Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – [If You Want To Live From Now On! 】

Chapter 3 [If you want to live from now on! 】

Collected a large amount of firewood, tied it with rattan and came back, and Fang Chang built several piles of firewood by the campfire.

The firewood pile is half a person high, and thicker wood is used below to prevent the moisture from the ground from rising.

Next, he used dry firewood to pad the shack with a thick layer as a fuel reserve, and then found hay suitable for igniting the fire to cover it, and re-laid his old bedding.

“This seems to have the posture of cremating myself.” Fang Chang took two steps back to look at it, and secretly complained very ominously.

Cleaned up the messy ground next to the campfire, and swept the broken branches and leaves left behind when untying the **** into the campfire. Fang Chang added some more firewood to the fire, and then returned to the creek.

He stood on tiptoe, stepped on the stones protruding from the water in the creek, and searched back and forth.

After searching for a while, Fang Chang finally found a piece of bluestone, turned it over and looked, the shape was very suitable.

Sit down by the stream, find a relatively flat big stone as a stone, reach out to pick up the water from the stream next to it, and grind the bluestone finely on it.

Take two handfuls of water, grind it, take two handfuls of water, grind it… Soon, the shape of the stone was trimmed to look more like an axe, with a round blunt blade.

Well, the stone axe.

Grinding stone tools is almost the final stage of stone tool development, representing a more controllable shape, finer processing, and higher labor productivity.

Fang Chang jumped to the Neolithic Age.

To make an axe, you need to find a suitable handle.

He returned to the woods with the handleless stone axe, found a suitable thick branch, took a deep breath, and cut at its root with the stone axe.


The sound echoed in the mountains, startling birds flying not far away.

The white-haired monkey on the tall tree in the distance seemed to have forgotten the stiffness and numbness of yesterday, and continued to observe secretly.

Cutting off a suitable piece of wood, Fang Chang carefully split the front half of it into a gap, sandwiched the stone in the middle, and tied it up and down tightly with rattan.

Try to hold the formed stone axe, and after swinging it twice, it fits well.

“If you want to get rich, you must first pluck trees. With tools, everything will be much easier.”

The enthusiastic Fang Chang was not in a hurry to try it. He went back to the shack first, chose a location, cleared out a nine-foot-square open space, and cleaned it twice with a branch broom.

You can build a hut here, after all, the existing huts are too small to accommodate one person, and cannot shelter the bonfire from the rain.

For the next two days, Fang Chang kept cutting down trees. During this time, he ate wild fruits for three meals and drank the clear and sweet water from the stream.

The rattan growing next to it is also very flexible, so he took some and weaved a small basket.

Weave Erjia a long vine into a five-branched shape, wrap it in a circle with thin vines, fold it up when the size is appropriate, then coil the sides of the basket, and install two straps made of rattan.

Tried the basket on the back, and it was still light and strong. Because it was fresh enough, the basket was still green.

Fang Chang stood up from the tree trunk. Below him and beside him were several straight trunks without branches and leaves. They had been cut to a suitable size. They were the fruits of his two days of labor. Weave baskets on it.

He walked towards the woods with a basket on his back. He planned to collect more food every time he made this trip, so as not to always run to forage while working.

A rabbit jumped out from the grass, panicked and tried to escape.

Fang Chang has quick eyes and hands, stepped forward and pressed down:

“Don’t go, you’re my lunch.”

Grab the ear and lift it up, the rabbit’s hind legs are still kicking and struggling.

I brought a bag of coarse salt when I went up the mountain. With this simplest seasoning, the rabbit can be delicious when roasted.

“Hey, it’s a female rabbit.”

Looking at it, it turned out to be a pregnant female rabbit with a big belly, which made it difficult for her to move, so she was easily caught by Fang Chang.

Fang Chang touched the belly of the white rabbit in his hand, took two steps towards the woods, put it on the ground, and patted it lightly: “Let’s go.”

The rabbit quickly slipped away.

Standing up, Fang Chang looked at a fruit tree not far away.

I can pick more this time.

On the tree in the distance, the white-haired monkey who saw this scene lowered his head and thought for a while.

Then it seemed to make up its mind secretly, moved its body before becoming rigid, quickly left the tree, and ran towards the dense forest behind.

Fang Chang, who had returned with a full load, was about to return to his shack when he was stopped.

The gray-haired monkey on the opposite side stood in front of Fang Chang with his head down, his paws raised above his head, holding a few big leaves.

There are several fruits on the leaves, which are fresh and tender, and there are two pieces of raw jade, and two elixir plants that are obviously just picked.

Fang Chang asked politely, “May I ask why?”

The white-haired monkey looked up at Fang Chang, his eyes full of hope. Then it lowered its head again, took a step forward, and raised the object in its hand higher, as if it wanted to give it away.

Understanding what the monkey meant, Fang Chang said: “Since brother monkey is polite, I will no longer be polite. But you will not be rewarded for your merits. Do you want anything from me?”

Then he stepped forward and temporarily took the leaf in the monkey’s paw. He wanted to see what the little monkey was going to do.

Seeing Fang Chang accepting it, the monkey was overjoyed.

The little white-haired monkey took two steps back and bowed three times to Fang Chang.

“It seems that if you really want something from me, brother monkey can say it bluntly. If it is suitable, I will help you.” Fang Chang said.

Squeaking a few times, the monkey scratched its ears and cheeks anxiously.

“Hmm…” Fang Chang paused for a moment, and realized his mistake. The monkey in front of him obviously couldn’t speak human words, so he cupped his hands and asked, “I don’t know monkey language, so I wonder if Brother Monkey can understand human language?”

Monkey nods.

Fang Chang said with a smile: “That’s good, I’ll ask, if what you think is right, please nod.”

Monkey nodded sharply.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chang first asked: “Are there any powerful enemies around, and I need to deal with them?”

Hearing this question, the monkey shook its head vigorously like a rattle, and even scratched its ears anxiously.

“Does this matter require me to accompany you?”


After asking several questions in a row, the monkey shook his head.

The monkey in front of him became even more anxious. He bowed three more times, patted himself, pointed to his mouth, and then began to gesture.

Taking a closer look, he saw a little evil spirit lingering on the monkey, and Fang Chang had a flash of inspiration: “Brother Guanhou is already enlightened, is there any problem in cultivation, do you need some advice from me?” Nodding repeatedly, jumping up and down, and doing somersaults, Fang Chang knew he had asked the right question.

Looking at the clear demonic aura on the monkey, I know that this monkey has lived in the mountains for a long time, living on fruit trees and insects, and has never done evil, Fang Chang is not hesitating to give advice.

So after some consideration, he opened his mouth and said:

”The demons gather inspirations, transform auras, give birth to auras, take the aura of the weather to shape and shape the body, and conceive the universe in the body according to the principles of the sun and the moon, in order to seek Taoism. This is also similar to human practice.”

“However, most people in the world think that demon cultivators put the demon body first, so they are very envious of the human body. This is quite wrong. It should be noted that practice is always about cultivating the mind. Doing after knowing, asking the heart is not limited to races.”

“My view is that brother Hou’s body and mind are still clear, and he can temper his mind while cultivating his body and demon body. You must know that if you want to get a human body, you must first get a human heart.”

“So, the refining of Henggu should be in the near future.”

“I wish Brother Monkey to make further progress as soon as possible.”

Getting the instructions, the monkey jumped and spun a few times, then thought of what Fang Chang said, suppressed his joy, bowed a few times, and exited the road ahead of Fang Chang.

(end of this chapter)

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