Cursed Heroine

Chapter 41: Attaining beauty

Chapter 41: Attaining beauty

After our pre-date lovemaking and a quick wash, we barely made it back to the shop in time for closing. Sofy just stared at her for the few minutes that were left until she closed her shop, trying to see through her glamour and catch a glimpse of the beauty underneath. Once she’d led us up to her room on the second floor, she promptly dropped the glamour.

“Waaah! So beautiful! Lily really wasn’t exaggerating at all. Can I touch your wings? Ah, my name is Sophia. Nice to meet you, Susan.”~Sofy

“You’re a straightforward lady, aren’t you? Just be gentle and don’t touch near the roots where they’re the most sensitive. Actually, I was hoping that you wouldn’t really come tonight.”~Susan

“Wing roots are sensitive, huh? Mistress, make sure to remember that for later.”~me

“You’re sure to remember for the both of us. I’ve never known you to ever forget a girl’s weak points, especially when they are revealed so easily.”~Sofy

“Why? Lily said you agreed pretty easily when she asked.”~Sofy

*sigh* “I suppose I should just be brutally honest with you. I’m not a full blooded fairy. My father was a lust demonkin, an incubus. I’m actually half succubus.”~Susan

“And? Is that suppose to send us running? Why tell us in the first place?”~Sofy

“Most people do. You would definitely find out once we got naked and you saw my tail.”~Susan

“Awww, a succubus with self esteem issues. How exciting! Mistress, ask her to stop hiding her tail, I’ve heard that it’s incredibly sensitive!”~me

“Down girl. Let us finish talking first.”~Sofy

“Tail? Can Lily touch it? She seems excited for some reason.”~Sofy

“Thank you, Mistress!”~me

“Su-sure, just be careful.”~Susan

Puppy eyes for the win, YAY!

“Where were we? Ah, yes. Half demonkin, so what? We already knew about it. Remember experiencing a chilly feeling from Lily earlier? That was her appraisal skill. We came here tonight fully intent on having a good time with a fairy-demon half-blood.”~Sofy

“Huh, knew all along? And here I was worrying for most of the night...ah Ahh AHHH! M-my tail is sensitive there! AHHH!”~Susan

“I think that’s the point. Pretty sure she’s trying to tell you to shut up and strip.”~Sofy

With my affirming nod, she finally realized we were here to stay and obediently led us to the bed. The first thing me and Sofy did after we’d all shed our clothes was to give her a thorough deep tissue massage while investigating her body’s weak points. We’d already applied an oil in preparation that would enhance our own pleasure and increase blood circulation. Her body was immobilized by our massage, but her tail was still an active participant in our lovemaking. Taking turns, one of us would equip with a strap-on while the other caressed her body with her tail plunged into them. The heart shaped end would lick around our insides while secreting an aphrodisiac. I’ve got to get me one of those! We went round after round until she finally passed out, then we used up the rest of our energy together and cuddled up on each side of her. I barely remembered to sample her blood just before passing out myself.

“Ugh, turn out that light and let me sleep some more.”~Susan

“That’s the midmorning sun coming in through the windo...OH CRAP! Lily, get up! We’re late! Sorry Susan, we have to go home now. If you’re ever in the capital, please stop by and visit us. I live with my mother and nana at the Sylva residence, just ask anyone in the capital where to find it. We’ll probably come here again on the next academy time-off period, twelve weeks from now.”~Sofy

I gave each of us some healing and we said hasty goodbyes as we rushed out the door. Arriving back at the hotel, we could see our group waiting out front with their mounts already prepared.

“Sorry! We accidentally slept in. Are we going to be alright getting back on time?”~Sofy

“It’s fine. If we can’t get there before dark, we’ll just camp in the clearing near the gate. You’ll be able to get to classes on time. On second thought, let’s stay at the nearest town to the north of the city. It’s still really cold outside at night and the flight from the nearby town should only take an hour. We can leave there just before sunrise and arrive at the gate when it opens in the morning.”~James

Irene had given him the stink eye when he suggested camping out. Something must have happened between the two during the dungeon trip. That or he snores. With a plan in place we got on our mounts and started flying toward the north.

“So, what traits did you gain from Susan?”~Sofy

“You noticed that, huh? Glamour and pure yin essence. It would seem that the fairykin do indeed have an innate ability to hide themselves. The essence is...wonderfully annoying? It basically gives a girl’s looks the spa treatment all the time. Skin is always blemish free, soft and protected from the sun. Fat goes to the right places keeping you from looking bulky. Your hair is glossy while the eyes are moist and bright.”~me

“That sounds lovely! What’s the annoying part then?”~Sofy

“With the trait my body would naturally release alluring pheromones and the qi in my body would transform. It would be an increase in the quality of my qi, but it would also turn it into a nourishing type of qi. The kind that men would go to great lengths to obtain since it can help them to improve their own cultivation faster.”~me

“Meaning that you would just end up with a lot more solicitations? All you have to do is say no and the number of people who could force themselves on you is zero. Very few would be willing to take the risk offending my family in the first place, you’re strong enough to defend yourself and if all else fails, you have that effect on your panties. In my opinion the pros outweigh the cons. Plus, it would be an insult to women everywhere if you have such a nice thing, but don’t use it.”~Sofy

“Are you sure? You won’t get jealous, right? Even when I end up with more confessions at the end of this next academic season? OW!”~me


“AHHH!”~me and Sofy

“That was dangerous! Trixy almost threw us off! Please don’t do that while we’re flying.”~me

“Me? That was your fault! You managed to earn that all on your own and set off the automatic. Hmph, since you’re being so vain, let’s have you go ahead and activate that trait. That’s an order and you’re not allowed to turn it off with your status manager.”~Sofy

“Ah, wait. Nooo! I couldn’t stop it from activating at all, it just did it on its own once you gave the order. *sigh* It won’t matter now even if I do turn it off. That would only stop the continuous benefits that I don’t really mind. However, the changes already happening in my body and qi are permanent.”~me

“Oh, stop your whining. I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”~Sofy

The capital city comes into view at the limits of our vision just as the sun dipped under the horizon. We had no other choice except to land at a nearby town for the night. I took the opportunity to ordain the other two girls and we all went to bed early at the inn. In the morning, we set off just before sunrise and made it to the city’s northern gate as it opened, just as planned. We stopped by home to let them know we were all right and headed to class. Basic apothecary is Sofy’s first class, followed by advanced math. After lunch is basic enchanting, then stage four magecraft. On the way home, we stopped by an apothecary’s shop called Jasmin’s potions, for which we had gotten a recommendation from the apothecary instructor.

A bell chimes as we enter and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest, thinking at first that it was actually the ‘ding’ sound the system makes. There are various shelves that have potions, incense, creams, oils and more with neatly written placards with descriptions. An older female elf that is sitting in a rocking chair behind the counter glance over at us when we entered, then continued reading her book. Me and Sofy took a look at the shelf goods before approaching the counter for our true purpose. Though, we did end up picking up a few of the beauty products to purchase. We set our haul onto the counter and patiently waited for her to finish totaling it up before bringing up our request.

“Does this shop offer services to evaluate potions made by others?”~Sofy

“Yes, the price depends on what you want evaluated. The cost is minimal if you just want to know the effects and requires a small sample. If you want me to figure out the recipe, it would depend on the complexity and can require a lot more of the finished product. So, what did you need evaluated.”~shopkeeper

I take one of the potions out of my inventory and hand it over while Sofy began to explain the effects it’s supposed to have and that we only wanted to know if it would really do as promised with no harm to the user. The lady shopkeeper’s eyes are gleaming by the time she finished with her description. By the way she’s now clutching the vial in her hand, I’m doubtful that she will give it back.

“Do you have more of these or is this the only vial?”~shopkeeper

“We have a few more.”~Sofy

“How about this then. If it really does as you say, the evaluation will only cost you this vial. Otherwise, you’ll pay twice what you just spent on goods as the evaluation fee for wasting my time and getting my hopes up. Does that sound good?”~shopkeeper

“I’m okay with those arrangements. How long will it take?”~Sofy

“I should be done sometime in the next couple of days before the weekend. It depends on how high is the complexity, which shouldn’t be low based on what it’s supposed to do. I’ll send word when I’ve finished, just tell me where.”~shopkeeper

“Thanks, I’m Sophia Sylva. You can reach me at the Sylva residence. Even when I’m not there, my mother, Camille, is usually at home.”~Sofy

“A Sylva huh? Got it. My name is Jasmin, I prefer Jaz. Until we meet again.”~Jaz

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