Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 55



In the big bathtub that could easily fit two people, Rika and Yuri emerged in the warm water.


After their bathroom romp, the two had to wash their bodies once again. Now, they enjoyed their long-awaited bath, with Yuri sitting below and leaning on the wall of the tub while Rika leaned on Yuri with her back toward her.


"The water is a little cool now, but it's still warm enough."  Rika said, half of her face slowly diving under the water.


"Haah~ Such a luxury to take a bath like this~"  With the same mellow face as Rika, Yuri was also submerged under the water up to her nose.


Enjoying the warmth of the water, Yuri hugged Rika from behind.


"Then you should get used to it. This luxury will become normal for you soon enough. This is your home now, Yuri."  Rika reached behind and patted her head.


"Rika, thank you for giving me a home."  Yuri tightened her hold on Rika.


The two relished in each other's arms for ten minutes. Then they got out and had dinner. It wasn't much, just some bread, soup, and cooked marinaded meat, yet it was more luxurious than Yuri could ask for.


Watching the human girl savor each dish made Rika feel complicated. It was a normal meal for her; she had had something more grandiose than this, but the look on Yuri's face was enough to tell her that this was already a treat.


Once again, Rika vowed that she would feed her girlfriend what she had been missing out.


After their dinner, Rika showed Yuri where she could put her belongings and showed her how to use some of the magic tools to cook and clean.


In this world, all of the magic tools could be used by injecting a required amount of magic into the magic stone inside the tools. As for people who couldn't use magic, it was not that they didn't have magic inside their bodies. It was because they couldn't manifest and morph magic into forms. They could still use magic tools since all they needed to do was inject an appropriate amount to activate the tools.


Magic tools were first introduced and created by The Eternal Witch Iris. Although Iris claimed that her master was actually the one who created it, no one knew who or where her master was.


Thanks to her creations, people's lives had become easy to live. There were tools to wash clothes, tools to clean the room, etc...


"And this is how humans become a sloth."  Yuri said after the tour.


"..."  Rika couldn't say anything back to Yuri's comment.


Back when they were taking a bath, Yuri caught a glimpse at how hot water was coming out of the faucet. She was reminded of her childhood when she had to fetch water from the river and bring it back to use, and if she wanted hot water, she had to heat it up. There were times when she overheated and the water vapor to the point that only half of the bucket was gone, and her mother yelled at her. But now, with just a twist, she could get as much water as she wanted, whether hot or cold.


The amount of magic tools in this apartment was so great that, at one point, Yuri thought that Rika was actually the daughter of some aristocrat.


It took half an hour to give Yuri a tour and teach her how to use each and every appliance.


When they returned to the living room, Rika took out a bottle of wine and two glasses and asked Yuri to accompany her for a few drinks.


"Yuri, care to have a few glasses with me?"  asked Rika.


"Uh... I don't think I can. I have never drunk alcohol before..."  Yuri said


"Don't worry. This wine is very good and easy to drink even for first-timers. There's always a first for everything, hihihi."  Without letting Yuri have any word, Rika immediately poured the wine and gave a glass to Yuri.




"Cheers!"  (Rika)


"C-Cheers..."  (Yuri)


Following Rika's example, Yuri brought her lips and took a sip. The sweetness of fruit-based wine entered her mouth and instantly brightened her expression.


"Delicious! This drink is so good, Rika."  (Yuri)


"Hehehe, told you so. Here, you can have more."  Rika said and poured the half-empty glass in Yuri's hand back to full.


The two enjoyed their drinking time, talking about everything, from trivial matters to the future they shared with each other.


Due to how much fun they loved spending time with each other, they lost track of time and how much they had already drunk.


"Yuri, look, don't you think those stars over there shape like a bull?"  Rika asked and pointed at the sky. But instead of hearing Yuri's reply, all she heard was her soft and even breathing. She looked to her side and saw Yuri leaning on the armrest with a flushed face.


"Hm? Did you already fall asleep? Wait... Did we drink this much already?"  Rika looked down at the table and saw two empty bottles lying on the table.


Rika was a heavy drinker. She could confidently drink two whole bottles and go to work early in the morning just fine. However, next to her, her girlfriend was different. It was the human girl's first time tasting alcohol.


Normally, Rika would have kept track of how much they should drink. However, her negligence caused by the fun of her first time having someone next to her to enjoy her drink caused her to lose track of that.


Breaking a wry smile on her face, Rika heaped a sigh and cleaned up the table.


"Yuri, wake up. Let's go to bed. It's not comfortable sleeping on the couch."  Rika shook her body.


"Mmmh~"  Yuri squirmed and returned to sleep.


"It can't be helped..."  Rika sighed and carried Yuri to their bedroom.


When she laid Yuri down on the bed, Yuri's hand was still clasped on the hem of her clothes.


"Rika... I love you..." Yuri murmured in her sleep.


"Me too."  Rika smiled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.


Although her forehead was slightly sweaty due to the alcohol in her body, Rika didn't mind one bit. However, the same thing couldn't be said for Yuri's clothes.


Rika normally slept in her underwear, so it was normal for her to take off her clothes. But she wasn't sure about Yuri, and as the girl's body was getting sweaty, she had no choice but to also take off her clothes.


"Excuse me."  Rika said as she started to take off Yuri's clothes.


Soon, Yuri's half-naked body was revealed. Thanks to the dim light in the bedroom, she could still see Yuri's womanly curves and the flushed skin on her body.


Moreover, the sight of Yuri's perky nipples could be seen poking up from under her bra.


It was just a normal body reaction. After consuming alcohol, the body would somehow become sexually active. She had heard it from the doctors in the royal castle, who said it was because alcohol makes your blood run faster inside your body, though Rika couldn't make sense half of their explanation. In fact, Rika's body was slightly hot and bothered. And the fact that a delicious meal was sleeping in front of her half-naked made it worse.


"..."  Rika swallowed a lump. She slowly crawled on the bed and approached Yuri.


She hesitated at first, but then, when her reason admitted defeat, her fingers reached out and touched Yuri's stomach.


"Nngh..."  (Yuri)


Yuri stirred. In a panic, Rika jerked back and retracted her fingers. But when she saw Yuri was still deep asleep, she once again made her advance.




Rika landed a kiss on Yuri's lips. It was more of a peck. But Rika didn't stop after just once. She continued to peck on Yuri's lips. After each time, the peck slowly became that of an adult kiss.


After spending almost five minutes tasting Yuri's soft lips, Rika moved down to her neck. Although she wanted to return a few hickeys, she was afraid that the tingling pain would wake up Yuri.


Contend with just kissing and licking Yuri's neck, Rika's hands moved toward her breasts and poked at the protruded nipples through her bra.


Rika waited to check on Yuri's reaction, but she still showed no sign of waking up, so she got bolder and slipped the bra up, exposing Yuri's naked breasts to the air.


The sight of her girlfriend's defenseless body caused a switch to flip inside Rika.


"Fufufu, look at this naive little thing, sleeping without a care in the world. You are so cute, so it makes sense that I wouldn't be able to hold back, right? If you don't wake up fast, I will do more naughty things to you."  A few seconds passed by without Yuri's response, and Rika also slipped her panties down.


Rika waited for a few seconds; when she was sure that Yuri showed no sign of waking up, she moved down to her crotch and licked Yuri's clitoris.


There was a slight hint of female scent mixed with the smell of sweat, a combination that caused Rika's mind to turn pink, and she became a cat in heat.


"What a naughty smell... I will make sure to thoroughly wet you."  Rika focused on flicking the small bean with the tip of her tongue, and from time to time, she would move down and lick the slit of the sleeping girl, contributing to the wetness of love juice with her saliva.


"Nnnh?"  Yuri finally stirred. She felt a tingle from her crotch, and occasionally, a shot of pleasure was sent directly to her brain.


However, Rika was too engrossed with the meal in front of her to notice Yuri waking up.


Thankfully, with Yuri's mind still being muddled with sleepiness and alcohol, the sight of the feline girlfriend eating out her vagina escaped her mind. With her throat parched with thirst, she turned to the side and saw a bottle she mistook for a glass of water and reached out to grab it. Her mind was still too dazed to realize the bottle was capped, so she instinctively uncapped it and drank the content.


Luckily, at that time, Rika saw Yuri and stopped her from drinking it. She wiped her mouth, which was wetted with saliva and love juice, and took a look at the bottle. It had a weird symbol of a blue color circle with a slanted arrow on top point through a pink color circle with a plus sign at the bottom. She saw Lily hand Yuri this bottle stealthily when they left the brothel. It didn't look like a dangerous drug or anything like that, so she decided to ignore it.


"Rika...? I'm thirsty..."  Yuri muttered.


"I'll get you some water then. Give me a second."  Rika hopped off the bed and returned shortly with a glass of water. She helped Yuri drink it, and to her surprise, Yuri fell back asleep in no time.


"This girl... Sleeping without a care once again..."  The corner of Rika's mouth twitched. She planned to stop if Yuri caught her in the act, but at this rate, she could go all the way, and Yuri would still be sound asleep.


Her eyes caught a glimpse of that strange bottle Yuri almost drank. She picked it up and read the label, but it didn't say much except one sentence below that strange symbol that said: 'Guarantee to bring joy to every woman.'


Rika opened the bottle and took out a pink tablet. She eyed it suspiciously and turned the bottle around to see any warning or usage, but all it said was: 'No side effect, please enjoy your quality time by yourself or with your loved ones.'


"The heck..."  Rika struggled to understand what was the purpose of this medicine.


Reading the label for instruction was useless. Now, the only way to know what the medicine was was to drink it. She doubted it would cause any harm to her and Yuri since Lily was their benefactor. Had Lily intended to harm them, then why would she bother to waste precious potions to cure them? Still, she had to make sure that her girlfriend wouldn't drink anything suspicious and fall ill.


"Here goes nothing."  Crossing fingers inside her heart, Rika tossed the pill into her mouth. She propped herself up on the bed, swallowed, squeezed her eyes shut, and took a deep breath to brace herself.


A minute passed, and then another one, but nothing happened. Rika opened her eyes and checked on her body. She spread her arms and touched her face and limbs to make sure everything was okay.


"Phew~ I guess it's just some health supplements for Yuri."  Rika heaved a sigh in relief.


To really make sure, Rika once again closed her eyes to feel around her body, but aside from the heat caused by consuming alcohol, nothing was wrong with her.


Feeling the heat starting to make her throat parch, Rika picked up the glass and went to the kitchen to get water for herself.


"*Gulp* *Gulp* Puaahhh..."  Still feeling thirsty, Rika filled up another glass and down everything in one go. However, the heat was still there, and she felt like her body was getting hotter.


There were three things that Rika didn't know.


First, what the pill she just took really was.


Second, Lily forgot to mention something. Normally, the effect of the medicine would be instantaneous. However, it could be delayed when the consumers have alcohol in their bloodstream.


Lastly, the fact that Rika mistook the rising heat inside her body, especially around her crotch, was due to the alcohol she had.


No, the heat was the effect of the pill taking place. And soon, the heat became a tingling itch that was slowly getting unbearable.


"W-What!? What's happening!?"  Rika fell on her knee, and her thighs rubbed against each other.


She twisted her body and endured the discomfort, but the itchy feeling was getting stronger and stronger.


She reached down her crotch with her fingers and tried to scratch the itchy part, but the place was her own clitoris, so she was assaulted by the pleasure and the agonizing itch.


"No! What is this!!?? Nngh!!!"  (Rika)


The irritation and the pleasure made her brain short-circuit. Finally, Rika had an orgasm uncontrollably.


"N-No way! I'm cumming!!!"  (Rika)


Despite the climax, the adrenaline rush didn't let Rika rest. It felt like each second passed, the itch got worse by two-fold.


After a while, that itching sensation gradually started to gather in one part of her body... Her genitals.


"No! I'm scared! What is happening to me!!?? The pill! So it's the pill's fault! Nngh!!!"  In less than a minute, Rika had another orgasm. She finally realized the culprit of her suffering.




The sound of water leaked out from her genitals. Rika didn't need to see or touch it to know she just squirted.


Thankfully, after the second climax, the irritation subsided. Rika could finally rest. Her limbs felt weak, so she lay on the ground on her back and stared at the ceiling, trying to gather her thoughts.


She suspected the pill contained an aphrodisiac effect. Otherwise, she couldn't explain why her body became so aroused.


"Haah... Haah... That medicine... Is it an aphrodisiac? It was so strong, though the effect was quite short. Is it a faulty product Lily wants Yuri to test? And what's the deal with that itchiness? Urrgh..."  Remembering the uncomfortable feeling just now brought a frown on Rika's face.


After lying on the floor for about five minutes, Rika's breath returned to normal. She remembered the girlfriend on the bed that she was busy eating out. But thanks to this ordeal, she felt turned off by it and decided to just hit the sack.


Rika turned to her side and pushed her body to stand up with her arms and legs. But then she felt that her crotch was tight, and it felt like something was trying to push itself out of her panties. So she reached down with her hands and tried to fix her panties. However, her hand touched something strange.

She looked down.




It was then a large gasp escaped her lips.


A large bulge was seen inside her panties. Poking out from within the contain of her underwear, the tip of a monstrosity object which, by no means, should Rika have.


It was something in the realm of impossibility.


Glistening with transparent and sticky liquid, a penis, in all its glorious erection, was twitching to reject the narrow of her panties.







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