Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 18

"Urk!"  Jenna felt a headache coming. Her eyes slowly opened. She was still in a daze, and her mind was hazy. For reasons unknown to her, she had a nightmare about what had happened during the national celebration.


She suffered such humiliation beyond what she could imagine. She was forced to have sex with five men. During the act, she was forced to orgasm continuously without any break in between, and despite the fact that she was under the influence of the drug, she was still the one begging for their penises. They had their way with her to the point of fainting. And she knew that they continued on even though she had lost consciousness, because when she woke up the following day, her body was stained with dried semen; some of it was still dripping out from her pussy and asshole. She was left alone in the cabin, with a note Bano left behind telling her to take a bath and see herself out. He also promised that he would keep that night a secret. Jenna had no choice but to trust in his word, though she was skeptical, considering how much of a scum he was. And surprisingly, he did keep his promise, so at least her dignity in public was preserved.


Jenna shook her head to clear her mind of the memory of that night. It had been a couple of months already, and she had also actively avoided seeing them. So at this point, dwelling on it wouldn't do her any good.


She tried to lift her body up, but it was clearly taking a toll on her as she clutched her head. She could feel that, aside from the headache, her body didn't have any injuries.


"Is this... grass?"  She looked down and saw that she was currently in a forest.


"Wait. Why am I in a forest...? If I remember correctly... I was in the underground... and then...!!!???"  Jenna finally recalled what happened to her and Sara.


"We were attacked by monsters!"  She frantically looked around and saw Sara was also on the ground, not far from her. She also didn't have any visible injuries on her body, and she seemed fast asleep.


She looked around to take her bearings and saw two giant Earthworm bodies.


"There are burning marks on their bodies. What happened here...?"  Jenne thought to herself.


"Maybe they made their nest in that underground cave and mistook us as food and attacked us..."  It was a reasonable deduction. Earth worms usually made their nest near places with dense mana and near ore mines. She thought they must have trespassed their nest when they entered the tunnel and got ambushed. It was Jenna's blunder since she didn't expect Earth Worms to make their nest there, as their natural habitats were more likely near volcanic regions. And the closest place was more than a week traveling.


 She slowly got up and walked over to Sara.


"Sara, wake up."  Jenna lightly shook her body.


"Nnnghu..."  Her eyelids fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes.


"La...dy"  (Sara)


"Yes, it's me. Are you hurt anywhere? How do you feel?"  (Jenna)


"Uggh... The headache is killing me, and my stomach also hurts. But I don't think I'm hurt anywhere."  Sara looked down on her body.


"Huh!? I remember we were attacked in the undergro... Hiiek!!! B-Behind you, Lady Jenna!"  Sara recalled the event in the underground tunnel when she saw the two giant Earth Worms from the corner of her eyes. She screamed and pointed at them with her trembling finger.


"Calm down. They are dead."  (Jenna)


"I-I see. As expected of Lady Jenna!"  Sara sighed in relief.


"No. I didn't do anything, I think. But I do have a guess."  Jenna gently touched her earrings.


It was actually an artificial artifact prototype that the Eternal Witch Eris had made and gave it to her to test its ability. The reason only Jenna was allowed to test it was that it required a large amount of mana to activate. Aside from Eris herself, only Jenna had enough mana to use it and could report back to her at any time.


The earrings had a small purple gem inlaid inside. When the wearers felt unconscious or incapable of defending themselves, the gem would forcibly absorb mana from the wearers before releasing an electric barrier to shock the enemy. Of course, there was a safety measure to ensure that when the wearers were low on mana, it would not absorb it; however, it would not also activate its defense mechanism. That was why Jenna was the only one chosen to test it.


"Anyway, can you stand up? We have to deal with the bodies before they attach the other monsters."  (Jenna)


"Yes... AH! That's right, the bag!"  She looked down and was relieved to see the bag contained the earth ores they had gathered.


"Seems like you still have it. That's a relieve. Well then, help me deal with the bodies. It looks like we are just a short distance away from the city. Let's finish this off fast."  (Jenna)


Jenna and Sara finished cremating the bodies, and they returned to the city in the afternoon.


They didn't know that their movements were constantly observed by a third party.


It was the worm creature.


Back in the underground cave, it couldn't brainwash Jenna. The earrings that acted like a defensive mechanism did not allow the gazer to have its way with her.


However, it had learned about her weakness and her darkest secret by invading her nightmare. And with hundred years of experience, it analyzed the problem to find the solution.


Her earrings seemed to work against monsters only, and despite the fact that the defensive mechanism wasn't fatal, it still prevented the monster from brainwashing her. And it had no use in parasitizing men of the races since there were far better options to add to its monster army.


And the solution it arrived at?


What if it cooperated with another human?


From Jenna's nightmare, the man called Bano had her weakness grasped. Then it thought about how to make the man work for it. Obviously, parasitizing him was not an option, as the subject would clearly show signs of being controlled. Judging from Jenna's opinions about him, it learned that the man had a fondness for women's bodies. So maybe it could use that and have him serve it?


Moreover, the man was quite high in the human hierarchy. And as its goal was to take over the country, it needed a ruler that it could use as a puppet. From its experience, fighting a war against humanity was bound to end in its destruction, just like how its whole race was cornered inside Lamiryu, with it barely escaping in a cripple state. So frontal war was not an option.


Then, what if it took over the country from within its shadow? Using a puppet, it could pull the strings to do its bidding.


Then how to create a situation where it could make contact with the man in question? Once again, it had to wait patiently for that time.


And so, it decided to release the two women in front of it.


Sara's state was a horrible sight. Due to the constant force-feeding of her own breast milk directly into her rectum, now her belly was like a pregnant woman in her last month; her entire intestine tract was full of her milk. Luckily, her breasts had stopped producing milk, or it would overflow

into her stomach and maybe climbed up to her esophagus before gushing out from her mouth, drowning her with her own milk.


Deciding to release the women, the worm creature had the Alraune detach its vines from Sara. The moment the knot inside her rectum was pulled out, the milk she could not absorb and was accumulating inside her intestine flowed out. Despite how gaping her anus was after the knot was pulled out, the amount of milk inside her was so much that it took about ten minutes for her anus to stop leaking milk.


Sara had been brainwashed, so the worm could use her later. For now, the worm easily entered her anus due to how wide it was gaping, and the milk lubricated her inside thoroughly. It planted a demonic leech deep inside her intestine and feasted on her mana before withdrawing out of her twitching butthole.


As for Jenna, she was not under its influence. So it had to do something slightly unconventional. It made the two Alraunes secrete a large amount of Hemlock's extract drug and dump it inside the two Earth Worms.


Then with the two Alraunes carrying Sara, one of the Earth Worms swallowed Jenna as they returned to the surface.


Inside the Earth Worm's stomach was a pool of Hemlock's extract liquid. Despite not having a full effect when rubbing on the skin as opposed to consuming it directly, with how her whole body bathed in the liquid, the drug slowly worked its way into her bloodstream.


Along the way, one of the Earth Worms could no longer withstand the damage from Jenna's earrings and died. The other one took over and carried Jenna inside its stomach until it, too, then collapsed and died from the buildup of damage from inside. It was reckless to continue like this, so the worm creature decided to leave them there. Yet the worm was really smart enough to create a deception scene to mislead the women's deduction. It somehow dragged the bodies of the two Earth Worms closer to them and observed them from a safe distance.


And then, when the women returned to the city, it followed behind like a knight escorting his ladies back to safety before leaving.


Unbeknownst to Jenna, it had learned the weakness in the monster barrier surrounding the city.


As the cost of implementation and maintenance was tremendous, the city only had it covered where it was needed. So places like the sewage and the floodgate underground were not covered. However, those places were regularly patrolled and under constant surveillance.


Then what about the tunnels that weren't registered? What if it made a tunnel for itself? Didn't the worm have just the right tool for that?


Earth Worms were masters of digging tunnels, true to their name. The worm creature had several of these monsters in its army. And so the worm creature had them dug deep into the ground and easily infiltrated into the city. Normally, as it was in the underground, it had no way to tell which direction it was going, so it was blind.


This was where the demonic leeches came into play. By sending mana signals, the worm creature could tell the direction of the leeches. And conveniently, there were four women who each housed a demonic leech in their bodies. It was Aina, Lainey, Lynn, and its newest host, Sara.


And now that it had successfully infiltrated into the city, first, it needed a base of operation. And the location it chose was Aina's house, to be precise, the underground of her house.


And so, the worm created a new seedbed.


Meanwhile, Jenna and Sara went their separate ways. Sara had to report to the captain of her squad to hand over the letter Jenna entrusted her before returning to the dorm. She would have a few more paid days off starting tomorrow, so she was in quite high spirits.


"La~ Lalala~ lala~" 


With skipping steps, Sara hummed on the way back to her dorm.


Entering her room and closing the door, she hopped straight onto her bed without changing her clothes.


"Haah... finally, real bed after so long~."  She recalled the hard surface of the ground when she had to camp outdoors on the trip.


"Ah~ Bed is the greatest invention of mankind, so soft~."


She rolled around on her bed. As she was living in a dorm, the bed wasn't really of the best quality; however, it was still a league above bedrock.


"Uu... I don't want to leave this softness, but I have to change clothes and take a bath. Can't be helped."


Gathering her resolve, she stood up and took out the pajama from the closet, and exited her room to the bath area. She dropped her armor off for laundry, then entered the bath after washing herself up.


"Hahh~ it feels so good~"


Leaning against the wall, Sara sighed in delight when she was submerged in the water up to her neck. Then she stretched her body out under the water.


If a man were to see her right now, they wouldn't be able to hold back and jump at her enticing body. Under the water, her legs spread out in a V-shape, her chest pushed out, showing her modest chest, and her arms raised up above her head, showing off her thin and beautiful underarm and armpits.


An excellent example of indecency. But not that Sara cared since she grew up in a humble lifestyle, and right now, she was the only one in here.


"Huh? Is it just me, or are my breasts getting bigger?" Stretching out for a few seconds, she casually looked down and caught sight of her breasts. It was a subtle change, but her breasts were definitely more profound.


"Does that mean that my training has actually paid off???"


She was skeptical when she heard that massaging one's breasts every day could make them grow, but she still gave it a try since she was that desperate. Yet her doubt kept becoming stronger as days, weeks, and months passed without any change, but she still persisted. And finally, she could see the change.


She thought today might be the happiest day of her life. She got to travel and learned from the Royal Guard Captain, earned some paid days off, and now her breasts were a size larger.


"Hehehe~ Soon, very soon, I will have a pair as boin~ boin~ as Lady Jenna. Hahahaha!"


Her hysterical laughs echoes inside the public bathroom. If someone heard her crazy laughing, they would have called a guard to arrest her for disturbing public order. She was that happy after.


"Okay, let's continue with the training. It's a little risky to do it here where someone might walk in. But I can just hide my body under the water."


She relaxed her shoulders, and with her hands, she started holding her mounds.


"Huuuh!? T-This feeling...?"


Merely grazing her nipples made her whole body tremble.


It was an embarrassing moan.


"Gosh! I can't believe that was my voice... But why...? It's like my brain was shocked when I touched my nipples... Uughh... I need to keep my voice down, or someone might walk in..."


She resumed squeezing and groping her breasts, trying to avoid touching her nipples. Still, no matter how much she tried, her fingers would occasionally brush the sensitive nips. She couldn't effectively avoid touching them, considering her hands were bigger than her breasts.


"Haaah... Nn! Guugh... I can't... stop..."


Her body started to feel hot. She could feel that the warm water was actually colder than her body temperature, especially her nipples.


"Aaah... My nipples are... nnngh... getting hot..."


In a daze, she recalled having a similar shock when she touched somewhere else. It was the same as when she touched her clitoris.


Curious to compare the two places, one of her hands parted with her chest and moved down to her crotch, brushing past the thin pubic hair dancing in the water.


Finally reaching the clitoris, she stopped her hand to take a few deep breaths to prepare herself for the shock. Once she believed that she was readied, she used the nail of her index finger to scratch it.


And she realized how wrong she was to think that she had prepared for it. Because the moment her nail touched the small bean, she climaxed lightly.




Her toes curled, her head shook back, and her body lost its strength. She couldn't see it, but under the water, she squirted, and from her nipples, a small amount of cloudy liquid dripped out and blended with the water.


Back in the underground cave, her breasts still had some milk within their mammary glands, and the reason why her clitoris was so sensitive was that some of the aphrodisiacs in her bloodstream hadn't completely dissolved yet.


Obviously, she had no way of knowing that.


"Haah... haah... W-what was that!? Did I... ahh... hahhh just cum...?"


Her ragged breathing slowly calmed down. She couldn't believe she just climaxed with a single touch of her clitoris. Unlike the feeling of her nipples, which was similar to a vault leaking pleasure, her clitoris was so sensitive that it was like a broken vault releasing all the pleasure at once into her brain.


"Oh my god! This is bad...! Why did my clitoris become so sensitive...?"


She looked up at the ceiling with her wet eyes as she thought about the reason. But no matter how long she dwelled over it, she couldn't arrive at the answer.


"Uuu... Whatever, I'll think about it later. Let's not stop wasting time. The goal is to be as big as Lady Jenna's."


Once again, she focused on her breasts. But she couldn't get very far with her training. And the reason was because she was interrupted. While she was immersing herself in the act, the door to the bathroom was swung open, followed by the energetic voice of the intruder.


"Sara! I heard you are back! Where have you been?"


The owner of the voice was about the same height as Sara, about 170 centimeters. On top of her head was shoulder-length silver hair and a pair of dog ears covered in silver fur, and her silver tail could be seen wagging behind her back. Her name was Elise, a wolfkin girl who joined and graduated at the same time as Sara. They had been living together in the same orphanage and joined the knight at the same time, so their relationship was that of sisters.


But unlike Sara's modest chest, Elise owned a pair that Sara once said it could fit perfectly within her palm. In other words, it was clearly bigger than Sara's.


The moment the girl saw Sara in the pool bath, she jumped straight in at her, splashing water everywhere and even into Sara's face.


"Elise! I'm back. And don't do that; it's dangerous!"


Sara scolded Elise for her action, but she happily received the girl.


"Eh! Who cares about that! More importantly, I was looking for you yesterday, but I couldn't find you at all. Where have you been?"  (Elise)


"Ah, I was asked to accompany Lady Jenna two days ago, and we just got back this afternoon."


"Oh, I see. So you were with that Royal Guard Captain, huh? She is indeed very strong."  Elise scrunched her eyebrows.


"I know, right? She was very cool and strong, you know, and the way she fought was incredibly beautiful. She easily fell a cyclops without breaking a sweat."


"W-Wow, really?"  Elise asked, her mouth wide open.


"Really! I saw it with my own eyes."  (Sara)


"That's awesome! But wait, you encountered a Cyclops??? Are you okay? Do you have any injuries?"  Elise moved around Sara and looked around. It was a little embarrassing for her since she was naked, but she knew Elise was truly worried about her well-being.


"Y-you can see that for yourself. As I said, Lady Jenna easily dispatched that Cyclops like it was a goblin."  (Sara)


"I see. I guess I should thank her for keeping you safe."  Elise sighed in relief.


"Um. And Elise, thank you for worrying about me."  Sara hugged Elise.


"Of course I would! Aren't we besties?"  Elise giggled.


"Hm? Wait a minute... wait wait wait! I think something is wrong. Get over here for a sec."  Elise dragged Sara by her hand and led her to the stairs of the pool bath before telling her to sit there.


As this was inside the bathroom, when they were hugging each other, they obviously did it in their nakedness, so Elise could feel her breasts pressing against Sara's. And she felt something was wrong. But they were both sitting at a depth that submerged them up to their neck, so she couldn't check on her body clearly. So she led Sara to a shallower part to clearly observe the strange feeling.


"Sara... Tell me the truth... Are you really not injured anywhere?"  Elise asked in a serious tone.


"Huh? What's wrong all of a sudden? Didn't you see it for yourself? I have no injuries at all."  Sara tilted her head in question.


"Are you sure? You didn't get stung by a bee monster or something?"  (Elise)


"No. Seriously, what's wrong?"  (Sara)


"Then how the hell your breasts got bigger all of a sudden??? How can that happen if you didn't get stung by a bee and your breasts swell up???"  Elise yelled.


"You idiot!!! I did not!"  Sara slammed her fist down her head.


"Ouch! That hurts! What was that for???"  Elise was brimming with tears and held her head.


"You deserved it, idiot! It got bigger because I followed your tips!"  (Sara)


"Huh? What tips?"  This time, Elise tilted her head in question.


"You know, the massaging everyday thingy! Don't tell me you forgot about it..."  Sara balled her fist and prepared to strike again if Elise forgot about it.


'If you massage your breasts every day, they will grow big.'  was what Elise told Sara when they were out drinking on their day off.


"O-Oh! T-That!? O-O-O-Of course, I remember! So did you actually do it every day?"  Elise answered, her eyes wandering around.


"I did! And as you can see, this is the result!"  Sara proudly stuck her chest out to show Elise.


"W-wow! Indeed, they got bigger!"  (Elise)


(Huh? Thats weird. Did massaging your breasts really make your breasts bigger? I just said it as a joke back then and thought that she would forget, judging from how drunk she was.)


"Ah. Your nipples are erect. Were you massaging them before I came?"  Elise said her death wish.


"You idiot!!!"  Sara replied with a slap to the back of her head.


Followed by Elise frantically apologizing to Sara in tears, they washed each other back, finished their bathing, and then returned to Sara's room to catch up with each other late into the night before Elise returned to her own room, which was next to Sara's (though their rooms were separated by the staircase. The two would coincidentally have the same day off the following day, so they planned to go shopping and hang around together.


That night, Sara had the most comfortable sleep she had ever had.


Unbeknownst to her, her nightmare was living just beneath her, waiting for the time to strike.








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