Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 – 【Capture】

Chapter 31 [Capture]

Fang Chang asked: “Didn’t you find a real expert?”

Xie Guangan chuckled: “Of course there are experts, but it’s only money that can be used? And maybe, after seeing the bad deeds of this family, the experts don’t want to care about it.”

Well, it’s certainly possible.

The two chatted a few words about the strange things in Pang Yuan’s house, including the occurrence and approximate time of various strange things.

In the end, the porter Xie Guangan lamented a few words about the injustice of the world, and then continued to bury his head, gobbled up his bowl of mutton noodles.

Fang Chang also picked up the rough porcelain bowl, put the last piece of mutton from the bottom of the bowl into his mouth, and drank the last bit of soup.

Got up and settled the account with the stall owner, and said goodbye to Xie Guangan who was devouring the noodles. Next, he was going to see with his own eyes what happened to Pang Yuanwai’s family.

Judging from the situation, there were no casualties, and it was just like a prank.

But the troubled family of the evil gentry was restless, and the timing happened to be related to the murder of a family, which really made Fang Chang very interested.

What’s more, when he was standing next to Pang Yuanwai’s house to watch the Qi, he saw that the Qi wrapped around it was very strange, like a ghost and a demon.

Combined with the words left by the mage Wu Zhu who returned without success, that is, some people say it is a monster, and some people say it is a ghost. It is really interesting.

However, before that, Fang Chang first went to find the victim.

After chatting with a few passers-by, he learned the location of the family, so he walked over to have a look.

It seems that the inside of the fence has not been cleaned for many days. A woman is washing vegetables in the yard. She has a sad face and forgets to move her hands from time to time.

The pillars of the family were taken away, life and death were uncertain, and the fields of the family were plundered. This is very fatal for a family in an agricultural society. Generally speaking, the family has broken up.

Fang Chang didn’t get too close.

He looked at this house, counting carefully with his fingers in his sleeves.

Based on his current behavior, he is quite sure of his luck as an ordinary person.

Unless this family has a very good fate, there will be high-ranking officials, generals or practitioners in a few years, and that will only make the results of my own calculations obscure, and there will be no mistakes.

“It seems that there is no danger for the time being.”

Withdrew his hand, Fang Chang smiled to himself.

Calculation results told him that the male owner of this family is only in prison, and his life will not be in danger for a while, and the turning point is in the near future.

It seems that this turning point is likely to be yourself?

Fang Chang didn’t pay much attention to this, since the head of the family is not in danger of life, Fang Chang is going to go to see what is going on in that Pang Yuanwai’s house.

The sun sheds its last rays.

Fang Chang leaned against the corner, quietly waiting for the sky to completely darken.

There is no nightlife in the small town, because the lights are quite expensive, and it is not cost-effective to use them for business.

And these days, even many state capitals still implement the curfew policy. Walking on the street at night will be arrested and questioned.

This is a rule that has been passed down since ancient times. Of course, it does not apply to the rich and powerful.

Seeing that the sky was completely dark, the night sky was filled with stars, and the rounding moon was gradually rising. Taking advantage of the moonlight, Fang Chang turned around and jumped onto the tree.

The town has a long history, and there is no shortage of ancient trees in the ancient town.

This tree, which was planted in unknown years and what species it belongs to, is covered with palm-sized leaves, rattling with the night wind.

Finding a suitable branch, he put his left leg on the branch parallel to the branch, supported the other leg, and leaned comfortably on it. From this position, he could just see the courtyard of Pang Yuanwai’s house.

Fang Chang is going to squat here overnight.

Because I learned from the porter surnamed Xie that strange things happen almost every night.

He untied the hemp rope from his waist, took off the green wine gourd, opened it under the moonlight, raised his hand and took a sip, then re-covered the gourd and tied it back to its original place.

From a certain point of view, this situation is quite pleasant, after all, there is wine and moon.

It would be more comfortable if there were two more poems.

It’s a pity that the stalker can’t make a sound, and can’t sing a song arty, otherwise it will be bad if the guards in the courtyard or the patrol watchman find out.

The sky turned and the night was quiet.

No one would drive at night. There was no one on the bustling official road, and there were no lights in the town. There were only two yellow paper lanterns hanging on the gate of Pang Yuanwai’s house, shining in the dark night.

The chickens and dogs have already fallen asleep, except for the sound of crickets around, there is no movement at all.

Not urgent.

It doesn’t matter if you stay for two days.

Fang Chang watched it very carefully, he opened the gourd after a while, took a sip, and stayed quietly on the tree.

This tree branch is very comfortable, no worse than my homemade bamboo bed. It’s a pity that I don’t need to sleep, otherwise it should be good to sleep on it.

The starlight is so beautiful that Fang Chang can’t get enough of it.

There is no pollution and fog, and there is no red light reflecting the sky. The night sky here is very clear.

Looking upwards, it seems that the sea of stars is pressing on him, deep and far away, making people feel small.

Every time he looked at the night sky, he always vaguely noticed that his cultivation base had improved slightly, but if he looked carefully, he couldn’t feel anything.

According to the teaching in the “Cultivation Method”, Fang Chang adjusted his breathing, but did not go to sleep, as if he had returned to the cliff again.

Until there was a slight movement not far away.


Fang Chang withdrew his attention and gently sat up straight.

Since he has achieved a small degree of cultivation, his eyes have become extraordinary. He can see subtleties, and he can also see ghosts and gods.

Not far away, a black shadow floated by.

The shadow passed through the wall and across the house, as if entering no one’s land, shuttling through the small town, seemingly aimless, and seemed to have a plan.

“Is this a ghost?”

Seeing this scene, Fang Chang thought to himself strangely.

As far as he knows, after the death of the creatures in this world, their souls will quickly enter reincarnation and rarely stay in the yang world. This is a rule. And there are those ghosts who are greedy for the prosperity of the world and don’t want to leave, the city **** will quickly find out, and send night tour officers to catch them and send them into reincarnation.

So although there are ghosts, they are almost invisible.

Whether it is in the cheats or in the articles of ghosts, most of them don’t talk about the word ghost deeply, so this black shadow suspected to be a ghost here is really strange.

Could it be that this ghost did the strange things here?

Fang Chang didn’t want to think about it, so he simply caught the ghost and asked him to understand. Anyway, it’s late at night, and no one pays attention to the outside of the house.

He quietly descended the tree.

After a few ups and downs, he has come to a place where the ghost must pass.

After waiting quietly for a few breaths, I saw the black shadow pass through the facing wall and hit myself.

He took a step forward, shot out suddenly, grabbed the ghost face to face, grabbed his arm and twisted it quickly, and cut him to the ground. Everything was like flowing clouds and flowing water, which was quite interesting. There was only one person and one ghost in this alley, and there was nothing else. people here.

After being held down, the ghost struggled violently, but unfortunately it was an invisible body, its strength was far from comparable, and all kinds of movements were futile.

Looking around, he pulled out his belt, breathed a sigh of relief, held the ghost down, tied the four horses upside down, carried it on his shoulders, and walked south of Huqiao Town.

He was going to ask about the situation.

Thank you Yuehen Su Mu for your tip.

(end of this chapter)

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