Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 681 Repel

However, his words were like playing the piano to a cow. Horn couldn't understand what he was saying at all. To him, Shanlei's words were meaningless harsh sounds.

It seems that we don't understand the language, and you don't seem to be able to let me go easily, so let's speak with your strength.

A flame in the shape of a dragon's head condensed on the top of the staff, and the magic ring of Siyuan also burst into flames. He was attacked as soon as he raised his head, which was enough to show that these creatures had no good intentions.

Horn intends to use lightning to defend and attack with flames. Just as their lightning can't have a substantial effect on Horn who has lightning eyes, Horn's lightning may not be able to take effect on these strange creatures with lightning attributes.

Enhanced Nine-Ring Fire Magic. Sky Dragon Flame!

The flame in the shape of a dragon's head whizzed towards Shanlei, but Shanlei didn't dare to take it head-on. He had never seen such an attack form of flames. In this world, there is almost nothing that can burn, so he turned into a flash of lightning and flashed directly. .

Taking advantage of the gap he was flashing past, Horn shot another full-power flame of the Lord of Origin Ring at him, but this time the lightning still flashed past, and appeared in front of Horn in an instant and punched him. Horn's shield hit Horn hundreds of meters away.

After falling to the ground, Horn spat out a mouthful of blood. At this time, the two flame attacks erupted, and the scorching flames spread, and the bodies of many Shanlei tribes who couldn't dodge were melted by the high temperature.

Supposedly there is no problem with my attack layout. Two consecutive powerful attacks, even if you miss, at least you can get away with it. Horn wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: It's too fast, it's almost a foul, and my The third stage of Lei Xingshu is almost as fast, no! Much faster!

Horn didn't know that all the creatures in this world were of the thunder attribute, so their lightning abilities were only auxiliary in battle, and relied more on hand-to-hand combat.

Horn's speed obtained by relying on the Eye of Thunder is already very powerful in Ceylon, but in this world, it is actually not enough.

Shanlei stood where he was, watching the damage caused by the flames erupting, and remained silent.

This was the first time he had seen this strange form of attack, but the speed of this outsider was too slow, it seemed that there would be no problem in getting the spirit of thunder and lightning back from him.

After the first wave of confrontation, both sides stopped to analyze each other's strength, but although they thought a lot about it, not much time actually passed. From the perspective of the low-level Shanlei tribe, after their patriarch beat Horn into the air, only a little After a pause, he attacked again.

Horn didn't even think about it, and directly activated the third stage of the Thunder Walking Technique, using that speed to deal with Shanlei, but he couldn't deal with it for long, and now he was basically being beaten by the opponent.

The forbidden spell had been condensed, but Horn couldn't hit it at all, because he couldn't aim at the target, and the speed of Shanlei was faster than anyone he had ever seen in Ceylon.

It can't go on like this. It seems that there is only one way.

The blue-purple light spread from Horn's left eye, dyeing Horn into an electric man, and the lightning that exceeded the limit directly forced Shanlei away.

Horn did not expect to be forced out of the strongest force when he first arrived in this world. Even if he became like this, he was not sure that he would be able to defeat Shanlei.

Shanlei is the only one to say, although he is very fast, Horn's magic also has a way to deal with this situation, the problem is that he still has so many helpers, if they all have the same speed as Shanlei, things will not be good done.

The most frightening thing is that Horn still doesn't know if there is a legendary powerhouse in this world. He can kill here today with his strength, but will it attract legendary powerhouses?

Horn was thinking about countermeasures, but found that his enemies, those of the Shanlei ethnic group, did not attack. It didn't seem to be deterred by his strength, but they were all doing some strange movements. have completely integrated the power of the spirit of thunder and lightning! Shan Lei said gloomyly.

Is this strange? Horn said lightly, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong. How could he suddenly understand what these guys said?

How can you, an outsider, do it?

Shanlei said angrily that Horn's body is the strongest lightning spirit in their tribe. After fully fused, it has powerful power and can shock all Shanlei tribes!

Because, this is exactly the spirit of thunder and lightning possessed by the first Patriarch of Shanlei!

He seems very excited, is it because I robbed him of something?

Horn dug his ears and said helplessly, How do I know, I'm just an outsider.


Shanlei retreated with all the Shanlei ethnic groups, and Horn's place was clean again.

Watching them leave, Horn breathed a sigh of relief, but he also felt strange, hearing their tone didn't seem like they would retreat seeing Horn's strength.

Do you want to leave here...

Suddenly Horn felt something was wrong, this time he didn't feel anything strange!

He has been transformed for a long time, but he doesn't feel the slightest unbearable feeling!

Is it because of the environment here... Horn closed his eyes and began to feel his current state.

First of all, after entering this state, he no longer has any burden, and even does not have any loss of his own magic power, he can always maintain this powerful state.

This used to be Horn's dream, because it would allow him to reach a higher level of power than the ninth level, but now he is a little afraid to accept this power. He is worried that this is another arrangement left by the world, because too much It went well, but it made him a little worried.

Then Horn obtained some information from the Eye of Thunder, and from this information, Horn really began to understand the world.

This world is called the Thunder Crystal World. It is impossible to verify how many years of history it is. However, in ancient times, the Thunder Crystal World was very prosperous, with many god-level (legendary) powerhouses, and mastered the technology of space transmission. Try to expand abroad.

But one day, the Thunder Crystal World and another powerful world met, and a fierce war broke out. That world was annihilated, and most of the legends in the Thunder Crystal World fell. Since then, there has been no new legendary powerhouse in the Thunder Crystal World Birth, the original legends have also fallen one after another.

Therefore, even with the technology of space teleportation, Thunder Crystal World rarely engages in plane invasions. The previous invasion of Ceylon was the last attempt of the Shanlei tribe, but it failed miserably.

The so-called Thunder Spirit is the crystallization of power left by the legendary powerhouse. It is similar to the Seed of the World but slightly inferior. Like the state mastered by Horn, it is similar to completely mastering the power of the Thunder Spirit. The Shanlei tribe led had no choice but to retreat.

This is all the information in the Eye of Thunder and Lightning, and it is the history engraved here in the Thunder Crystal World.

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