Comprehensive comic: Obtain the Hundred Years of Cultivation of Monkey King at the beginning

Chapter 12

"I don't know which prince the marshal is going to attack first.

After hearing Li Tianyu's words, the bad handsome said directly.

"The king of Qi is high and long, sitting in Nanming City, only 8,000 soldiers and horses on hand, but it is located in a remote place in the Central Plains, and those powerful princes have no way to conquer him;

It is already the limit to have 8,000 soldiers and horses on hand, and it is simply sitting in Nanming City that he cannot support him to recruit more soldiers and horses, otherwise sooner or later he will be able to unify the southern part of the Central Plains;

this marshal thinks that this hidden danger should be eliminated first, and then temporarily ascend the throne and become emperor in Nanming City, and then this marshal will personally unite with other princes;

eliminate Zhu Wen's traitors, and welcome His Royal Highness back to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

After Li Tianyu listened to the bad handsome's words, he took a sip of the tea on hand.

"I'm afraid there isn't much strength in this high sky, otherwise it's just a lot of grass, how can it be mixed to the point of being the lord of a city.

"Your Highness don't worry, although this person has the strength

of the King Kong realm, but in front of the marshal is not vulnerable at all, in front of the marshal, the land immortals are all ants; the ants of the King Kong realm are just a little more than other ants, the real tricky thing is his 8,000 soldiers, but fortunately, the marshal has already arranged for people to mix into these armies; just when the time is ripe, these 8,000

men and horses can be used by His Highness."

After Li Tianyu listened to the words of the bad handsome, he felt very relieved in his heart that he had such a capable leader.

Why worry about not making a big deal.

"You arrange for manpower as soon as possible and go and bring my imperial brother over.

After Li Tianyu finished speaking, he stood up directly and prepared to leave.

But when he saw the bad handsome, he didn't move, as if he didn't take him seriously.

"Bad handsome don't want to obey my orders? The

bad handsome clasped his hands into fists, and then said with a smile in his tone.

"The minister is just happy in the tone of His Royal Highness, he already has the demeanor of a king, I hope that His Royal

Highness can become a generation of masters, the minister is originally a minister of the Tang Dynasty; since he should obey His Highness's orders, Li Xingyun is indeed not very safe outside, and it is easy to be used by people with ulterior motives to become a stumbling block for His Highness to recover the Tang Dynasty.

When the bad handsome said this, there was already a hint of murderous intent in his tone.

Seeing this, Li Tianyu immediately opened his mouth and scolded.

"Bad handsome, remember the whole world, Li Xingyun is my only relative, I don't want you to do anything unfavorable to him, if you can, I hope to restore the Tang Dynasty at that time

, and he can also contribute to me, with the assistance of our two brothers, to rebuild the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty."

After Li Tianyu finished speaking, he left the room directly, and the bad handsome directly let out a sneer.

"This is the tone that a king should have, unlike his brother Li Xingyun, who has no ambition in his heart, I want to help him achieve a great cause in this troubled world

; Ben Shuai is afraid that some planning is indispensable, but now there is Li Tianyu, Ben Shuai is just around the corner to restore the Tang Dynasty, although he is ambitious; but

a generation of kings has no ambition, how can he be called an emperor, vaguely in his body, see the figure of Emperor Gaozu. At

this time, a short old woman appeared in the room, she was the Meng Po of the Xuanming Sect.

At the same time, he is also one of the 36 Heavenly Cadre Captains of the Bad People.

"His Royal Highness can be so praised by the marshal, it seems that this time the recovery of the Tang Dynasty is just around the corner, but there have been a lot of moves on Zhu Wen's side recently

;I heard that Dong Zhuo, who has joined forces with the Han Dynasty, wants to annex half of the Han Dynasty in one fell swoop, and has sent the military general Wang Yanzhang to lead 200,000 troops into

the Han Dynasty;In this way, the Xiliang Ma clan has no way out, after all, if you want to enter the Han Dynasty, you can only go through the road of Xiliang;

The Xiliang Ma clan and Dong Zhuo formed a blood feud, and Wang Yanzhang led his troops into the Han Dynasty, and the Xiliang Ma clan was the first to bear the brunt. "

Under the design of the bad handsome, Ma Teng, the patriarch of the Xiliang Ma clan, accidentally killed Dong Zhuo's clansmen.

With this, he formed a blood feud with Dong Zhuo.

and also occupied Dong Zhuo's territory in Xiliang.

This is naturally indispensable to the bad handsome in the dark.

On the surface, the Ma clan occupies a place in Xiliang.

In fact, it has already become a pawn of bad handsomeness.

"Xiliang Ma Teng's strength has reached the realm of a first-grade martial artist, and his son Ma Chao is even younger, and he has reached the peak of the realm of leisure, if it can be used by His Royal Highness,

it is naturally the best; Shi Yao, you should return to the Xuanming Sect first, continue to monitor every move of the Zhu family, and don't come to the headquarters again for a period of time;

Zhu Youqi, the Emperor of the Underworld, is not so stupid, if you leave too often, it is inevitable that he will find some problems."

Shi Yao nodded after hearing the bad handsome's words, and then left the room as well.

On the other side, Li Tianyu had already started chatting with Lin Chong at this time.

"This is the headquarters of the bad guys, it's absolutely safe, and now I have a task for you, I don't know if you can accept it.

When Lin Chong heard Li Tianyu's words, he knelt directly on the ground.

"Command, my lord.

"I want you to go to the Great Song Dynasty, gather those heroes who have been harmed by corrupt officials, and then concentrate them in the Black Triangle;

Lin Chong hesitated for a few seconds after listening to Li Tianyu's words, and then said.

"I used to think that I was a hero Lu Zhishen, thinking that I was killed by a traitor, thanks to his rescue, if the lord didn't dislike it, I could find him.

Li Tianyu then took out a King Kong Pill.

"After this pill is given to you, the realm of the martial artist can reach the realm of the golden pill, in addition, there are some broken silver here;


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