Damned System

Chapter 116

Chapter 116. Party Play (7)


A sound escaped my lips unintentionally.

‘Why are there so many?’

Looking at the number of people, it seemed like almost all the priests of the Viceta temple had come out.

Even though it was a prearranged situation, I was so surprised that I hesitated.

However, that was only for a moment, and I approached them while leaving behind the players who were returning through the teleportation circle.

I handed something abruptly to the person wearing the cape, a symbol of the high-ranking priest.

The item that had a significant impact on the ranking evaluation of this mission.

‘Gillon’s Staff.’

A sacred relic of the Order of Palao left abandoned for years as the territory of the Kairoth Kingdom became corrupted.

The item, which looked like a common wooden staff, would be priceless.

“Ah, finally!”

The eyes of the high-ranking priest, who accepted the staff with trembling hands, became moist.

He was visibly moved, likely because the lost sacred relic of their order had returned.

“Thank you so much. Everyone worked hard. To express our gratitude, the temple has prepared a feast…….”

The high-ranking priest expressed his gratitude to each player who had worked hard on this mission.

I was staring at Gillon’s Staff with mixed feelings beside him.

‘It was said to be an item used by one of the twelve apostles initially chosen by Palao.’

Traditionally, the twelve sacred relics were handed down to the next generation of apostles in order.

When there were more apostles than relics, the relic was passed on to a later-chosen apostle when the previous one died, and vice versa, it was kept in the temple of the region where the relic was born.

In other words, it was a relic containing the history of the 7 Great Virtues and the order.

Why was such an important item abandoned in a corrupted area?

– They say they forgot to pack it back then.

I recalled the information I got from Jordan when we decided our first order mission, and it was astonishing.

The priests and holy knights at the Timal Castle forgot to bring the relic while taking care of food for the refugees on their way to escape.

‘It’s not bad to prioritize the followers’ needs. I mean…’

I couldn’t manage my expression when I first heard that story.

Nevertheless, we recovered the relic, and delivering it in a public place was completed.

‘A showy performance should be enough like this.’

As we agreed, we gathered all we could through the order mission.

“Come on, let us proceed.”

I decided to decline the invitation to the feast.

“I’m sorry, but I need to return to Habon.”

The players would leave a review of the feast even if I didn’t attend.

It was time to end my two-day adventure outside and go home.

‘I also need to discuss the bunker we found in the corrupted area with Jordan.’

Today was also the day I was supposed to meet Yang Taeho, so I planned to return quickly.

Upon returning to Habon, I headed straight for the Palao Temple.

After completing all my business there, several hours had passed.

Having returned to Habon in the morning, it was nearly noon by the time I reached the Bennett estate.

Rubbing my neck and shoulders out of habit, I reviewed the battle in the 4-star corrupted area.

‘Escaping when surrounded isn’t easy.’

Though there were parts I regretted, I was more satisfied overall.

I had gotten better at handling multiple high-rank evolved species alone compared to when I first faced them.

Having improved, I’d give myself a score 20 points higher than before if I was to evaluate my performance.

It was, of course, a subjective judgment.

There were likely people preparing to nag me nonetheless.

I could foresee their nagging repertoire.

– You won’t even reach my ankle no matter how hard you try.
– There are limitations to what you can do alone.

Just recalling Shamel’s voice that played almost automatically made my brow furrow.

‘Who doesn’t know that?’

Knowing it well, I tried to reduce other players’ death rates and increase the order’s power.

Yet, Shamel always nagged about it as if for the sake of nagging.

My pace slowed unconsciously, dreading hearing Shamel’s nagging.

However, since I had to meet with Yang Taeho, I couldn’t procrastinate endlessly.

‘Let’s just go in.’

The sooner I could get it over with, the better I’d feel.

Arriving quickly at the Bennett estate, I sensed the rapid approach of someone’s presence.

I chose not to evade, knowing precisely who it was.



The figure that dashed into my arms, accompanied by a thud, was Berta.

She often came in and out of the Bennett estate like it was her own.

There were times at the bronze rank when her strength would send me tumbling, but now I could somehow withstand it.

I had adapted to her sudden rushes. I rubbed my aching abdomen and firmly pressed down on Berta’s head.

“You’re here again?”

“Yeah! I came here in the morning!”

The mischievous little figure, clinging to my waist, clambered up to sit on my shoulder.

This had become a regular occurrence. Walking around the estate with her perched on my shoulder became typical.

With Berta on my shoulder, I glanced around warily, wondering where Shamel might appear from.

I was already racking my brain for ways to refute her anticipated nagging.

‘It took about a day to clear the current mission.’

There were 12 player casualties during the process.

Compared to the casualties in Palao so far, it wasn’t few.

But if I look strictly at the objective numbers?

‘Most of the players were at bronze rank, and to only have 12 casualties in a 4-star area is honestly a beyond-compare record.’

The effectiveness of hell training was vividly apparent.

I’m sure if players from other orders attacked a 4-star corrupted area at the bronze rank, hundreds would die.

Even with just one month of training, the difference in skill between those who learned how to wield their weapons correctly and those who didn’t was stark.

‘It should suffice.’

I must have contributed a fairly large share to this success, right?

I’m not a babysitter; I can’t follow and take care of each player individually.

‘Hopefully, this time it’ll pass without nagging.’

I remained tense because of Shamel.

Holding onto a handful of my hair, Berta asked with an innocent voice.


“Afraid that the old hag might pop out.”

I’d rather not get hit on the back of the head like last time.

As I stayed vigilant, Berta cheerfully said.

“Granny? Granny went out.”

I clenched my fists unknowingly and asked.

“Do you know where she went?”

“I know, I know! Berta knows! I heard!”



Feeling proud, Berta answered confidently with her chin raised high.

Kimol was where the Resistance headquarters was, serving as Ferrell’s temporary capital.

Going there meant there was important work to attend to.

It might not be an affair that could be settled in a day or two.

‘Take your time coming back.’

Releasing the tension from Shamel’s absence, I asked lightheartedly.

“Then what about Rashar?”

Chandler said there weren’t any plans for her to leave anytime soon.

Just to be sure, I asked, and it was as expected.

“In her paper room.”

Berta referred to Rashar’s office as the paper room, probably because there were many papers.

Having reached the third floor where Rashar’s residence was, I briefly halted, and felt Berta’s grip on my hair tighten.

“Are you going to the paper room?”


Since Rashar was avoiding me, going there would be a waste.

It was a time when she’d be busy working, and I didn’t want to disturb her.

‘Such matters require good timing.’

When someone is avoiding you, it signals they do not want to communicate. Ignoring that and pushing forward can worsen matters.

I stared down the corridor where Rashar’s office was before continuing up the stairs.

This prompted an eager question from Berta.

“Hehe, then will you play with me?”

She knew that if I or Rashar entered that room, I wouldn’t play with her.

With recent hunts, training, and time spent traveling, I hadn’t played much with Berta.

Having finished all my tasks today, I had some free time before Yang Taeho arrived.

“What do you want to do?”

As I nodded agreeably, Berta’s voice grew even more excited.

“Uncle, let’s play uncle!”

As soon as my room came into view, Berta bolted away.

Dashing the remaining distance, she leaped up to grab the doorknob.

Given her height only reached my thigh, she had no choice but to open the door that way.

Watching the excited Berta’s backside brought a smile to my face.

I followed her into the room.

While unpacking the inventory, Berta reappeared, having dashed into the dressing room with her arms full of something or another.

“Berta brought it!”

I was momentarily casting glances between the restroom and Berta before sighing and heading to the sofa.

I earnestly wanted to wash up, but could not ignore the overexcited Berta.

“Come here.”

Berta happily bounded over and spilled out her toys onto the table.

They were items An Kijun sent using the gifting function.

Berta first grabbed a plastic barrel and a paper bag.

As the bag shook, cheap plastic clattered within.

Their purpose?

“Put it on uncle, mix-matched eye uncle.”

They were toys used in the Barrel of Monkeys game.

Berta’s favorite game of chance, which I had come to enjoy a bit due to playing it so often.

Seeing Berta jump along as the Barrel of Monkeys figure popped out was delightful.

‘Cute and entertaining.’

As I seated myself on the sofa, Berta climbed onto my lap naturally, grabbing a handful of toy swords.

“I’ll go first!”

“Do as you please.”

As I finished speaking, Berta started mercilessly driving the toy swords into the wooden barrel of the figure.

Like that, two rounds of Barrel of Monkeys, followed by a game of Jenga, and three rounds of Halli Galli, went by in succession.

Finally, the guest I had been waiting for arrived with a knock.


Yang Taeho of the God of Patience Temoria faction.

He stood behind the attendant, looking bewildered.

‘I hadn’t anticipated feeling so glad to see a face I’d only seen two days prior.’

Could it be because he was the first party member I recruited? I was happier to see him than I expected, causing the corners of my mouth to perk up.

Meanwhile, seeing me, Yang Taeho whispered to the attendant that led him here.

“Hey, I think I’m in the wrong place. I came looking for K!”

Since it was his first time seeing me without the magic tool, it was natural for him to react this way.

I decided to send the attendant away and calm the flustered Yang Taeho.

“You may leave.”

“We have prepared accommodation for the guest in the adjacent room.”

“Thank you.”

“Wha? Uh… Wait! Hey!”

Yang Taeho looked back and forth between the departing attendant and me, clearly confused.

Noticing his bewilderment, I chuckled lightly and wore my magic tool on my ear.

“You’ve come to the right place.”

“Oh, oh!”

“Come in.”

Yang Taeho only hesitated for a moment before stepping into the room with an awkward gait upon seeing a familiar face.

“Oh my, you’re using a magic tool, huh? Honestly, I heard you’re Asian but seeing a white guy threw me off…”

No sooner did I close the door than he trailed off, frozen in place.

“T-that, t-that!”

His extended finger trembled in the air.

Wondering what was causing his reaction, I saw Berta reclining against the sofa’s armrest with her tail stretched out.

Stammering multiple times, Yang Taeho suddenly took a step back.

Grabbing my shoulder firmly, he urgently spoke.

“Is-isn’t that a beastfolk? And a kid at that?”

“That’s correct.”

“Gosh, what a headache!”

Curious why he asked about something so obvious, I recalled he might have had reasons.

“Those fellas are incredibly touchy about their kids!”

Unfamiliar with his southern dialect, I hadn’t understood at first why the ashen-faced Yang Taeho was asking.

But the following words clarified his warning.

“Don’t you know about the commotion in Breche? It completely blew up!”

He seemed to be emphasizing the sensitivity of beastfolk regarding their children’s safety.

And indeed, it was true. Beastfolk were quite sensitive about their fellow kin and particularly about protecting their young.

Just recently, there was a massive hunt in Breche related to this concern.

The beastfolk uncovered a human trafficking ring they had long pursued in Breche.

I’ve heard over 400 beastfolk capable of combat surrounded the Breche Castle.

‘It took two days to block teleportation and apprehend all involved; about a hundred died, they said?’

Practically assaulting the castle, no orders or nobles voiced complaints.

Seeing Horfe drenched in blood and requesting catnip would have dispelled any intention to protest.

There was a palpable sense of intimidation, breathing carefully in his presence.

Though I hadn’t been there firsthand, just glimpsing through Horfe left its mark.

‘Yang Taeho must have witnessed the horror up close, more so than me.’

Given that, his reaction made sense, and I didn’t intend to leave him in misunderstanding.

Damned System

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