Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 867

Chapter 107 Time bracelet

When the system’s voice fell, Chen Xuan immediately lifted his spirits, and then hurriedly lowered his head and looked at his left and right wrists.

In the next moment, Chen Xuan clearly saw that an extremely primitive-looking bracelet had appeared on his left and right wrists.

This bracelet is of ordinary style, without any extra carving lines, and it has a faint purple light, which is still looming.

“This, this is the time bracelet?”

After swallowing, Chen Xuan’s expression and gaze were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Because Chen Xuan deeply understands that this time bracelet must possess incredible power!

According to its name, Chen Xuan can completely imagine that this time bracelet is a piece of heaven-defying martial arts equipment that can control time!

That’s time!

“System, tell me, what is the use of bracelets at this time?” Chen Xuan couldn’t wait to ask after calming down a little restless mood.

“Okay, host.”

The system immediately responded, and then said: “Before explaining the purpose of the time bracelet to the host, I will first introduce to the host the origin of the time bracelet.”

“When the host got the space ring, I explained to the host that space and time are not continuous.”

“Because the entire endless universe is essentially an infinitely huge quantum energy field!”

“And time and space are two extremely special energies in this quantum energy field! Energy that exists in discrete forms!”

“Since it is energy, no matter whether it is space or time, it cannot be continuous!”

“This means that as long as you study this energy to the extreme, you can perceive the existence of this energy, and then slowly master the power of time!”

“In a word, time seems illusory, but in our highest civilization, it is still possible to be thoroughly studied by others, and eventually mastered!”

“This is the root cause of the birth of the time bracelet.”


After listening, Chen Xuan nodded slowly, but his face did not show too much shock.

the reason is simple–

For a while, Chen Xuan knew that time is a kind of quantum energy that can be mastered.

Secondly, Chen Xuan just learned the dominance of the law of cause and effect, so naturally, it would not be so shocking for other things.

“System, then which time bracelet is this time bracelet made by which of your highest civilizations?” Chen Xuan quickly asked.

“Well… it’s a funny thing to say.”

After a little dry cough, the science and technology martial arts hall system continued to whisper: “In the era of the ten thousand gods, the patriarch of the ten thousand gods was too dazzling, and many ethnic groups couldn’t lift their heads at all.”

“Seeing the rapid growth of the Pantheon race day by day, the head of the Pantheon race has become more and more invincible, and the entire supreme civilization has fallen into an unprecedented panic.”

“Because, the patriarch of the Pantheon at that time, as long as the order is given, the highest civilization and the entire endless universe will be enslaved by the Pantheon!”

“It is precisely because of this fear that the many ethnic groups of the Supreme Civilization have united for an unprecedented time, planning to work together to fight the Pantheon and the Pantheon Patriarch!”

“You know, there were more than hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the supreme civilization at that time! Both resources and lives are beyond imagination!”

“With so many ethnic groups working together, you can imagine how amazing their efforts will be!”

“The bracelet at this time is actually the highest result of the concerted efforts of the hundreds of millions of ethnic groups of the supreme civilization at that time, and it is also the strongest method they are preparing to use against the patriarch of the Pantheon!”

“It’s a pity that they never thought that with the help of Chaos Qingye, the patriarch of the ten thousand gods had mastered the laws of time and space!”

“Use the bracelet of time to deal with the patriarch of the Pantheon who has mastered the laws of time and space… To describe it with an allegorical phrase in the host of your human world, it is simply meat buns hitting dogs, there is no return!”

“So, the final result, I think you should be able to imagine the host… Hundreds of millions of ethnic groups have collectively smashed countless resources and placed the highest hopes on the bracelet of time, which was obtained by the patriarch of the pantheon, and finally followed by the source of electromagnetic force. Books and other things fell into my hands.”


Hearing this, Chen Xuan couldn’t help laughing, and he even started to sympathize with those who tried their best to deal with the patriarch of the Pantheon.

“They really…have lost their madam and lost their soldiers!”

Chen Xuan secretly sighed for a while, and then asked again and again: “System, you just said that the patriarch of the ten thousand gods has mastered the law of time and space? Then, the law of time and space is also one of the supreme laws of the endless universe? It is compared with the law of cause and effect. ,how is it?”

“Yes! It is precisely because the patriarch of the Pantheon has mastered the laws of time and space, he was able to obtain attainments beyond time and space in time and space, making time bracelets and other things completely invalid for him!”

The system quickly explained: “As for the law of causality the law of space and time is naturally inferior!”

“Because of the nine supreme laws, the law of time and space ranks fifth, while the law of causality ranks second.”

“Although it looks like only three people are missing, the gap is so big that it is far beyond the host’s imagination!”

“This is also the most fundamental reason why the original patriarch of the ten thousand gods will be annihilated by the origin of the universe with the third law.”

“That’s right, let me remind the host again. One day in the future, your genes will be almost perfected with the help of Chaos Qingye. You can also control it randomly like the patriarch of the Pantheon. One great rule!”

“The highest rule of fourth to ninth!”

“As for the ultimate rule, it depends on the luck of the host.”

“Thinking that the patriarch of the ten thousand gods at the time had very good luck and mastered the fifth highest rule.”


Speaking of this, the voice of the system is full of self-satisfaction.

I don’t know, I thought it was showing off its past!


Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then asked: “So now, the system, tell me, what’s the use of this time bracelet?”

“Simply put, it is—every time the host can imagine the use of time, this time bracelet can be realized!”

The system calmly introduced: “It’s like what time goes backwards, time stands still, time accelerates, creates time barriers, creates time cages, and gains insight into the future…”

“This…so terrifying? Then am I invincible?” Chen Xuan asked immediately, unable to hide his excitement. I want to chat with more like-minded people about “Daddy’s Science and Technology Budokan”, WeChat pays attention to “Excellent Literature”, read novels, chat about life, and find friends

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