Conquering The Omni-Verse!

A Revelation


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎2nd July 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Laboratory, Prime Tower▪︎]

[A concentrated dose strong enough to affect you has been chemically synthesized. This is the first improved version so the effects will be very potent to get more data. There's a slight chance for something unexpected to happen due to the limited time and research material used in synthesizing the variant so brace yourself...not that you'll die anyway.]

Seraph explains, and I nod in response. My eyes set on a large sophisticated hookah-like machine—three meters tall—in the center of a section of my laboratory located in my penthouse.

Like most of my labs, it's painted silver all over with the polished metallic walls and floor flashing with the reflected light coming from the lighting system above.

In the machine, visible through a transparent slit on its sides, the blackish violet gas with white swirling specks mixed in it can be seen.

After finding out about the substance yesterday, I went to where they mine it after commanding Seraph to send in robots or droids called [Workers] to the place. 

They are robots or machinery specifically designed for this kind of work.

After a few hours of highly efficient mining, we gathered tons of the substance which I then sent to Seraph via a portal for her to do her magic. 

In its raw form, the substance can't affect me due to my robust immune system and internal structural makeup but Seraph isn't Seraph for nothing so using my biological data, she synthesized a new and improved variant of the substance.

Something which, per her calculations, should be strong enough to induce an effect in my mind which I don't doubt one bit. She finished synthesizing it a few moments ago.

Just to spice things up, I told her to create this hookah-like machine and fill it up with the variant. After all, if the Vaccians can essentially level up by smoking something almost akin to 'alien acid' then why can't I too?

Smiling at the thought, I pull out the silver mouthpiece from its holder and bring it to my mouth. Looking up, I gaze at the tower-like machine filled entirely with gas and chuckle.

...Here goes nothing.

I insert the mouthpiece into my mouth and start pulling out the gas. Inhaling and exhaling gradually the tasteless gas in large quantities, the laboratory starts to fill up with smoke.

Minutes pass as I continue using the mouthpiece, the transparent strip or meter on the gas container revealing the amount of gas available—it's half now.

As the room becomes cloudy with exhaled purple-shaded gas, I start zoning out as a comfortable feeling settles inside me.

Slowly, as a unique form of euphoria starts building up inside me, I suck large quantities of the gas, and the moment I finish the entire can, something extraordinary happens.

In an instant, I feel my mind open up like a book and within seconds my [Mind Eye] also opens on its own. 

Smells, color, hearing, and my sense of touch and taste become so vivid and extreme that it's like I'm one with my surroundings.

I can feel the texture of the gas molecules surrounding me and by intuition, I even have an idea of its molecular makeup even though I know next to nothing about it. 

Closing my eyes, my [Hyper Awareness] bursts out and extends everywhere like tendrils, flooding the entire continent and bringing everything into my focus, filling me up with the indescribable feeling of being one with the landmass.

I can see everything in perfect detail from the internal and external structure of objects and living creatures, the underground activity of magma, see the smallest dirt particles, etc., 

Additionally, the auras and all kinds of weird magical or paranormal phenomena comes into my attention and just like that, I instantly understand the workings the eternal night sky of Midnight City.

Also, I can hear every sound from babies crying, people dying, whispers, coughs, conversations, the almost inaudible sound of the movement of blood and ants crawling, and even the thoughts of everything capable of independent thought.

The same mind is also being barraged by lots of information as thousands, almost a million calculations and simulations run inside of it, bringing me a superb and otherworldly understanding of all the things I was unsure of and around me.

All my thoughts, knowledge, memories, and every form of information are being structured, categorized, and most importantly in one form or the other improved beyond repair, so much so that I feel like some of the things I spent my life learning is all wrong and it's now I'm learning the right things.

Even with all this information and data, running races all over my mind at seemingly faster-than-light speeds, I feel no mental burden or strain like I would've if I did this any other day.

My mind is as calm as a pond with no ripples and as tranquil as a white dove flying away unfettered by the things around it.

...I feel at peace as if I've transcended everything in reality...

Suddenly, a deep and extremely familiar foreboding feeling powerful enough to scare me spreads from a void in my body and assaults me, instantly everything disappears in a flash, and almost immediately I fall to my knees.

...Just before everything disappears, I manage to catch a glimpse of the source of the feeling deep inside me, from the OmniSpark shard.


My mouth opens as the meal I ate a few hours ago comes out like a wave of pain, overwhelming as if millions of heated needles are being inserted into it all at once.

Feeling fuzzy with my vision getting cloudy, the purple gas in the room gets sucked out while the overload in my mind just keeps increasing but this time, it's as if the edges of my brain are expanding beyond its limits.

[ Side effects detected. Currently, your brain is experiencing the aftermath of sensory overload. It will be b——]

...My eyes close as I slowly black out, my ears filled with a loud ringing noise that blocks out any other form of sound.

...Fuck, at least that was interesting. After this thought, I instantly black out.


Placing my hand on my head while groaning—as I wake up—I slowly sit up on the bed, utterly nude with no article on.

Wincing as the lingering pain slowly subsides, I observe my new surroundings. I'm currently inside my room and outside—through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room area—the sky is darkening.

[You've been out for eight hours. I took the liberty of stripping you out of your clothes to make you comfortable. 

...A thank you would be much appreciated.]

Seraph says with a calm voice laced with sarcasm, making me chuckle as I shake my head slightly to get rid of the remnants of the pain.

The moment it vanishes, my mind becomes clear again and all the epiphanies and enlightenments I experienced in that state gradually came crashing back, making my eyes widen as my pupils dilate again.

Within minutes, everything comes back. 

"I see, I makes sense now. All the cloudy things are gone. I knew my fears will come true, I understand everything now...

All the things that didn't make sense conventionally make perfect sense now.

...My purpose in the infinitely expanding web of the Multiverse or the Omniverse at large has never been this clear. 

Hahaha, I love this feeling...this is first time I've ever felt this way.

...Like a freaking pawn...

"Seraph, we have a lot of work to do from now onwards. It seems I've always been fish in someone else's pond..."


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