Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 42 - Headless Hunt

“I’ll still tag along!” I repeat myself.

“Not until that Class up you won’t.” Martha stands her ground, using yet another excuse.

“It’s not fair they get to go outside while I stay here. I had to win a bet, what about them?” I get up and stomp the ground, throwing a hissy fit I’m really not proud of.

“That was before the orders you little… devil. Fair or not we need all of you to be strong and having any of them,” Martha turns to the others who have been surprisingly quiet until now. “Losing a stupid bet by accident and falling behind is not an option.”

“Then let me just tag along and work on my Skills while you do… whatever makes their teamwork better.” I love how we keep talking about August, Kayla, and Victor like they have no say in this while they’re sitting right next to us. It feels like I’m an adult too. “I’m the one who won the right to it anyway, you can’t tell me to stay while letting them have all the fun.”

“Fine,” Martha huffs, throwing her hands in the air. “You know what, let’s do this, let’s make everyone happy. What you want is Skill levels and making sure the others are competent enough, right?” I nod, although I mostly just wanna go outside because I’m bored. I don’t think mentioning that would be smart though. “And what I had in mind were some routine team exercises and formations. I don’t feel like arguing right now but having you throw a fit and do something dumb while I’m gone sounds equally as bad.”

I’d usually say I’m catching a lot of strays here, except these don’t feel like strays at all. Well, I knew she’d be angry at me so that is that. As long as I get what I want it’s my win.

“Get up, all of you, we’re moving out!” Martha pushes herself up with the usual elderly groan, even though I’m sure her body is plenty strong still, before walking out of the room like a normal person.

We follow after her like ducklings with all kinds of looks, smiles, a snickers thrown around after my masterful negotiation. I might’ve just made things more complicated for all of us, maybe even more difficult, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one to welcome it.

“Of course, they have to march out now.” Martha groans as we’re met with the few hundred combatants still standing around in the entrance hall. Don’t they have anything better to do?

“What’s up with these people?” I ask because I literally don’t have anything better to do.

“Large-scale deployment up north, along the Elder Forest. Things tend to get a little heated this time of the year and they pay us handsomely to help keep things together. They pay really well.” She chuckles with a small evil undertone.

“And why do some of them wear so little armor?” Kayla points out. “It’s almost like underwear.”

She has a point though. Heavy plate armor, the light leather stuff Dad favors, or the super light cloth robes that make someone look like a burglar rather than an assassin… I can understand that. But wearing shorts or nothing but a bra, bandages instead of normal clothes… actual damn plants? Some people are nuts.

“Well, it’s either because of a Skill, personal style, and performance, or...” And Martha quiets down considerably now. “They’re just exhibitionists.”

Would I dress like that if, no, when I look super fine as an adult? Hell nah, I don’t want people staring at my bare skin, that sounds creepy.

“Can’t we just teleport past them?” I float the idea.

As interesting as these people are sooner or later you run out of new things to observe. Especially if all they do is just stand in formation.

“No,” Martha plainly and cleanly refuses. “Mass teleportation is not part of my kit and taking multiple trips is bothersome. Besides, you need to learn how we do things. It won't take long.”

It really doesn’t take long for one of the planning room big shots to steadily march to the head of the formation. He stops there and observes the men and women, carts carrying their stuff probably, and animal companions all gathered in front of him.

“We’ll now depart to conduct our usual duty in the defense of the civilized world and assist Turan as the Elder Line got breached. Again.” Turns around towards the main gate and adds. “And to help them part with their coin. March!”

A second later hundreds of feet hit the stone floor in unison, making a sound similar to a storm approaching. Then the next and the next, a small army slowly marching through the gate.

I have to admit for some reason this display is really scratching the upper limits of the coolness scale. Not because of the synchronized steps, not only that, rather what these people can do. And that is to take down most major cities in any country.

“Why the parade march?” Victor asks a question that got stuck in my throat while I kept gaping.

“We don’t have any actual official power to direct the people and investigate things so the only thing left is to look as official as we can. The facade is often more important than the truth. Let them fear us, respect us, or even revere us as long as they follow instructions and make everyone’s job easier.” Martha shrugs. “We’ll wait a little until the company is through the crowd. No, we can’t tag along.” She adds and I won’t deny that thought zipping through my mind.


Shortly after the crowd dispersed and the path was clear, we moved. Through the city, through the gate, and down the path I’m quite familiar with all the way to the edge of the forest.

This time I need to focus on maxing out my Skills, it feels wrong being the only one still at level 18. It’s my fault I know but still.

“Okay kids, since someone,” Martha pointedly looks at me. “has an overinflated sense of justice we need to make sure everyone is deserving of our little special picnics. Doing the same challenge of killing beasts would be boring and unfair with Kayla around so we’ll have to do things a bit differently. Thankfully we already have a professional among our ranks,” She looks at me again and this time she’s not alone. “so she’ll help us.”

Okay, this explanation was oozing from sarcasm. Praises are nice, I like being praised but this, this felt more like painting a target on my back.

“August, Kayla, Victor your task is simple.” The smile on Martha’s tired face grows wider and wider. “Hunt down Elyssia and bring her back unscathed.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” A whole range of emotions play across my face as I try to protest the task. “That’s- no, that’s unfair! That’s stupid. They are higher level and it’s three against one!”

“This is not an actual challenge,” Martha chuckles. “we’re just making sure of their capabilities. They can’t win or lose anything but if by some miracle you were to beat them… I haven’t seriously considered that outcome. You’ll get a special gift or something, how about that?” She flashes an innocent smile.

“Shouldn’t I get a special gift from the get-go because you annulled my reward from our previous bet?” I ask, slightly intrigued at the mention of a reward from someone as powerful and probably rich as Martha.

“This is different you…” She sighs and massages her face. “It hasn’t been a week since you went locust hunting, the team exercise is a completely separate thing. Although I'd be willing to exchange it for a gift, I need my free time back…”

Oh… true, it’s only been like four days. Man, being sick and jealous really messed up my sense of time, huh?

“Still not fair though.” I point out while calculating my possible gains.

Everything depends on the special gift the old hag mentioned really. Is it worth some fun once a week? I kinda hate nature, although I like exploring and running around outside, but it’s only once a week… but the levels… ARGH.

“That’s why you get a ten-minute headstart,” Martha pulls out a pocketwatch very similar to the one Mom gave me, except this one is intact and clearly more expensive. “which sta~arts, now!”

This has to be a joke.

Except by the look on everyone’s face, it’s not.

Without thinking much I sprint towards the treeline as much as my short legs and Mage stats can carry me, like it’s a race, a race against time and three hunters.

“That gift better be super cool!” I shout back before diving into the underbrush.

How damn cool would it be if I actually won?

She should have quite a lead by now.

Victor never expected Elyssia to be so blunt when he dropped a hint during lunch. The girl tricked Kayla, marched right over to their gathering spot, and chewed on a powerful old mage’s ear until the latter gave in…

She’s interesting, and that’s exactly why he decided to approach her in the first place.

Martha was right about her, she probably is the biggest prick around, beating even August only because she speaks more. With that said she has the style and skills to offset that small inconvenience so I still want her around.

“You said nothing about cheating, can’t you just teleport us after her?” Victor gives the idea a shot mainly because it’d be hilarious. “Oh, and can we get at least a rope or something?”

“Smart, but I won't interfere, I’ll let you kids have your fun.” Martha nods with a slippery grin, staring intently at the watch in her hand. A coil of rope appears in the other and she hands it over to the boy who throws it over his shoulder. “Knowing that girl you’ll need this, she will kick and bite until the end.”

“We’ll be back with her in no time.” August huffs, brandishing his very real albeit small swords as the wait is coming to its end.

“Don’t underestimate her,” Martha’s grin grows again, just like when she dropped the nasty challenge into Elyssia’s lap. “I’ve known her for less than a week and been surprised more often than I’d like to admit. Don’t take this lightly!”

Oh, I won't, our chances are not that solid. Winning this challenge…


It’s gonna be close.

“And five, four, three, two, one, have a good hunt kids. Be back here in an hour!” The three of them bolt after their target even before their time runs out or Martha finishes her sentence. Cheating or not they can’t allow themselves the humiliation of losing with such a huge advantage.

“Let’s stick together, she knows the forest better and might set up an ambush if we split up.” Victor makes a snap decision based on Elyssia’s personality.

It would be very much like her to try to become the hunter instead of the hunted. They might be less efficient this way, however, it’s too big of a risk factor to ignore.

“Kayla, see if some animals can pick up her scent or find a hairless monkey moving through the forest. Focus on smaller birds.” Victor continues giving instructions since the other two seem to be listening to him without a hiccup.

“Sure!” Flowery as ever.

“August, are you good at tracking?” He turns to the fastest among their ranks.

“Not really.” The boy quietly replies, trying to hide his frown.

That complicates things. I’ll be able to follow her trail but I don’t think we’ll be fast enough, one hour isn’t that much.

“That’s fine, we need to move fast so if Kayla comes back with any clue you move ahead to investigate before regrouping with us. It’s important; do not engage her alone, we have the numbers advantage, let's use it.”

Martha that sly old fox, this is a lot more effective than fighting against any dumb beast on the outskirts of the forest.

Without any solid clues for the first ten or so minutes the chase turns into a battle of wits between Elyssia and Victor regardless of distance and time. A few broken branches, shallow footprints, and a failed attempt to follow her scent with the help of a wolf pup are all they have to find her in a forest inhabited by countless creatures.

The traces of her passing… she tried to fake all of them, making detours and likely covering her track with earth magic. Taking to the treetops and even attempting to burn down a small patch of the forest to cover any and all tracks left in her wake.

Victor is only mediocre at tracking, mostly relying on his Blessing, but thankfully Elyssia is no professional escapist either.

Their little game of cat and mouse continues and would likely go on even past the agreed deadline if it wasn’t for nature’s interruption. A small brook cuts across the land, the water washing away all tracks and giving a free path for the hunted to move up or down without any signs for the hunter to go after.

One could follow a rivulet up and down, leave the shallow bed after just a few steps or even minutes, and turn either left or right… This is the end of the chase.

No it’s not over yet. Did she go left?




How can that be? Straight?


The repeated use brings with it the headache Victor is very familiar with, similar to a stick slammed to the back of one’s head. His Blessing, A Fool’s Luck, gives only vague answers, odds, and burdens the mind similarly to a short intense sprint.

18% does not mean no, and 88% is not a guaranteed yes, it’s all up to the user, Victor to decide. However, the numbers do tell him something else.

“She’s above us.” He whispers as the other two step closer to check on him. “Don’t make any sudden moves!”

It’s just a guess, an idea based on the answers of his Blessing and the short time he spent talking to Elyssia. The girl thinks she’s smarter than anyone and pulling a trick like this wouldn’t be far from her at all. All three of them freeze, unsure of exactly where their target is and how they’re supposed to catch her.

Sadly their poor acting skills betray them and confirm Victor’s hunch at the same time. Water rises out of its bed, washing over the grass and gathering beneath the feet of the three bunched-up hunters before freezing solid.

“That cheat like damn Blessing of yours.” They hear the familiar grumbling right behind their back. “Just be good and stay there for a while.”

Swift footsteps growing quiet tell them the departure of their prey, not like the hunters sat idle while Elyssia taunted them. Smashing the ice with sword, fist, dagger, bow, and even Skills yields no results, none of them are meant to smash through things.

“HELP!” Kayla yells at the top of her lungs after trying everything else.

“Focus on the edges, chip away at the sides, we can’t let her escape!” Victor quickly comes up with the best solution.

All of them frantically smash their bindings, that is until the sound of footfalls returns. This time much louder.

A boar, heavy, rust brown and with a horn on its head comes to a halt at their feet and makes the boys aim their weapons at the beast hastily.

“Wait!” Kayla stops them from doing anything stupid. “Please. Hit. Ice.” She points at her feet slowly and meticulously explaining things.

The boys stay cautious and not without a good reason.

[Boar lvl 23]

After some hesitation and grunting the boar complies, nuzzling the Beast Tamer gifted by the Crimson Comet, and slamming its hooves into the rigid ice.

It breaks, no, shatters beneath the weight setting her free just as intended earning some scratches and praises from the friend of the forest.

“Kayla, leave the boar to help us and follow Elyssia, we can’t lose her again!” Victor makes a risky decision.

There’s no time left to waste, the prey is still on the run.

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