Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Anti-Werewolf Raiders (8)

The Black Knights brought the captured people to a square dedicated to executing werewolves that existed a hundred years ago, and prepared to execute them publicly.

When Bonia and Chucks arrived, the square was already full of onlookers. In addition to the residents of the city, even the residents of the nearby villages rushed over after getting the news.

Because the Black Knights went to various villages to arrest many people during this period, the villagers felt that the Black Knights had arrested them without the testimony of the prophet, and they were naturally dissatisfied.

Seeing the team of the White Knights approaching, the surrounding people automatically gave way to let them enter the square.

Lu Jingqian’s carriage stopped not far away, and he sat in the carriage, waiting to watch what was about to happen.

After Chaks got off his horse, he strode up to Antwin and said, “Some people have reported to our White Knights that your Black Knights have been killing innocent people everywhere recently.”

Antwin put his hands behind his back, looked at him and said, “It seems that you are here to exercise the mutual supervision rights of the Black and White Knights. You want to supervise us to execute werewolves. We have nothing to say, but you said that we killed innocent people indiscriminately. What is the evidence?” ?”

“Your Black Knights are arresting everywhere without the testimony of the prophet, and you will immediately execute the captured people. What is it if you don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately?” Chax asked straightforwardly.

“I’m asking you for evidence. You said that the werewolves executed by our Black Knights were not werewolves. What evidence do you have?” Antwin said, “I still keep those werewolves who turned back into wolves after death. If you want to see them, I can Have someone send it to you, and you can check the quantity yourself.”

“The people you executed before, I may not have clear evidence to prove that they are not werewolves, so even if you lie, I can’t say anything. But the people you arrested today, I heard that they are all living in the city of Lesia People who have been there for many years, why do you prove that they are werewolves? If you can’t prove it, what is it if it’s not killing innocent people indiscriminately?”

Antwin smiled and said, “It’s not easy to prove whether they are werewolves. After I let my subordinates execute them, they all turned back into wolves. Wouldn’t it be possible to prove whether they are werewolves?”

“You’re just playing with human life!” Chaks tried hard to look more imposing than Antwin, and said with a cold face, “After they die, if it’s not a werewolf, you can let them Are they resurrected? What do you pay for their lives?!”

“I pay them my own life!” Antwin suddenly became serious, looked down at Chaks and said, “As long as one of them is not a werewolf, I will immediately, in front of everyone, Take your own life! Are you satisfied with this?”

“You…” Chucks’ first reaction to Antwin’s tough words was anger, but after turning his mind, he felt that it would be great for him if Antwin could really do what he said But things.

“Why should Captain Antwin speak out of anger?” Bonia, who had been standing behind Chucks, stepped forward and said, “In the city of Lesia, the main group of the Black and White Knights and every prophet live , has always been the safest central city on the mainland, how could there be a werewolf? Besides, it is impossible for Captain Antwin to really end his own life, is there?”

Ever since Antwin knew that Bonia was the wolf king, he wanted to kill him immediately, but he couldn’t do it until he exposed him. Now seeing Bonia speaking in front of him, he resisted the urge to draw his sword, and ordered his subordinates to say, “Since this so-called prophet is here, bring everyone here so that this prophet Let’s see if these people are werewolves.”

Antwin’s subordinates took all the people, and after kneeling them down on the ground, they took off the black cloth bags from their heads.

Bonia originally thought that no matter how lucky Antwin was, it was impossible to catch all werewolves. As long as one of them is not a werewolf, he has caught Antwin’s handle. Even if this trick doesn’t really kill Antwin, it will be good for him and the White Knights if it is used well.

But when Bonia glanced over, not only did he immediately see that they were all werewolves, but he also recognized their identities.

Bonia was stunned, and didn’t know how to react for a moment, because he had no idea that all the people captured by the Black Knights were werewolves, and none of them were human beings.

“Pornia Prophet, please save me, I’m really not a werewolf!” The deputy captain of the sheriff, Ba Luai, wailed at Bonia. save him.

“I’m not a werewolf either! Prophet Bonia, please prove my innocence!”

“Neither do I….”

“And me, I’m not a werewolf either! Please prove our innocence!”

The werewolves who could stay in the city of Lesia were capable werewolves who knew the identity of the Bonia wolf king and wanted to work for him.

These werewolves are now howling in unison and begging for help so hard, and they look like they have suffered great grievances. On the one hand, they really don’t want to die, and on the other hand, they are also acting for the onlookers. It is the nature of all werewolves to be loyal to the wolf king. Even if Bonia really wants to sacrifice them, they will not reveal the identity of Bonia wolf king.

“Great prophet, you are talking.” Antwin looked at the stunned Bonia and said, “Among them, who is not a werewolf?”

Bonia has a strong talent for acting, so although he was a little flustered in his heart, he still maintained a calmness on the surface that no one could see the flaws except Antwin.

Bonia couldn’t immediately think of a countermeasure, so she lowered her eyes and remained silent, as if seriously feeling whether these were werewolves or humans.

Antwin looked at Bonia and said, “I’ll give you five minutes. I think you, as a prophet, shouldn’t need more than five minutes to identify werewolves. If you can’t tell who is not within five minutes Werewolves, I’ll kill them all at once.”

Chucks also looked at Bonia, but in his eyes, there was trust and encouragement. His favorability towards Bonia has reached a certain level, and his trust level has also increased accordingly. As long as it is said by Bonia, he will definitely believe it.

Bonia’s mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about whether to save all of these people, choose one or two more important ones to save, or simply give up all of them and admit that they are all werewolves.

Among these options, Bonia would of course choose the one that was most beneficial to him. But after thinking quickly, he found that every option was very unfavorable to him. This was almost a dead end, leaving him with no choice.

Because no matter whether he chooses to save these werewolves or not, if Antwin insists on killing them, the fact that they are werewolves will be exposed. However, as a prophet believed by everyone, he has never revealed their identity as a werewolf, which cannot be justified anyway.

Time was running fast, everyone’s eyes were on Bonia, and Bonia’s anxious palms were sweating, but still no one could see the flaws. It has to be said that as the wolf king, his acting skills are much better than his father’s, which may be related to the fact that he is a soul from time travel.

“The time is up, have you decided to choose which of them is not a werewolf? Or, you decide to say that none of them are werewolves?” Antwin said.

Bonia knew that he couldn’t say anything now, so he just kept silent to the end, without saying a word.

“Bonia, what’s wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?” Seeing that Bonia had been silent, Chucks finally realized that something was wrong with him, and looked at him worriedly.

Chucks’ words seemed to remind Bonya, he clutched his chest, frowned and said, “I feel a little uncomfortable.”

After hearing this, Chucks immediately supported him, “You tell everyone whether they are werewolves or not, and then I will send you back, and I will take care of the rest.”

Bonia just wants to leave here quickly, go back and think about how to deal with these werewolves after they are exposed. Of course, he will not answer if Chucks asks him to tell which of these werewolves is not a werewolf.

“My chest hurts…” Bonya clutched her chest, looking like she was having difficulty breathing and was about to faint at any moment, and slowly slid down against Chucks’ body.

“Bonia!” Chucks picked up Bonia, turned around and was about to leave to find a doctor.

As soon as Antwin raised his hand, his subordinates immediately blocked their way.

Chucks could only turn around again holding Bonia, looked at Antwin and said, “Bonia is not feeling well, I will take him to the doctor first, and we will postpone this matter for later.”

“The whole city is here, where do you want to take him to find a doctor?” Antwin said, “If you are in a hurry to leave, I will speed up and execute them, it won’t delay you much time. “

Antwin’s subordinates dragged the werewolves to the execution platform, and the crowd immediately became agitated. Those werewolves also saw that Bonia was going to give up on them, but they were unwilling to be executed like this. At this time, they could only rely on the people to put pressure on the Black Knights.

“I’m not a werewolf! Not a werewolf! Everyone save me, save me!”

“I’m not a werewolf either, everyone believe me, I’m really not a werewolf!”

“Save us! If the Black Knights continue to kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will most likely be the next to be killed!”

“Don’t let the black knight kill us good people, everyone!”

“In order to fight for power with the White Knights, the Black Knights randomly arrest good people and kill them. Please help us, don’t let the Black Knights succeed! This is also for the sake of not being arrested innocently, please everyone!”

Bonia put his arms around Chuck’s neck, and leaned his head on his shoulder with a weak look. He also desperately hoped that the pressure of the people would make Antwin let those werewolves go. Even if he doesn’t release them immediately, at least delay their execution so that he can find a way to get through this difficult time.

“Let them go!”

“Let them go!”

At this time, a few people in the crowd took the lead in yelling to let them go, so most of them shouted together excitedly.

Antwin walked towards those people, and said very forcefully, “I, Antwin, guarantee with my own life that since I became the head of the Black Knights, I have never killed a good person by mistake! No before, no now, and in the future And there won’t be any!”

So many people were overwhelmed by Antwin’s aura alone, and those who shouted suddenly fell silent.

“Think about it, if these people are not werewolves, why didn’t this prophet prove their identities in front of all of you?!” Antwin said loudly.

After the crowd was silent for a while, someone shouted anxiously, “Pornian prophet, say something! You have seen these people before, how could they be werewolves?”

“Yeah, you are a prophet, only you can prove their identity!”

“Quickly prove their identities! Please!”

Those who asked Bonia to speak were all close friends of those werewolves. They really believed that those people were not werewolves, and they didn’t want them to be executed.

Bonya’s body softened, and she pretended to be completely fainted.

“Bonia! Bonia!” Chuck anxiously called out Bonia’s name. He wanted to take Bonia away, but was blocked by the Black Knights, so he could only shout angrily. “Get out of the way, all of you!”

All the members of the White Knights drew their swords, only waiting for Chucks to order, and they immediately fought against the Black Knights.

The members of the Black Knights also drew their swords, waiting for Antwin’s order.

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