Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 37

*Drip* *Drip*


"It…is… cold... "A girl muttered weakly.


It was not because of the temperature in the room that she was cold. It was still the peak of summertime.


The girl felt cold because of her condition. Her face's complexion was turning paler and paler. Her body was slender yet fitted. A pair of brown cat ears and tail indicated she was a member of the cat race.


*Drip* *Drip*


Despite her beautiful body figure, countless scratches and a large wound in her stomach area continuously dripping out blood.


Her vision was getting blurry. There was someone, or maybe something was calling out for her, but she couldn't make out what it was.


"I'm sorry... I couldn't... help… y..."


She couldn't actually remember what her mission was. She just had an idea that it was something important, and she failed it.


Right now, she felt tired. She wanted to rest. Her eyelids slowly closed shut.


Why and how did the girl become like this?


Let's turn back in time.


Rika Itani was a hard-working woman. She was born into a happy and fulfilling family in a peaceful village. That was until a group of bandits raided her village. Had they been regular bandits, the village's militia could have fought back. But they were original deserters from the army who ran away after refusing to follow the order to fight against the invading corrupted monsters.


Her father sacrificed himself to let her mother and her escape. But how could a villager from a peaceful village be able to hold the bandits long enough for his family to escape? They soon caught up to them and dragged them back to the village. In that place, the once peaceful scenery became hell for the young Rika. Along with other village girls, her mother was subjected to countless inhumane acts. They not only played with her body as a pleasure toy, they even threatened to kill Rika if she fought back. Days passed, and finally, her mother succumbed to exhaustion and passed away. Fortunately, maybe because Rika was still young, or they didn't want to play with her undeveloped body. She was locked inside a cage until a group of uniformly dressed men came and exterminated the bandits.


At that time, the group leader was a man with a huge scar running across his face. He was the general of the Lutenburg army at the time and had personally led his special unit to hunt down the traitors of humanity. Rika later learned that his name was Ford, and the unit he led at the time was the Shadow unit that the king had established to hunt down corrupt noblemen and deserters. It was a unit composed of the best of the best soldiers. And since the unit operated in the shadow, it was not official and was known only by the selected few.


Rika still remembered his scary yet gentle face when he rescued her from her confinement.


"Child, do you feel helpless, having no power to protect what you hold dear? Do you desire the strength to protect what is precious to you? If yes, stop weeping and come with me. I'll grant you your wish." 


That was the moment that forever changed Rika's life. After gruesome training for ten years, Rika was elected to join the special unit.


It had been five years since she joined the unit. As she needed another identity as a cover, she applied for another job and was hired to work in a woman's undies store. It was the most brilliant move she had ever made if one were to ask the reason. First of all, the pay was enough for her to live in luxury. Moreover, as the store was one of the fanciest stores in the capital, only high-profile Madames chose to shop here. With a few praises, they would start loosening their lips and give her any information she needed.


Everything was going smoothly for Rika.


That was until today; all of a sudden, everything spiraled out of control. Just right before she clocked out, a pair of customers walked in. At first, she thought that they were just a wealthy daughter coming with her servant, but when the man flicked a platinum coin at her casually, she did a perfect 180 in attitude.


Then, when she took a look closer, she realized the man was none other than Bano Gremhandlr, son of the Minister of Finance. So she assumed that he was taking his girlfriend out to shop, albeit a little strange for one to bring his lover to buy underwear. Her surprise didn't end there. The woman who came with him asked her whether they had met somewhere. She initially thought it was strange and dismissed that she must have mistaken her for someone else. At that time, the woman had half of her face covered with a large brim hat, another strange point on the pair of guests since the sun had long set.


Later, when the pair had picked up a few eccentric clothes, the woman went into the changing room to try them out. When she returned from the storage room to bring what the man requested, she was startled to hear the woman's unnatural voice, similar to a moan inside the changing room. She knocked to check on them only to see the woman peeking out with only her head and reassured her everything was fine.


This was when everything clicked inside Rika's head. Without the large brim hat covering her face, she realized that it was Jenna, the Royal Guard Captain, all along. She was one of the selected few who knew the existence of the Shadow unit. And she had met her several times before. Luckily, the Shadow unit's uniform included a scarf to cover half of their faces, so Jenna probably didn't realize it was her. But as expected, Jenna's sense was so sharp that she almost recognized her just from the shape of her body.


However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. When she was waiting just outside of the changing room, she continued to hear strange noises coming from inside. She asked Jenna where her escort had gone, to which she replied he had headed to the restroom. She found it weird since she hadn't shown them where the restroom was. But she just let it over her head and dismissed it since it was unimportant. She was more intrigued by the strange smacking sounds and watery sounds coming from the room. Rika had an idea what it was since she had heard it before, but she denied any possibility of what she thought it was.


It was an act of sex, Rika concluded. She tried to deny it and tried to think of any other possibility, but there was none. So she pretended to tell them that she would be staying on standby near the staircase when she actually hid between the aisle and watched when Jenna walked out. If she was alone in that room, Rika could conclude that it was just her misinterpreting the situation. But all her hopes were betrayed when she saw Bano blatantly walk out of the room with a flushed Jenna.


On one hand, he was the son of the prestigious Minister of Finance. On the other hand, she was the face of Lutenburg, Miss Royal Guard captain. Yet these two were having sex in public like it was nothing.


She couldn't believe that prim and proper Jenna could perform such an act in public. She even felt betrayed when that respected lord Bano was in cahoots. Her respect for them had now hit rock bottom.


(Did they not know any shame!?)  She yelled in her mind.


What would happen if someone caught them in the act? It would surely bring chaos if people found out, and it would somehow affect the store's reputation. Moreover, Rika was their guide, so she would be held accountable for this incident. And so, Rika steeled her mind and approached them to give them a piece of her mind.


Jenna seemed to reflect on it and blushingly apologized. Meanwhile, Bano just waved his hand and answered with an empty reflection. He even dared to give her hush money to keep it a secret, not that Rika refused as she happily took it.


The moment the two left was the moment she could finally clock out. With a sudden influx of money, just like any other person, she wanted to have a drink and hit the sack fulfilling. Yet her other identity would not allow that; she had another job coming for her. And so, she returned back to the Shadow unit's headquarters to receive details.


Who would have thought that from investigating a noble who illegally owned sex slaves, she would be dragged into a fight between the two gangs in the slum district?


After apprehending and questioning the noble, she learned where and how he used to obtain the slaves. It was in the place she had suspected criminal deals to take place—— the slum. It was the place she wished to avoid as much as possible.


Unfortunately, a job was a job, and she had no control over where her job would send her.


So she went into the slum district to investigate after handling the nobleman to the authority.


"Uwah~ It's so gloomy, and stink!" lurking in the shadow between the two shabby buildings. Rika observed her surroundings.


It was normal to have a slum district in any country, even in one of the major countries like Lutenbrug, which was no different.


The reason was that there were countless people who failed in their business and gave up, people who were addicted to drugs and could no longer afford a proper place to live, people who became orphanages by falling victim to bandits or monsters' attacks, and so on...And the areas such people gathered in naturally became slums. Since they couldn't pay taxes, the country would not send guards to patrol the places regularly, so the public order was at its lowest. The government also advised people not to go there for their own safety.


All these created a perfect hideout for shady organizations to grow from illegal sales of banned contrabands to dealing with unlawful slavery. Simply put, they handled all kinds of outlaw transactions as long as the money was paid.


It wasn't that the country didn't try to deal with such a problem within the nation's heart. They couldn't. No matter how many times they cracked down the areas, more would grow up and continue their legacy. In the end, the officials decided to focus more on pressing matters and let them be so long as they did not cause any major problems. However, it also created a loophole for corrupted nobles to utilize.


An example would be the noble that Rika had just finished dealing with. He had made a deal and obtained illegal sex slaves from a big-shot syndicate in the area. As a member of the Shadow unit, Rika's duty was to investigate and crack them down. But she needed information.


Hence the reason why she grudgingly tried to endure the unpleasant smell of the back alley. As a member of the cat race, her nose was more sensitive to the foul odors mixed with trash and ammonia than most races— a trait that Rika surely did not welcome on this mission.


"... Based on the information I got from that fat pervert noble. This should be the place. The building was a little better than the others, with no sign of guards... Wait, the two windows over there have curtains covering them, but I could see some shadows hiding behind them. And the beggars over there... they act like beggars, but their eyes are constantly scanning the surroundings occasionally... And their builds are not as malnourished as regular beggars. I bet they would confront and stop me if I carelessly get too close to that house." Rika quietly muttered as she observed. It was a habit she had whenever she was thinking.


"Nyoh? What are they doing...?" Rika spotted two silhouettes a little further away. Straining her eyes to look through the lightless street, she finally figured it out. She thought her eyes were tricking her, so she rubbed her eyes and looked at the scene again. She couldn't make out the identity of the couple, but there was no way she would mistake what they were doing.


"W-What the heck!? Is today National public sex day or something!!??"

Rika retorted quietly. It was no wonder since this was the second time she had witnessed someone having sex in public. Although she didn't actually see Bano and Jenna being intimated in the changing room, the noises were clear enough to make it out.


But right now, just a distance away, right in front of her eyes, a woman was bending forward on a barrel with her skirt flipped up, and a man was thrusting behind her with his pants down. Judging from how energetically the man was moving his hips and how desperately the woman was holding her mouth with both hands, they must have been quite into it and disregarded their surroundings.


A scene that somehow made Rika unable to take her eyes off.


Aside from her secret identity, Rika was just like any other woman. She had her needs, desires, and times when she relieved herself. She masturbated three times a week, a number she deemed a little too much for a healthy woman. But it was her own body, and she would feel restless if she wasn't satisfied. For someone in her line of work, it could cause fatal mistakes. So, she made sure to always keep her frustration in check.


But clearly, the young and healthy Rika would be shaken up after encountering public sex scenes more than once in a span of a few hours. Rika didn't realize, but she had been unconsciously rubbing her thighs against each other.


However, Rika was not a virgin who would shy away from seeing a male's private parts. In her line of work, seduction was one of the skills she was trained for. She remembered the first time something invaded her sex was a toy she used to train in the art of seduction.


For Rika, in a situation where assassination was not an option, between fighting head to head against enemies who she knew nothing of or seducing and swiftly finishing off her targets the moment they let down their guard, it was pretty obvious which choice was safer and required less work.


It was not like she enjoyed having sex with random men, as they would often act too rough or a quick shot. At least it felt good, and she didn't have to move much, as most of them preferred to be the ones in control. She often laughed whenever she thought about how enthusiastic they were, only to end up shooting their loads the moment they put it inside her. Of course, she would always take a morning-after pill whenever she had to resort to that method.


Suddenly, Rika snapped out of her thoughts as she noticed someone approaching her location.


"Shit! Someone is coming!" Rika muttered as she quickly looked around to find a place to hide.


"Nyuah, Fuck me! It's a dead end!" Rika slapped her forehead. She regretted her decision to choose this place as an observation spot.


The alley was a dead end littered with piles of trash too small to hide.


As the footsteps got closer and closer, Rika's brain started to turn its gears at high speed. She took off her uniform down to her underwear and tore it in half. She wrapped the scarf on her upper half and used one half of the torn uniform to wrap around her waist before throwing the other half into the pile of trash next to her, and then she smeared some ashes from a nearby makeshift fireplace on her beautiful face and hair.


In less than twenty seconds, Rika transformed into a beggar.


"Huh? Who the fuck are you? What are you doing here?" The man asked in an intimidating voice.


"Hhieek!!! I-I'm sorry! I was called here to provide service and relieve stress for the men working in that house over there. But I'm a little tired, so I'm currently taking a break. P-Please don't hit me." Rika pretended to be scared and answered the man's questions timidly as she kept her gaze down to the ground.


"A new prostitute? That's weird... I haven't heard anything about it. Are you lying to me? Is Bruno the person calling you here?" The man raised his eyebrows and asked while his hand reached behind him, seemingly prepared to draw his hidden weapon.


(Nyuh? Who the heck is Bruno? Wait... Isn't the top dog of this gang's rival go by this name? Is this fucker trying to test me?)


"N-No, sir. Mister Oris is the person calling me." Rika profusely bowed to the man in panic, the corner of her eyes never leaving the man's hand.


"Right. Oris is the name of our boss. The fucktard Bruno is our enemy. Had you said yes just now, you would have become dog food right now?" The man nodded.


(Heh! You're a century too young to trick this car. Go home and suck your mama's titties.)


"Hiieeek!!! P-Please don't kill me. I'm just a frail cat prostitute. I-I'm not someone suspicious. I-If esteemed sir would like, please allow me to give you a service. Since I'm already paid, I will make sure dear sir will be happy with my service, nyahaha~" Rika formed a ring with her fingers and put it in her mouth, then she stuck her tongue through it in a suggestive way like she was performing an air blowjob to invite the man.


"Too bad. I'm still working right now, so we can't go all the way. But since you are offering it, then who am I to reject such an offer? I'll settle with a blowjob." The man grinned.


"Gladly, dear sir!" Rika sighed in relief when her life was spared.


She kneeled down and walked on her knees toward the man and stroked his crotch.


Then she held the zipper on the man's pants with her teeth and pulled it down.


"Damn! You're a real pro, huh?" The man sneered at the way Rika opened his pants without using her hands.


"Nyehehe." Rika laughed shyly.


The moment she pulled down his pants, the erect penis escaped the confinement of his underwear and sprung up, hitting her face with considerable force.


(Nyew! What a pungent smell! Do you even take a bath!!?? Even the tip is covered in grime and smegma!)


As the man was a citizen of the slum, taking a bath daily was an alien concept for him. Just being alive, knowing that he had survived another day, was enough for him. So, hygiene was the least important on his priority list. As a result, his private parts were so dirty that the smell almost caused Rika to snap and kill him on the spot.


(Nyuh! Calm down, Rika! It's okay. You've been trained for moments like this. It's too early to kill him. Be patient; this fucker is a dead man once I'm done with him.)  Rika tried to calm her anger down.


Disregarding skills, he had a bigger body frame than her. She wasn't confident enough to off-ing him without causing any commotion. Plus, she had thrown her hidden weapons along with half of her clothes. There were many ways to finish him off, but right now, Rika had no way to kill him without alarming the other guards.


"Hm? What's wrong? Why did you stop?" The man asked when he saw Rika stop servicing him.


"N-Nyothing, dear sir. I am simply astonished by the size of your manhood. It makes me imagine how good it'll feel when I take it inside me." Rika smiled.


"Hahaha, Is that so? You are good with words, girl. But let's see if you are good with your mouth, too. Chop chop! I don't have much time." The man shoved his penis into her face.


"Yes, dear sir." Rika grabbed it with her hand and stroked it up and down.


She secretly tried to clean the filthy penis as much as possible with her hand before sticking her tongue out and letting her saliva dripped on the tip of his penis. Judging that she had cleaned it considerably, Rika licked the tip of his penis and circled a few times around the glands.


"*Lick* sllrp... Does it feel good?" Rika looked up at the man and asked.


"Hehe, that's good. Our boss must have spent some pretty pennies to hire such a top-notch prostitute. I am forever grateful to him." The man stroked Rika's cat ears.


"*Slurp*  Nyahihi, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Allow me to get serious." Rika wrapped her cherry-pink lips around the glands and poked his urethra with her tongue. Then she slowly moved her head closer to the man's crotch, swallowing the entirety of his penis.


(Nyerrgh. The stench... To think that I would put such a repulsive thing into my mouth like this...)


Rika could feel her tears building up in the corner of her eyes. Despite cleaning the penis with her hand and spit, she couldn't exactly make the entire manhood squeaky clean. Salty, sour, ammonia smell and bitterness assaulted her sense of smell and taste.


*Suck* sllrrpp... *Chupo* *Chupo*


Rika started moving her head up and down on the shaft, combining with the suction of her mouth and licking the underside of his penis with her tongue.


She wanted to finish this as soon as possible before she finally snapped and killed the man prematurely, jeopardizing her mission.


From the corners of her mouth, a mixture of saliva and precum overflowed and dripped down her neck, staining her beautiful breasts before being absorbed by the fabric of the scarf used to cover her chest.


"Damn! It's been so long since I got sucked like this, so I'm quite pent-up right now! I'm gonna get a little rough!" The man took hold of her ears and started thrusting his hips into Rika's face.


"Nyuugghhu...! *chupo* *chupo*... sllrrrpp..."  Rika grimaced when the tip of his cock scraped against her throat.


"Uugh! I'm cumming! I'm gonna spray it on your face!" The man separated his crotch from Rika's face, pulling out his dick with a plop sound. Then he rubbed his dick using his hands before spraying yellowish cum on her face.


As the man had said, he hadn't had a good fuck in a while, so the amount of semen in his testicles was quite large in quantity. The cum shooting out in huge droplets landed on Rika, staining her beautiful face with the man's seeds.


"Phew~ I came to take a leak, but I ended up leaking my cum instead. Life can't get better than this!" The man had a satisfied look on his face.


(Nyaat so? If you are done, then put that filthy thing away. Looking at it makes me feel sick!)  Rika sent a discreetly murderous glare at the man.


"Alright. Can I ask you to clean it up with your mouth?" The man asked.


"Of course. I also provide after-service." Rika smiled as she took the penis into her mouth once again.


"*Slurp*... slrrp... mnnguh..."  Rika worked her tongue along the shaft.


When she finished slurping everything up and pulled her head back, the man grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her deeper into his crotch, lodging his softened penis back into her mouth.


She looked up at the man with a questioning look. The man saw her eyes and snickered.


"I did say it, right? I came here to take a leak. And now that my dick has gotten a little soft, I'm gonna let it out inside your mouth. Be a good girl and become my toilet, will ya?" The man said.


His words stunned her, and it took her a few seconds to understand what he meant. And those few precious seconds were enough to make the man do what he said before she could protest and fight back.


(This fucker, don't tell me...!!!)



"Mmmghhh!!!" Rika tried to pull her head away when she felt a warm liquid dripping from the tip of his penis into her mouth.


But the man got a good hold of her head and pinned her into his crotch. The dripping turned into gushing in no time as the man urinated into her mouth.


Before long, her cheeks bloated due to the excessive amount of urine. Her mouth was blocked, so she couldn't spit it out. With no time to think, she was forced to swallow the urine along with her dignity.


The man sneered as he felt the movement of her throat. It roused his sadistic side when the woman suffered great humiliation. He had always wanted to do something like this.


After letting out his urine to the last drop, he pulled his penis out.


The moment the blockade in her mouth was removed, Rika coughed violently. She wanted to throw up so badly but was unable to as the rage began to seep from her heart. It was the first time she was humiliated to the point of literally becoming a human toilet. All she could see right now was crimson red.


As for the man, he had already pulled his pants up and walked away, waving his hand behind him.


"That was great. I'll come to find you again when I'm off. Hehe."

The man said.


"...ll." Rika mumbled quietly. She quickly reached the disposed half of her clothes and took something out.



"Hm? What d— Ggarrgghhaah...!"  The man turned back and said, but he couldn't finish his question before something impaled him from the side of his neck all the way through the other side.


"I said go to hell." Rika coldly muttered as she stared down at the dying man.


It didn't end there as Rika stabbed another needle similar to the one at his neck to the side of his body, puncturing both his lungs and heart. The tip of the needle emerged from the other side of his body, dripping with crimson red liquid.


The man slowly died an excruciating death, drowning in his own blood and punctured heart. He couldn't even scream as his blood blocked his windpipe and lungs.


His corpse fell down to the ground with a soft thud, snapping Rika out of her rage.


Luckily, none of the other guards heard the sound of the collapsing body. Rika heaved a sigh in relief. In a fit of rage, she had almost blown her cover.


She peeked out of the alley and looked around to check any other movements from the other guards, but they were still in the same lookout position. Then she returned to the alley and dragged the body into a corner before stacking trash on top to cover it. She couldn't clean the blood trail, but luckily, thanks to this cloudy night and the alley's darkness, unless one were to investigate, they couldn't figure out that it was actually blood. After cleaning herself, she withdrew the weapons from the body and her uniform. She shredded another piece of clothing and tied it around her upper thighs on both sides, and hoisted her weapons with it.


"Uurghh... I feel sick..." Rika grimaced. She could feel her bloated stomach sloshing around, full of the bastard's urine. As much as she wanted to regurgitate the contents in her stomach, she feared that she would cause unnecessary noises.


Unwillingly, she decided that it was nigh time to start the infiltration. Now that one of the guards was missing, it wouldn't take long before they realized and raised the security.


"Alright. Let's get this over with quickly. My objectives are to assassinate the top dog and rescue the slaves." Rika lightly slapped her cheeks to hype herself up.


Rika's night was far from over.







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