Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Even if Jin Yu’s eyes are cold, his face is black, and the words are threatening to the more than 30 different beasts, let them re-edit the agreement, but how the beast is never a person, the key lies in the two sides’ The views and attitudes are completely different… So after the different beasts have tossed several agreements and they have been counterattacked, the boss of Jinda finally decided to take the initiative, and the first customer, the blue child, was sent by Jin Yu. Happy to go and cultivate feelings with the little milk wolf.

The original words are like this – “Although we are a strange animal shop, selling strange animals or renting different animals, but anyway, if you want to sell my beast here, you must be willing to be with you.” go.

Otherwise, I will not sell them anyway.

So, you have an hour to contact your little milk wolf.

“Then the blue-sisters went to the fart, and then they looked at each other with the big-eyed wolf.”

Here Jinyu looked at the contact feelings of Lanzi and the little milk wolf, so he let go of Li Xiao, Orange and his own boss to discuss the content of the adoption agreement.

“The conditions can’t be too long or too long, otherwise it will affect the benefits.

“Orange is very pertinent suggestion, this product is more practical.

Jin Yuwen nodded.

“Gold, do you like alien animals? And, Big Brother can see that you really want to find a good home for it, then you can’t ask too low.”

People are always greedy and like the existence of easy commitment.

Compared with the orange light, Li Xiao’s words are more satisfying to the beasts.

“Reassure, I have just said that if you want to go, you must be willing to look at your own eyes.”

After all, they have been hurt once before, and I don’t want them to be hurt for the second time.

After Jin Yu finished speaking, he turned to look at Qi Qinglin. Both Orange and Li Xiao finished speaking. How should the boss be expressed? Yan Qinglin received the golden eyes, and his look did not change: ” The content of the agreement is what you want.

“Jin Yuwen is about to be angry, and the second sentence of Boss is here: “I am responsible for helping you teach those who do not comply with the agreement, no matter who.

“There was the anger of Jin Yu’s original face that disappeared directly into a smile. The two peach eyes smiled and glanced at the boss. “The boss didn’t want you to help.”

“The eyes of the little eyes looked stunned by the boss, and even Li Xiao and Orange Liang were stunned by the one.”

However, the next two of these two directly changed from to petrified – boss directly reached out and put a fish to the arms of a mammoth, and finally let go, Jin Yu directly from the neck red to the ear root, I gave the boss an elbow.

“What are you doing?!” Jin Yu angry, Nima, how can you do this with his friends in front of him? At the very least, when waiting for no one? ! ……Pooh! No one can do it! !boss was obviously in a good mood after licking the tofu, faintly glanced at the two men who looked up at the ceiling and the petrochemicals behind him. Satisfied: “The next time I am, don’t mess with it.

“… Your sister’s! You only messed up the hook|Introduction!! Your whole family is hooked up! Leading people!! Jin Yuqi’s stomach hurts, iron blue face shouted: “Bun! bun–! ! If you don’t bite him today, I will shut you in the dark house! ! ! “Bunzi heard the body shaking, and looked up at him with a hard look. He looked at his black unicorn boss and buried his head in his stomach and continued to pretend to die.”

Nima’s small black house is also stronger than being torn into pieces by the boss. Anyway, it still has a big white to send dinner.

“Don’t think that Dabai will send you dinner! When I don’t know the two of you, love?!” Seeing the number one dog’s leg does not respond to the call, Jin Yu continues to squat, and this sly, directly let the big white almost did not Bit your tongue.

Nima is lying and shooting, is that it is it? ! How could it look at the second goods! ! Even if it is a blind eye, is it also good to find a reliable point? ! The other ones who started to collectively die when the big boss ate the tofu of their own bosses at this time gave a very tacit understanding of the buns and a white sympathy, even a Yi nationality in the heart. Stop the road: I don’t know if your appearance rate is high. Really, the guy with high appearance rate is also more likely to be shot in the middle of the gun. You can do it yourself! Even if Jin Yu is on the side, the buns are still firm and motionless.

Looking at the look of Yan Qinglin, who doesn’t change color or even laugh, Jin Yu smiles coldly after grinding his teeth, so that you can get a inch of it. Do you think that I have no way to take you? ! So in this moment, everyone in the pet shop, including the big boss, felt a cold wind blowing, and the eyes of Yan Qinglin suddenly became sharp, but when they were still smiling with the peach eyes on Jinyu, The momentum is gone.

B. looked at a kind of virtue like her own master, and lamented in her heart, and then looked up and Ding Bai’s eyes met together. The two dog-headed divisions had a guilty conscience – I was afraid that the future master would be dissatisfied The days of worrying will grow indefinitely, and they must live with their tails! ! Even before the Jin Yulian re-invested the alien animal adoption agreement made by the beasts, in fact, it is not difficult to formulate such an agreement.

As long as you put some of the different things of the beasts so that some of the terms of the ‘human’ are speechless, you can barely.

After finishing the touch, it is quite perfect.

So in less than an hour, the “True and Alien Adoption Agreement” customized by the boss of Jin Yujin was so fresh.

True and strange animal adoption agreement.

First: No matter what kind of animal you are watching in the store, if you want to adopt it, please get approval from the beast before adoption.

Second: No matter how many different animals you have before, you can only adopt one in this store. At the same time, please make sure that there are no more than three beasts around you, otherwise you will not be taken out.

Third: After the store sells the beast, it will conduct follow-up investigations, prohibiting all abuses and abandoning the beasts.

If you find any of the above actors, the store will take back the right to adopt the different beasts, and give appropriate lucid education, please be mentally prepared and physically aware.

Fourth: the price of this shop’s beasts is a price, not bargaining is not discounted, do not accept strong buy and sell, can not accept, please go out after the agreement to go left or right turn, you can go straight.

Finally, the Beast will be your most loyal partner, please treat them with your heart, they will use life to reward you.

Another: If the animal is adopted by the store any physical puberty, abrupt period, rebellious period of bad behavior and situation, the store will be responsible for ideological education; if the animal is injured or need to recuperate, the store will receive treatment at 20%; Upon arrival in the estrus period, the store is responsible for finding a partner for it (no matter what race).

Under the adoption agreement, there is also the name, date column and number of the adopter. At this point, the entire animal adoption agreement is completed.

Jin Yu showed the completed animal-specific adoption agreement to the beasts. The latter were satisfied with this. Of course, some of them were snoring, and it was best to add three meals a day. Ignore it.

At this time, the emotional contact with the little milk wolf on the blue side seems to have progressed quite smoothly. The blue child has successfully approached the little milk wolf and held the little one in his arms. He felt that Jin Yu and others were watching him. Showing a big smile and walking quickly to the side of Jin Yu, and then holding the little milk wolf said: “Boss, look! It, it has accepted me!” And it is like the general, the little milk wolf is here When I snorted, I licked the clothes of the blue scorpion. The buns that I saw were called a bite.

Jin Yu could not help but laugh at this time.

In fact, just as he went to the garbage dump that night to see these beasts, he believed that there is a fate between people and animals.

Maybe you don’t like animals yourself, but when you see the little things in the small box on a certain day, at some time, at a certain moment, you directly touch a certain nerve, and there is one more existence beside it.

Obviously, this blue child can make the little milk wolf stick to him in just one hour. Jin Yu thinks this is a fate.

Moreover, how to look at this blue-haired teenager, the nature is good, so their little coyotes will not suffer if they follow it. Just when Jin Yu thought so, and his heart softened, the voice of a man with a bit of anxiety was screaming outside the door: “Blue Son! Blue Son -!! Blue Son!” Where are you? Ah!! I came to you with the frame–! We promised not to fight anymore!!” Then, after a bang, Jinyu saw a yellow hair and a red hair rushing in at the same time. His shop door, and then hit his Nanmu counter at the same time.

“…there are two things?” Jin Yu looked at the two guys and took a slap in the mouth.

“It’s okay! Little blue is here for you?! Great!!” The yellow hair smiled after seeing the blue.

“Oh, if the two are okay, please see if there is anything in my cabinet.”

This counter is very expensive, I am afraid it has something.

“Jin Yue smiles, and the yellow hair and red hair are at the same time.”

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