Cultivation Is Like This

Chapter 109 - Player strategy in progress

   Chapter 109 Player Raiders in Progress

  The Langwu County case had a great impact.

   200,000 people have become puppets without knowing it, even if there is no Innate Realm expert Huang He, this method alone is enough to make the people above terrified.

  Because the influence is too bad, it will attract many people with bad intentions, so the scope of influence is limited to the territory of Langwu County, and a team of Xuanyin Squadrons came to deal with it.

The process of    detoxification is time-consuming and cumbersome. Finally, an execution plan is determined. Starting from the water source, the toxins in the bodies of 200,000 people will be subtly detoxified, and the impact will be minimized.

   As one of the insiders, Lu Bei was lucky. The godmother was the second fox, and someone above helped him to get in the way, saving a lot of trouble.

   County slaughter Zhu Shiqi was cleared of the charges and transferred back to the capital. It is not certain what his future will be like.

   But there is one thing, Lu Bei is very sure that the old butler who came to pick up Zhu Shizhen back to the capital is low-key, calm and connotative. Raising his hand is a gift of heaven and earth. Be careful, thank Lu Bei for washing away the stigma of his young master.

  Lu Bei originally wanted to set up a character that could not be moved from the poor and lowly. Depending on the age of the old man, he was afraid that he would be taken seriously if he refused three times in a row.

   Someone took over the case, and Lu Bei had nothing to do, so he should have left here, but She Hean fell asleep, so he had to stay in Hongxiu Pavilion and wait for a while.

Also, because Lu Bei performed well this time, the guarantor Hu San had a bright face, and he swore that the reward would be approved soon, the shortest was three days, and the long was five days. Let Lu Bei not go there for a few days. , it’s not too late to wait until the benefits are available.

   Successfully overturned the case to protect Zhu Shiqi, and resolved the hidden dangers of the Serpent and Dragon Sect in advance. The two great achievements made the above extremely comfortable, and they were specially named and praised, and the speed of the reward process was naturally faster.

   Of course, the main reason is to slap Emperor Jizong in the face, and his **** is straight and loyal, and it has great training value.

   Such meritorious servants must not be neglected.

Lu Bei didn’t know the above arrangement at all. He only knew that the total level reached 58, and the pill-holding realm was a complete success. He was only one step away from the 60-level Xiantian realm. It was estimated that on the day when the reward started, he practiced hard for a few seconds and stabilized. can break through.

Nothing is impossible.

  A person who is talented and willing to work hard is so confident.

   In order to ensure that in case, Lu Bei also invited Hu San to play three friendly matches before he left.

  Lu Bei won three battles and got 200,000 experience.

   Less or less, but the three foxes are fishing for fish in the water, all kinds of work are not good, and they have not been judged to play fake games, Lu Bei is already very satisfied.


  The land of majesty.

  The famous mountains and rivers are full of spiritual energy, and among the clouds, you can see spirit beasts chasing and playing, and there are pavilions and pavilions suspended high on the island.

   Ask Cangshan, Yangtian Pavilion.

  Several monks of all shapes and sizes stood on the pavilion, overlooking the clouds. Through the obstacles, they saw the long building where the outer disciples were.

   “Are you sure they can really come back to life?”

   “I saw it with my own eyes, tried it with my own hands, how can it be fake?”

   “You really dare to try, not afraid of being caught.”

   “Hey, I took it to the barren hills outside the city to try it secretly, and I even set up a magic formation, no one knows.”

   “I don’t believe it, I’ll try it myself later.”

   “Just give it a try. Real gold is not afraid of fire. These two boys are indeed reincarnations of immortals. Whether I can reach the rank of immortals in Yangtian Pavilion will depend on them in the future.”

   “It’s just that the name is not very good. I always pronounce it wrong.”

   “This is true, these two names are too vulgar. Before accepting them as inner disciples, they must first change their household registrations, so as not to spread the word and laugh at others’ big teeth.”

   The reincarnation of the immortals in the mouths of the elders refers to two players. If Lu Bei was here and saw the names on the heads of the two, he would also read it wrong.

  ID: Turkey Flavored Rice Dumplings

  ID: Sophomore getting old

  So far, players who have come to various places in Kyushu have not been successful in their apprenticeships, and they can’t find a way to learn from their apprentices. After summarizing their failure experiences, they found a wonderful plan to quickly enter the Gaoshan Gate.

   After he was born, he found an old man with a white beard nearby, who was unfathomable at first glance, wiped his neck in front of him and committed suicide, and then resurrected on the spot.

   No need to ask grandpa to tell grandma, immortals are reincarnated, just ask you if you are willing!

   As long as the luck is not too bad, if you meet a fake white-bearded grandfather, you can basically enter a good mountain gate.

  Resources are in hand, and with their one-in-a-million aptitude, they can learn anything at a glance. Immortals don’t just practice how they want.

   Seeing this plan, players suddenly realized that resurrection can still be used in this way.

   The idea was opened for a while, and everyone expressed their opinions on the forum. When they didn’t reach the third floor, they immediately went to the point of doing pornography.

   “Understood, my master is a stunning female fairy. I know that one day she will appear in a situation where everyone is watching, stepping on seven-colored auspicious clouds and wearing a hollow battle dress.”

   “Then bend over, revealing two big red belly, right?”

“Upstairs is similar to me. Because of my outstanding aptitude, the invincible female head of the world decided to break the stereotype of only accepting female disciples and accept me as the only male disciple. Rare things are precious, senior sisters, uncles, palms The gatekeepers love me very much.”

   “Upstairs, typing is too slow.”

   “Upstairs upstairs, I’ll give you ten dollars, don’t treat yourself badly when you drink, at least have a plate of peanuts.”

   “I just want a handsome brother.”

   “I’m going, it’s a woman, I like to play games or live.”

   “Don’t be silly, who stipulated that only women can like handsome guys?”

   “Based on our qualifications and conditions, we don’t ask the head and elders to flatter each other, and it’s not too much for one person to be accompanied by two senior sisters who are like flowers and jade.”

   “Pure passerby, it’s not too much to happen to me!”

   is not too much, lucky players really have this experience.

  Because it was in the Hehuan sect, the leather pipe could be seen or not, so he was quickly invited out of the mountain gate.

  Unfortunately, he hit the white-bearded old man by mistake three times in a row, lost his chance to revive, returned to the forum and spit fragrance, and then was banned again.

   Those with worse luck were seized on the spot and forced to delete numbers and retrain.

   Among the 100 players, those who can use this trick to successfully worship the mountain gate can be counted on one hand.

   It’s not that suicide is a bad move. Players have the advantage of resurrection. Showing their advantages face to face is indeed a touching shortcut. Failure is just that they chose the wrong place at the wrong time and chose the wrong object.

   Don’t see the old man riding a donkey and hurriedly drop a detection, and then rush to the other side to wipe his neck. At the very least, you must first determine the person’s character, otherwise you will not be looking for a master, but giving away the head.

Life-saving is the first in the world of immortals, and it is not surprising that people in immortality can use both hands to practice magic. home.

   Especially the white-bearded old man, these people are very dangerous.

  There are all kinds of people in the cultivation world, but in general, the appearance of old age does not mean high morality, nor does it mean that the cultivation base is high, on the contrary, old age can only mean that the cultivator’s death is approaching, and it will not be long before he leaves the mountain to look for opportunities.

   At this time, with a fleshly body in front of him that can be resurrected from the dead, who can resist?

   Don’t talk about people in the devil’s door, people in the right way can’t hold it.


  Red sleeve pavilion, wing room.

  Lu Bei flipped through the forums and saw a large group of players complaining about losing their accounts due to being snatched by the devil. They asked the official to give an explanation.

   It is a good thing to study shortcuts and summarize strategies, which shows that you are motivated.

   But as a player of version 3.0, Lu Bei just wanted to tell the players that their whimsical ideas are difficult to succeed, and even if they really worship the high mountain gate, it may not be a good thing.

  High-level mountain gate means rich resources. As long as players show superior aptitude, they will definitely be cultivated by the school with all their strength. Various advanced exercises, skills, and magic weapons will be given to you.

   After that, they will sadly discover that the Gaoshan Gate has too many rules, strict management, and a serious lack of freedom.

  Master will only let you practice the exercises every day, and will not give you tasks, so there are very few opportunities to gain experience, and learning advanced exercises requires a lot of skill points and experience, and the novice stage is very difficult.

   It is very possible that Master will not let you down the mountain until you reach the Innate Realm.

After the   3.0 version, the quick upgrade strategy that players summarized, the first step, came to the important capitals of each country.

   Take Wu Zhou as an example, the first choice is the capital, and the next one is Dashengguan, the prefecture of the county.

  There are many people in the rivers and lakes, one is not short of high school station, and the other is not short of tasks. In the early stage of development, you can lay a basic foundation. In the middle stage, you can get along smoothly, and in the later stage, you can take advantage of the trend to enter the high school and become a guest minister.

   If you are lucky, you can also participate in the main task of the version as a decision maker, and earn a lot of experience and resources.

   Of course, if players insist on stepping into the high mountain gate, it is not that there is no chance at all.

  There is a vision, and the high mountain gate has already detected the general trend of the ‘immortal reincarnation’, and the secret will not be kept secret for long. Soon, the big and small sects in the Kyushu world will usher in a crazy apprenticeship operation.

  The royal family, noble family, and loose cultivators will also participate.

   can last for about two months, until everyone finds that the reincarnated immortals really have a lot of TMD, don’t worry, don’t rob, everyone can get immortal apprentices.

“grown ups.”

  Aunt Xiang pushed the door and walked in, swaying to Lu Bei’s side, slipped her feet and fell into Lu Bei’s arms.

   She bit her lower lip with her teeth and winked like silk.

“Aunt Xiang, how can we say that we are also colleagues? You are testing your superiors, and I must criticize you.” Lu Bei lowered his head with a serious face. Aunt Xiang was so charming that he dared not look directly, so he could only look down. Stuck on the career line.


   Aunt Xiang smiled lightly, wrapped her arms around her arms, and pressed Lu Bei’s head onto her chest effortlessly.

  Work is work, life is life, Aunt Xiang told Lu Bei not to worry, today there is only life but no work.

  Aunt Xiang’s strength is amazing, Lu Bei’s strength is still unstoppable, she struggled for a while before raising her head: “Aunt Xiang, what are you doing to me?”

   Aunt Xiang leaned against Lu Bei’s ear, put her palm on her lap, and said softly, “The Seventh Snake is awake and wants to see you.”

   “Why didn’t you tell me earlier!”

  Lu Bei stood up abruptly, threw Aunt Xiang on the ground with a wave of his hand, and strode towards the next door.

  Aunt Xiang: “…”

   Who, if I knew it earlier, I would not talk about it.

   Before she could finish her lamentation, Lu Bei returned to the original road. Under her speechless gaze, he picked up a sweat towel and wiped it on his face.

  Aunt Xiang: “…”

  I see, the standard dog man!

   (end of this chapter)

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