Custom monster system

O.P abilities

The admiral didn't say anything but walked around Alex carefully looking over the changes in his form. Alex ignored the man and started explaining what had happened that was a mix of a few of the theories why he left. It didn't take very long , merely five minutes or so but it was a rather long feeling amount of time from the weight of the information. First was that Alex was the first ever known instance of a stable fusion of every element in a monster. Alatreon didn't count since it was very much unstable and volatile.-

The second weighty piece of information was that Alex had completed his sublimation which is what had caused his size and appearance to change. This was no small thing as most monsters take decades or even hundreds of years to achieve a similar result. In fact there was nearly no records of a monster being recorded mid transition as they either were well hidden or dead. The final piece of information however was that Alex had gotten a rough feel for how powerful the unknown elder was before he left to gain the ice element. It wasn't good news at all as according to Alex the monster was stronger than his previous self by nearly an entire level.-

"Think you can take big red now?" the admiral asked after satisfying his curiosity. Alex considered it for a moment before nodding 'I should be equal to the thing at the very least but if I had to guess I'd say I'm a bit stronger than it.' he said seriously. "And what if you were to use everything you had?" the admiral pressed. 'If I were to disregard the possible damage to the surroundings then I could probably kill it instantly.' Alex said honestly.-

The destructive potential of withering energy was unmatched as far as Alex could see as all things were subject to the cruel effects of time and decay. The problem came in the form of collateral damage to the surroundings. Unleashing withering in a large area may kill anything it was used on but it would also leave the surroundings totally barren. Not to mention if he were to do something unthinkable like using the energy in or near the everstream which would cause a mass extinction of plantlife and eventually animal life as well.-

Everyone who was unaware of his withering power was greatly surprised to hear this as this was a large jump in confidence about facing the other elder. The council of astera had kept the withering energy a secret from most of the rest of the town so only they were aware of what was being actually said here. 'Should I not use "that" but go all out otherwise I would say that it depends on the elemental resistance of the elder as it will be quicker but by how much I don't know.' Alex added seriously since it was important.-

"Beyond all this though we have another issue at the moment , you are too big to fit in the town now." the admiral direction changed the topic with no warning at all catching everyone off guard. He wasn't wrong though as at this moment Alex was beyond the maximum size that he could have while still living in the town. Without redesigning the entire town he simply could not comfortably move about the town. 'I could simply just live outside astera without any issue.' Alex pointed out with a shrug. 'I was thinking maybe at the top of the ancient tree over there.' he added with a toothy grin.-

There was a bit of debate about where Alex's new nest would be located since there was effectively three areas that were lived in by people , the hoarfrost region , the ancient forest and the coral highlands. In the end it came down to drawing lots and the ancient forest won out so all that came next was figuring out exactly where in it he would live. Despite his insistence that he live at the top of the tree that was shot down on grounds of difficulty in reaching him.

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