Crimson Eternal: An Immortal Death Mage LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 17


The Last Day of Training

“Attention! You all have passed every test required of you and are now graduating from cadet status to full first lieutenant status!” the instructor declares as he stands on a podium at the front of the training field with us now-former cadets lined up in front of him. “Be proud and serve your Empire with honor and respect!”

We all shout with a salute. “Yes, sir!”

The instructor nods his head in approval and glances at me as he says, “Furthermore, you are all ordered to take tomorrow and the day after off. You will not train more than two hours each day, and you will not study. You will take the time off before you return to the frontlines. This is an order from the PR branch of the military.” Then he gives us all a salute and finishes, “It’s been a pleasure being your instructor. You are all dismissed!”

I salute him once more before heading to grab my things.

This is rather annoying. Forced time off is always awkward for me, since I don’t exactly know what to do during it.

But even with my old position working under the emperor, I still couldn’t get around it. So I’ve grown used to just going to a bar or a café and drinking. That or sleeping the day away.

Stupid PR.

After gathering my things, I quickly take my leave from the academy, giving passing greetings to the other former cadets who greet me on my way out. Then I go ahead and head to the barracks, where I put most of my gear in my room.

No need to bring most of my weapons.

I change into something more comfortable, just the usual casual clothes of a white top with a red, white, and black coat over it, my crystal hanging from its necklace over the coat, and a black, white, and red skirt that reaches my knees. Then I grab a random hair band that was given to me by one of the older officers at the academy – one that has a rose on one side and is otherwise a dark red in color – strap a knife to my thigh under the skirt with a pistol strapped to my other thigh, and head out.

Now then. I haven’t been there in a long time. Might as well stop by.

The bell rings as soon as I open the door to the café, following which I hear a brief “Be right there! Just sit wherever!” from somewhere in the café. So I walk over to my favorite spot – a one seat table right next to the window looking out at the trees behind the café.

I’ve always loved this place because it’s right on the edge of the city, near a small portion of it that didn’t have the trees from the forest cut down. A park of sorts that has hunting and tree logging banned. Even if it’s technically within the walls of the city.

And with the snow falling down outside, along with some small amount of snow on the railing inside beneath the window likely showing that whoever sat here last had the window open, I lean forwards on the white cloth-covered table with my head in my hands and sigh.

It’s always so peaceful here.

I close my eyes while listening to the peaceful music playing in the café until I hear someone approaching and open my eyes.

“Aria! It’s good to see you again!” the café manager – Lucas Argent – says with a smile as he approaches with a small notepad in his hands. “Did you get some time off?”

I nod my head and sit back in my seat again, “Yeah. Two days.”

“That’s good!” the old man says before he pushes his long and slightly graying hair behind his shoulder as he leans down and writes something – most likely my usual – on the notepad. Then he stands up straight again with a smile, “Order will be right out. I’ll leave you be now.”

A faint smile crests my face at that as I nod again, and the manager walks away.

My policy is to not make any attachments or anyone that I can call a friend. But since the old man here isn’t a soldier, it’s fine.

I need someone to talk to, after all. And he’s not going to die any time soon, since he’s just a café owner. Not in the military.

The next few minutes pass by peacefully with the music playing and the quiet chatter of a few other patrons filling the café. Then the old man returns with a tray before placing three drinks in front of me. Two of which are in glasses whereas the third is in a teacup.

My usual here, even if the man was rather confused by it when I first arrived. Since I never order anything to eat. Just drinks.

Lots of them too.

Which made him worry at first, but he eventually gave up trying to get me to order food with my drinks.

“Thanks,” I tell him, to which he nods and pulls up a seat before sitting on it backwards with his arms crossed over the back of it.

“So?” he asks, making me smile as I look out the window.

“I got promoted to first lieutenant and have been moved to the First Army,” I start with the big news.

Out of the corner of my eye, I find the man sitting up straight right away with glee in his eyes as he exclaims, “Congratulations! Did that old bastard finally give up, or did you do something that he couldn’t withhold a reward for?”

The casual calling the emperor a bastard almost makes me snort when I’m trying to take a sip from the wine in one of the glasses, but I manage to answer, “The latter. He’s still trying.”

Lucas is the only person who knows a lot about what is happening between me and the emperor, purely due to his own conjecture and the time I’ve spent here. Seeing as I’m physically unable to talk about it.

This time the old man snorts, “Yeah, he can try all he wants. Isn’t the First Army out of his reach?”

I nod my head, my smile widening as I turn to look at the old man again while sipping my wine.

“He’s not gonna get a single peep out of you ever again!” Lucas says with a chuckle, seemingly purposefully lowering his volume due to the other patrons.

“Other than that, I just finished training for my new officer rank,” I add before taking another sip of my wine and glancing at the soda next to it. Then at the tea.

“Is it safe to say that you’ll be leaving again after your time off?” Lucas asks, a worried look cresting his face. But before I can even answer, he adds, “You can always quit ya know, now that you aren’t under his thumb anymore.”

I shake my head. “I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.”

Lucas leans forwards slightly and asks, “Is this about… that?”

“Not entirely,” I answer, admitting that revenge is a part of why. “If I did quit, then I’d lose the First Army’s protection.”

He grimaces at that and slumps over the back of the chair for a second. Then he stands up from the chair and says, “Well alright, but please, you need to treat yourself better.”

I nod my head without saying anything.

“Well, I’ll leave you to your peace now,” he says with a sad smile. “Just call if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” I tell him with a smile before turning to look out the window again.

I reach down and grab the teacup, taking a sip of that after the wine.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

A small smile stretches across my face as I look out the window.

My life does seem to be improving thanks to this System initiation thing.

As long as I can keep my distance from others, especially other soldiers, things should be fine.

I don’t want a repeat of the past.

I just can’t.


Late the next Day

My legs practically drop out from under me as I land on the floor, staring at the letter in my hand. One containing my orders for tomorrow and onwards.

“No…” I mutter, feeling pain in my chest as I try to suppress memories from surfacing.

First Lieutenant Aria Crimson, you are hereby ordered to report to Omega Fortress, where you will join Major Striker’s strike team under the major’s direct command. You will be expected within one week and further orders will be relayed to you by the major.

“Fuck!” I shout as I toss the letter across the room and fall backwards, landing on my back to stare up at the ceilings of my dorm in the barracks.

I desperately try to keep the memories away from me as I close my eyes. But no matter what I do, they always try to come back.

So I shoot to my feet, change into my officer uniform, grab my weapons, and rush out the door while locking it behind me. Then I rush across the city straight to the outskirts before passing through the outpost and entering the forest to hunt.

And I don’t return for at least four hours, breaking the rule given to me by the instructor.

But I don’t give a shit about that.

I just keep hunting until the kill count on my System Message thing says one hundred and fifty kills. At which point I’m finally able to calm down again, the memories no longer trying to resurface.

Fortunately for me, this killing spree helped me with more than just my emotions. It’s also helped with getting me more soul energy to use.

And more soul energy is always beneficial.

I slowly put away my rifle and clean up my sword before heading back to the outpost, and then further into the city until I make it back to my room where I find the letter still on the floor. So I just put away the letter, move to the bathroom to take a shower, and then head straight to bed after that, my hair still dripping wet.

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