Cup Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Chapter 2: The girl who never met her potential


There was an attack on the settlement, mud vipers, she heard the other teachers whispering.


Of course, she thought it wasn't too much of a threat. After all, the Mammoth Clan was built on top of Empyrean Tusks, a pinnacle existence in all of Sumatra. It was hardly anything to talk about, really.


But, when she saw how panicked her teachers were, Luttrena could smell that something was amiss.


Naturally, she thought that they were worried about them, the students who were just starting to climb through the spirit stage. However, when she took a closer look, she realized where she had been mistaken.


The lower a pranic beast's grade was, the higher their fertility rates were. And for a beginner iron grade beast. To say that they population was a swarm, would be an understatement.


Their deity cried in pain, the clan's fury rising to a fever pitch as they practically prepared for a war.


Still, she steeled her resolved, clenching her fists as her senses felt the mud vipers getting closer.


Shouts and screams echoed from beyond the bunker's doors. Several experts putting down their lives to quell the tides. And still, their blood seeped into the ground, as fear raged in each student's hearts.


If the adults can't beat them. What more when they faced the beasts themselves?


Luttrena shuddered at the thought, gripping tightly on the spear her father had gifted her. Strangling it like it was her one life line.


Be strong, you're a Mammoth Clansmen. No iron grade beast will make you quiver like this. She repeated those words like a mantra, her blood reaching its boiling point as she heard them scratching at the walls. Make father proud!


A deafening hiss rang through the shelter, several other students wincing at the sound as they huddled in the corner. That was, except for one, who stood in front like a brave fool.


The moment they popped their brown heads out, the boy ran into battle.


"For the Mammoth Clan!" He cried, in a voice all too squeaky, but brave nevertheless.


The boy rushed into the fold, a cerulean aura coating his entire body as he through his prana in order to move just a little bit faster.


It was only when he reached the first mud viper did her memory finally recognize the boy's face.


Wrylla, the boy on death row.


There were several like him in the academy of refinement. All afflicted with the fragment disease. However, it was rare for them to live past his age, let alone be motivated enough to fight with a pranic beast.


He's certainly taking miss. Yumira's words to heart, She noted, watching as several of her clansmen move further and further away from her.


Strange, she was just next to them a second ago. So why was she moving awa-


Luttrena's mind and body clicked, and she realized she was running towards the danger, not away from it.


Several of her classmates tried to stop her, but she slipped from their grasps when they tried stopping her.


She was the Mammoth Tribe's hope, their future. She was not going to be stopped and put down by these beasts!


She threw her spear, a string of prana controlling it, as it spun towards one of the vipers coming out of the hole.


Shortly, make-shift defense was set around them, and the remaining students. With the teachers who remained to guard them leading the charge in protecting the students.


Ivory projectiles whizzed through the air, striking at various snakes, and dealing varying amounts of damage.


She ducked underneath a viper's maw, tugging on the string of prana she had made, as the spear turned around and shot towards the viper attacking her.


Pulling on the shaft, she tore it from the stomach of the beast, blood showering her white hair as the viper's corpse fell on top of her.


She crawled out from under it, the feeling as unpleasant as one would think. However, she didn't let that stop her one bit.


Not when Lives were now on the line.


Luttrena's eyes searched for Wrylla's figure amongst the chaos. Only to find him grappling a mud viper whilst it tried to escape from his grasp. It was almost a futile effort, fighting a snake at its own specialty. But, the living corpse had done it, holding tightly around its neck, as he readied himself for someth-


A mud ball shot out from the pranic beast's maw, shooting at the broken entrance, as he dragged the still living viper with him.


Mud Viper Primary Nature- Mud Ball!


The mud on the crack soon hardened, forming a seal around the hole that would buy them some time. This also trapped a few mud vipers that tried to claw their way out of imprisonment. Emphasis on tried, since they were soon struck down by other student's spirit weapons.


In the end, their swift action against the mud vipers was what lead to their continued survival. Wrylla's initiative was what saved their lives, and she would be eternally grateful to him.


Turning towards her savior, he was soaked in sweat and the blood of the mud vipers he had slain. His breaths came ragged, deep, but ultimately, joyous, dropping the mud viper he had used to the ground, as he fell on the floor.


For someone with the fragment disease, training meant a chance at losing everything they had worked towards. The threat of their bones breaking so severe, that their growth was equal to that of students in their second year.


And despite of that, Wrylla had fought till his last. Killing more than his fair share of mud vipers, and protecting his fellow students.


Luttrena's cheeks reddened, as her steps took her closer to him. Her heart beat rising in tempo with each forward step.


Above all else, Mammoth Clansmen respected strength. The philosophy of survival of the fittest reigning truer for the Mammoth Clan.


The fragment disease had been the death of many of her clansmen. And yet, he managed to do all of that with so little prana… It was fascinating.


Her eyes gleamed with desire. This… This was what she needed in order to get ahead of her siblings. Exactly what would push her to getting her father's attention.


Wrylla, show me what you can do, and I will give you my everything.


Suddenly, the wall began to crack once more, creaking as the vipers on the other side continued to scratch at the wall they had made. It wasn't meant to last, but they were given the time that they needed to recover while it was there.


The seconds ticked by, as everyone was suddenly on edge again. However, they wouldn't be as terrified as they were earlier. They would make it this time. Not because they had faith, but because they knew they could.


Cracks formed on the outer layer of hardened mud. It was only when the tip of a spear broke through, did they all breath a sigh of relief.


Reinforcements were coming through. It turned out the beast tide wasn't so bad, after all. They had all come out on top, and none the worse for wear.


The doors opened as they should, and in came her father, who led the charge to save them.


Yahard Tusk, the forty-third Empyrean Tusk settlement leader.


"Luttrena! What happened here? Is there anyone hurt?" He called to her, rushing towards the girl as soon as they made eye contact.


"N-No, father." She stammered, shock, relief, and a whirl of emotions making it hard for her to speak. "Nobody was killed during the attack. Everything went smoothly. If it weren't for Wrylla, then we would not have made it out alive."


Her father's eyes furrowed. Luttrena's throat went dry as she waited for his response. His eyes examined down towards the boy, looking at him up and down with a quizzical gaze.


"A boy with the Fragment disease? Are you sure he was the one who saved you?"


An invisible pressure radiated from her father, as if the weight on the world suddenly pressed down on her shoulders.


"I-uh…" More stuttering, it was pathetic of her. If she wanted to make her claim on the man, then she needed to do it with her chest out. "Yes, he took the initiative and single handedly turned the tide of battle, inspiring the rest of us to fight even when we did not have the courage to."


"He bought us time for you all to arrive."


Her words brought a hum to the older man. His line of vision returning to her once she had finished. "If you say so," He said simply, releasing the storage lantern that was strapped to his waist. "Then, he shall be rewarded for his bravery."


An elixir was produced, drawing every eye onto it for the briefest seconds it was out.


"The medics will take care of his condition. Once he wakes up, I want you to personally represent me. Take this gift, and present it to him once he does so."


Luttrena's jaw dropped, but she quickly shut it once her hands touched the elixir. "Y-Yes father! I will do as you wish."


Her father hummed, his attention turning towards the rest of the students in the academy of refinement. "Good. Now, all of you! Report to your instructors one by one. Not if you have any injuries on your person. Otherwise, aid the adults in the clean-up efforts."


There was a stunned, "Yes settlement leader!", before they all did as they were told.


Turning back towards his daughter, he quietly hummed in step, stopping just at the entrance. "Luttrena!" He called.


"Yes, father?"


"You did good in holding your own. Train well, eat good, and make your settlement proud, my daughter."


With that, he took his leave, saying nothing as disappeared from view.


I will father. But not for you. The girl vowed to herself, too stunned to even speak. I plan to do my best and gain more of your attention. Not so I can prove myself to you. But so I can gain the respect of…


Her thoughts trailed off, her hands clenching as she stared at the unconscious boy in front of her. I will make sure of that.


Author's note: The side character has been given a face, and an identity. How will this shake things up for Wrylla? How will this affect the plot? Why is Wrylla in the 43rd empyrean tusk? Find out more on the next episode of.... Half cup empty!!

In all seriousness though, please don't expect another chapter for a while. I'm going to be quite busy for a bit. But... Hey, if this fic gets enough support, love, and praise, I'll write more. Seriously, I run off praise. 

Thank you for reading!

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