Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 25

"Excuse me, but can you repeat what you just said?" A voice filled with unmasked sarcasm broke the silence within this meeting room. And the owner of the voice was a tanned-skinned man with blonde hair. It was none other than Bano.


He had prepared himself before going into this meeting. He was very much certain that these heads of department would spill absurd requests and ask him to take them. And sure enough, after discussing trivial matters, the moment the sly old foxes in front of him went into the main agenda, they didn't even bother to be subtle, voicing their requests.


"We would like Sir Bano to lead a campaign to regain the territories near Lamiryu and redevelop them into habitable lands." Said a man wearing a monocle with a pot belly was sitting directly in front of him. He was around his late 40s. He was the head of the Department of Commerce and in charge of the merchant guild. Bano's father's position, which he's currently assumed, was in charge of resource allocation and long-term plans to develop the country. Meanwhile, the man's position as the head of the Department of Commerce was in control of the flow of money.


(Fucker! Just because your trading routes were cut, now you have the balls to throw that at me?! Can't you fucking use those gold stacks that you hogged and hire the adventure guild to take care of it? Fuck you!)


Indeed, as a merchant, he was very calculated in his actions. The truth was, if he wanted to use the adventure guild, he would have to pay a large sum to deal with his problem. However, as long as he could present a valid reason for the country to move, then the country would also take on the cost of preparation and logistic support.


"Mister Gellard, are you for real? You do realize that I am the acting Minister of Financial. And you ask me, instead of the general and captains of the army, to go on a campaign?" Bano squinted his eyes. His hand was knocking against the table with his knuckles.


"I am very sorry, Sir Bano. As you can see, I am no longer fit to lead the army. I am just a figurehead and advisor for the army. I hope you understand and accept the request." Next to Gellard was a muscular man with a grey beard like a lion's mane. Despite the apologetic voice, the way he carried himself when speaking was nothing short of a veteran soldier. In fact, he was the Grand Marshall of Lutenburg.


However, the question of why he said that he was unfit to lead could be answered by itself looking at his appearance. He wore a black eyepatch on the left eye that covered the long and heinous scar that ran from the forehead down to his left cheek. Moreover, half of his dominant right arm was missing. There were also countless scars from small to large on his body. It was the result of the Great Defensive Battle of Lutenburg.


One of the reasons why Jenna's squad could successfully flank and destroy the corrupted monsters was thanks to this man, as he was the spearhead of the decoy team. To honor his sacrifices and utilize his wisdom, the King granted him a special seat as the army advisor.


"Mister Ford, my apologies if I had in some way offended you. I did not mean you when I said the general and captains of the army. What I meant was your subordinates. Surely, you have more than enough individuals who can take on this request. As for myself, I have no experience in leading the army, much less leading a campaign." (Bano)


"Do not worry; I take no offense. As for the reason why we decided to ask you this, there are three. First of all, I am confident in my ability to judge people, and I have not made any mistakes. Between my subordinates and your ability, I have no doubt that choosing Sir Bano over them is the correct choice. I have heard that your fighting prowess was more than enough to be appointed as captain. As for the experience, Do not worry about that; I will also send one of my best advisors to your side. Without exception, everyone starts from zero, and no one is already good at new things. And Sir Bano, too, should also start from zero. So please do accept this request as it also serves to add experience. And then, as for the second reason, it is better if Mister Gellard explains it.


"Allow me to explain." Gellard stood up and took out the map, and unfolded it on the table. It was the map of Lutenburg's territory.


"East of the capital, about two days riding horse, there used to be a main transport hub on the route that connected our country to Elk Holy Kingdom. However, due to the invasion of the corrupted monsters, we lost control of the route. Although the war had ended a few months ago, our country could not spare any troops to perform patrol and sweep the areas regularly, so many wild animals and monsters came and made their nests. I have received permission from His Majesty to deploy the troops for this campaign. At first, I was thinking of asking Lady Jenna to lead this campaign. However, It was rejected by His Majesty for some unknown reason. So I would like Sir Bano to lead the army and sweep this route. The distance between here to Elk is about five days of marching. After the route is cleared, I would like to ask you to build a town at this location here on the map. It will also serve as a new transport hub in the future." Gellard pointed at one spot on the map.


"Wait a minute. Are you kidding me!? Do you know long it takes to build a damn town??? Depending on how many people, it could take up to months!" Bano slammed on the table.


"Relax, Sir Bano. This brings us to the third reason. Do you know the person who bears the moniker Eternal Witch?" (Ford)


"You mean Lady Eris? Who wouldn't know her? She's currently staying in our country." Bano turned toward Ford.


"Then you must have heard about the deeds she had done for our country, right?" (Ford)


"Of course. It was thanks to her that we could rebuild our country this fast. And her creations also added to make people's livelihood became more convenient. But what about her?" Bano asked.


"You see, Lady Eri---"


"I'll explain the rest!" (???)


Before Ford could finish his word, the door was opened from the outside by one of the guards standing outside. Then the voice of a young girl cut off Ford.


All three heads inside this room turned and looked at the owner of the voice.


Normally, in this meeting, where various head chiefs of Departments were gathered, if some random person were to interrupt without a valid reason, he would be detained, and at worst, his head would fly.


However, instead of being angry about being interrupted, Bano, Ford, and Gellard all stood up from their seats and bowed at the young girl. The reason was because the person they were talking about seconds ago had arrived.


"Lady Eris. What good timing, we were just talking about you." (Ford)


"Umu umu. My timing is impeccable. You can praise me more." Eris thrust out her much-to-be-desired chest.


(I-I hope they won't find out that I was actually eavesdropping on them to wait for this exact moment to make the entrance.)


That was what Eris thought.


Unbeknownst to her, she had completely forgotten about the guards outside who opened the door for her. Luckily, with her back facing them, she didn't see how their shoulders shuddered, trying to hold their laughter as they bowed and closed the door.


"Ehem, then Lady Eris here will explain the rest." Gellard cleared his throat and said.


"Are you Aston's son?" Eris asked Bano.


"Yes, Milady. Aston is indeed my father's name." Bano bowed.


"Umu. Then I will explain. The reason why the King permitted this expedition is because I asked him. And in exchange for escorting me to Elk, I will also personally join and help you in this expedition. Since I have business with Serra." (Eris)


"By any chance, you mean the Saintess Serra?" (Bano)


"Hm? People do call her that from time to time." (Eris)


(Pfft~ They'll be in quite a big shock if they see her true self. She makes even the top prostitute cute compared to her.)


"I see. However, with all due respect, Lady Eris. But I can't quite understand. From what I've heard, the main objective of this campaign is to reestablish the trading route with the Elk Holy Kingdom and build a town to act as a buffer between the two nations. This could take up to months, if not years, to build the framework of a fully functional town. Even our best magicians can only build a house in one whole week. And we are talking about the scale of a town used as a hub between two nations. So we are talking about building hundreds, up to thousands of buildings." (Bano)


"Pfft! Bahahaha!!! This is where you are wrong, young man." Eris walked toward Bano.


"Mumu~ Can you crouch down for me?" Eris frowned.


The height difference between them was so great that even when Eris tip toe-ing, trying to ruffle Bano's hair, she still couldn't reach his head.


"Eh? Ah! Yes?" Bano was so surprised that he couldn't progress fast enough before Eris made a mess out of his hair.


"Hehe, that's good. *Pat pat* With my help, it'll only take a few days to build the town." Eris smirked and trotted back toward the door. "Well then, I still have some other business to do. Bye~"


Then she put her hands on the door and attempted to open it.


Yes, Eris attempted to open the door. However, as this meeting room also served as a reception room to meet with various important people and diplomats from other countries, the room was extravagantly decorated, and even the door was plated with gold and other precious metals. For a girl as small as Eris, her physical strength was exactly like how looks suggest, a fragile little girl. She didn't have physical enhancement spell cast since it would interfere with her work if she couldn't adjust her strength. Normally, a grown man could open it, albeit with a considerable amount of force, which Eris currently didn't possess.


"Unnghhhuuuu!!! Who the hell made this door so heavy!!??" Eris screamed in agony


"Eh, allow me to assist you, Lady Eris." Bano walked over and pushed the door open.


"T-Thanks." Eris's face reddened in shame all the way to her ears as she ran away.


The whole room remained silent for a good few seconds before Gellard cleared his throat to resume their discussion.


"Ehem. Sir Bano, as we have heard from the person herself. It will only take a few days to build the town. After that, we will allocate the citizens to live and develop the town. And also, Sir Bano will be the governor of that town once it's up and running. Of course, the honor of naming the town's name also belongs to you. His Majesty also exempts the town from paying taxes for two years." (Gellard)


"But what about my work? With how busy I am right now, I cannot spare any more time for something else." (Bano)


"Sir Bano, you don't have to worry about that. As for the reason, please read this. It should contain what you need to know. This letter is from your father." Ford handed a letter sealed with the wax of his family crest.


"From my old man?" Bano took the letter. "May I?"


"Please go ahead. It is important." Ford said, and Gellard nodded along.


(To my foolish son. By the time this letter reaches you, you must have heard the talk about how you will be in charge of building and running a new town. Before you even think of rejecting this request, let me tell you something. Don't you dare think that just because I am currently unwell, you can do whatever you like. I know exactly the number of women you have slept with and their families' situation. It was thanks to me that your head is still attached to your neck. Do you think that just because you are my son that you can flaunt your dick around? Do you even think that they, too, have their own connections? Not that I plan to chide you over this matter. My blood is running in your veins, foolish son. And I know that you are planning to have that new Royal Guard captain girl submit to you. You can proudly call yourself a man if you can make her swing her hips for you. Now then, I have pulled some strings and even used the favor His Majesty owes me to set up this request. So this is my last order for you as my son. Accept this request, and make that town flourish. Succeed, and you will officially be the next head of the Gremhandlr household. You don't have to worry about the work in the capital. I have already arranged for them to be transferred to my office. Just treat this campaign as a picnic. With that old witch with you, even an army of thousands of monsters will be mere ants in front of her. You can ask me for advice should you need it. Don't bring shame to our family's name.)


(The fuck! How did he find out about my sex life? And what the fuck? How did he find out about Jenna? What the actual fuck???)


That was what was written in the letter.


Bano frowned. His thought was a jumbled mess. But he knew one thing. His father meant it when he said that it was an order. So he had no choice but to accept it.


"Fine, I accept it." Bano sighed.


"Thank you. Now that Sir Bano has agreed, let us talk about the detail." (Gellard)


The meeting went on for several hours. It was not until late into the night that Bano could finally leave the room.


(Two weeks, huh... There's barely any time left. Luckily the old man will take care of the work for me. But then again, there's only two weeks to have fun. And for fuck sake, old man, it's easier said than done to fuck Jenna. Since that night, I barely met her, and it's your damn fault for slacking that I couldn't even make my move on her. Now that I don't have work anymore tomorrow, gotta make the best out of it. Now what to do, oh what to do...)


(Oh well. For now, I'll just go back to my room.)


Bano slowly walked back to the room he used whenever he had to stay over in the palace. It was quite late, so he was the only person in this corridor, his footstep echoing into the silence of the night, allowing him to think about how to spend his next two weeks fruitfully.


(Bruh, whatever, nothing a good fuck can't fix. At least I have Luna right now. And she still owes me a blowjob. Damn, just thinking about her mouth wrapping around my cock is enough to make me erect.)


Bano picked up his pace as he shifted his pants around, trying to hide the rising bulge on his crotch.




"Young master, welcome back. The water is ready if you want to take a bath. I'll prepare the food meanwhile." Luna greeted him the moment he entered the room.


"Forget about it. Go to the bed with me. I need you to blow me one." Bano grabbed Luna's hand and dragged her to the bedroom. His other hand never left Luna's buttocks.


"Please wait a minute, young master. If possible, I would like to be allowed to expel the semen inside my anus. I have been keeping it inside me all day, and it slightly interferes with my work." (Luna)


"Oh, crap! Now that you mention it, there's that too, huh? I completely forgot about it. Okay, do it fast."


"Understood." (Luna)


Separated from Bano's arm, Luna went to the restroom.


Meanwhile, Bano couldn't wait any longer and started taking off his clothes. His penis was already half erect from hugging and smelling Luna.


It had only been two minutes, but for the impatient Bano, it felt like hours waiting for the fuck he was denied the entire day. To calm his little junior down, he started doing push-ups as if he was having sex in the missionary position.


"*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* Yeah. I'm fucking amazing, eh? Moan for me." Bano started the monologue by himself, imagining how he was fucking a woman.


Then suddenly, something suddenly happened that almost caused him a heart attack.




"Jenna! Are you in here?" A petite girl suddenly pushed the door into his room.


"@&$-@(@&$+¶∆! What the fuck!!!???" Bano screamed while lying in a prone position, buck naked.


The person who barged in during Bano's most vulnerable state was none other than Eris, the Eternal Witch, whom he met a few hours ago.


"Oh! Oh? Uh... Hi? Um... Nice ding-a-ling you have there?" Eris realized she had got the wrong room. And she unexpectedly saw Bano swinging his hips at the floor. His erect penis could be seen dangling on his crotch.


"Um... Kyyaahh?" Eris then tilted her head and screamed in a monotone, and hid her face in her palms. The wide gaps between her fingers made one question whether she was really trying to hide in shame or not.


"Excuse me! Lady Eris??!! A good day to you. Well, it's actually night." Bano quickly stood up and put on his usual friendly smile.


"Eh, yeah. Good evening. More importantly, It's serious! We need to find Jenna as soon as possible." Eris dropped her bashful maiden act and swung her arms around.


"Please calm down, Lady Eris. What happens to Lady Jenna?" Bano asked, seemingly worried about her.


"Do you know about Hemlock's extract?" (Eris)


"If I remember correctly, it has sedative properties..." Bano rubbed his chin as he answered.


"That's right. However, it is especially dangerous for dryads. If they come into contact with it, it will exert its aphrodisiac property. I suspect Jenna came into contact with Hemlock's extract. I found traces of them in the bag she was carrying. So we have to find her before it breaks her mind!"


"Oh no! This is no good! We have to find her. I'm sorry, I don't know where her quarter is. Let's split up and search for her. I will go to the east wing. Lady Eris should go to the west wing." Bano suggested.


"That's a great idea! I'll go then. If you meet Jenna, have her drink this. Just make sure you dress up before leaving the room. I know your ding-a-ling is bigger than average, but I don't think it's good to flash it around." Eris handed a flask of blue liquid and peaked at his penis one more time.


"Oh? If it's Lady Eris, you can look at it more and even touch it. I don't mind." Bano swung his hips from side to side making his erect penis move along with his movement.


"Sure, maybe next time. I also need a test subject for my experiment. Well, I need to hurry now. See you!" Eris ran back out of the room.


"Huh? Eh... Oh shit! I think I just poked a hornet's nest. I will absolutely not gonna show her my dick." Bano had a goosebump when he heard Eris's words. He thought he could take chances, but Eris was only interested in using his penis as a test subject.


"Whatever. Hehehe! Is this the chance the goddess gives me? Jenna huh... Bahahahaha!" Bano laughed like a maniac.


Then while still naked, he walked back to the restroom, where Luna was still inside to clean out her semen-filled rectum.


"Luna! Ya done?" Without knocking, he turned the knob to enter the restroom. Inside, Luna was still sitting on the toilet bowl with the buttplug in her hand.


"My apologies, young master. I can still fill some of your semen deep inside my butthole. If the young master cannot wait any longer, please allow me to use my mouth to serve you." (Luna)


"Nah~ It's fine. You can take your time. By the way, gimme that plug. I have to use it later."  Bano took the buttplug from Luna's hand.


"Um, young master. As your maid, one of my duties is to keep your health in check. So I suggest against using it on yourself. You might lacerate your butthole. "Luna said worriedly.


"What the fuck!? NO! You've got it wrong! I'm not gonna use it on myself!" Bano shouted.


"Is that so..." Luna looked at him suspiciously with her eyes.


"Seriously... Anyway, if the witch Eris comes back here again, just make her go anywhere but the east wing." (Bano)


"Understood." (Luna)


"Hehehe! Damn! I guess all those bad luck finally comes in threes. And now it's my golden time. Hey Luna, kiss my dick to wish me some good luck." Bano thrust his hips in front of Luna's face.


"*Chu* Good luck, young master." Luna kissed the tip of his dick and said.


"Hehehe. Thanks. I'll be going now; you can chill around in this room. I am probably gonna be back sometime around tomorrow evening." Bano said and left the room.


Just now, when he was having the conversation with Eris, he was lying. He knew exactly where Jenna's quarter was, and he guided Eris in the completely opposite direction. With how gullible Eris was, combined with her shut-in nature, she didn't know the layout of the castle, so she was fated to get lost. Meanwhile, Bano would be taking his sweet time enjoying the premium dish that Eris served him.


On the way, Bano imagined all kinds of play he would subject Jenna to satisfy his lust.


And finally, he reached his destination. He didn't enter it right away, though, as he checked the corridor to make sure no one saw him entering the room. Then he leaned his ear on the door and listened in.


There was a muffled voice. The type that Bano was oh so used to hearing when he held a woman on the bed.


It was the voice of a woman in heat.


The corners of his mouth raised up, and his face turned sloppy-looking. If one were to compare a goblin that had just caught its female prey, then the look on Bano's face and the goblin's were identical.


He turned the doorknob and found out that it wasn't locked. Then he peeked into the room. The sight that greeted him was exactly what he was expecting.


Lying on the ground, Jenna was passionately masturbating. Her clothes were haphazardly thrown to the side, and with the position where she had her buttocks raised, Bano could see her private parts were soaking wet with her bodily fluid.


"Well well well, what do we have here?. That's hot. Hehehe." (Bano)







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