Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎22nd April 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Shellies Cafè, Baltimore▪︎]

"...So like yeah, that day Killcannon officially declared out loud that I'm his arch-nemesis and in my head, I just sighed because I was embarrassed for him."

Eve chuckles as she gracefully takes another bite of her chocolate cake using a spoon—on top of a white ceramic plate—while I also take another bite out of mine which is in slices using a fork. The empty plastic bottles are right beside our plates.

We have been talking for a while now, almost two hours. We've talked about my life from me being a billionaire secretly to my personal hobbies—excluding my sexual adventures—and some personal stuff that increases connection. 

For the last hour, we've been talking about her life before Highschool. Like how she became a superhero, how she met Rex, and now she just ended on the part where Killcannon, her former supposed arch-nemesis called her his rival in the cringiest way possible.

"Just picturing it in my head makes it more comical than you describe it to be."

I add with a mock dreamy look on my face that makes her cover her mouth with her left hand to giggle.

"I would like to be in your head to see it."

She comments in a playful yet affectionate manner with a warm smile that infects me, making me beam at her.

"...Me too, anyways, I heard from the grapevine that your school year is almost over. What college are you planning on going to?"

We stay in comfortable silence for a while, just staring into each other's eyes but I break it up and inquire with clear interest.

"Well about that, I'm not sure I'll be going to college or university. 

My specialty is science, chemistry to be exact and I already know so much about it that I'm sure I'd even give some professors a run for their money. 

But that's not the real reason. I want to focus on helping people."

She sighs and explains softly as she straightens up in her seat.

"So you basically want to focus on being a hero huh? Not a bad decision and frankly it's more rewarding if you think about it."

I remark as I finish the cake by eating the last slice. To be honest, if I were in Eve or Mark's shoes, I wouldn't even think of going to college. It's a huge waste of their talent and time.

"I guess? But that's not it."

She pauses and looks at me a little weirder with an awkward smile on her pretty face.

"Oh? Why what's the problem? You know you can tell me anything right?"

I say seriously and gently touch her hands—that are lying on the table near her plate—fondly, making her unease vanish as she locks our fingers together with a calm smile now on her face.

"Well...I've been thinking about my powers. My powers involve rearranging molecules to fit my wishes and I feel like I'm using them the wrong way. 

Sure, I use it to fight crime but there are people with better skillsets and abilities for that job like you and Invincible so I've been thinking of using it more efficiently.

Like for example, going to the bad parts of Africa and Asia to use my powers to help them solve their food, water, shelter, disease, etc problems. 

Just think of the good that will come out of this, I'll save more lives than the conventional heroes and help make the world a better place permanently."

She explains slowly and ends with excitement radiating all over her smile and face.

Wow...I'm surprised. It seems I've been underestimating her, I never thought she'll ever think to use her powers this way. 

Back at home, superpowers are used in this way but in a more efficient and productive manner and it helped my Empire in the early stages.

This is the most logical and efficient way to utilize her gifts so I'm not sure why she is anxious about this...

"I totally agree."

I nod my head and smile at her. 

"...Are you sure? Don't I sound naive and a little childish?"

She asks with wide eyes as if she's surprised I agree with her...scratch that, she is surprised.

"No, not all, that's the most humane and logical idea someone can come up with. To be honest, I'm proud that you think this way.

You have my full support."

I say warmly and truthfully with an affectionate and approving smile that makes her thrilled and ecstatic.

"Thanks, Virgil, you have no idea how much this means to me. I thank my lucky stars that I have you in my life."

She says emotionally—her voice low and soft—with a faint dazzling smile, her jade green eyes looking into my bright gray ones with unconcealed endearment.

Ignoring the sounds of people talking around us, we wordlessly stare into each other's eyes and Eve starts leaning toward me slowly.

....That's my cue.

I follow her lead and also lean forwards and in just a few seconds, our lips crash into a kiss.

Enjoying the sweetness of her mouth, our affection-filled kiss lasts for a little while until she breaks it off gently with a loving smile on her face.

"That was...amazing."

She whispers, a little shyly, as she glances around and notices some people looking at us, most of them smiling slyly.

"Yeah, you are amazing Eve."

I smile at her as we lean backward to our previous position, making her flush of embarrassment rise to her cheeks.

"So...does this mean we are a 'thing' now or..."

She drawls, looking away slightly as she brushes her arm, her hidden insecurity showing.

Smirking faintly, I touch her face with my right hand and make her look at me directly. Then, I lay a soft peck on her lips and whisper in her ear in a sultry manner.

"We are more than a thing now Samantha. There's no way in hell, you're leaving me. Consider this, a lifetime punishment."

I chuckle at the end and look back into her beautiful eyes, her eyes slightly teary with a sweet smile on her face.

"...I trust you."

She says and kisses me, this time with a lot more passion.

...I guess now I have to thank the owner of the other shard for bringing me here and Rex Sloan for being a dumbass.

Now all I have to do is make her fall in love with me so deeply that she can't even think of leaving, remove her mental inhibitions, and then I'll have an eternal partner that can reshape worlds to her our whims.

...Well, when I'm done with everything, she won't be the only who can do so. Sigh, I'm starting to fall in love with this universe...


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