Chapter 4: Investor's Meeting
Between the first minor disaster, and the market fair, there was a period of a month between the two. A month in order to gain the biggest lead on the race for resources.
He would be needing the entire month if he wanted to put up a good competition for his opponents in the rat race.
Standing in front of the academy's yard, Wrylla had set up a small stall, various pots and pans surrounding him as students lined up in front of him.
For the Mammoth Clan to give him more resources, he needed to make himself useful. And to do that, he needed something to separate himself from the crowd. To rise above all the other students with the fragment disease.
And so, he thought about the various skills he had accrued throughout his entire life on Earth, a lightbulb soon appearing above his head.
The Mammoth Clan collectively consumed Maeta, a type of meatball produced in the Empyean Tusk's stomach. Meaning, the clan did not have a lot in the way of food, the clan's philosophy of practicality halting any advancements that could be made in that aspect.
Still, having experience in the kitchen, Wrylla made the most out of a week experimenting with the various herbs and spices that could be found around the settlement, tasting each to find what suited the various flavor profiles he was familiar with.
By the end of his first week, he had limited his options down to two types of meals. Burgers, made with a type of bread using flour substitutes, a sour wine sauce reduction, and shredded vegetables. Noodle soup, made with stock extracted from whatever pranic beast was available at the market.
"Order up! Order up! One cheese burger with extra sauce, and Snake bone noodle soup!" Wrylla called, setting aside the plates as a student went to pick it up.
Beads of sweat lined his face as he went to set the next meal, controlling a set of spirit weapons to act as a set of extra hands. He was running himself ragged, and his mind could barely keep up with the work load.
Had it not been for the elixir, he wouldn't have been able to maintain it for longer than an hour. But here he was, keeping things going for what felt like an eternity.
Making food for so many people was going to be difficult. But since he had prepared them days in advance, he wasn't worried about running out of stock. And at four parute fruit a piece, Wrylla was also making a steady profit from his fellow student's lunches.
Once lunch was over, Wrylla packed up his mini stall, stacking pots, pans, and whatever else he could to make it as easy to carry as possible. However, while he was fixing his things, someone approached him from behind.
"So, this is how you plan to make yourself useful, huh?"
Wrylla turned to look at who it was, his thoughts slightly a blur due to the lunch rush. Only to find his own instructor standing there in front of him.
"Yes, Miss Yumira," He nodded, wiping the grease on his hands onto his clothes. "I've been thinking of what I could do for the clan, so I looked at the market for something viable. Only, I discovered that the clan didn't have much in the way of food. So, here we are."
The instructor listened to his explanation, humming she eyed the various pots and pans strewn about. "While it might be successful, it still takes you quite a bit of time to make them. I believe that is the limiting factor you face right now. Had you the facilities to work properly, then I suppose it wouldn't be too far off to say that you could be making these burgers, and noodles much faster. "
Of course, having his own set up would make things much easier for himself. However, he could not get even if he wanted to. He was stuck with his tiny corner of the yard until he could find someone to sponsor him.
The clan as a whole still didn't put much support in him or his ideas. Because of the disease he was carrying, he needed to show to the clan that it was worth investing in him. Otherwise, they had no reason to other than solidarity.
He could ask Luttrena. However, she was still fairly unknown in terms of influence, being the fifteenth daughter meant she had high expectations, and the fact that things were so stacked against her meant that trying to get the clan's support would be an uphill battle.
Yumira on the other hand…
"Naturally, instructor. However, I do not have the capability to do so. I have no parents to help me gain the support of the clan. And these creations of mine might as well be our deity's feces…" Wrylla sheepishly admitted, giving himself a self-deprecating chuckle. "As much as I want it to work, it probably won't, in all reality. Not unless someone can vouch for me and my small business."
Yumira thought upon his words for a few seconds, cupping her chin as she stared at the stack of pots and pans.
"Hmm, let me think about it for a moment. May be over a burger and those noodles you were just selling."
Wrylla inwardly grinned. On the outside, he was smiling in gratitude as he readied his materials. "Right away, ma'am!" He chirped, the bone knife he had prepared already set to chop the vegetables he needed.
Just like on Earth, one needed investors in order for a business to truly succeed. There was no building yourself from the ground up, not unless you were rich. All you can do is curry favor for those who can make you big.
And that was what Wrylla was doing. He was making a show of the food he made. Needless flourishes here and there. Purposefully letting the patty's flambe in the wine reduction, openly steaming the cheese, wafting the soup's aroma, and allowing the meat toppings broil till it was golden brown, the edges of the meat still frying under its own fat.
All to make the food as mouth watering as possible.
"Your food, instructor. I hope you enjoy it."
Setting the plates in front of the woman, she sat herself in front of the counter Wrylla had made, propping a chair to go along with it.
First, she tried the soup, picking it up with a pair of chop sticks. Miss Yumira picked them up, and slurped the first bite.
Immediately, she let out a moan of delight, her eyes opening wide as the flavors hit her tongue.
Then, before he could ask, she devoured the entire bowl with much gusto, leaving not even a drop of the broth left when she was done.
"So, I take it the noodles were to your liking?" Wrylla prodded, already knowing the answers, but still asking anyway.
Slowly, the instructor realized the situation she was and recomposed herself, wiping away the mess that was left on her face. "Ahem.. yes. It was quite satisfactory." She admitted, a pink dusting on her cheeks.
"Then, how about the burger?" He asked, doing his best to look the picture of innocence. "It's a creation of mine. It's like the meatball sandwiches the clan is more used to. However, the flavor profile is something else entirely. And, it's easier to eat."
Looking down at the plate, Yumira furrowed her brows. She almost looked like she was trying to uncover a puzzle.
"While… I have seen a few students eating these in the hall, I still don't understand how one is supposed to eat these," She stated, motioning to the burger in question. "Am I supposed to pick it up? Eat it with a knife? Will it even hold if I bite into it? The insides look like they're about to explode."
"With your hands is fine. Though, if you prefer, then a fork and knife are also suitable for the job. It really just depends on how messy you want the process to be."
"If you say so." Yumira relented, picking it up as she stared at the burger, its juices spilling onto her hands as she picked it up.
The countertop was soon covered in a layer of fat as the instructor hesitantly took the first bite, her jaw practically unhinging to take it all in.
However, that bite would change everything, as she suddenly squirmed in her seat.
Slowly, she began bouncing on her seat, delight filling each bite, as, just with the bowl of soup, nothing was left within moments.
"And I'm guessing the burger was just as good as the noodles?"
"Just as good? They're even better than the noodles! The best thing I have ever eaten!" Yumira looked exasperated, inhaling a bottle of water like she was in a hellish desert. "More… I need one more!"
"Then I can assume you also wish to give your support for a larger stall? Maybe even a decent spot in the fair?"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you need," She waved, decidedly more focused on the oncoming food. "Just give me another burger, and I'll do my best to grant you anything you want."
"Then I'll keep them coming!" Wrylla held a gleeful smile, pumping his fist into the air.
Author's Notes: the fair is imminent. How will Wrylla shake things up? How will the mystic seven react to his presence? What kind of changes are waiting up ahead. Find out on the next episode of Half Cup Full!!!
Thank you for reading, and don't forget to check out my thread on Anvelope's discord. I want to hear your thoughts about Wrylla and the changes I bring to the story. The link to the server is below.