Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 28

The author’s thoughts that can be read i

Simply say a few words of testimony, and it won’t delay your readers too much time.

For convenience, the first version of the wish is temporarily combined with the second version of wish, and the narration is in the first person.

First of all, to be honest, this book was signed is a surprise to me.

It was actually an accidental product when I was writing “Throne of the Thousand Years”.

At that time, I just wanted to simply write something out of my head and make me laugh.

So I wrote three chapters at the time and didn’t write it.

This is also the reason why it has been four months later

To be honest, when I started to write, I didn’t think about anything except the beginning, and I didn’t think about any outline at all, I just wrote cheerfully.

Because I put all my heart and soul into the throne.

“Millennium Throne”

For this book, my debut, I really racked my brains to set up a huge and magnificent fantasy world view, all kinds of plots that others don’t have, although I failed in the end.

That book really witnessed my whole year of hard work, my growth, and I don’t know if there is any progress,

Starting from scratch, step by step, I now feel that I may not be able to persevere anymore. Haha, interested readers can go and read the book, and see if the wish to persevere from 300,000 readers to The tragedy of 888888 words (but I still think that the throne that poured all my hard work at the time is very beautiful)

The wish that grew up from the throne to the present, let’s talk about this book,

From the time I learned about the contract, I started to complete everything in this book, such as the plot, setting, follow-up characters, and the protagonist’s psychology.

I can guarantee that the stories I write will never be routine or trivial. I still have this confidence in writing

“Urban Night Battle Magic Boy”

This was the name I spoofed at the time. I really didn’t expect to see it on the post now.

So I want to understand, I have to work as hard as I can for this book

This story I must write is wonderful! Beautifully written!

I still have the same desire to hate the old version of the routine, I am willing to use all my ideas to write this book, just like the previous throne.

The two-dimensional story is easy and funny to write, and the enthusiasm and touch are also closer to reality. Perhaps it is really because of the book friend when I want to write about the throne. I am not suitable for writing fantasy. I should go to the two-dimensional…

This story is relaxed, funny, passionate, and touching.

Fang Ran is just an ordinary person,

And what I want to write this time is such an ordinary story!

He will be different from the protagonist of many books, because he is just an ordinary person, in fact, like Feng Ran, Feng Ran is just an ordinary person who has lived for a thousand years.

“Urban Night Battle Magic Boy”

Please look forward to the future story.

PS1: I once joked with my girlfriend. I wrote a funny essay about a magical boy. She said she would definitely go and read it. As a result, I have signed and tweeted the book now, but my girlfriend is gone, ha, combined This is the end of Yi’s first vow, and now I send the first version of my vow back to another world.

PS2: I will work hard to update twice a day, please don’t let me fish

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