Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 18

Asuka leaned back against the bar stool, her newly installed cyberlungs working like a charm, making each breath feel fresher and clearer than anything she’d felt in a long time. She took a sip of her drink, savoring the taste. Across from her, Jackie was nursing his beer, the two of them winding down after the long and often chaotic stretch they’d been through recently. The bar was busy, the low hum of conversation mingling with a retro synthwave track playing from the jukebox.

Asuka glanced at Jackie, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she swirled her drink. “Y’know, Jack, I’ve been thinking. We need a netrunner in our crew.”

Jackie looked up at her, an eyebrow raised. “A netrunner, huh?” He took another sip of his beer, leaning back. “I mean, it’d make things easier, that’s for sure. No more worrying about breaking through security by brute force, that’s for sure. But… we don’t exactly know any netrunners, chica. Or at least, not any that wouldn’t try to sell us out the second things got messy.”

Asuka sighed, leaning forward, her elbows resting on the bar. “Yeah, that’s the problem. We need someone who’s not just good, but someone we can trust. Someone who’s not gonna klep our gigs from under us or ghost us when things get hot.”

Jackie nodded slowly, rubbing his chin. “Netrunners… they’re always a little shady, y’know? They live in the shadows more than we do. And let’s be real, chica, our track record with trusting new people ain’t exactly stellar.”

Asuka couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But we’re just two solo types, Jack. We’re good at what we do, but if we wanna pull bigger gigs, get into the real preem jobs, we need someone to hack systems, pull data—someone who knows the virtual world like we know the streets.”

Jackie leaned forward, resting his arms on the bar as well, his gaze thoughtful. “Yeah, you’re right. We gotta evolve if we’re gonna stay ahead of the game. But the question is, where do we find someone like that? I don’t exactly know any netrunners that aren’t attached to some corp or another gang.”

Asuka nodded, her expression contemplative as she stared into her drink. “It’s gotta be someone independent. But they’ve also gotta have enough skill to break into secure systems without getting flatlined in the process.”

Jackie let out a sigh, shaking his head with a small grin. “You make it sound so simple, chica. Like there’s a whole net full of reliable netrunners just waitin’ for us to pick ‘em.”

Asuka smirked, her eyes flicking up to meet Jackie’s. “Hey, stranger things have happened. Besides, if we start asking around, maybe we’ll come across the right lead. Night City’s full of people trying to make it on their own—maybe we’ll find someone looking for a crew, just like us.”

Jackie raised his beer in a toast, nodding. “To finding the right gonk for the job, then. Someone who won’t run off with our eddies or sell our asses out to the highest bidder.”

Asuka clinked her glass against his, a grin playing on her lips. “I’ll drink to that. Here’s hoping the next runner we find isn’t some corpo shill or a wannabe trying to make a name for themselves.”

Jackie dialed Padre's number, his hand covering one ear to drown out the bar's low thrum of noise. After a moment, the familiar voice of Padre filled the line, warm but with that edge of sharpness that came from years of navigating Night City’s underbelly.

“Jackie, my boy,” Padre said, his voice carrying a note of genuine affection. “It’s good to hear from you. What can I do for you and your compañera?”

Jackie shot Asuka a grin before speaking into his phone. “Padre, me and Asuka here, we’re looking for some new blood. We need a netrunner—someone independent, y’know? Not some corpo sellout or gang-affiliated hacker. A newcomer like us, someone who’s looking for a crew.”

There was a pause, and Asuka could almost hear Padre thinking on the other end. Then, he spoke, his tone more thoughtful. “A netrunner, you say? I might know someone, actually. Just heard of her recently. Name’s Sasha Yakovleva. She’s got some talent, though she’s still fresh in the edgerunner scene—trying to make a name for herself, much like you two.”

Asuka perked up at the mention of a name. She glanced at Jackie, who was listening intently, his expression serious. “Sasha Yakovleva?” Asuka echoed, intrigued. “What do you know about her, Padre?”

Padre hummed, as if weighing his words carefully. “Sasha’s young, but she’s got the skills, that’s for sure. She’s been running gigs with some smaller crews lately, picking up experience but not sticking with them. Lost her mother to some corpo greed—Biotechnica just the past year, if I’m not mistaken. Word is, she’s got a bit of a grudge against the corpos, so you can imagine she’s not looking to join anyone who’s willing to sell out.”

Asuka and Jackie exchanged a glance. That kind of fire, that kind of personal drive—it was exactly what they were looking for in a new teammate.

Padre continued, “She’s not tied to any gang, and from what I hear, she’s looking to connect with people who have her back. She might be interested in teaming up with you two, provided you’re upfront with her.”

Jackie grinned, nodding as he spoke into the phone. “Thanks, Padre. That’s exactly the kind of lead we were hoping for. You got any idea where we can find her?”

“I believe she’s been hanging around Lizzie's Bar, in Watson” Padre said.

Jackie thanked Padre again, and after a few more pleasantries, he hung up , a grin spreading across his face as he turned to Asuka. “You hear that, chica? Sounds like we got ourselves a lead.” He got up from the bar, and Asuka did the same, the two of them moving quickly through the crowded bar. They pushed the door open, the cool night air of Night City hitting them as they stepped outside.

“Lizzie's Bar, huh?” Asuka said, mounting her pink Yaiba Kusanagi and turning to look at Jackie with a teasing smile. “You ready for this ride, Jack? No backing out now. We’ve got a netrunner to recruit.”

Jackie groaned dramatically but swung his leg over the back of the Yaiba, settling behind her. He wrapped his arms around Asuka’s waist, and as she started the engine, the familiar pink glow lit up the street. “You know, Asuka, I gotta say—I should’ve just bought that damn golden ARCH instead of chroming myself up,” he muttered, his voice carrying a mix of complaint and humor. “I mean, I could be riding in style, feeling the wind instead of holding onto you for dear life on this pink rocket.”

Asuka laughed loudly, the sound echoing in the mostly quiet street as the Yaiba rumbled beneath them. “Oh, come on, Jack. You’re just jealous ‘cause you haven’t upgraded your ride yet. But hey, this chrome’s gonna keep you in one piece, so no regrets, right?”

Jackie sighed, shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah. I know you’re right. But still, the ARCH woulda been nice. All that raw power…” He trailed off wistfully, already imagining the feel of the bike beneath him.

“Tell you what,” Asuka said, glancing back at him with a smirk, “once we pull in enough eddies from our next big gig, we’ll make sure to put some aside for that ARCH. Then you can have all the golden muscle bike dreams you want.”

Jackie chuckled, holding onto her a little tighter as she accelerated, the pink glow of the Yaiba reflecting off the wet pavement as they sped off toward Watson. “Deal, chica. Just don’t make me regret this in the meantime. I still need all my bones in one piece for that dream.”

“You got it, big guy,” Asuka replied, twisting the throttle and weaving through the sparse late-night traffic. The streets blurred around them, neon signs and distant advertisements flashing by as they made their way toward Lizzie's Bar. The familiar feeling of wind rushing past her face, the sound of her bike roaring, filled Asuka with a sense of freedom—a reminder that no matter how twisted and harsh Night City could be, moments like these still made her feel alive.

As they approached Watson, the neon glow of Lizzie’s Bar came into view, the signature pink and purple lights lighting up the night like a beacon. Asuka slowed down, pulling up in front of the bar. A line of patrons waited outside, music thumping from within, the entire place pulsing with energy.

Jackie slid off the bike, stretching his back and rubbing his cybernetic shoulders. “Damn, chica, you really know how to push this thing. One of these days, I swear you’re gonna turn me into a pancake with how fast you weave through traffic.”

Asuka rolled her eyes playfully. “Quit whining. You know you love the thrill.” She winked before gesturing towards the entrance. “Come on. Let’s find this Sasha girl. I’ve got a feeling she’s gonna fit right in with us.”

Jackie nodded, a grin tugging at his lips. “Yeah, let’s do it. Time to see if this netrunner’s got what it takes.”

Together, they made their way to the entrance of Lizzie's Bar, the bouncer giving them a nod as they walked in. The pounding beat of electronic music and the haze of neon lights filled the room, dancers and patrons swaying to the rhythm, the vibe electric.

Asuka and Jackie made their way to the bar, pushing through the crowd that seemed to pulse with the rhythm of the pounding music. Neon lights flashed in sync with the electronic beats, giving everything a surreal, dreamlike quality. As they approached the counter, Asuka leaned over, catching the bartender’s attention.

“Hey,” Asuka called out, raising her voice to be heard over the thumping bass. “You know a girl named Sasha? Sasha Yakovleva?”

The bartender paused for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah pink pillow, I know Sasha. She’s a regular here. Always comes by, orders something light, and sits in the back—kinda keeps to herself.”

Asuka’s eyes lit up with interest ignoring the pink pillow comment. “Is she here now?”

The bartender shook his head. “Nah, she likes to come in later, more toward the early hours. Place is less crowded then. She’s one of those night owl types.”

Jackie leaned in, his voice carrying a hint of impatience. “Any idea when she might show up?”

The bartender shrugged, grabbing a glass and polishing it. “Hard to say. Could be an hour, could be three. She doesn’t exactly keep a schedule, you know?”

Asuka exchanged a look with Jackie, then gave the bartender a quick nod. “Alright, thanks for the info. We’ll wait around, see if she shows up.”

The bartender just gave a noncommittal nod, moving on to the next patron without much more interest. Asuka turned to Jackie, who was already eyeing one of the booths in the corner. “Looks like we got some time to kill,” she said with a smirk.

Jackie sighed, giving her a half-smile. “Yeah, guess so. What’s the plan, chica? We gonna wait here all night?”

Asuka patted Jackie on the back, pushing him gently toward the booth. “That’s exactly what we’re gonna do. Besides, it’s Lizzie’s—let’s grab a drink, chill out, and maybe enjoy the sights until she shows up.”

Jackie grumbled, though he didn’t seem to mind the idea of having another drink. “Alright, but you’re buying, and none of that pink cocktail stuff this time.”

Asuka laughed as they slid into the booth, waving over a server. “Deal. One night without pink drinks—unless I decide to change my mind.”

Three hours later, the bar was still humming with energy. The crowd had thinned slightly, but the music still pounded, the neon still painting the walls in pinks, purples, and blues. Asuka was getting ready to call it for the night when something—or rather, someone—caught her attention.

The door to swung open, and in walked a young woman that Asuka recognized immediately, even though she’d never seen her before in person. It was as if the memories from her player's perspective had flickered into reality, placing a name to the face. The angled bob haircut, the bright blue eyes with pink rings, the sleeveless bodysuit with the pink-trimmed neckline, the baby pink cropped jacket—it could only be Sasha Yakovleva.

Asuka nudged Jackie, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the newcomer making her way through the bar. “That’s her, Jack,” Asuka said, her voice filled with certainty. “That’s Sasha.”

Jackie followed her gaze and nodded, clearly trusting her instincts. “Let’s go introduce ourselves, chica.”

They both got up, weaving their way through the dance floor, Asuka in the lead. Sasha had just settled by the bar, her gaze scanning the place, clearly looking for a familiar face. Asuka approached her confidently, giving a little wave to catch her attention.

“Hey, are you Sasha?” Asuka asked, her tone friendly but direct.

Sasha turned to face her, her blue eyes studying Asuka briefly, and her lips curled into a knowing smirk. “And you must be... Pink Pillow, right?” she replied, her voice laced with both humor and a bit of curiosity.

Asuka’s eyes widened slightly, her face flushing for just a moment. She quickly recovered, though, putting on her usual confident grin. “How the hell do you know that nickname?” she demanded, more surprised than upset.

Sasha let out a soft laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Everyone who comes to Lizzie's knows, honestly. The girls here talk. You’ve got a bit of a reputation, y'know? Apparently, those pillows of yours make quite the impression.”

Jackie, standing just behind Asuka, burst out laughing, struggling to keep his composure. “Told ya that name was gonna stick, chica!” he managed to say between laughs.

Asuka shot Jackie a quick glare, though the corner of her lips twitched, betraying her amusement. She turned her attention back to Sasha, shaking her head. “Alright, alright, fair enough. But seriously, we’re not here about my... uh, reputation.” She extended a hand, her demeanor shifting to something more serious. “Name’s Asuka Vektor, and this joker behind me is Jackie Welles. We’ve been looking for you.”

Sasha raised an eyebrow, shaking Asuka’s hand firmly, her eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity. “Looking for me, huh? And what exactly does the infamous Pink Pillow and her sidekick want with a weefle like me?” Her tone was skeptical, though there was a flicker of curiosity that she couldn't quite hide.

Asuka kept her expression steady, leaning in just a bit. “Simple. We need a netrunner. And, let’s be real, none of the experienced ones would team up with us—not with us being newcomers and all. But we don’t want someone who's been jacked into corporate feeds or tied up in gang politics either. We want someone who’s got talent, is hungry, and understands what it’s like to be starting out. Someone like you.”

Sasha tilted her head slightly, her expression still guarded. “So, you came looking for another rookie, huh? Someone you think you can keep on a tight leash, maybe?”

Jackie chimed in before Asuka could respond, his voice casual but sincere. “Nah, nothing like that, Sasha. We’re just lookin’ for someone who’s gonna stick with us ‘cause they wanna, not ‘cause they’ve got no other choice. We heard you’ve got the skills and that you’re tired of the corps screwing everyone over. Sounds like we’re on the same wavelength.”

Sasha paused, considering their words. She gave Asuka and Jackie a long look, the bar’s neon lights reflecting in her blue eyes, her expression unreadable. Finally, she let out a small sigh, uncrossing her arms and nodding slightly. “Alright. I’m considering it. But let’s get one thing straight—if things start looking shady, if I even get a whiff of you two trying to pull some underhanded crap, I’m out. No questions, no looking back.”

Asuka nodded immediately, her face breaking into a genuine smile. “Deal. You don’t have to worry about that, Sasha. We’re just trying to stay alive and make a name for ourselves, same as you.”

Jackie gave her a thumbs-up, his usual grin returning. “We’ve got no room for shady stuff, chica. Trust goes both ways, you know? We need you, and you need a crew you can count on.”

Sasha studied them both again, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “Alright. Let’s see where this goes, then. But don’t think I won’t be keeping an eye on you two.”

Asuka chuckled, giving Sasha a nod of acknowledgment. “Fair enough. We wouldn’t expect anything less. Besides, the more cautious you are, the better for all of us. Keeps us all alive a little longer, yeah?”

Sasha finally relaxed, her guarded posture softening just a bit. “Alright then. I’m in for now. But I’m not calling this a partnership until I see how you handle things.”

Jackie raised his glass in a toast, gesturing for Sasha and Asuka to do the same. “To new beginnings. Let’s hope we all make it out the other side with our chrome still intact.”

Sasha picked up her glass, a small but genuine smile forming on her lips as she clinked her glass against theirs. “To new beginnings, I guess.”

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