Comprehensive Manga: Becoming a God From the Dungeon Encounter

Chapter 159

If you bend the bow and shoot the arrow, it will take more time. “Wind, listen to my call!”

A soft drink appeared in the ears of everyone, and a pale green light flashed past, and before they could react, they came to the Amazon who was about to be attacked.

A few small scorpions that just jumped out of the meat ball were swept across by a light green light curtain, and turned into two halves of the corpse and fell to the ground. “Ah!! Ugh…”

At this time, the Amazon, who had the strength of lv2, only reacted. He opened his mouth and shouted in fright, but the next second he covered his mouth again.

Making others seem like a very contradictory act.

The friend standing beside her is also an Amazon. Seeing her contradictory action, she couldn’t help covering her mouth and trying to laugh.

But in order not to disturb the monsters in the temple, try to make as few noisy sounds as possible. Long.

Chapter 340 Satian Tears of Deception

The same is true in Orari Dungeon. When walking through all levels of the dungeon, try to make less unnecessary noises.

The main reason is to prevent those monsters from being “born” from the walls of the dungeon, not being destroyed by adventurers, and wandering in the hierarchy.

Now the Artemis family and the Lin Feng family have stepped into the lair of unknown monsters.

It is better to be cautious with each step.

Although it will take more time, it is better than losing your life.

Not to mention the Temple of Artemis, which has been occupied by the resurrected monster ‘Andaris’ and became its lair.

Produce a huge variety of scorpion family.

These scorpion kin can help it quickly corrode the surrounding land, air, trees, and more.

Drawing nutrients and strength from it, you can strengthen and quickly restore your own strength.

“The big “307” family has seen it, if it wasn’t for Chanel’s help just now, I’m afraid we would have lost a companion forever!” Lietsha suppressed the joy on her face and faced everyone very seriously. said the man.

Especially the Amazon that was just about to be attacked.


After such a thing happened, everyone present would no longer walk on the road without any vigilance.

The surrounding area is like a dungeon, and the ‘Andaris’ family may appear from anywhere at any time.

The girls of the Artemis family have silently removed the weapons hanging from their waists or behind their backs.

Although this will consume some of the endurance of the arm, at least if it encounters an emergency, it can resist or counterattack.

So as not to kill yourself because of carelessness. “Hoohoho!!!!”

There was a loud roar from the depths of the temple, and it was unknown if it was the sound of ‘Andaris’. “Master Artemis… Shall we move on…”

Just when Litessa was about to let everyone move on, this roar echoed in everyone’s ears. “Go ahead, ignore this roar, it probably knows that it is about to die.”

Artemis could hear it from the roar of ‘Andaris’, it seemed to have some emotions such as excitement, fear, and excitement.

It seems that it also knows that the humans brought by Artemis and Lin Feng are going to kill it. “Yes!”

The team that stopped because of the sudden incident just now started to move slowly again.

Inside the temple of Artemis, the deeper you go, the more intertwined the roads become. As long as you are not careful, you will turn to the original position.

However, for the Artemis family and the others, marking is a very normal thing.

It took more than an hour to finally break through this staggered passage that is very easy to get lost. “Isn’t it here yet? I feel like we haven’t encountered a monster for a long time?” Saten Leiko gently touched Iino Yako with her slender waist and asked.

“Don’t worry so much, those adventurers who didn’t see the Artemis family were sweating on their foreheads and their clothes were soaking wet.” .”

After spending so many days with Saten Leiko, Iino Miko still knows some of her character traits.

A little girl who can’t be quiet.

Always want to do something big.

Now that her strength has just improved a little, she is eager to show it.

“Tears sauce will have your chance to perform soon, and then you will have to kill more of those scorpions.”

At this time, Lin Feng also noticed that Satian Leiko and Iino Yako seemed to be saying something, so he stopped a little and stretched his head over to say.

“…Scared, scared me to death!”

“Lord Lin Feng, please don’t intervene so suddenly next time, okay? I’m chatting with Sister Mizi!”

Satian Leiko, who was thinking about it, was almost startled by Lin Feng who suddenly made a sound and shouted. Fortunately, she remembered Artemis’s instructions to cover her mouth at the beginning, so that the shouting did not come out as much as possible.

“…Tears-chan, your expression just now was so cute!” “Hahaha!”

Lin Feng saw Zuotian Leizi’s frightened look, and the movement and frightened strange expression were really unbearable. “!!!” “mo~~!”

“Lin Feng-sama baka!!!”

If it weren’t for the fact that there were so many people around, Saten Leiko would have wanted to use her delicate hands to slap the **** who summoned her to this world.

Really a naughty **** who likes to do things and join in the fun…


“Don’t be angry with tears!”

“Senior didn’t say everything, and you will be able to shine in a while!”

Yako Iino stretched out her small hand and gently pulled the corner of Saten Leiko’s clothes and said. “Sister Mizi! You’re pulling the strings!!”

“It’s obviously Lord Lin Feng who is bullying me, so you have to talk about him well!”

Xiao Mizi’s actions and her side-scrolling words made Satian Leiko look back at her in disbelief.

With eyes that were like fluorescent light green light, I couldn’t believe that Sister Mizi, who was sleeping in the same bed, would ‘betray’ her!

We are all close friends and best friends who talk about everything! !

That’s it! That’s it!

“This… this is…”

Saten Leiko’s violent behavior, it seems that Iino Yako herself knows that what she did this time is indeed unfair.

But…but she couldn’t get that kind of… anger towards Senior Lin Feng in her heart!

What can she do with this!

“Forget it! Don’t explain it!”

Saten Leiko looked at Iino Miko, whose cheeks were flushed, and she knew what this Miko sister was thinking.

It’s not just some things that girls often talk about, what kind of love, like someone or something.

Is Lord Lin Feng really so easily fascinated?

Satian Leiko is still a little confused about 4.8, as far as she knows, there are two girls in the family!

If this is in the Academy City where she is located, this is impossible!

Unless you transfer nationality?

“No, no! How can I think about this.” “I, I’m not happy, I like him…”

Saten Leiko thought about Yinoko Iino, and almost wrapped herself in it, she quickly reached out and patted her head.

Let yourself wake up well.

Satian Leiko’s strange performance of ‘self-mutilation’ fell into the eyes of many of the surrounding companions.

Of course, that included Randy of the Artemis family.

Landi only saw that Lin Feng had a few words with Satian Leiko and Iino Yoshiko.

It’s really confusing to see Saten Leiko’s various strange movements and behaviors. .

Chapter 341 Avoiding the Crisis

She is a super-beautiful girl with the beauty and intelligence of the Randy Artemis family, and of course she will not act like Saten Riko and the others.

If Lanti’s inner drama was known to her peers, they would definitely all look at her with contempt.

You, a girl who likes to do things, when did you imagine yourself as such a beautiful character in your own heart?

Beauty and Wisdom? This is a total illusion! !

He has bright red hair that is as beautiful and bright as the combination of blood and flames. He has the strongest fighting strength among the family members, and has a beauty beyond ordinary people.

The head of the Artemis family, Letessa, she is the responsibility of the family!

Landi or something, he’s obviously a kid who likes to make big news. “Let’s go everyone!!”

“I don’t know where the scorpion monsters appear from behind!”

While Saten Leiko was still confronting Lin Feng, a girl from the Artemis family who was walking at the end of the team suddenly shouted to everyone in front.

The voice contains urgency, fear, impatient, anxious and other emotions. “what?!!”

Most of the people walking in front of her, after hearing her shouting, all habitually turned around to confirm the situation.

It doesn’t matter when you turn around, some one or two girls who are not good enough in their hearts almost fell to the ground during the running process.

Fortunately, there are companions around to help, otherwise the entire team may have to stop for a while. “Let’s go!” “Don’t look back!”

Although Lietsha ran at the front of the team, she also looked back for the first time to see a super crisis event that she had never encountered before.

In the Artemis family, they have participated in so many battles since childhood and encountered many crises.

There has never been a crisis as big as the one encountered today.


All the adventurers of the Artemis family heard the words of the leader Letesa, and they knew it in their hearts.

Although they only glanced back, they could see that this was not something they could resist.

Looking back at the boundless monster like a super crisis, it is better to bury your head and follow the head of the family and run forward. “Gem Magic!”

In the process of running, Yoshiko Iino always pays attention to the situation behind him. If he is caught up by monsters, he can help him at any time.

As expected, in just two minutes, those small and medium-sized scorpion monsters of all shapes and strengths, covering the sky and covering the sky, were about to grab the tail of the last person behind their team. .

Miko Iino quickly took out five precious gems of different colors from her small backpack.

Because these gems are only ordinary gems mined, only by using the special usage of ‘gem magic’ can this originally ordinary gem have explosive magic power.

This world is a magic spar that has magic power when it is mined.

The tops of the magic wands held by the mages basically had more than one magic spar.

Of course, the magic spar also has a more detailed division, and there is no time for more descriptions here. “Whoosh whoosh!!” “Go!”

When Lin Feng and the others were basically running forward, they also noticed the situation behind them.

Before Lin Feng and Artemis opened their mouths to ask powerful adventurers to help, they suddenly saw Iino Yako throw a few shiny gems at the tail of the team behind them.

The moment they left the end of the line, the five gems that shone with bright red light suddenly accelerated.

In less than a second, he came to the front of the group of scorpion monsters in an instant. “Boom boom boom!!” “Kacha!!”

The fire was everywhere, and several explosions sounded in a row, and the surrounding walls seemed to be cracked due to the explosion, dropping some huge rock blocks.

The members of the Artemis family who were at the back of the team involuntarily looked behind when they heard the sound of the explosion behind.

She originally thought that she might not be able to escape the fate of this death.

But unexpectedly, someone in the team rescued her and escaped to death for the time being. “Don’t stop, everyone, keep running!”

Lietsha didn’t have so much time to ask so many things, and now the first priority is to find a safer place.

At least not so many monsters followed, keeping people busy.

The red gem that Yoshiko Iino threw out, but after these days, his magic power has been continuously cultivated.

And it also used a special ability in the ‘gem magic’. After five gems of the same attribute are used, they can exert a single more powerful power.

The duration will also increase.

That’s why Iino Yako used her magic power to throw five at a time.

The number of gems she carried on this trip was no more than twenty in total. “Huhuhu!!!”

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