to my surprise, took the lead on this.
"Look, here's how I see it. You said you were in the Spa Room. Makoto and Mukuro died in the Spa Room. It doesn't take long, even for someone like you, to get to the Dining Hall from up there. Couple of minutes, I'd think," Leon spelled out.
"Sounds about right, I think," Chiaki commented.
Chihiro nodded in agreement, still contemplating.
Celeste, however, looked completely unfazed. "Ok, and?"
I decide to speak up next. "And who told me to use that glove, in case the taser was on?"
Theo answered that question. "Without a doubt, that was Celeste. But why would you think it was on?"
Celeste fiddled with her other hair drill. "It seemed like common sense to me. After all, water conducts electricity unless it's pure H2O, due to the calcium, magnesium, and other minerals. In truth, this is why I do not drink tap water, and prefer my milk tea, with the water boiled to remove these impurities."
The rest of us exchange glances with one another.
"So, after you left the Dining Hall, where did you go?" Leon challenged. "You never said."
"Because I was never asked. For the record, I returned to my dorm room after my quarrel with Kaito and Kenchikka," Celeste responded.
Chihiro spoke up next. "That... doesn't give you much of an alibi. I'm sorry."
Leon added, "And that still puts you at the scene of the crime today, too."
"And that still gives you nobody to prove you were in the Jam Room at the time of the murder, either," Celeste shot back.
This... was also true. Or was it? My head started spinning as Leon and Celeste verbally sparred with one another. Celeste certainly looked suspicious, but then again, nobody could really vouch for Leon, either. Maybe we had the wrong person?
But Leon looked convinced it was Celeste, and Celeste was pointing her finger at Leon.
Who would've been more likely to kill? Or could it have been both of them?
Suddenly, Celeste looked up at Monorakun, who had been pretending to be curled up asleep. "Excuse me, Monorakun? A question, if I may?"
Monorakun raised his head up. "Are you done yet?
Celeste looked up at Monorakun. "Remind me again about the rules regarding the voting process?"
Monorakun looked at her, his red eye glowing. I think the question annoyed him.
"When I say it's time to vote, a four by four grid appears, each with a name on it. You select the name that you think the Blackened is. If the students get the right name, then the Blackened faces execution. If they get the wrong one, however, then the Blackened graduates and goes free, while everyone else dies instead. Clear?"
Celeste considers, then nods. "That is satisfactory. Shall we vote, everyone?"
Leon nods. "Yep, sounds good. No way in hell I'm dying for this!"
Theo spoke up. "Wait a minute, good sir. We haven't -"
"Sounds good to me!" Monorakun announced. "Everyone, voting time has arrived. I need to recharge, and frankly, this back-and-forth is starting to bore me."
Our podiums revealed the 4x4 grid with everyone's name on it. I considered the evidence, alibis, and testimonies.
Celeste admitted to having been in the Spa Room, but said she left at 11:45pm. Makoto's estimated time of death was around noon. Plus, Celeste did leave before 12:30pm, which could've given her time to commit the second murder.
However, I had no idea where Leon was during this time, either. I didn't recall seeing him at all. Could he have committed the murder after Celeste left?
Or was he truly preoccupied with his music? Leon did seem to be a one-track-mind kind of guy, after all.
I took a deep breath, then made my choice, settling on Celeste.
After everyone cast their votes, the Monorakun dealer showed up on the monitor above Monorakun's podium. It revealed a playing for each remaining students, then shuffled them up, cutting the small deck once in a while. Finally, the dealer flipped the top card of their deck up.
It showed Celeste's face on the card.
Monorakun's eye started flashing red, irregularly, as he stared at the screen.
"Well, shitbags, I've got some good news and some bad news," Monorakun stated.
We all looked up at Monorakun, since his seat was above all of ours.
"Good news, bad news?" Kenchikka asked.
"Do share with us the news, shall you?" Theo asked.
Monorakun nodded, his eye now glowing solid red as he spoke.
"The bad news is, Celestia Ludenberg isn't the Blackened."

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