Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 29: The Nereid

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Percy and the Nereid fuck. Oh and there's some talking too.


On the one hand, Percy wished he could say he just hesitated and gave it some thought. But on the other hand, when else was he going to get the chance to do something like this? To have full underwater sex? It wasn’t like any of his current lovers could breathe underwater like he could. Well, except for maybe Hestia. She was a Goddess after all, so what did he really know about her true capabilities?

Regardless, there was simply no way that he was going to pass on the Nereid’s offer. Especially with how beautiful she was. Smiling softly as though reading his thoughts but more likely just reading his face or body language, the Nereid bobs her head in a nod as she slides further into his arms and takes her up in her own.

Down here in the ocean depths, there was no real need for them to descend onto the sand bank. Instead, they both float there as Percy’s cock is extracted from his clothes and the Nereid hikes up her gorgeous sea-green dress to expose shapely long legs, beautiful thighs, and a shaved cleft nestled betwixt them.

He’s inside of her before he can even really blink, his cock sliding up into her cunt without any issue. There’s no need for lubrication, and he can’t really tell precisely how wet she truly is for him, mostly because… well, the water surrounds them from every angle. Still, her pussy is as snug as it is slick, as tight as it is inviting. As he slides up into her, she clenches down on him, holding him in place as a soft moan leaves her lips.

Percy shivers, greatly enjoying the moment, even as the Nereid’s arms wrap around his neck and she gives him a soft smile.

“You did well to make it this far this swiftly, Perseus Jackson.”

He blinks at the use of his proper name. It feels surprisingly right coming off of the Nereid’s tongue, even if she hadn’t been using it before. Feels… good.

“Thanks. I had help, of course. Not just my friends… but also a monster too. Medusa.”

The Nereid’s eyes widen in recognition.

“Interesting. It has been some time since our Lord had us watch that one. She has come to avoid bodies of water and some among us thought she did so to avoid our Lord as well. It is good to hear she still holds enough affection in her heart for Lord Poseidon to care for his son.”

… Care was one word for it. Looking back on his interaction with Medusa, Percy didn’t know for sure if the female monster had really spared him because of his father… or because of Percy himself. Maybe a little of one and a lot of the other?

But Percy wasn’t going to correct the Nereid. No real reason to be talking about one bedding while he was in the middle of another. Indeed, as they talk, the Nereid continues to gyrate her hips, circling them over his cock. It’s not a hard and fast fuck or anything like that… more of a friendly bout of lovemaking if he had to describe it. But even that wasn’t quite enough to truly put the singularly unique experience into words.

“Not just her either. Ares helped us as well.”

Mentioning the God of War does bring the Nereid up short for a moment. She looks confused, pursing her lips in thought. Finally, she shakes her head.

“… As he should. The War God has sided with your father, Perseus. It is only right that he render what aid to you that he can.”

Percy narrows his eyes, catching what she’s leaving unsaid.

“But Poseidon didn’t send him, did he?”

The Nereid gives herself away with her reaction, giving Percy a meaningful look even as she stresses the emphasis of his father’s title when next she speaks.

“Lord Poseidon is very busy, I’m afraid. You must believe me when I say that your father has no desire for this war… but he will not sit idly by and let the God of the Sky wage it against him unchecked. More than that, he is forbidden from giving you direct assistance. It is good that Ares acted on his own… lest Lord Zeus have even more reason to accuse Lord Poseidon of favoritism.”

That sounds both reasonable and unreasonable at the same time to Percy’s ears. On the one hand, yeah, he can get how Poseidon’s attention might be occupied at the moment. On the other hand, a more petulant part of him just wants to complain if he’s being honest.

“I’m his son, aren’t I? I would think a certain amount of favoritism should be expected, right?”

He sounds a little whiny even to his own ears, but the Nereid just smiles softly as she continues to rotate her hips around on his cock. Her inner walls flex and squeeze along every last inch of his member almost rhythmically, and her technique… her technique cannot be understated.

“I’m here, aren’t I? I traveled all the way up the Mississippi River to contact you, did I not? Do you think your father didn’t have a hand to play in that?”

… Fair.

“There is some leeway, of course. But the gods must not show too much direct favoritism, especially towards their own children. They can only work in indirect ways… usually.”

Percy thinks about that. Ares had felt pretty direct, but then… it wasn’t like he’d given them a ride all the way to California on the back of that divine motorcycle of his or anything. No, in the end he’d set up a pretty shitty experience for them, for all that he’d clearly used some power to make them travel all the way here so quickly.


“I don’t trust it. I don’t trust Ares. Will you tell my father for me? I think he has ulterior motives.”

That doesn’t exactly inspire the response from the Nereid that Percy is hoping for. Rather than taking him and his words seriously, the beautiful sea spirit laughs. It’s a beautiful, melodic sound that Percy would enjoy quite a bit if it wasn’t at his own expense.

“Oh Percy… of course he has ulterior motives. Neither Lord Zeus nor Lord Poseidon want this war to happen. But Lord Ares is the God of War. He, more than anyone, would benefit from this upcoming conflict.”

Frustrated, Percy reaches out and grabs the Nereid by the hips, startling her for a moment as he forces her to look him in the eye.

“Then why exactly did he help me get this far West this fast completely unprompted by my father? You say he’s Poseidon’s ally. You also say he wants this war no matter what. And yet… if I succeed in my quest, there should be no war. So why would Ares assist me?”

That gives the Nereid pause. She hesitates, concern finally crossing her face. Percy is pleased to see that she’s finally actually listening to him.

“… You’re right. I apologize, Perseus. It had been quite a long time since the Lord of the Sea gave birth to a demigod child. My sisters and I have watched you grow up for quite some time…”

So her excuse was that she was having a hard time seeing him as anything but a kid? Percy scoffs at that and finally moves his own hips, thrusting up into her and reminding her that he’s very much not a kid anymore. He might only have just turned eighteen a little while ago, but even still… he was an adult now. In the eyes of not just the mortal world, but apparently the divine world as well given the monsters and gods that he found himself abruptly tangling with.

“Let my father know about Ares. Please. And… let him know I had a dream too.”

The Nereid, a little flustered from his sudden proactive movements, slowly nods.

“I will, Perseus. And this dream?”

“I don’t remember much of it. But… the Crooked One was mentioned.”

That brings true alarm to the Nereid’s face, the raven-haired sea spirit’s eyes widening in disbelief.

“The… the Crooked One? Are you absolutely certain? Not… not the Silent One? Or the Rich One?”

Percy shakes his head.

“Annabeth asked the same thing. No, I’m certain of what I heard. It was the Crooked One. Annabeth told me what that might mean. I need you to warn my father about that as well. Though… why bring up Hades’ nicknames like that?”

The Nereid looks solemn until Percy asks that last question. Then, she just looks confused before turning apologetic.

“Ah, my sincerest apologies, Perseus. I assumed you already knew or had at least guessed at this point. Your father believes Hades to be the one behind the theft of the Master Bolt. When the Lord of the Sea heard the prophecy the Oracle gave you, he was even more convinced. Journeying this far West… well, there’s an entrance to the Underworld near here. You were told to come here… told to venture into the Underworld itself.”

Percy blinks at that. No one had ever explicitly said that he was going to have to go up against Hades himself to retrieve Zeus’ Master Bolt. But then, maybe they hadn’t said it because they really thought it was that obvious. Or maybe they just hadn’t wanted to scare him. Either way, he knew now. Actually…

“Back in the river, you told me to come here before going West. But this is about as West as I can get. When you said you wanted me to come to Santa Monica before coming West…”

The Nereid gives a sheepish smile, even as she returns to gyrating her hips upon his now thrusting member.

“Ah… I was not in my best state when we first spoke, Percy. Something got… lost in the translation, I suppose. What I was asking of you was to come here to Santa Monica before going to West Hollywood… where you will find DOA Recording Studios, a clandestine entrance to the Underworld.”

Oh. Well then, that made this trip to the beach well worth it in the first place. Percy couldn’t help feeling like someone had dropped the ball somewhere along the way. Had Annabeth, Clarisse, and Grover known where they were going this entire time? Was it just him in the dark about all of this shit with Hades? Or had someone really just… sort of forgotten to tell them that Hades was the main suspect until now?

“Thank you for the information. I promise, I won’t let my father down.”

Either way, Percy is entirely sincere as he thanks the Nereid for her help. But she just laughs in response, wrapping her legs around his waist and tightening her hold on him.

“Perseus… silly boy. Do you think that was why I asked you to come here? Do you think that was all I had for you?”

As they continue to fuck, the Nereid reaches behind her and then pulls forth her hand, holding it out and revealing four pearls in her palm.

“You journey to the Realm of the Dead, Perseus. Few of the living have ever dared to do so. Even fewer have survived to tell the tale. Take these, please.”

Percy takes them, having no reason not to trust the Nereid at this point. Once he’s got possession of the pearls, he gives her a curious look. Fortunately, she proceeds to tell them what to do with them.

“When your need is great, when the situation is most dire, smash the pearls at your feet.”

Percy furrows his brow at that. Smash them at his feet? What did that mean? What would happen? When he asks that last question out loud, the Nereid just giggles.

“That, my dear Perseus, will depend entirely on the need.”

That sounded like the best he was going to get out of her. Oh well. Percy nods, opening his mouth to thank her again, but the Nereid silences him with a finger on his lips before he can do so.

“I also have a warning for you, Percy. The Lord of the Dead feeds on doubt and hopelessness. Even if he is not the one behind the theft of the Master Bolt, once you are within his realm, he will be loath to let you let you leave. Indeed, he will do everything in his power to keep you in the Underworld, to trick you into choosing to stay or to hold you by force. You must stay true to yourself, above all else.”

Funny that it’s just as she’s saying those final words that they both tip over the edge. Percy grunts as he spills his seed deep inside of the Nereid’s quim, while she cries out, tossing her head back in audible enjoyment and shuddering as her pussy walls milk him for all they’re worth.

As her words ring in his head, they both silently disentangle from one another, a mutual understanding that they’ve reached the end of this conversation passing between them. It’s only as the Nereid summons her sea horse back to her side and slips into its saddle, riding off towards the void, that Percy remembers the other unsettling thing she’d said to him back in the Mississippi River.

“Wait! Back in the river you said not to trust my gifts! But what does that even mean?!”

She doesn’t look back at him he’s pretty sure, but it’s hard to tell with how fast she disappears into the ocean depths. He still hears her last words clearly though.

“Listen to your heart, Perseus. Listen to your heart and all will be well.”

… Great. Whatever that meant. Percy groans and covers his face with his palms, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyelids. He feels the Mako Shark rubbing against his legs like an excited puppy again a moment later though and is forced to stop his impromptu self-pity party to hastily fix up his pants and make sure his dick isn’t still hanging out.

For a moment, he wants to swim down. Maybe command the Mako Shark to take him all the way to the ocean depths. Just give up on this whole quest and join his father in his court. But if he did that, he’d probably be expected to fight in the wars to come due to his delinquency. And Annabeth would be expected to fight on the other side as a Daughter of Athena…

Fuck. Fuck everything. Grumbling a bit, Percy grabs hold of the Mako Shark’s fin and lets it swim him back up to the beach above. He comes out of the water inch by inch, step by step, and as he does so, he’s dry without having to wait. Even his clothes are dry the moment they’re no longer submerged.

Annabeth, Clarisse, and Grover are all waiting for him there. Percy finds himself hesitating about what to tell them in regard to the meeting…

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Tell them everything that happened, leave nothing out - 71%
[ ] Tell them everything that was talked about, pearls included - 23%

[ ] Tell them only about the next phase of their quest being in the Underworld - 6%

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