Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 6

The next morning, Night City’s harsh neon glow was subdued by the overcast skies, casting a dull, grey hue over the clinic. Asuka rubbed her temple, trying to ward off the lingering effects of last night’s drinking. She had managed to peel herself out of bed, still sore but functional enough to help Vik. The smell of disinfectants and the familiar whir of medical tools buzzed around her as she stood by the operating table.

“Alright, hold that steady,” Viktor instructed, his voice calm and precise as always. He was elbow-deep in surgery, his steady hands working to replace a fried implant in a mercenary’s neural system.

Asuka leaned over the table, carefully monitoring the chip Vik was working on. Her cybernetic hands were steadier today, and the precision her chrome allowed her made tasks like this far easier than most. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride helping Vik. It was messy work, but it was hers.

“There,” Viktor muttered, as the final adjustment clicked into place. He leaned back, wiping his brow. “Should be good now. When he wakes up, he'll be lucky to have his neural functions back.”

Asuka chuckled softly, wiping down some of the equipment. “Another day, another merc patched up. I swear, these guys never learn.”

“Neither do you,” Viktor quipped with a slight smirk, but there was no real bite behind his words. “Speaking of which… how’s your head? Heard you and Jackie had quite the night.”

She grinned sheepishly, running a hand through her long hair. “Yeah, maybe overdid it. Parking lot shenanigans. You know how it goes.”

Vik just shook his head, a mix of amusement and exasperation. “You’re gonna end up back on that table if you keep letting loose like that.”

Before Asuka could respond, her holo flickered to life with an incoming call. The soft blue light of the interface hovered in front of her face as she tapped the answer button. Mama Welles’ warm voice came through, as comforting as always.

“Asuka, querida!” Mama Welles’ voice was filled with that same motherly warmth Asuka had come to love. “You doing okay, mi niña? You sound a bit tired.”

Asuka smiled, feeling a little of the hangover fog lift just from hearing Mama Welles’ voice. “I’m good, Mama. Just helping out Vik with a surgery.”

“That’s good, that’s good,” Mama Welles said, a smile clear in her voice. “Listen, I’m cooking a big dinner tonight at El Coyote. You and Jackie better come. You know he never says no to my food, but you? It’s been too long since I saw you at the table.”

Asuka’s grin widened, the thought of Mama Welles’ cooking stirring her appetite. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mama. But hey—what if I bring the old man too? Man barely leaves this clinic, and I bet he could use a good meal.”

There was a soft chuckle from Mama Welles. “Oh, Viktor? I would be honored. You bring him along, I’ll make sure there’s enough for everyone.”

“Great,” Asuka said, excitement flickering through her. “We’ll be there.”

The call ended, leaving the clinic in its usual quiet hum. Asuka turned to Vik, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “You heard, right? You’re coming to dinner tonight. Mama Welles’ orders.”

Viktor looked up from his tools, brow raised. “Dinner? At El Coyote?”

“Yep,” Asuka said, crossing her arms with a smirk. “No excuses, Dad. You’ve been cooped up in here too long. And besides, Mama Welles is cooking. You don’t wanna turn down that offer, trust me.”

Viktor leaned back in his chair, arms crossed as he considered it. “You know… I don’t do this ‘socializing’ thing much.”

Asuka rolled her eyes playfully. “It’s not ‘socializing,’ old man. It’s dinner with people who care about you. Mama Welles is practically family, and you’re definitely part of the family whether you like it or not.”

He sighed, a soft smile pulling at his lips. “Alright, alright. You win.”

Asuka beamed, her energy returning full force now that the idea of dinner at El Coyote was locked in. “Trust me, you’re gonna love it.”

Asuka and Viktor entered El Coyote Cojo through the back entrance, slipping past the kitchen to avoid the bustle of the main bar area. The smell of freshly cooked food hit her immediately—a mix of spices and roasted meat, comforting in a way that made her stomach growl. She could already hear the familiar chatter of voices drifting in from the house section of El Coyote, where the Wells family gathered for their private dinners.

“Smells good,” Viktor muttered behind her, his usually gruff tone softening just a bit. Asuka grinned, giving him a nudge with her elbow.

“Told you it’d be worth leaving the clinic.”

They stepped into the cozy house part of El Coyote, where a long wooden table was set, cluttered with plates of food and drinks. Jackie was already seated, his broad shoulders relaxed as he took a swig from a beer. Beside him sat Camila, his girlfriend—dark-haired, latino. She was chatting with Mama Welles, but as soon as Asuka entered, Camila’s eyes flicked up, her gaze sharpening instantly.

Asuka caught the look—a flash of something almost like hostility—but shrugged it off, offering her a friendly smile. “Hey, Camila,” she greeted, but the response she got back was little more than a curt nod.

Mama Welles, ever the warm, waved Asuka and Viktor over with a huge smile. “¡Mija! Come, sit down! Vik, you too!” She gestured to the seats beside Jackie, clearly pleased to have the group together.

Asuka slid into the chair beside Jackie, her cybernetic limbs moving smoothly as she sat. She gave him a playful jab to the arm. “Surprised you’re still alive after last night.”

Jackie laughed, shaking his head. “Barely. My head’s still ringing, chica. But hey, nothing a few cervezas can’t fix, right?”

Asuka smirked, grabbing herself a beer and taking a swig, feeling the tension in her shoulders ease as she relaxed into the flow of the dinner. Across the table, Camila was still watching her, though the conversation between her and Mama Welles continued. Asuka wasn’t blind to it—she could feel the heat of those sharp glances every time Camila looked her way.

Asuka leaned back in her chair, her hand resting on the cool surface of her beer as she wondered whether she’d missed some crucial detail. Did Camila really think there was something going on between her and Jackie?

Across the table, Mama Welles poured more drinks, her warm presence filling the room. “It’s so good to have all of you here,” she said, smiling at the group. “Feels like familia again.”

Asuka gave her a soft smile, grateful for the way Mama Welles always made her feel like part of the family. “Thanks for having me, Mama,” she said, raising her glass. “You know I wouldn’t miss this.”

Viktor, still settling into the atmosphere, nodded his thanks, but mostly kept quiet, content to observe the lively conversation around the table.

The tension between Asuka and Camila, though unspoken, didn’t go unnoticed by Jackie, who glanced between them and gave Asuka a knowing look. “Hey,” he muttered under his breath, leaning toward her. “You okay?”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, tilting her head in confusion. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

Jackie sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Camila’s just… well, she gets a little jealous sometimes. Especially when I’m around, uh, certain people.” He looked almost embarrassed, his usual cocky demeanor fading slightly.

Asuka blinked, utterly baffled. “Jealous? Of me?” She shot a quick glance toward Camila, who was now trying to focus on Mama Welles but kept stealing glances in their direction. “Seriously? I mean… I don’t even—” She lowered her voice, leaning in closer to Jackie. “She already knows I like girls, right?”

Jackie shrugged, chuckling awkwardly. “Yeah, but you know how people are. Doesn’t matter if there’s nothin’ goin’ on. She sees me hanging out with you all the time, and… well, you know.”

Asuka sighed, rolling her eyes but not wanting to make a scene. “She really doesn’t need to worry about that. You’re practically my brother.”

Jackie grinned, clearly relieved that Asuka wasn’t going to take it too seriously. “I know that, chica. But hey, she’s got a temper, just like you.”

Asuka smirked, her mood lightening as she took another sip of her beer. “Well, maybe she should know she’s barking up the wrong tree. I’ve got no interest in you, Jackie-boy. I mean, come on—do I look like I want to steal you from her?”

Jackie laughed, nearly choking on his drink. “Yeah, yeah, point taken.”

The dinner had wrapped up, and the warm atmosphere of El Coyote Cojo was now just a comfortable memory as the night air filled the streets of Heywood. Asuka and Jackie stood outside, the cool breeze carrying the faint sounds of Night City’s ever-present hum—cars speeding by, distant music blaring from some bar, the flicker of neon signs casting long shadows on the empty streets.

Viktor had already gone home, quietly slipping away like he always did when the socializing was over, and Camila had left shortly after, barely saying a word to Asuka, though the tension was still fresh in the back of her mind. Mama Welles had gone to bed, leaving the two of them standing alone under the dim streetlights, laughing and chatting as they often did.

“I swear,” Jackie chuckled, stretching his arms, “I’m still stuffed. Mama outdid herself tonight.”

Asuka grinned, leaning against a nearby lamppost, one arm resting casually on her hip. “Yeah, can’t argue with that. It was good to see the old man out of the clinic for once, too.”

“Didn’t think you’d ever get him out,” Jackie teased, taking a lazy swig from the beer he’d brought with him from the bar.

As they stood there, lost in their conversation, a girl came into view from down the street. She was walking slowly, her steps deliberate, almost like she was lost in thought. Her dirty blonde hair fell in uneven waves around her face, and her style leaned heavily into the goth look—black clothes, dark makeup, and an overall air of mystery about her.

Asuka squinted at the figure, a flicker of recognition sparking in her mind. “Wait… is that…?”

Jackie glanced in the direction Asuka was looking, his eyebrows raised. “Who?”

“Misty Olszewski,” Asuka murmured, tilting her head as she studied the girl. “She lives around here, doesn’t she?”

Jackie gave a slight shrug, eyes narrowing as he tried to place her. “Yeah, I’ve seen her around the neighborhood.”

Asuka nodded slowly. “Yeah, that’s her. I think she’s into all that spiritual, tarot card stuff.”

Jackie scratched the back of his head. “No shit? Never talked to her. Kinda keeps to herself, I guess.”

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