Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 45



That was what Lily felt currently.


In front of her was a girl fully putting her guard up against her.


"Say, do you want to work as a call girl here?"


Lily recalled the question she just asked Yuri. It took a few seconds for Yuri to react to her question, but her reaction was in a way that Lily did not expect.


The girl kept a distance as humanly as possible to Lily. Just a second away, they were within each other's reach, but now, Yuri had retreated all the way to the corner of the room while holding the chair between them as if it were a shield.


(Aicha~ I Guess I was too direct...)  Lily's face twitched as she saw how Yuri treated her like a plague she must avoid at all costs.


"Please calm down and listen to me first. Let me explain it to you. But before that, please put down the chair. It's dangerous."  (Lily)


"O...kay..."  Yuri put the chair down and sat on it again, but she was still keeping her distance from Lily.


"This gonna be a long talk, so you might want another serving of tea. Here you go."  Lily poured another full cup of tea and walked closer to Yuri.


"Hiiie!!!"  Yuri instantly stood up and moved behind the chair again.


"Ehh~ I will not do anything to you. Calm down, okay? Look, just a cup of tea, the same tea that you drank just now."  Lily scratched her cheek awkwardly.


"S-Sure. Thank you."  Yuri took the saucer and the cup cautiously and laid it down on her lap as she took a seat.


"Now then. It's going to be a bit heavy. But first of all, I'm sorry for prying on your private matters, but I found out from Oris's shipment's record that your husband was killed to silence by his men, and you were tricked by him and became a sex slave. Hm?"  Lily stopped when she saw a line of tears falling from Yuri's eyes.


"Here, you can have this."  Lily picked up a tissue and handed it to Yuri with her long tail.


"Thank you."  (Lily)


"And I know, Yuri. That look in your eyes that I have gotten so used to. You are planning to end your own life after saying goodbye to the cat girl over there. You are such a stupid woman."


"What do you know about me!? We were supposed to start our new life in the capital! He promised to take me out for a dinner date in the fanciest restaurant at least once a month after our business succeeded! We planned to have one son and one daughter; he would name the girl, and I would name the boy. We were supposed to live a happy life... *Sob* But now he's gone! And me? This body of mine had been passed around like a sexual tool for them to use as they liked. I had always wanted Oris dead, so I gritted my teeth every single day, trying to endure their abusings. Do you know how humiliating it was to be forced to climax despite hating it? Now that Miss Rika has granted my wish. I had no more regret left. I want to see my husband again. I'm sure that he's in a better place right now, waiting for me. Will he even accept me when I can't protect my purity? *sob* *sob*"  Yuri bawled after letting everything out of her chest.


"That's why you are such a foolish woman. I'm sure that your husband will still love you regardless."  Lily walked over and held Yuri into her bosom.


(Not that he's really waiting for you, though. I'm pretty sure that his soul has long gone and entered the cycle of his next life.)  Lily said in her mind.


"Bwaahah!!!"  (Yuri)


The two stayed like that until Yuri could no longer cry.


"I-I'm sorry..."  Yuri was the first to speak.


"It's okay. It's good to let out everything once in a while. Now then, where were we..." Lily wiped the tears from Yuri's face and continued. "You should treasure your body more. It is true that you have been sexually abused for a long time, but that does not make you the person you are. Your body is just a vessel to house your soul. So trust me when I say that you have a very beautiful soul. If you want proof, then just look at the cat girl over there. Without you, she wouldn't be here alive. The act of killing oneself is just selfish. Sure, today, a girl with a tragic past is gone. But what about tomorrow or the day after? Another girl with the same tragedy will just appear somewhere. How about not living for yourself but helping others from suffering the same tragedy as you? I'm sure your husband wishes to see his wife saving lives rather than ending her own."  (Lily)


Lily then skillfully used her tail to bring the other chair along with her teacup and set it directly facing Yuri. She then took a sip and let her words slowly sink into Yuri.


"Now, back to the question I asked you previously. Do you want to work as a call girl here? There's a deeper meaning to it. But first, tell me your opinion about Oris."  (Lily)


"He was a scumbag, such that even dying a hundred times over would not wash away the atrocities he did."  (Yuri)


"Well, I expected as much. It is true that he was a scumbag. But you see, he was also a victim. He couldn't choose his upbringing. Similar to Bruno, he was an orphan at a young age. Have you ever thought that you lived a better childhood than him? He didn't know when he would die as he lived day by day. And when he first tasted the riches, he lost himself in his greed. A similar thing could have happened to Bruno had I not met him when he was young. Bruno had had the things he could not have, but he lost it from his grasp, so he knew how to treasure and keep important things close to him. You could say that it was fate that played a big part in this."  Lily poured herself another cup of tea. She took a sip and observed Yuri as she pondered what she just heard.


"If Oris was also a victim, then who is the mastermind?"  Yuri asked.


"It is the undeniable truth that Oris was at fault for kidnapping and tricking young girls into slavery and selling them off for money. But have you heard about 'the Law of Demand and the Law of Supply'?"  (Lily)


"I'm sorry. I don't know what it means."  Yuri shook her head.


"Simply put, there will be no sellers if there are no buyers. Because there were people who wanted to illegally own a slave, people like Oris resorted to such banditry ways to meet their demands. I asked if you wanted to work as a call girl. Let me elaborate on the reason. Just between you and me, okay? After raiding Oris's office, we've found the name and contact of his collaborators. Don't you want to take revenge on them?"  (Lily)


"... I do."  Yuri answered.


"Good answer. And the first step to do that is to become a prostitute in this place."  Lily stood up, walked around Yuri, and whispered into her ear.


"B-But... I'm afraid of a man's touch now after going through all that. I don't think I can do that..."  (Yuri)


"Don't worry about that. I can help you conquer your fear slowly. And it's not like your customers will be just male. We do have female customers."  Lily whispered.


"I-Is that so? T-Then... please allow me to work for you..."  (Yuri)


"Good. I like good girls like you who are smart. Now that you have agreed to work here. Let's start your first day with orientation. I will personally train you today."  (Lily)


Lily's whispers were like sweet words of temptation coming from a devil. She took Yuri's hand and led her to an empty bed, suddenly kissed her on the cheek, and gently pushed her down on the bed.


"Let's forget about your time in Oris's captive. How do you usually express your love to your husband?"  Lily lay next to her on her side and asked.


"Um... We usually hold hands, hug, and kiss."  Yuri shyly replied.


"Oh~ So pure. Then let's go with the pure route approach, shall we? Can you give me a kiss?"  (Lily)


"Y-Yes... *kiss*."  Yuri leaned closer and lightly touched Lily's lips with hers.


"No no no. Not a peck. I want a kiss. I want an adult kiss. That's too pure."  (Lily)


"B-But that was how my husband and I kissed."  (Yuri)


"Aichaa~ So we have to start from there, huh?"  (Lily)


"Uh... I'm sorry."  (Yuri)


"It's okay. You don't mind me taking the lead?"  (Lily)


"I think it's better if you do, Miss Lily."  (Yuri)


"Got it."  Lily climbed on top of Yuri and tipped her head so close that their lips almost touched. But she stopped there and looked at Yuri in the eyes.


"M-Miss Lily, it's embarrassing if you stare at me like that..."  Yuri's face flushed as she fidgeted under Lily.


"That's why you should get used to it."  Lily chuckled and rubbed her nose against Yuri's.


"I-It's real–– ummgh!"  Yuri's mouth was blocked before she could protest.


Before she knew it, the distance between Lily's lips and hers was obliterated.


Unlike the quick peck Yuri had performed just now, this kiss was completely different. Seconds passed, but Lily did not move away. She sucked on her upper lip, then did the same to the lower lip. Just like that, she alternated between sucking and licking her lips, and it went on long enough to make Yuri's lips wet with Lily's saliva before they separated.


"*Giggle* How was it?"  Lily asked.


"It feels strange kissing another woman... and it's sweet."  (Yuri)


"Well, we did drink some tea just now, so our mouths still have some sweetness in them."  (Lily)


"So that is an adult kiss..."  Yuri licked off Lily's saliva on her lips.


"What are you talking about? That's not an adult kiss. That's just a warm-up to let you get used to the touch. I'm going to start the real thing now. Prepare yourself and open your mouth."  (Lily)


"Yes. *Ah*"  Yuri opened her mouth wide.


"Not that wide, silly girl. You want to swallow my head or something?"  Lily lightly flicked her head. "Just big enough to let me stick my tongue into your mouth."


"E-Eh!? You're going to stick your tongue inside my mouth?"  (Yuri)


"That's right. That's how adults kiss. It's called French kiss, but you probably don't know it, so just call it tongue kiss. Now let's do it."  (Lily)


"Y-Yes. Ammgh..."  Yuri did as she was told.


"That's good. Mmnguh."  Lily covered her slightly parted lips and slowly slid her tongue past the soft membranes.


"Sllrp... mmghu, shlp... nnmghlp!"  Yuri didn't resist her advance and accepted Lily's tongue inside her.


Their kiss went on longer than the previous one, and it made Yuri slightly suffocate. But she didn't dislike it; she felt a warm feeling from the pit of her stomach.


The kiss finally came to an end as Lily pulled her tongue out. Their salivas formed a bridge between their lips.


"Mmnchl...! How was your first adult kiss?"  Lily licked her mouth and asked.


"Um... I-It felt naughty. But I kind of like it, maybe..."  Yuri flushed and answered as she turned her head away in shame.


"Hahaha, that's good to hear. Don't be shy. Turn your head and look at me. Let's go to the next part while we're kissing. But this time, you will be the one to initiate the kiss."  (Lily)


"Y-Yes!"  (Yuri)


Lily didn't do anything as she reversed their position. This time, her mouth slightly parted. She could feel Yuri's shaky hands reach and wrap around her head before pulling her down. Then, her mouth invited the girl's tongue into the warm and wet oral orifice.


"Mmllh... A little crude, ammh, shlp... mmlp, but not bad for a first timer... sshlpp."  (Lily)


Unlike the ragged piece of clothes Yuri was wearing when she was found in Oris's hideouts, Lily had given Yuri her spare clothes when she was brought here.


Unfortunately, the sizes of their breasts were greatly different, so Yuri wasn't wearing any bra at the moment. But it was not necessary, as almost all of Lily's clothes were quite revealing; the only one that covered most of her skin was the piece Lily called 'babydoll gown.' It had two shoulder straps with two breast cups and a thin veil stretched down past her waist, but then again, the size was for Lily, so the cups were slightly loose as they barely covered her bare chest.


If Yuri had to say, the clothes were quite revealing, no less than the others Lily had. But if she had to choose, then this one was way better. It was pretty obvious, as who would enjoy wearing just two pieces of straps that only covered the nipples and call that clothing.


As she had just said, Lily moved her free hands down on Yuri's chest and groped it over her clothes. The thin fabric couldn't hide the small nips in the middle of Yuri's breasts, and they were slowly getting harder.


"Mmmlhp...! nnnlhp, ah, nngh, shlp..."  Yuri felt a zap when Lily's fingers brushed past her nipples.


She squirmed under Lily, but it was clear that she had no intention to stop. In fact, she increased and focused the stimulation solely on her nipples.


"Shlp...Let's get you out of these suffocating clothes... mmlh, slrp... Raise both of your hands up for me"  (Lily)


As soon as those words left her lips, Lily started to slide the shoulder straps and moved her hands down to Yuri's waist. Putting both of her hands in, she skillfully undressed her and threw it on the side. She did all of that without pulling her lips away from Yuri.


Even if the other party was a woman, it was still quite embarrassing for Yuri.


Lily pulled her head back and looked down at the naked Yuri.


"Hihi, Yuri, your boobs are so soft and springy."  (Lily)


"I'm sorry, my chest is not as big as Miss Lily's. I'm actually jealous of Miss Lily's chest..."  Yuri said as she put her hands on her own chest, and her eyes looked at Lily's assets.


It was not that Yuri's breasts were small. They were of average size when compared to other poor village girls. But when they were shown next to Lily's, it made her feel depressed.


"Don't say that. Sizes aren't all that matter. Ara~ Look at that. Your nipples are hard already. Does kissing me feel that good?"  Lily noticed the small pinkish nipples standing tall on Yuri's breasts.


"I-I'm sorry. I don't know..."  (Yuri)


"Hihihi. Then, let's find out."  Lily once again closed the distance between their lips.


She didn't insert her tongue this time and only sucked on the girl's lips. She also rubbed and rolled Yuri's nipples with her fingers. She could feel the girl's thighs closely rub against each other under her.


"Anngh~ mmgh, ah... nnghu...!"  (Yuri)


"Such a sweet voice you're letting out. Let's do this."  Lily took an index finger and put it in her own mouth. She coated it with her saliva and pulled it out. Then she inserted that same finger into Yuri's mouth.


"Suck it."  (Lily)


Yuri put the glistening finger into her mouth. She felt strange; it was as if Lily's saliva became sweeter this way. She twined her tongue around the finger and licked off any trace of her saliva on it.


"Fufufu~ I can feel your tongue dancing around my finger. You must have liked it very much, huh? My turn here, too."  Lily slowly pulled her finger out just enough to not completely pull everything.


Yuri's tongue hastily chased the retreating finger, but Lily thrust it back again, pressing her tongue down as she started to play with her gum.


Lily also moved her head toward her breast. She kissed and sucked upon the tip with vigor; her other hand didn't stop rolling the stiff nipple with her fingers.


It didn't take long for Yuri to slip into an aroused state. Her eyes didn't see anything particularly; she just gazed at the ceiling dazedly. Her tongue also ceased its movement.


"Hihi, where are you looking, and your tongue stops moving, too. That's no good. Focus your eyes on me. It feels better that way."  (Lily)


"Mllhp... I'm sorry. Ah, ngh... It feels too good. Nngmhp!"  (Yuri)


"It's not good to lose yourself in pleasure. You have to make sure your partner feels good, too. Sex is not a one-sided act. It's an act where two people lead each other to orgasm."  (Lily)


"Yes... shlp... I'll be careful."  (Yuri)


Lily took her finger out of Yuri's mouth. This time, it was glistening with the girl's saliva. Lily put it back into her mouth and licked all of the girl's saliva off before she, once again, coated it with her own saliva. She then brought the finger in front of Yuri's lips but didn't put it in.


Yuri knew what she needed to do. She stuck her tongue out to meet with the wet finger and wrapped it around before pulling it into her mouth.


(This girl is good! She learns very quickly)  Lily chuckled as she thought.


She resumed kissing the girl's nipple again, but with an increased intensity. She lightly bit her erect nipple with her teeth.


Yuri had known about sex since she was little. But what she was doing right now was a strange sexual concept for her, but Yuri couldn't deny that simply sucking her partner's finger could get her off like this.


It was completely different from what she and her husband used to do. It was also completely different from the abusive acts she had been through. The finger that was almost scraping at the base of her tongue made her feel like throwing up, but at the same time, it was gentle enough to allow her to get used to the discomfort of having her throat touched.


With one side of her nipple being played with by Lily's fingernails and the other side being bitten and wet inside her mouth, it was no surprise that Yuri would lose herself with these new sensations that assaulted her. Her tongue started to slack off.


Sensing that Yuri had started to fall into pleasure once again, Lily moved her tail and slightly slapped on the side of her cheek.


"Hey! Focus, focus!"  (Lily)


"Mmlp...! Nnghoo, aah... uuumgh."  Yuri moved her tongue frantically after she was told off.


"Let's stop and change our approach."  Lily stopped playing with Yuri's nipples and pulled her finger out. She held Yuri's hands and pulled her up to sit on the bed. "Would you look at that? It's soaking wet!" Lily pointed at Yuri's crotch.


At one point, without Yuri's knowledge, the panties she borrowed from Lily had been soaked in her love juice.


"I-I'm sorry! I will definitely wash it and return it to you later."  Yuri apologized profusely as her face turned bright red from shame.


"No problem. In fact, it would be disheartening for me if you were not wet. There are two reasons why it becomes wet. The first is to protect itself from being scratched by an objection insertion, which does not apply this time. Second is when a woman feels good, their vagina excretes the love juice as a sign for their partner to penetrate. Look at mine."  Lily pointed at her own crotch.


"Uwoah... Miss Lily is also wet..."  Yuri saw a large water stain on Lily's panties.


Unlike hers, Lily's panties were made with a very thin fabric, so she could almost see the pinkish lips hidden within.


"Let's take each other's panties off. Lift your butt a bit for me." Lily put her hands on each side of the panties and slowly pulled them down. The crotch part and her vagina were bridged with a string of love juice. "Now, it's your turn. Please take my panties off."


Yuri also reached out to the side of Lily's waist with her hands. She pulled down. There was a faint, sweet smell that wafted around her nose the moment her vagina was exposed. She had a trimmed pubic area. Her petals were uniformly arranged neatly with pink membrane as they glistened with her love juice.


"Miss Lily's secret place... so pretty... And it has a sweet scent, too."  Yuri was lost in her thoughts as she saw the most hidden place on Lily's body.


"Ahaha, thank you for praising me. You see, the sweet smell that you picked up is called a woman's pheromone. It doesn't necessarily secrete from womanhood, but anywhere on a woman's body. It varies from person to person. Some say it's sweet, and others it's sour. Wanna have a taste?"  Lily rubbed the flat side of the tip of her tail on her crotch and hovered it in front of Yuri's nose.


The faint smell suddenly became stronger and assaulted Yuri's sense of smell.


Lily didn't hear Yuri's reply, and she didn't have to. Because Yuri had lost herself staring at the waving tail in front of her, her mouth opened and closed slightly. When she moved to the left, her head also followed, and when she moved back to the right, her head turned and chased after it.


"Fufufu, What a troublesome girl. Bad girl needs to be punished."  Like a professional fisher, Lily pulled her tail slightly above Yuri's head and slowly retreated it back.


As Yuri absentmindedly followed the alluring scent and sexy tail, she lost her balance and fell on top of Lily. Now, their position was completely reversed, with Yuri on top.


"Huh? I-I'm so sorry. I'll get off right away!"  (Yuri)


Feeling the soft pillow of Lily's chest, Yuri finally snapped out of it. But before she could get off, her waist was held down by Lily.


"Nope~ Bad girl needs to be punished."  Lily repeated it, this time making sure Yuri heard her. "I will let you drink my juice, but I will not let you taste it, ufufufu. Now open your mouth wide for me."  Lily put on her devilish smile.


"Y-Yes, but what are y–––mmmnghuf!!!"  Yuri couldn't even scream as her eyes opened wide in shock.







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