Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 84

The time it takes to make 100 yuan with

How long does it take to make a hundred dollars with a dream?

May the heart tell you that I have used me for a long time.

From mid-August last year, until the day before yesterday.

About 440 days.

That’s right, the day before yesterday, the amount of money rewarded me finally reached more than 240 yuan.

But it was too busy to update during the exam a few days ago, I really didn’t have time to write these words.

threw away the 20 yuan for the cover of the throne

I finally rely on writing a book,

made a hundred yuan.

took more than a year.

Really, looking at the settlement page, I was really excited.

It used to be a long, long time. In addition to the column for writing, the writer’s area has other remuneration, labor, points, etc.,

has nothing to do with me

So, you really don’t know

I looked at the page, how happy I was when it showed the hundred dollars I earned

I obviously felt a lot of words in my heart, but when I typed it into words, I didn’t know what to say.

I used to watch piracy and free students

So, I’m really right, someone is willing to pay! Willing to spend money!

Look at the stories I wrote to support my words

really moved


thank you

So I am willing to write, I am willing to have a lot of lessons every day, and insist on two shifts every day,

Writing books is my hobby,

I write books to make money, use my hobbies to support myself,

is my dream.

Yuanxin’s family is an ordinary family, and many things will depend on themselves in the future.

So I keep trying,

try to apply for graduate school, try to work,

try, write a book

is probably a kind of anxiety about the future.

So, this one hundred dollars is really a powerful encouragement to me

For the first time, I made money with my hobbies and dreams

very happy

felt at ease and strength

This is also the reason why roommates can always see that they have stopped playing games and are willing to sit in front of the computer and suddenly start to feel silly.

I spent more than a year and finally got some results

Maybe it would be better if I started writing this book in May

But at that time, I couldn’t let go of it after all, Throne.

Until now, the throne is still the most magnificent story I have conceived.

Beijiang, Dongzong, Xiling, Nanyu, Zhongzhou,

The vast Xuancang Continent is a delusion of how many classes I don’t know

So someone might laugh at it, then a story that hasn’t signed a contract with 900,000 words,

You gave up early, won’t you make a hundred dollars earlier?

Maybe, maybe so

However, in the past year, in the daily hardship, hopelessness and struggle of plucking up courage and burning dreams,

do it again during that period, I may not be able to hold on

I learned a lot, if I didn’t have that time

My current words may not be able to write the current story.

Maybe there is no night battle

The text is the only power of the authors, I will use it very cherished, and write the night battle well

, where did the words go,

is a bit incoherent, I don’t know what to say,

I hope you don’t care,

In the past few days, Xiaoyan Xiao brother (xiao brother Xiao at four o’clock, laugh) and today’s book friend 130417140155975,

thank you for your support

Because of these two days, it’s much better to earn more than one hundred dollars now

The words may be unclear, and the meaning is not clear.

But I always thank you,

Thanks to everyone who likes this book,

Thank you for watching,

thank you all


“Thank you to the book friends who have supported the throne, although I am a little sorry to you, but I am going back to another world, goodbye…”

“Thank you to those book friends who support Night Wars now, thank you for your continued support, I will write this story well, see you tomorrow…”

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