Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Book II. - Atlas of the Green Sea

Basbel: Even the rich and powerful need a safe haven, a place to retreat in case all hell breaks loose. Functioning as a summer resort and gathering place of the elite, Basbel needs no military whatsoever. The hands guiding every nation, be it by birthright or from the shadows, make sure their little gathering place is forever secure.

Epros Magisterium: Set up after the signing of the Epros Convention, otherwise known as the Arcane Taboos, this little island acts as an impartial overseer of all magic-related activity in Ebornden. Their Inquisitors roam the lands and punish anyone breaking the sacred law independent of blood or power.

Turan Kingdom: A nation of warriors lead by the Battle King to protect civilization from the monsters of the north. Since its founding, Turan has fought desperately to defend the Line on the Elder Forest as the first bastion of humanity, even when the Comet sailed the skies, even when plagues ravaged the land, even alone.

Seven Banners: Nomad people living on the Northern Plains. The seven clans representing the seven banners share the land and authority, acting independently while also united against a common enemy. Seven small kings. The nomadic people are masters of cavalry warfare, living with two mounts for every three people. Although there is no economy or military to talk about, the clans fight for their land if need be to protect their lifestyle.

Rosevalt Kingdom: In no country were adventurers above the law or allowed exceptions, so they carved out their own piece of land. The guilds of Rosewalt divvy up the tasks and rewards for everyone as well as create extremely lax laws favoring freedom and equality among citizens. The adventurers travel far and wide, accepting every odd task while also patrolling the short border with the Elder Forest, a constant source of jobs and progress.

Norlan: The sick man of the north and the first to settle Koleth. After the Struggle over the Divide and subsequent independence of the Cold Continent, the other nations pounced on the wounded hegemon and stole both the land and wealth of centuries. Now the people survive on whatever is left however they stand united behind the young king, filled with hope and ambition to reclaim what was once theirs.

Republic of Nuva: A breakaway region of Norlan struggling endlessly for its right to independence. They found an ally in the giants of Tumarth, acting as a sort of gateway between the two worlds. However, because of their nature and dissimilar perception of time, the giants are a fickle ally and the survival of the nation hangs by a thread.


The White Pearl Republic: Coastal land set up and ruled by the principles of brave traders. Their mercantile navy guarantees a stable trade around the Azure Shore while caravans roam across Eborden. The diverse population is differentiated only on the basis of wealth as it represents competence and authority in the nation. Even though their navy has no equal, the land army is suffering from a lack of personnel as gold is the only weapon they need. Every current flows towards Highreef.

The Valerian Empire: Valeria stands as the hegemon of the East and guarantor of the Azure Peace. With the only rival power on the opposite side of the Green Sea, the Emperor forced a fragile peace onto the surrounding nations by utilizing his country’s dominant economic and military power. The lands are inhabited by many millions bolstering the formidable army and working under the rule of nobles of old military heritage and significant wealth.

Mythralis Magocracy: Center of magical experiments and research and home to some of the most brilliant minds across Eborden. They pry for the secrets of magic relentlessly and often with the support of foreign nations hoping for satisfactory results. Their experiments stay within the boundaries drawn by the Epros Convention even if just barely, however their effectiveness is unquestionable. The Elder Council of Shapers defines the future of magic with their decision no matter how small or insignificant the nation might be.

Ittana Republic: Owing its existence to clever diplomacy and nonexistent taxes, this small patch of land is home to the most renowned auction house, The Midas’s Breath along with the largest casino called the Monte-Carla. Every neighboring nation has realized that the establishment is much more valuable to them than the land they could occupy and so Ittana flourishes as a mouse among lions.

Emberglade Reach: Despite the nation claiming to be independent it’s nothing more than a puppet of Valeria, a vestige of the old times. The country acts as a buffer on the eastern flank and prison for the criminals the Empire finds too dangerous yet too valuable to imprison within its borders.

Barlek Union: A nation born from the greatest diplomatic move of the last millennium. Four hostile countries feuding over the rich Hadron deposit of the Barlek Forest came together after long years of war and united to prosper as one. Nowadays the country, wealthy thanks to its exports, is ruled by two remaining Consuls and many other oligarchs hoarding the wealth and oppressing the people.

Moonfall: The Journey Guide does not differentiate between men and women yet we all know the two are not the same. In Moonfall the men are seen as less and relegated to being secondary citizens no matter their blood or ancestor, after all, men can’t give birth to the new generation. Since women give life they are the ones to decide its course and the council of matriarchs does exactly that, ruling the nation with a strong yet gentle grip.

Trae Thium: The land of peace and agriculture. People live in small communities, living peaceful lives and the only higher authority they answer to is the chief of their village. The reason this large swathe of mostly undefended land remains so undisturbed is because it's almost devoid of mana. The poorest concentration one could find across the mapped world draws in no beasts and supports barely any progression for any fool who decides to settle in this wasteland of mana.


Ironspire: Some call this place the Arsenal of the East or Home to the Merchants of Arms as most of the weapons used by groups independent of the rule of any nation are sourced from here. A large population of dwarven settlers who arrived here after the Fall of Korellia form the backbone of the nation's famed specialty and yet they still live as lesser citizens of this small corner of the East.

Medici: A cluster of islands just off the coast of Agrait governed by no laws and no rulers. Renowned pirates who call themselves the Lords of the High Seas roam the water with ships nobody can dream of sinking. Zaratans. Despite repeated international efforts, this lawless piece of land remains independent and criminal to the core.

Estil Republic: A nation home to any and all races, ruled by a government by the people, through the people, for the people. The slow creaking cogs of democracy deliver benefits to the people just as they need it, if only way too late.

Ambrosial Acre: A vein of Aelion settled in a lake upon a plateau and became a source of life mana like nothing else ever seen. The land flourished as brooks and creeks carried the water far and wide to the envy of all. Before a scramble for the land of life could begin the Gods claimed this new miracle and decreed it to be their seat of power in the mortal world.

Blackwater: The nation faces enemies inside its border every day and every waking hour. The Umbral Lake in its center is a semi-gateway to the realm of shadows which let’s creatures of another realm pass through into our world at random. The land and cities are heavily fortified not to keep invaders out but to hold the things lurking in the waters within.

Iesta: The only real country in the hands of a race other than humans across the entirety of the Green Sea. Halfling Barons rule over the oppressed and overworked population, pacifying them with bread and circuses in the form of empty festivals and distasteful pitfights. The people live in a carefully constructed bubble of propaganda, serving their country until exhaustion takes them away in the blind belief that the kindness of the Barons knows no bounds.


Agrait Empire: Once a master of colonies all around the Balton Ocean and now relegated to a glorified mine of a nation. Exploiting the resources of both the Solstice Spires and the Cestmark Mountains, Agrait and its large dwarven population extract the highest quality minerals across the continent. Despite the wealth, the child emperor is nothing more than a mere puppet to the nobles who siphon the nation’s treasury dry while leaving the people to fend off the goblins and orcs occupying the depths of Crestmark.

Tasmen: The country was built with the sweat and blood of slaves upon the piles of dead bodies who toiled before them. Workers, farmers, soldiers, or even craftsmen jobs are fulfilled by the generations of slaves under the command of the Masters. Although the institution of slavery is frowned upon in some corners of the Northeast, the trade is still very much profitable and will stand as it did through thousands of years.

Heavenwood: Despite its name, there’s nothing pleasant about this land. It’s a safe haven for bandits while also teeming with goblins, orcs and a myriad of beasts, considered lawless and unsuitable for civilization. Despite many invasions and missions launched to cleanse the forest it always strikes back and reverts all efforts made.

The Tribes: Long before humans spread across the continent, beastmen claimed the lands as their realms or hunting grounds prior to the concept of nations. Due to the primitive way of life and lack of cohesion, the humans pushed the beastmen out of almost every corner of the Green Sea. Then, at last, the tribes joined forces and made a last stand for the small bit that remained of the once endless swathes of hunting grounds.

Asha Commonwealth: The only nation without a vicious military history, cruel and corrupt leadership or abundant natural resources. Asha is peaceful because its neighbors are either unwilling or too weak to launch war against them.

United Lake Federation: A loose block of smaller nations and city-states around the Silvermere who try to look more coherent than they actually are, as the process of integration into the union can be quite violent sometimes. As a whole, the Federation surpasses even Valeria in every aspect however the cracks in the system turn this giant into one being eaten up from the inside. The fate of the Southwest is decided in the Silver Assembly in Oberis, where the heads of state meet and where intrigue is the name of the game.

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