Club Luna

35. Befriending a Bun

Despite my best efforts it wasn't until lunchtime on Thursday that I finally caught up to the bunnygirl.

Not literally, she was way too fast for me to catch. But I'd kind of got an idea for her routine by then, and I knew as soon as she got out of her second class of the day she'd go straight to the cafeteria and have lunch by herself.

So I made sure to get there as fast as I could when I got out of class, and while she was focused on her meal I was able to practically sneak up on her before she could run off again. Not that she seemed especially scared or timid, she was just really quick and didn't seem to like to stay in one place for very long.

"Hi there," I greeted her with a smile and a friendly voice as I approached her table. "Mind if I sit with you?"

She startled slightly when she realized I was there, but after a second or two she nodded "Ok sure. How come you aren't having lunch with your other friends today?"

I smiled and pulled out the chair opposite hers and sat down, then shrugged "I was really hoping I could get to talk with you. Honestly I've been trying to say hi for like three days now but..."

She blushed and mumbled, "Sorry, I didn't realize. I wasn't trying to avoid you or anything, I just kind of like running and moving around and stuff."

"That's ok." I replied as I gave her another friendly smile. Then I added, "Oh by the way, my name's Cass. Or well it's actually Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cass."

She nodded, "I know."

"You do?" I was a little surprised. "I'm usually pretty quiet, I figured most people wouldn't really notice me or know me."

The bunnygirl blushed and lowered her voice as she admitted, "It was hard not to notice you last November. When you became Cassandra."

That sent a little shock through me and I probably went a bit pale as I stared at her. That big magic thing May and the rest of the club did on halloween was supposed to make it so nobody noticed anything about my sudden transition.

After a few seconds I asked nervously, "You noticed that?"

"Yeah," she nodded. She was still blushing, and her voice was still quiet as she added, "You coming out and transitioning is what led me to figuring myself out too."

That was another surprise, but it was kind of a good one. I smiled at her, "Aww. I'm glad you figured yourself out. And you look really cute."

That made her smile too, "Thanks! Oh, sorry! My name's Kenzie by the way. I should've said that sooner."

"That's a nice name," I replied.

Kenzie nodded then finally started eating again. She had a half sandwich and a little carton of milk, and as she munched on her meal she asked "Aren't you eating?"

I didn't have anything with me, if I'd taken time to go to my locker to get lunch or stood in line to buy something in the cafeteria I knew I'd have missed her again like I did yesterday. I didn't want to tell her that though, I didn't want to sound like I was stalking her for the last couple days. Even though that's pretty much exactly what I was doing.

So I shrugged, "Not hungry today. I had a big breakfast I guess?"

"Oh," Kenzie nodded then took another bite of her sandwich.

We had a couple awkward quiet seconds as I tried to figure out how to get to the point, but eventually I decided to just go for it. I figured like May said, the two of us had stuff in common. The fact that she already knew I was trans and that I changed last autumn made it sort of easier since I didn't have to convince her of that stuff first.

I still sounded awkward though as I asked, "So um, I was kind of curious about something Kenzie? If it's not a big secret or anything, maybe you could tell me how you transitioned so fast? And um, how'd you get the bunny ears?"

She watched me for a few seconds as she had a gulp of her milk, then she responded "You first. How'd you change back in the fall? And how come none of the teachers gave you a hard time? I never saw any of them question you, they all acted like they already knew you were a girl and everything. The only teacher who didn't know you was that nice substitute teacher we had for math that time."

I grimaced slightly at that memory. I'd have rather forgotten all about Mrs. Reeves, but I realized other students would have very different memories of her. To them she was just the nice fun math substitute, not the evil witch hunter who kidnapped my friends.

After a few seconds I nodded to Kenzie, "I'll tell you, but you have to promise to keep it a secret, ok?"

"Ok," she agreed. "And same, I'll tell you how I got changed, if you promise to keep it to yourself too."

"Promise," I nodded. I hadn't really wanted to tell Miss Hawthorne anyways, especially since I was positive she'd want to interfere somehow. Now I had an excuse for not telling her anything.

Kenzie finished her milk then put the little carton down and waited for me to tell her my story.

I kept my voice down and I didn't tell her about the club and definitely didn't mention any names, but I told her that I accidentally stumbled onto some people who were doing magic and I basically walked right into the middle of it. I explained how my body changed before I even knew what was going on, and how it freaked me out but also made me kind of happy and stuff, and basically admitted that I didn't even know I was trans until after I'd already been transformed. And a big part of that was how much I didn't want to get changed back.

She smirked a few times at how I described my eggy thoughts and stuff, then when I got to the end she asked "What about how the teachers all didn't bug you about it? Like you basically completely transitioned over the weekend, same as me? But everyone just acted like it was normal for you. For me I've had to explain myself to every single teacher, I've been carrying a note around that my mom and the principal both signed. And I've had lots of students staring at me and stuff. Though maybe that's because of the ears. Or my size. Anyways so what did you do so everyone just accepted you?"

That was harder to explain but I tried to keep it vague, "The people who's magic accidentally transformed me did some more magic that weekend to sort of... Not hide it but I don't know the best way to describe it? They did something to help me blend in I guess. So people wouldn't freak out."

Before she could ask I added, "Not my parents though. I still had to go and have the talk with them, and that was really awkward at first because like, they sent me to school one day thinking I was a boy and I came back a couple days later looking like this."

"Oh gosh," Kenzie cringed. "How'd that go?"

I couldn't help smiling, "It went really well. My parents were both super accepting and everything? In fact they already suspected I was trans. Like they actually suspected it before I even knew myself."

She looked surprised as she responded, "Wow."

That made me frown, "Hey what about your family? Is everything ok for you at home?"

Kenzie nodded, "Yeah. I came out to my parents before it happened. Like just before. Actually it happened while we were having the talk, but we got past the difficult parts first. So they knew I was trans and they were both really nice and accepting and stuff. We all hugged, then like five minutes later I was a bunny."

"I bet that shocked them," I smiled. "And now it's your turn, so how'd it happen?"

She was starting to fidget on her seat and for a moment I suddenly worried she was going to bolt rather than tell me. But she didn't take off, she just continued fidgeting as she shared her story in a soft quiet voice.

"It's hard to believe, but it's because of a magic stuffed bunny? I got this little plushie from a vending machine at the grocery store. I'd been carrying it around for a week or so, and it was like my new favourite fidget toy? And I was fidgeting a lot while I was coming out to my parents. Then at the end I happened to say something that turned out to be like a magic word I guess? And next thing I knew I was a tiny bunny. Like not a bunnygirl but an actual bunny."

I stared at her with wide eyes, but nodded for her to keep talking.

"I ran around the house, it was loads of fun, my parents and sister were all chasing me around and stuff. I was tiny and fast, and I could hide anywhere, it was cool. But then my folks got upset and stuff, and I realized I couldn't be a bunny forever. I found the plushie on the floor and put my paw on it and thought the magic word really loudly in my head, and next thing I knew I was a little bunnygirl. I can change back and forth, bunny or bunnygirl, but only if I have the plushie with me."

Before I could ask she shook her head and stated, "I don't carry it with me. And no you can't see it. It's somewhere safe."

"Ok Kenzie," I nodded. "That makes a lot of sense actually? I can see how you wouldn't want to risk losing something like that."

She just nodded quietly, but after a half minute or so she suggested "I won't let you see mine, but you can always get one for yourself. Assuming the vending machine's still there. It was at the grocery store at the big box plaza on the south side of town. It was the machine at the end, it's full of little tiny plushies. Like kitties and puppies and foxes and bunnies."

I grinned, "Thanks Kenzie. I might just do that. So um, can I ask, what's it like being a bunny? Or just having bunny ears? And um, do you have a tail too?"

She blushed but grinned, "Yeah I got a tail. It's not a puffball, it's more like a teardrop shape. Beige like my ears. And being a bun is pretty great? Except you can't talk and you can't use a phone and stuff. Paws are fun sometimes, but hands are better most of the time."

"That's so cool," I smiled.

I wasn't actually sure if I wanted to find out what it was like to be a bun, and I didn't think I'd want to be a bunnygirl full time, but it was really neat hearing what it was like from her. And if I could figure out a way to do it temporarily with some other magic, I might actually be tempted to try it.

After a few seconds another question crossed my mind and I asked, "Hey I don't suppose you know what kind of bun? No worries if you don't, it's probably a weird question if you're not actually into bunnies -"

"Britannia Petite," she announced proudly, and with a wide smile. "They're like the second smallest domestic breed you can get. My bun form is tiny! I'm like less than a kilogram, and only stand about this tall."

She held her hand somewhere around fifteen or twenty centimetres above the table, then added "That's including my ears by the way!"

"Wow," I grinned. "That's just too cool. And you're a beige bun?"

Kenzie nodded, "Yeah, more or less the same colour as my ears?"

I was still smiling, thinking how cool it was to talk with her and learn about being a bun and everything. Except all that led to yet another question.

"So you said your family was really supportive about you being trans," I said quietly, "What about the bunny stuff? Are they ok with that?"

She shrugged as her smile faded, "I have to be careful around my little sister. If she catches me as a bunny she probably won't let me go. She wants to hug me and pet me and all that. Not that she'd hurt me or anything, she just gets too excited because I'm so small and cute? And my parents were really freaked out at first. They're still freaked out now I guess, but they're getting used to it. The big thing is, they can see how happy I am and how much I like this? If I wasn't happy I think they'd be freaking out a whole lot more. But knowing I'm happy and I like being a bunnygirl makes them not freak out so much."

"I'm glad for that," I replied. "And I'm glad you're happy Kenzie, I'm glad you got to be who you really are."

She smiled, "Thanks Cass. I'm happy for you too, that you got to be yourself and everything."

"Anyways," she added as she suddenly got up out of her chair, "I gotta go. Sitting still for too long makes me fidgety. See you in class later."

"Ok thanks for talking," I replied, but she was already halfway across the cafeteria. And a moment later she disappeared from view, out into the hall.

I sat there staring at the door for a few more seconds, then started to wonder if I had time to get a snack or something. Happily my girlfriend came to the rescue.

Kaylee sat down next to me, she put a can of cola and a granola bar in front of me and smiled. "I saw you didn't have time to grab anything, so I figured this would get you through the afternoon."

"Thanks Kaylee," I replied as I opened up the bar and had a bite.

While I was munching on that she asked, "So do you want to go visit that grocery store after school? You know it's the one where Melanie works. We should have a look at the vending machine where Kenzie got the plushie from. If that's the source of this stuff, Miss Hawthorne will want to know about it."

I found myself staring at her as I tried not to choke on the granola. I quickly swallowed what was in my mouth then glanced around and half-whispered, "How did you hear that?"

She leaned closer and whispered back, "Just a little magic, so I could listen in. It's a spell that gives me better hearing."

That made me frown, and I ended up staring at her for a few seconds as I tried to figure out how to respond. Like Kenzie told me that stuff in secret, because I promised not to share it. And I meant to keep that promise. Finding out my girlfriend basically eavesdropped on me left me feeling sad and disappointed.

I finally sighed, "I wish you didn't do that. You know that stuff was all a secret right? I promised not to tell anyone."

"And you haven't broken your promise," Kaylee replied with a shrug. "You didn't tell me, I just happened to overhear."

"It's still not cool," I mumbled as I opened my cola. "But yeah, we should go and check out the vending machine. Maybe I can get my own little mini bunny plushie."

She rolled her eyes, "Just don't go turning yourself into a bunny, ok? The club's got a wolfgirl, we don't need a bunnygirl too."

I just shrugged slightly as I quietly drank my soda, and tried not to be too upset with Kaylee for spying on me and Kenzie.

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