Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 883 - Sprout

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The white meteor-like cannon light traversed the dark sky and entered the body of a Binart [Acura] class cruiser that had lost its energy shield.

A moment later, a violent explosion broke the beautifully slender cruiser from the middle. Human limbs, metal wreckage, and liquid gas from broken pipes sprayed into space like octopus ink; the fire at the fracture rolled out, swallowed by the void, and poured out continuously; the dazzling explosion light along Rows of portholes on the bridge of the battleship flew towards both ends; the huge tail thruster completely broke after a violent blast and burst into space.

“The wolf pack tactics are the only tactics used by the patrol group to perform fast strangulation. Simple, fast, and fierce. In the early days of the battle between the two sides, any advanced compound tactics are useless. Really fast.”

On the podium illuminated by the explosive light on the screen, the pale Hastings commanded the battle while teaching the fat man beside him.

His right hand tapped twice on the virtual keyboard, and a red box on the Skynet screen quickly shrank, locking a Phantom Drive patrol formation not far from the newly exploded [Acura] class cruiser on the real-time battle simulation map. .

“A422 squadron, cut into the middle of the two fleets of the enemy E231 and E243, you have five minutes, the channel has been opened for you.”

Following Hastings ’order, the fat man saw the screen, and the A422 driving patrol formation consisting of ten red battleship cursors in the red box quickly changed direction. Three Feiyang [crazy shark] class cruisers led Seven [Lion cub] class destroyers are inserted into the middle of the formation of the West Riot patrol with flashing E241 and E243 numbers.

The fat man turned his gaze to the hyperopia.

In the far-sighted device’s picture, this Feiyang driving patrol formation fired while moving forward. The flickering light made this fleet look like a group of cavalry soldiers marching into the center of the battlefield where the torch was dying and the sound was slamming.

Endless artillery lights are intertwined like a net beside the black hulls of these battleships, and the violent explosion light clusters expand and burst like bubbles in the surroundings, one after another.

Before, after, and around, they are already a scene of tragic melee.

An expeditionary formation consisting of Fiji and Siroy collided head-on. It’s like two combs with interdigitated teeth, you in me, you in me. The distance is only a few hundred kilometers. The distance is close, almost passing by.

The main energy gun of the bow spewed out with the command of the captains “fire”. Thick white light glanced across the void and plunged into the target’s body, or by the side of a warship swimming at high speed, and shot into the vast universe. The secondary wings of the two wings and the rotating turret all over the body are pouring fire into the frenzy, and the shooting rhythm is suffocating. Looking around, the entire battlefield was shrouded in this dense flare of light.

The fat man couldn’t help but hold his breath.

This is the most tragic and fierce battle he has ever seen.

When Hastings commanded sixty high-speed advance Feynan patrol formations under Lecht ’s headquarters, bypassing Phobos, and strangling with 108 Binart patrol formations, the entire universe In tremor.

The striker turned back in the moment of collision, and the battleships in the back continued to surge forward.

The battleship in the center of the formation charged at high speed in a crowded and narrow space, almost approaching the opponent’s armor shell and firing. In order to seize the attacking position or prevent the enemy from seizing the attacking position, they even hit the enemy’s hull directly. The outer fleets detoured to the opposing formation’s flanks and rear. The trajectory of a squadron on the screen is like a messy line, entangled in a circle.

In just five minutes, hundreds of warships have been transformed into the remains of the universe in the exploding white light.

Such a speed of battle damage makes the scalp numb.

“The main point of space fleet tactics is control. Whether it’s wolves tactics, cobra tactics, or sandstorm tactics, beheading tactics, through-the-arrow tactics, double-knife tactics, hot wheels tactics, slalom tactics, avalanche tactics, closing tactics, Vampire tactics, etc. are all the same. If you ca n’t fully control your fleet, then when the battle goes to a critical moment, you will find that your tactical execution power is constantly decreasing. In the end, The whole battle will collapse due to chaos. “

Hastings’ voice was cold and serious. The classic tactics of space command that he said in his mouth. It is not unfamiliar to command officers who have received formal military education, but for the fat man who was born as a mechanic, he only heard his name.

However, the fat man listened carefully. Engrave every sentence he said, and remember it firmly.

He knew that this was the only and last opportunity for Hastings to be able to impart his tactical command skills. The old man’s face is getting paler.

On the screen, the locked red frame of the command system disappeared and immediately locked another fleet quickly.

Hastings glanced at the Skynet screen and said with a deep voice: “General Franklin, detouring to the left of the battlefield along line 4, the main battleship of the A3 fleet will fire after one minute and twenty seconds. The only opportunity right in front of the enemy E6 cluster. “

The fat man saw that, with his instructions, a platoon of five platoon patrols led by Major General Franklin under Lecht was detouring from the periphery to the left wing of the battlefield.

If they can rush to the left to fight in time according to the route specified by Hastings, then within ten minutes, the Phantom Fleet can form a certain local advantage on the left, and the annihilation has been cut to the periphery in the battle. Of the four West Riot patrol formations.

However, to bypass the left wing before the enemy escapes, Franklin’s fleet must pass from the front of the let-off patrol.

This is definitely an extremely dangerous move on the chaotic battlefield. Once bitten by the enemy’s advancing patrol formation, let alone go back to the left to annihilate the enemy, it is impossible to protect itself.

The fat man’s eyes stared straight at the screen.

The Franklin Fleet in the red box of the command system has already begun to execute Hastings’ orders.

Although in front of their left, countless Nato warships are plugging in at high speed. Once encountered, they will suffer a fatal blow on the port side under the enemy’s muzzle, and there is no chance of returning. However, they still carried out Hastings’ orders without any hesitation.

These retired soldiers of the two-headed eagle fleet are Hastings’ most loyal followers. Their trust in Hastings is unconditional!

The Franklin Fleet accelerated, circled from outside the battle group, and flew to the left. Just as they arrived at the front of the opposing patrol group and were about to be bitten by several formations that the enemy broke through from the middle, the volley of the battleship main array of the Phantom Third Fleet flew in front of them in due course.

The flood-like cannon light instantly flooded the enemy’s patrol group. The surging Naval Fleet either evaded urgently or was swallowed by white light. And the Franklin Fleet calmly crossed an arc in front of them and walked away.

The whole cooperation is wonderful!

This is the almost terrifying command of Hastings!

In the eyes of others, the battlefield was strangled with chaos, but in his tactical computer, the veins were clear. Every drove formation, every battleship and every A-class fleet battleship governor’s every salvo time and design angle are under his absolute control!

“Time and route are the two most important elements of tactical cooperation. If you cannot allow your fleet to use time and route to cover each other, then you must bear unnecessary additional losses. This is a Commander’s taboo. “

“Bai Ba must be compared, it is a disadvantage for ordinary people. They are concerned about money. And for a commander, it is an advantage. They are concerned about the lives of officers and soldiers. If you lose control of the battlefield, There are additional casualties. Then your subordinates will be full of doubts about the route and plan you specified. When they start to reject or delay your order on the battlefield and choose their own combat method, it is when you fail. “

“Combat command, the focus is not on which tactics you use, but on the proper way to accomplish your current strategic goals. Every decision you make should be centered on this. The goal of the first phase [meet the enemy] , Is to test the opponent, control the opponent, not to let the opponent see your details; nor to give the opponent the opportunity to break through, surround, and divide you. Lay the foundation for the next phase [stalemate]. “

The fat man stared at the screen and listened to Hastings ’s instruction, reminiscent of every detail of Hastings ’command on the tactical computer-the position of each formation when the fleet was facing the attack; when entering the strangulation state The roaming routes of the central and peripheral fleets; the target selection and salvo frequency of the battleship main array; the cooperation of each battleship’s cover …

He found that although the old man’s command was not deliberately fast. However, the attack rhythm of the sixty patrol formations is surprisingly fast.

This is the speed that control and efficiency bring!

Every firing and turning of every battleship follows the beat of Hastings’ command. Whether it’s going forward, going backward, or detouring. All the tactical actions have been played to the extreme by Hastings, and there is no waste.

Although the drove formations of Sioux are twice as many as the Phantom One Group Fleet, however, the 60 platoons do not fall in the least.

Looking at the nearly 60 integrated formations of the drove patrols, they calmly swam away and opened fire in the surpassing number of their squadrons, keeping the squadron firmly in the distance. Ten thousand kilometers.

Suddenly the fat man felt that there was a kind of enlightenment that was taking root in his heart.



The flagship command hall is busy. On the high podium, it was silent.

The generals of West Covenant stood upright, staring at Sober ’s thin, upright back on the podium. The virtual screen of the tactical computer floated in front of Sauber in a semi-circle. In the huge hyperopic sight on the front, another [Sand Wolf] destroyer was destroyed by enemy fire.

The light of the explosion expanded from a small light spot in the distant sky into a huge star-like light sphere. After squeezing the entire screen, it swept through the porthole of the command hall and finally disappeared into the universe.

The battle loss ratio is 3: 7, the advantage of the Fiji League!

The generals of Sito ca n’t believe that with nearly two times the strength of the military, the Nato fleet is at a disadvantage. Of the more than 100 warships currently damaged by both sides, 70% are their own warships. And from the perspective of the battle situation, the nine A-class fleets in front of the left wing can not break through the interception of the other five A-class fleets. This also means that Sauber did not gain a strategic advantage at the expense of casualties.

From beginning to end, this is just a simple but failed confrontation!

Looking at the defending Feiyang fleet on the far-sighted device screen, everyone developed a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of their hearts.

Sauber is a military genius born in West Centennial.

It was under his leadership that the Western Covenant, which had been suppressed by the Fiji League, was able to seize dozens of strategic points of human interstellar waterways at the beginning of the war and cut the Fiji League into a piece that could not be looked after.

It was also under his leadership that the integrated West Atlantic alliance was able to gain local advantages in the major battlefields of the human interstellar territory. With far less economic, military, scientific and industrial strength than Fiji League, it has the upper hand. It was overwhelmed by Feimeng.

Since his father’s defeat three decades ago, Sauber has made his lifelong goal of defeating Hastings. Today, he is in the peak period of a commander, whether in intelligence, physical strength, will, energy or experience.

However, this is the kind of person who is headed south by the wind and thunder, and has multiple forces than the enemy, nor is it an opponent of Hastings ?!

Looking at the slightly frowned, Sober, who was operating the tactical computer coldly; then saw the bandit fleet that had approached from both sides of Phobos on the Skynet screen at high speed, and the fleets of the two sides that were about to come into contact with the Mid-Road and Right Wing , Everyone’s heart mentioned the throat.

The battle will begin in full swing.

If the southeastern battle has just begun, and the contact in the left-wing theater is only a small part of the entire double-star corner battlefield, when the two fleets are in full contact, how many bets will Sauber lose in front of Hastings?

Alessandro stood straight behind Sauber, unconsciously, his clenched fists were already full of sweat.

After following Sauber for many years, he knows better than anyone what this battle means to Sauber-this is Sauber’s youth, middle age, and even every day and every minute in the future life The whole meaning of

He lives to defeat Hastings!

Once it fails …

Alessandro dare not think about it anymore.

He turned his head and found the unfavorable round-faced staff beside him, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

“What are you laughing at?” Alessandro narrowed his eyes and asked.

“The next stage is [stalemate],” Moore looked at the skynet screen, the two fleets approaching each other, and said lightly: “At this stage, the general is invincible!”




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