Chapter 4: Child of Fire
The words that came out of Kallen's mouth might have been the most sincere he had ever pronounced to this point. So much so that the other two instinctively felt the distress emanating from his vocal cords. But as he was about to urge them to run away, a most familiar voice cut him off.
"Kallen? Is that you?"
Aren, the Swan in training infatuated with his elder sister, was the one to speak up. The following silence prompted him to continue as they heard his footsteps approaching the door.
"That was you, right..? Is Kara with you?"
The door slowly opened as the siblings watched, uneasy. Standing before them was the man they expected: tall, with well-kept shoulder-length brown hair and a pair of green eyes characteristic of the Emerald Bay's nobility. But unlike the many times he had paid them a visit, he wore his armored leather tunic and his white cloak. Tonight, he was on duty.
"Happy to see you coming this early…" Said the man with a smile.
"Aren…Why..? You weren't supposed to come until much later…How did you even get in..?" Replied the young woman with a hint of caution built up by her brother's words.
"Ah, about that… Sorry, but I had to break the lock..."
"I know it sounds terrible… We got an emergency..."
"Well I REALLY hope it's important! Why!? You know how dangerous it is for us out here and you still—"
"I was the one who broke it; please forgive my young disciple. We only wish for your safety." This deep, aged voice came from deeper within their home.
This voice.
Behind the arguing couple, a tall man draped in black was standing next to the table they shared a meal this morning. While he was facing the window, he seemed to be watching the scene from the old mirror's reflection.
The instant Aren opened the door, Kallen's gaze was fully focused on his direction, completely ignoring the conversation that was taking place before him. And something within him made him feel like it was reciprocal. Only his back could be seen, but he knew this was the source. What lit his insides on fire, his fear materialized, this man with the dark veil.
The moment he spoke up, his presence projected a heavy atmosphere all over the room and beyond. Still spectating from the family heirloom, he continued.
"As my disciple said, we had to come earlier than expected. I apologize as well for the intrusion. I understand how rude my actions were."
"Master! There is no need to apologize. They're my people, I need to take responsibility." Replied Aren, full of the kind of humility Kal couldn't imagine his sister's lover possessed.
"I am Alvan, 9th Ascetic of Naar-Aje and protector of its Divine Flame." As he finished his sentence, the man turned around without emitting a single sound, making his calm but imposing demeanor almost supernatural. He then adds. "And I came to assist my protegee."
He was completely covered from head to toe. The thick veil covering his face, supported by a silver circlet with intricate spiral ornaments, was of such darkness that light appeared to be sucked in, never to escape again.
The same went for his cloak. While Aren and his brood tended to keep it open, his master's was closed shut, akin to a robe. He was there yet out of reach. As if cut off from every connection to the physical world. Inside it all, only him and his purpose. A true Ascetic.
As he approached this home's owners, the absence of visible leg movement made it look like he was floating, which added layers of intimidation but nobility to him.
Kallen couldn't stop his hands from shaking. The eery mortal enemy he felt earlier was now standing at his door. But he had to calm down. Even a child like him knew that agitation would only make the situation worse. If he revealed that the mark was reacting, what if they cut him down right away? He joined his hands together in an effort to appear less daunted.
"Don't worry, Kallen, it's nothing serious. Please, it's your home, so get inside. It's just an extra measure we have to take. Have you packed your stuff?" Said Aren, with a much warmer tone, as he made way for the family to get in.
" We received a vision from the Flame. The Collect has to be effectuated earlier today." Pursued the Black Swan, still standing next to the door, apparently not willing to linger. "Have you caught wind of the increased amount of marked children these last months?"
"Please excuse my rudeness, my Lord. But…what is going to happen to him..? It's too sudden, and we couldn't even say our farewell..!" Retorqued Kara, starting to feel overwhelmed by the events.
"No need for formalities. We are no object of worship. However, as unfortunate as it is, I am forced to ask you to let him come with us as soon as possible, young lady. A lot of children are waiting. This young one was recommended by my disciple, so I agreed to come here first. But I can only extend this kind of special treatment for so long."
The words of the old master felt like a knife to the chest. Kal could only watch as he saw Alm in tears and Kara's hands covering her face. His current life ended much earlier than he expected. While deeply saddened by the news, a part of him couldn't help but think it was maybe for the best.
The mark. His head was about to explode. The efforts needed from him to keep his composure were such that he struggled to show any kind of strong emotions despite the situation.
"I understand…" That was all he could manage to say at the moment. Dragging his feet, he turned around. It was time to go. He continued, "Can you guys help me pack?"
His siblings quickly moved in his direction, yearning to spend these last moments with him. Aren tried to follow but was stopped by Kara's hand. She was smiling awkwardly, stopping herself from bursting into tears.
"It's okay, we just need a moment…"
He stepped back in silence.
As she closed the door behind Kallen, he could hear her sobbing as quietly as possible. This sound was something he had only heard at their mother's funeral. It broke his heart. Seeing her in this state was disturbing enough to shake off some of the mark's effects.
"Kara…Can you bring me the pot?" said Kal in a small voice.
"...What? Do you mean the—"
Without even letting her finish that sentence, he covered her mouth with his hand. He could read the incomprehension in her grieving eyes. He couldn't let the Swans know that the mark was active. He absolutely needed their stock of Stone Lily pollen to keep it at bay.
After a moment of silence, her surprised expression showed him she understood. But he could tell that her state got worse by the hot air blowing on his palm as she started to sob even louder. She then took the small pot under her bed and handed it to him. He quickly plunged his nose in, inhaling the silvery powder.
He felt an almost instantaneous relief. He never used much of it. It was only his second time, the first being the day Alm noticed the curse on his back more than a week ago when they bathed in the river down behind the hill. As he never felt symptoms of Beastification since, they concluded that their mother was right concerning their strong immunity. But even mothers could be wrong at times.
"Kallen, are you okay?" The weakened voice of his younger brother reached him as he lifted his head. The boy stopped crying, surprised by Kal's actions.
"Yeah…I'm alright. I'm just sad like you guys, that's all." He replied with a forced smile.
"But you were—"
"Hey, help me find my lucky coin, won't you? It should be around my bed."
This was a decent enough distraction to change the topic before Alm could reveal anything compromising. He knew nothing about Vessels, those who survived the Sealing Ceremony and wielded the Tree's Essence. But if they were truly the next step of human evolution just like in the epic tales he grew up with, their sense of smell and hearing was likely far beyond the commoners.
Thankfully, the pollen was odorless.
"It's too early…It's too much..! We were supposed to just leave our stuff here and visit her grave before you go…" His sister's cracking voice interrupted his thoughts.
He turned towards her and saw Kara almost stumbling in his direction. She was devastated, and it was hard to bear. Even as the younger brother, he tried to console her.
"I'm coming back, remember? It's just goodbyes…"
"...I know Kal… I know…"
She took him in her arms and then fell on her knees abruptly. She reached her limits. This time, she couldn't hide her tears. Oddly enough, while his eyes got watery, Kallen couldn't find himself to cry. His sadness was real but empty.
He sensed it in her words, in her voice. He could sense that deep down, a part of her may have already acknowledged the fact that she just lost another family member that night. He always felt sincerity from her whenever she told him he would survive. It was genuine, true even.
But not tonight.
He thought that it was probably unconscious. After all, she also acted like this the day their mother left. As if his sister knew she was going to return as a corpse. Whether it was a way to protect herself from false hopes or not, it stung nonetheless. He could only remain silent as he gently stroked her golden hair.
Multiple times today, he fell prey to fear. As they prayed for his wish earlier in the shop, he made a vow instead. The consequences of said vow compelled him to give his everything to fight for himself. From that seemingly peaceful moment, consciously or not, this prayer to the Tree may have granted him the drive to push through, even if no one, including himself, has faith in him.
He turned his head toward Alm, who was silently watching as his siblings seemingly exchanged their roles.
"Come here…"
Those few words were enough for the youngest to rush and hug his siblings. Kallen was the one who had to leave, but it felt like he was the one comforting them. However, As he rested his head on his sister's, he took a last glance at their room—where he had built so many memories with his family, where he slept, laughed, cried, and even sometimes ate.
As his gaze stumbled on their mother's golden bracelet lying on the only wooden shelf next to the door, his emotions finally set in. He was still a child, too. Two slim streams of water finally came out of his eyes, but not much more. Sobbing now would mean agreeing with the odds that he would never make it back.
Those tears were for those he was going to leave behind, betraying their mother's wish. Even if he became a Vessel, young Swans were forbidden to leave the monastery until years of training. What if something happened to them after he left?
"Aren…maybe he's alright…" Said Kal, trying to cheer everyone up. While nobody responded, the cries lowered in intensity. He pursued. "I will send letters now and then, I hope he can help with that. I won't be that far away. If you miss me, watch by the window."
"...Right?" Replied Alm, eyes glimmering with hope.
"Yeah, buddy, like I said before, we are just saying goodbye. You guys need to quit crying like I'm dead already."
Kara held Kallen much tighter as she heard these words, almost like he would wither away if she let go. In return, he did the same. She stopped crying and just stayed in this position for long minutes. This moment of silence was a way for him to ingrain this moment in his mind.
Of any memories he was planning to keep in his heart as they went their separate ways, he wanted this to be the one. And he knew she was doing the same.
After a few more minutes, they felt like they shouldn't abuse the ascetic's patience. They silently turned around to help him collect all the precious things he wanted to keep close. They were few. After all, it was not like he owned much. Alm gave him the necklace that was offered to him by their mother. Kal leaned forward and had his brother attach it around his neck.
It was a pyramid-shaped red stone attached to a leather rope. They never knew the history behind it. The truth is that they never asked.
"I give it to you so that you can give it back. I will tell the others it's a Swan necklace." Said Alm with a naive but bright smile, his eyes still red. He then put his hand in his small pocket to reach for the coin Kallen had asked for earlier. "And I found your coin too."
This was the first coin he ever earned. It was his lucky charm until last year's tragedy. He let it collect the dust in their room, but he felt like he might need it this time around. Kara approached him with a scroll marked with a strange seal.
The young man wasn't exactly versed in literature, but he could tell that those symbols looked foreign. It seemed old but precious, justifying why she held it with her two hands. Her expression hid something else beyond her apparent sadness, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was.
"This is from mom... Open it only as you arrive, then destroy it. Never reveal whatever you read inside, okay? It's important, and I think you're old enough to know by now…"
Kallen was quite stunned. He felt that his family had its secrets. But as he aged, his interest in them dwindled. He liked the image he had of his close ones, and he didn't want it to change. However, as his sister gave him this strange piece of paper with that look in her eyes, his curiosity resurfaced.
"Got it… Thank you…"
After putting the final element of a really small list in his spare delivery leather bag, he stared at their bedroom door for a moment. The moment he opens it, his life here will truly be ending. He held his siblings' hands tight.
"Are you ready?" Said Kara, with a much lighter voice than earlier.
"Yes." He replied solemnly.
As they crossed the door, they found the two Swans in almost the same positions they had left them in.
"We will take proper care of him, Kara. He will be back so soon you won't even have the time to miss him. He isn't like most of the kids at the Collect Camps, you know. He has potential, I can tell." Aren was the first to come forward. Hearing his lover and her family in tears was probably not a pleasant experience.
"I know you will…" She replied with a forced smile and a meek voice, trying her best to keep face.
The Black Swan came forward to stand in front of Kallen.
"You're a brave child. Among the many I Collected, I will remember you as one of those willing to face their fate head-on." As the wise man finished his praise, his hand emerged from his black cloak. As Kal expected it, a glove and a black uniform fully covered his arm as it extended towards his small shoulders.
However, the second his hand came in contact with Kallen, the primal fear that haunted him moments ago came back in full force. What was akin to a campfire earlier reemerged as a brazier—from within and, this time, from the mark too.
Completely dismayed by the sudden shock, he stayed immobile like a statue, but his hand shook uncontrollably. His labored breathing became audible to anyone in the room. This time, it was obvious—too obvious.
"Kal!" Kara rushed to grab his hand, fearing for the worst.
"Kal…are you alright?" The White Swan looked at him with a confused but worried expression.
The worst scenario he had imagined came to happen. He was stuck at the mercy of the Vessels who came to save him in the first place. The choice was now theirs. Whatever they asked of him, he had to give the right answer. Or else...
Even if he knew it wasn't an option, it was the first thing that came to his mind. But this simple thought reminded him of the intuition he had before they even reached their floor. The mark was afraid. Afraid of this man in black— tremendously so. In fact, he only had any kind of reaction to it the moment he arrived in the picture.
Was it because he was around a Swan? It never happened when Aren was around. Why did his master appear that night to begin with? Especially when he had never heard of him from his student? What is the "emergency"?
This was when a frightening idea started to flourish in Kallen's mind. Something even worse than anything he ever imagined until now. He was afraid, but the fear of it being potentially true compelled him to ask anyway, no matter the risks encountered.
"You…You never meant to bring me to Naar-Aje, were you..?"
A deafening silence then took over the room. He looked at everyone. He could read the confused expressions on their faces. Only the face covered in darkness was a mystery. He could only wait for his reaction.
The maze made him accustomed to treachery and setups. Life in the slums subconsciously made him stop believing in coincidences. He chose to trust his instincts over these beings he admired so much.
"Oh Kal…I know it can be scary to—" The young Swan was interrupted by his master with a simple wave of the hand.
The Ascetic then lowered himself to the boy's level. He couldn't see it, but Kallen could feel it—the intense gaze piercing through this thick piece of black cloth. He felt nude, like he was an open book. Even if his hand weren't on his shoulder, he felt like he would still be unable to move.
After a few seconds, the master stood back up. However, his grip on the boy's shoulder was firmer. He then uttered the words that would be engraved in this child's mind forever on this fateful night.
"Brave indeed. It burns, isn't it? Child of Fire."