Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Sotrapolos, Greece▪︎]

[▪︎25th March 2003▪︎]

Below my feet—in the city—screams fill the place, the inhabitants running away with terror-stricken faces as huge flaming volcanic rocks rain down from the sky.

Calmly, I stretch my hand upwards, and with a thought, a large transparent force field forms and stretches to cover the city.

<Boom! Boom! Boom!...>

Fiery explosions rock the surface of the field but it doesn't even budge with more incoming from the volcano ahead.

"Prime, how long will it hold!?"

Darkwing shouts, on the rooftop of a tower below me—seated on his hoverbike. Red Rush is standing beside him, giddy and jumpy.

Green Ghost, Immortal, Martian Man, and Aquarus are hovering a distance away from the building.

Black Sampson nowhere to be seen since he lost his power about a week ago and so they kicked him out. Ruthless, but logical. 

"It will hold for as long as I want it to."

I reply without looking. My gaze is wholly on the heavily erupting Volcano a few kilometers away from the city—only separated by a bay that is producing laze due to the magma flowing into it.

"We need to do something now and quickly."

War Woman or Holly comments grimly, her fingers tightly clutching on the unique reddish gold and heavy mace—hovering right next to me.

She's wearing a black and red skin-tight metallic full-body suit of armor with golden arm braces, stylish pauldrons, and a tiara that highlights her onyx free-flowing hair. She looks incredibly stunning.

She decided to help me out when Cecil called me to assist the Guardians. She doesn't want to admit it but some part of her misses the team after all, she helped create it.

"Alright, guys we need to do something fast. Rush, Aquarus, Ghost, and I will go and deal with the civilians and the city. Immortal a——"

"Hahaha, at last, I'm free from my accursed seal.It's time to make those witches pay!"

A deep and archiac voice—evil in nature— sounds all over the city, the source, from inside the Volcano as with a boom, more lava spews out of its mouth—increasing the ash and sulfur in the air.

"I guess we know the perpetrator now. Holly, Immortal, why don't you guys head over and deal with our Giant situation while I deal with that."

I suggest calmly and point at the laze-covered water body that is hardening into molten rock due to the large stream of molten magma. 

The rocks still impact the shield above.

Cracks appear from the hardening surface and from within, large anthropomorphic eight feet tall bulking demonic creatures with ram horns and cracked skin burst out roaring—their cracked skins showing their magma-filled blood vessels.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll be back in no time dear."

She says with a smirk and without waiting for Immortal zooms towards the dome as a hole forms on its surface.

"Tch, women."

Immortal remarks arrogantly with a frown and follows behind her.

Darkwing nods and immediately, the rest of the Guardians fan out and start helping the injured civilians trapped in the partially destroyed city with burning or destroyed buildings—black smoke waving towards the sky.

Seeing Immortal and Holly fly right past the frenzied lava giants, I portal and appear above where the back of the river used to be, causally destroying any stray rocks coming down at me.


They shriek and rush towards me swiftly like drones, each step of them producing loud rumbling sounds.

Smiling, I chant—in Latin—lowly and in seconds, the sulphuric air around me swirls and forms large ice spikes speckled with black spots. 

With a wave of my hand, they burst forth at high speeds with gusts of wind trailing them and skewer swathes of the giants—killing them as they freeze.

As the lava wave continues to spill onto the ground— traveling speedily to the domed city—more giants form and just like their predecessors they blindly charge at me.

I extend my hand towards them and just as I'm about to attack, like cut strings of a puppet cut loose, the giants stumble to the ground and momentarily burst into pieces.

...That was fast.

Smiling, I clench my fingers into a fist. Instantly, the hardened platform cracks, break, and sinks into the steaming water below. 

The remnants of the lava, swim into the water and start producing laze, only this time it's weak.

The Volcano dies down but from its mouth, the gas still floats into the sky—the lava staining its sides—and from within, I see Holly and Immortal coming out unharmed.

I turn and disperse the dome as from a distance numerous medical helicopters are heading towards the city and then fly into it.

I softly land on a destroyed street and within minutes, everyone regroups at the spot, peacefully...well almost.

"I told you to let me handle it! We would've finished sooner if you did!"

Immortal shouts angrily—spittle jumping out of his mouth—at a frowning Holly as the Helicopters fly above.

"What are you talking about? You didn't want to workas a team so I handled it myself. How is that a problem?"

Holly asks fiercely as she crosses her arms, her eyebrows narrowed. The Guardians are utterly confused as they glance at each other.

Actually, so am I.

" dare you to talk about teamwork after what you did!"

He growls dangerously and steps up to her but she stands her ground and only tightens the grip around her mace. 

A frown appears on my face and just as I take a step, Darkwing slides between them and creates some space between them with a dangerous frown on his face.

"This is not the time and place for this Immortal. We still have work to do."

He says calmly. Holly's face relaxes but Immortal scoffs mockingly.

"You're still defending her after what she's done. Just like you always do."

Darkwing's frown deepens and just as he is about to retort, Holly cuts in.

"What do you mean by what I've done? I can't believe you're still behaving like a child despite your age. It seems it was a good idea to leave, your pride and arrogance are becoming sickening."

She hisses dangerously and the Team flinches uncomfortably.

"Well good riddance, the team doesn't need a cheap slut like you anyways."

Immortal insults with a prideful smirk.

...He really shouldn't have said this.

My face twist with anger and immediately, a deep, horrifying pressure bursts out from me and envelops everyone—except Holly—and they kneel clutching their chests, gasping for breath as overwhelming fear takes hold of them.

I walk slowly—feeling the Guardians terrified gaze on me—towards a kneeling and gasping Immortal who is staring at me with gritted teeth, his eyes filled with fear and defiance.

I reach him, grab his neck and lift him into the air—his feet hanging above the ground. My fingers audibly tighten around his neck as my cold eyes bore into his.

"Say what you said again."

I whisper darkly as I start choking him, his fingers desperately trying to pry mine away as his eyes fearful eyes start reddening and his face starts to sweat.

"I said say it."

I assert and increase my grip so hard that his hands fall to his sides, his reddened teary eyes hazy and his face turning blue.

Hehehe, how does it feel...tough guy. Not so gutsy now huh?

A soft familiar hand falls on my stretched arm.

"It's okay, Virgil. Forget about it and let's go."

Holly shakes her head with a beautiful smile and then scowls as she glances at Immortal's face.

"...He's not worth it."

Chuckling, I release him and he falls to the ground and inhales deeply. I release my [Blood Aura] and turn to face Holly with a smile.

"You're right, totally right. We aren't welcomed here so let's go."

I suggest and create a portal near us as the Guardians stand weakly on their feet, Immortal still on the ground coughing heavily.

She nods, turns her head to take one look at the pitiful Guardians, and walks into the portal.

As she leaves, I crouch to Immortal's level. He tries to back away but my evil smile petrifies him and I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

"There won't be a next time."

Then, I straighten up and enter the portal.

...If he does this again, we'll see if the moniker Immortal truly fits him.


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