Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 138 – Wind Economy

Chapter 138 - Wind Economy

The soft spring wind washed over Blazing Sun Mountain, and the grass swayed like a ballerina awakening from a deep slumber. The landscape, once a monochrome canvas of dead trees and white snow, burst into a riot of colors, each blossom a brushstroke of nature's art.

Even the air itself carried the crisp, fragrant scent of blooming flowers. Golden sunlight filtered through the budding leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground where tender shoots pushed through the thawing earth. Trees donned fresh green attire, their branches swaying gently as if greeting the warmth of the sun after the long, cold nights.

I leaned on one of the many trees in the yard of our new home. It was a serene feeling, as all the problems that had come with winter had melted away with the snow. The green grass I was sitting on brushed against my skin, and a small smile took over my face as I read a book that I had gotten from the Song Clan Library.

Birds woke from their winter slumber, their melodious songs creating a symphony.

This was something new I had been thinking about. It seemed like there were no wild animals within the Sect grounds, as that would risk one of them evolving into a monstrous beast. But somehow, there were still enough birds around to form some kind of symphony.

"It is too early in the morning to think about something like that," I groaned and cleared my mind of weird thoughts.

Of course, with that came the breaking away from the beauty of nature and coming to terms with the fact that Song Song was here. So was Speedy, though he was less "here" and more in dreamland.

Song Song threw Speedy up to extreme heights, high enough that it almost looked like he was higher than a twenty-story building, and caught him as he came down. The ground shifted below her feet, and some small cracks appeared as Speedy wasn't exactly lightweight. However, Speedy was getting his best sleep through the ordeal and didn't seem to care.

"Don't throw him too hard," I told Song Song.

She turned toward me with a smile and replied, "Don't you believe in me? Also, even if he falls, Speedy won't be hurt by something like this."

Song Song didn't have her usual bloodthirsty smile on her face. It was weird seeing her without a creepy smirk on her lips. But now she had such an innocent smile that complemented her features and made it look like it perfectly fit her face.

But I was not tricked by her smile; she was still the same person. Whether it was good or not that she could hide her creepy smile, only the future would tell.

"It is like dealing with a kid," I grumbled under my breath as she was about to continue throwing Speedy upward.

Of course, that was when the air crackled and a rock "accidentally" came flying my way. I didn't bother looking up from my book as the pebble bolted toward me. However, as soon as it reached a certain distance, the stone lost momentum and was cut into small squares using jade strings made of my Qi that were barely visible.

I returned to studying and reading my book. This particular book was an advanced one about Spirit Roots. It contained a cascade of theories and many accounts of people who tried to overcome their limits. The author, a mortal, documented the struggles of these cultivators.

Though there was no documentation in the book of people increasing their Spirit Root count, some theorized that they could squeeze out all the potential and gain everything possible from a Spirit Root. That was what the Root Cleansing Pill did.

It was quite an intriguing book, delving into legends of strange treasures that could increase someone's Spirit Root count. These treasures were extremely rare, and there was no proof of whether they were real or merely rumors. It was one of those once-in-a-millennium kinds of treasures, and if someone found it, they would surely consume it on sight. The chances of finding such a thing were so slim that it would be useless to hold out hope.

"Hey, what're you reading?" Song Song asked, having grown bored of playing with Speedy.

I looked up from my book and saw the curious and mischievous glint in her eyes as she stared at me.

"I've been reading the same book for about two weeks," I said, glancing at Speedy, who still seemed asleep. "You never asked me what book I was reading before, so what changed now?"

"I might not be as learned as you in most things, but I have the experience of breaking through and becoming a Foundation Establishment Cultivator," she said.

That was true, but her explanations were often confusing. The way a genius like her understood something was very alien because Song Song's instincts made up for any small things she might lack.

"For example, integrating your Qi with an element," Song Song smiled sweetly.

A cold wind washed over me as her smile turned a little too innocent. It was unsettling, seeing her look so harmless; it almost sent a chill down my spine.

"Integrating your Qi with an element is a core process for every talented cultivator. But by elements, it doesn't always mean something like fire, wind, or similar things. There can be elements like blood, iron, wine, and other things that can become your element," Song Song explained as the smile slowly slipped off her face and a warning look loomed in her eyes. "But no matter what, don't even try to meld your Qi with obscure elements like knowledge, good, evil, or something that is generally too broad. You could end up kissing insanity on the lips."

Okay, that last part was a weird saying. But Song Song was acting like I knew nothing about this. The Song Clan Library had detailed explanations about this exact subject.

"Yes, I know all that. I even have a rough idea about what my element will be," I nodded.

Song Song could be quite a busybody when she wanted. She treated me like every move I made could be dangerous, and for some reason, she had to look after my well-being like a nagging mother.

"You have to make sure that the element you choose is compatible with you. There will be no chance to change it after you choose," she berated further.

"Of course," I nodded, wanting to return to my reading. Song Song was super headstrong, so I wouldn't even try to convince her. "Also, such a choice is quite far away into the future for someone like me. Probably seven years, at least."

"Probably even more if you don't eat the pills I gave you," she said, narrowing her eyes at me, looking like a grumpy cat.

"Hey, as far as we know, a pill like that could give Speedy super cancer in the future. I can't just go in blind," I reasoned.

"Cancer? What is that?" Song Song tilted her head and sat down next to me. She was confused, and since she had already sat down, she was ready for a long conversation.

"A disease," I simply said.

Song Song was a good friend, but she was cutting into my reading time.

"I know you like doing your thing, but you must think that you might be chasing ghosts. Many cultivators have used the Root Cleansing Pill, and none of them had problems with it," Song Song spoke in a soothing voice.

For a second, I was almost convinced by her words. But then she added, "I will beat you into a bloody pulp if you end up as an old man and are unable to break through into Foundation Establishment any longer."

Ah, there was the Song Song I knew. Though she said it with such a nice smile that anyone else might think she was joking, I was almost 100% sure Song Song would definitely do that if I did something dumb like that.

"Well, you are right on that one. There is not much I'm learning here about Spirit Roots, and most of the things I'm reading at this point are theories," I agreed.

There were times in life when one had to be decisive. We were humans, not gods. No matter how many books I read, I couldn't predict every outcome.

"Speedy, can you come here for a bit?" I called out.

Upon hearing my voice, Speedy stirred from his slumber, his immense shell shifting slightly as he awakened. His eyes blinked open, and he glared around with a slow, deliberate curiosity.

With a great, heaving breath, he lifted his colossal head and looked towards me, recognition sparking in his gaze. He walked towards me, his enormous shell gleaming under the sun. Each step he took flattened the vibrant green grass, creating a path of pressed blades in his wake.

I reached out and gently rubbed Speedy's massive head, feeling the rough texture of his scales under my fingertips. His head, as large as a boulder, leaned into my touch.

When I bought Speedy, he was supposed to be a test subject. But I had grown too attached. I had no idea how intelligent Speedy was, but he clearly had a semblance of sentience and intelligence.

Even though monstrous beasts had a resistance to these kinds of things, I wasn't going to feed him dangerous and untested pills.

"Hey there, little guy," I said. "How much do you trust me?"

He stopped when he heard me speak, but he continued leaning into my touch after a bit.

I took out a marble-white pill, its smooth surface catching the sunlight, and gently held it up to Speedy's mouth. His large, curious eyes followed my movements like a hawk.

"You know what this is, don't you?" I inquired, looking for any signs of Speedy responding in any way. Whether that was nodding or anything else. However, he wasn't human and had nowhere to learn such things. "Just swallow it, and it should help you grow several folds faster."

Speedy opened his beak-like mouth slowly, allowing me to place the pill on his wide, rough tongue. With a soft crunch, he swallowed it, the pill disappearing into the cavernous depths of his throat.

I looked the big guy in the eyes, waiting for anything to happen. But… there was no reaction, absolutely nothing. His green eyes stared into space like a blank canvas.

"You okay?" I asked, a bit more worried than I'd like to admit.

Speedy opened his mouth wide, and for a moment, I braced myself, expecting him to throw up. But instead, he let out a long, deep yawn that reverberated through the still air. His large jaws closed slowly, and he looked at me with a sleepy, contented gaze before slumping down onto the soft, green grass. The ground seemed to cradle his immense body as he settled in, his eyes drooping shut. Within moments, he was fast asleep, his breathing deep and steady.

"Shit, that worried me there for a bit," I grumbled, letting out a relieved breath. Watching Speedy settle into his peaceful slumber, I couldn't help but shake my head at my own overreaction. The gentle rise and fall of his breathing reassured me, and I sat beside him, feeling the tension in my shoulders ease as I matched my breaths to his calming rhythm.

A chuckle from Song Song ruined the serene atmosphere. She looked at me mockingly, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I thought you were about to die from a heart stoppage," she said, pointing at me and laughing. Her teasing words echoed through the tranquil clearing, contrasting sharply with the peacefulness of Speedy's slumber.

I didn't stop to listen to her. I took out my Root Rejuvenation Pill, popping it into my mouth without hesitation.

The initial bitterness was intense, almost overwhelming, as I crunched it between my molars. The thick, medicinal liquid flowed down my throat, leaving a harsh, acrid taste that made me grimace. But soon, an icy wave of minty coolness spread through my veins, electrifying my entire body. Every one of my senses went haywire—sight, sound, touch, all amplified to an almost unbearable degree. It felt like I had been injected with pure adrenaline, every nerve tingling.

Immediately, I began the cultivation process, my mind focusing inward as a bead of cold sweat rolled down my cheek. The new sensation coursing through me was strange, like chewing mint gum and feeling a sudden rush of clarity, only this time it spread through my entire body. Every breath seemed to fill me with crisp, invigorating energy, making my muscles tingle and my senses sharpen. The coolness flowed in a steady current, wrapping around my bones and settling in my core.

As I cultivated, I drew in wisps of Qi, guiding them into my Spirit Roots. The Qi transformed within me, reshaping and purifying itself into a more refined, usable energy. I felt it morph and repurpose, becoming something potent and vital as it flowed through my channels. Gradually, the Qi settled just below my stomach, forming delicate, barely visible wisps of energy that pulsed. Each wisp was like a tiny ember, flickering with life.

The effects were immediate, and my cultivation progressed much faster. With my heightened awareness, things that would have taken years to sense became apparent.

This new sensation captivated me. Song Song had been wrong when she said the pill removed impurities; it didn't do that at all. The truth was more complex. Spirit roots weren't like muscles that could deteriorate or be trained through physical effort. The "deterioration" they experienced was due to humans slowly losing touch with Qi, just as one couldn't feel what happened in their stomach in intricate detail, nor could they feel the electric neurons in their brains.

Spirit roots were ethereal channels for energy, and the pill's effects were far more subtle. Instead of cleansing impurities, it temporarily enhanced the efficiency of Qi absorption and refinement, making my spirit roots more receptive and my cultivation more fluid and harmonious. The sensation was like a finely tuned instrument resonating with the world, amplifying every wisp of Qi I drew in and repurposing it with a newfound clarity and vigor.

Essentially, it was flooding me with Qi and forcing my senses to feel things they shouldn't have been able to sense for a while. It was kind of like throwing babies in the water to learn how to swim.

"Anyway, do you know about the tournament?" Song Song asked, oblivious to the fact that I was in a trance, deeply immersed in my cultivation. "They'll be coming in about a week. They're always dramatic with their entrances."

Her words barely registered as I focused on the intricate process within me, the new sensation of Qi transforming and settling into my spirit roots. The outside world seemed distant, her voice an echo compared to the vibrant energy coursing through my veins.


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