Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 671: The Third Floor of the Ruins

There is a lot of blood on the ground. I don’t know if it is from these monsters or from the pastors who came here before. These monsters are not strong, but the number is too large. Even Horn, if he doesn’t want to take some countermeasures, it will be quite difficult to deal with. for trouble.

It seems that Horn unconsciously used the coping method that these creatures fear most, living in this environment for a long time, they are afraid of high temperature and strong light.

After casually killing the monster, Horn cast a powerful lighting technique on himself, making himself like a powerful flash bomb, so that he should be able to avoid the harassment of those monsters.

Horn is not interested in exploring slowly. Since those monsters will run away when they see strong light, then he will make himself bright, so he will not attract some powerful monsters, as long as these ordinary monsters will not Just keep coming in his way.

Unlike the previous places that were full of ice, this level is a solid ground, so Horn can't be as rampant as before. He has never been good at earth magic, so he can only seriously explore this level one step at a time. Even so, his speed is much faster than normal priests.

The priests and monsters who dared to block his way along the way were all killed by him. There were all kinds of screams around him, including human beings and monsters. Everyone who heard Horn Those who are about to come will try to avoid him as much as possible, because his momentum is too terrifying.

After searching for a while, Horn finally found the entrance to the next floor. At the entrance, several young pastors from two churches were arguing about who should go down first.

When Horn appeared here with the howling sound and strong light, they were all stunned, and they spontaneously made way for Horn to go down first.

Horn ignored them and entered the passage directly. Before disappearing, he released a fireball at the cave, and all the priests waiting here to enter the passage were all burned to ashes by this powerful attack.

Horn doesn't mind things that can be done easily.

The exit of the passage was in mid-air. After Horn came out of the passage, he floated in the air. Looking at the appearance of the third floor, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Compared with the first two floors, the space here is extremely huge, it is no longer pitch black, but there is a lot of light, the light does not come from the sky, but from the ground, it is the red light from the hot magma!

The air is filled with the smell of sulfur, and small monsters can be seen playing in the magma in the air. Although Horn has never seen what the real hell looks like, this is probably the scene.

Some small monsters were attracted by Horn, and cautiously approached in Horn's direction, but he didn't pay attention, and took out a disc-like magic item from the space ring.

The pointer on the prop kept turning, and finally pointed to one direction. Horn put away the disc and flew towards that direction at a high speed.

That prop was specially made by Horn for Colin, and it would point to the direction with the strongest fluctuations in the nearby space, which would help Horn quickly find places with advanced space materials.

Now the pastors of those churches should all stay on the first floor, and only a small number of people entered the second floor, so Horn must hurry up and find the material before the people from the Church of the God of Space arrive.

After flying for a while, Horn found a pitch-black high platform in front of him. Several thick chains extended from the bottom of the high platform. Above the high platform, there was a stone ball with a diameter of more than one meter and a blue halo.

When seeing this stone ball, Horn's breathing became a little quicker. He remembered that this kind of stone ball should be a higher-level space material than the Kongming Stone in the stone ball, and the stones outside are the space material. Ghost stone.

If you want to get the blue thing in the middle, you must first get rid of the space stone outside. Horn held one piece, his body bursting with magic power, and managed to take one piece off it.

But the moment he took it off, a huge shock wave appeared, knocking him back several meters away, making his whole body a little numb.

Looking at the big stone ball wrapped in at least a hundred stones, the disgraced Horn couldn't help but smiled wryly. It would not be easy to remove all these stones.

Just when Horn was about to continue taking the stone, a claw with a blue halo appeared from Horn's hand and grabbed Horn's neck...


On the second floor of the ruins, in the weird underground world, a group of priests of the God of Space had gathered around the silver-faced Lambert, looking for the entrance to the next floor.

His face was ashen. This action was somewhat unexpected. The strength of the ruins was much stronger than that of the canyon ruins explored a hundred years ago.

And it seemed that it wasn't just them priests who were exploring the ruins, there was also a group of people, although few in number, but very strong, which cast a shadow over Lambert's heart.

Originally, he wasn't in a hurry to explore, since things were theirs and they couldn't get away, but now he was very worried that the things he wanted would be taken away in advance by others.

He was trying to find a way forward, when a strange fluctuation came suddenly, and Lambert's face changed drastically. The fluctuation was extremely subtle, and only a top space priest like him could detect it. This feeling was very familiar to him, it was stripping The fluctuations produced by the time of the Kongming Stone!

Damn it, someone got there first! We must speed up, we must not let that person take away the space spar!

The space priests speeded up like crazy. If the things the gods wanted were taken away from them, they would be punished. The punishment didn't matter to them, but they didn't want the gods to disappoint them.


Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, Horn looked at the broken robe with some distress.

When he was dealing with that piece before, he found that someone was attacking him. Horn naturally found out easily, but he didn't expect that the strength of the monster attacking him was beyond his expectation.

The monster had already fallen at his feet. It looked like a demon, and its breath was very close. Many parts of its body showed a blue luster, which was very similar to the blue light emanating from the stone ball.

Let's call this monster a demon for the time being. It has a strength of level nine, and its speed and strength are probably at the level of beginners at level nine. It is not difficult for Horn to deal with it, but it has a very troublesome ability.

This demon can hide in a folding space to achieve the effect of teleportation or avoiding attacks. Relying on this ability, Horn finally killed this guy with all means.

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