Circle Warlock

Chapter 71 - Those three things that year

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Is it normal for a pedestrian to call a neuropath to do things like this in a small alley against a skeleton?

However, the police in our country are still very reliable. They will never get out of the car like a certain lighthouse. When they get out of the car and draw a gun, there will be a little wind and grass, and they will “boo bao” and kill the alarm and the target. The key point is that he walked through the court after the incident without any harm. Everyone commented that-although he was indifferent, dereliction of duty, murder, and racial discrimination, he was still a good policeman who performed his duties with due diligence.

The two policemen who came saw that Shen Yan had two clothes rails next to him, thinking that the rack hadn’t finished yet, so he yelled first-it didn’t mean to take a gun … they probably didn’t bring a gun on duty.

Speaking of which, you may not believe it. Other national police rely on guns to handle cases. Our national police mainly rely on scaring people to handle cases. You see, our policemen are sullen and bluffing things seriously, but they are actually deliberately frightening you. The more you watch more TV movies, the easier it is for people with brains to get into the water, so let’s say it all.

But Shen Yan was different. When he saw the people’s police, his tears were almost coming out-finally he saw his hometown! You do n’t know what days I have spent in the otherworld … bitter!

“Don’t shoot! Fellow! It’s me, it’s me!” Xiao Shen loosened his skull and raised his hands high, but he was also very affectionate to the police, and he kept going forward. Fortunately, he was still in charge. He whispered to Augustine on the ground before he got up. “By the way, this is the world of the drawing room. Don’t pretend to be dead! Wait for the big guy to clean up!”

Drawing room?

Other people may not know what this word means, but Augustine is one of the legends around the city, and it is also a high-level in the city that does not allow gods to set foot on it. And around the city is the most informed place in the multiverse, how could he not know the drawing room!

Not only does he know what a drawing room is, but he also knows that there is no such thing as a mystery in the drawing room … When he heard that he broke into the world of the great **** Aio, his muscles were infarcted. Think again about the weapon that holds the second-biggest lady, and put two desperate things together. In exchange for greater despair, Augustine suddenly felt that his future was slim.

He finally gave up his efforts to crack the mystery of this world, one chin, the soul was extinguished, and “wow” turned into a bone … On the corpse, who I haven’t served!

“Oh ~ what’s the situation?” The two policemen who came were also ignorant. You are acting! We both have a small book in our hands? Who shot? Who robbed it! This matter is to be known by our leaders, but we must not hold us up.

“Stand up!” The policewoman yelled Shen Yan, “You are pretending to be a stray child, dressed in a mess! Look at your hair! Someone called you to fight here … what about people?”

The grassroots police have to manage everything and do all the work. All of them are full of talents and martial arts. She looked at the messy environment, the surrounding traces, and the two clothes rails that were thrown on the ground. She made up her mind about the fight. What needs to be determined now is the severity of the matter. If it is not serious, let the education go and let it go. If it involves injury examination, it will be troublesome. You have to determine whether to pursue civil or criminal responsibility … As for the scattered skeletons on the ground, the two policemen did not look.

Put the bones in the bag, and look panic when you see the policeman-the person carrying the bag must have a problem; the bones are scattered, and the people next to him look amused. ——This bone must be a model prop bought by a stationery store … the little broken boy now may not be doing any pranks! Maybe someone is taking a sneak shot nearby!

If I take it seriously, I may not be told what happened afterwards, which would damage the majesty of our people’s police! So both of them looked like “you can’t lie to me”, and dismissed the skull frame before them.

“Human?” Shen Yan pointed to his nose. “Just me.”

“So who do you fight with?”

“I didn’t talk to anyone. I was playing this skeleton.” The fellow saw tears in his eyes when he saw the fellow. Shen Yan’s attitude is good, and he is telling the truth.

“…” The policewoman was depressed for a while! She also found out, don’t look at this guy in shabby clothes, but the skin is tender and slippery. At first glance, it is a rich child. As for the fight, his exposed arm and face showed no scars. Obviously, as he said, he was beating someone … No, it was he who was fighting a skeleton.

“What’s the matter!”

The next male policeman approached the head and whispered. “I may have guessed it. It should be a video. A person picks a skeleton with a clothes pole. A person shoots. He is responsible for acting. The content is estimated to be the Warriors vs. the skeleton soldiers. Do you pay attention to her dress? It is leather armor, it is also carrying a bow, and a knife is inserted in the waist decently … Do n’t look through this body, it is expensive! This is to play an adventurer.

“What about the person responsible for shooting and picking bamboo poles?”

“Seeing us coming, ran away! Leaving this silly boy here thunder …” The two were chatting a bit loudly, which happened to be heard by the bear kid.

“Who is a stupid child!” Shen Yan shocked the graduation version of the expression package online-looking at the two people in shock. “How do you all know? It must have been peeping by the side, right?”

The two policemen at the same time showed a happy, but restrained expression that they must not laugh, in short, it was beautiful. Do you know how powerful it is now? The police are so omniscient.

“Okay,” the policewoman closed her notebook. “Your behavior is not annoying if you fight, otherwise people can call the police? Since they ran, then go home now, ah. Little girl’s house Yeah, do n’t dress up like a ghost or a ghost, it ’s so refreshing and refreshing! And yeah, my sister has a phone for you, you can take ordinary videos with those people, but be careful! Clothes or something, do n’t listen to people fooling you into doing art … Call the police immediately! Just call your sister! Do you know? “

“I, I am not …” Shen Yan almost collapsed. Did the Prince Terrier play at the end to change the women’s terrier? Is it still over?

Here is a supplement-Shen Yan after absorbing the blood of the Moon Elf, his height is reduced, his weight is reduced, his age is reduced, and his face is neutralized. This is all due. But after he passed through, Io greatly helped him to change his face, cut his ears short, and other times he didn’t see it.

Help him to restore it directly? Ha ha, impossible, impossible in this life.

So now Shen Yan looks five or six years younger than before, tall and slender … With a pendant and a small braid, she looks like Shen Yan’s sister.

“I know.” Shen Yan looked down helplessly.

“Well.” The policewoman nodded and greeted her partner. “Come on, there was still a lot of work to be done …”


The two left, Shen Yan crouched down again, did not want to talk, took out a pocket and shook it against the ground. After a little while, the skull aggrieved himself crawled in and had to take the initiative to retrieve the broken bones next to him.

After packing, Shen Yan walked out of the alley with a pocket, looking around … “This is Xinhua Street”? Not just behind my community! Are you crossing or precise guidance? !

Take a closer look, oh! Frightened Shen Yan-no wonder he always felt weird when he was in the alley! No wonder it can be delivered directly to the door! No wonder he didn’t recognize it right next to his home … It turned out that the world had changed dramatically before he crossed!

At that time, he was still an ordinary person, and he usually walked here and walked around and didn’t notice any problems. But look at it now, good guy! There are as many as a dozen portals in this short street!

Most of these portals are portals in the world, the keys to open the door are strange, and the appearance of the door is also varied! Some of these doors lead to the United States, some to Africa, and some to the sea … With the ability to speak now, as long as he can prepare those door keys, then pay some magic. Without leaving the block, you can casually go abroad and come to a trip that you can walk away without any effort!

But this seems too unreal, because it is near home, making him feel strange and uncomfortable!

Especially the roller shutter door that leads to Black Africa and is also a car wash shop. He has always been in and out of cars and people, and the business is very prosperous, which makes him feel a little hurt. Obviously it is a car wash shop, the key of this portal is the car wheel … it is a perfect match! If the shutter door was struck by lightning that day, someone else drove in the door … and traveled to Africa in one breath, the owner must not cry beside the lion.

“Can’t see, can’t see.” Shen Yan looked more and more upset.

How are these portals formed? According to Penny’s explanation, there are innumerable large and small gaps within the plane, between the plane and the plane-just as Shen Yan has seen. When these gaps accumulate enough “charge” inside due to the movement of the plane itself and friction with each other, a natural channel will be formed between the two “door” -shaped objects, and the medium that triggers the channel will go from burning feathers to alive Elephants, everything is possible.

When an object passes through the channel, the energy in the channel will be greatly consumed. When the energy is exhausted, the portal disappears. Even if this channel appears again after decades of accumulation, the position of the door and the catalyst will change. There are many natural transmission channels in every world, but not as many as in the drawing room!

This is entirely due to the lack of a supernatural foundation in the drawing room, which can be generated but is difficult to trigger, which leads to the accumulation of more doors, even to the extent of a dozen streets!

Entering the community, I found a lot of new portals … Don’t watch, don’t watch!

Go upstairs and make sure that the door of your room is not a portal … relief, open the door.

It wasn’t until I saw a familiar shoe rack, a familiar sofa, everything familiar that Shen Yan finally had the feeling of going home!

“It’s finally back!” He threw the bag of Augustine into the corner and sat on the sofa. Oh, this is the feeling! He twisted on it, comfortable like a big bug. But at this time, he began to smell the sweat on his body, and began to find that the greasy leather armor he wore was out of step with the sofa lying under him-he could sit on the grass and mounds while traveling. Can sit on the sofa at home, but feel sorry for the sofa!

“Take a bath, take a bath!” When thinking of the water heater, Shen Yan suddenly had a feeling of tears in his face, and the strange world was really pitted! When he proposed to boil water to take a shower, those people looked at him no longer like looking at a prince, like he was looking abnormal! Speaking of taking a shower, he immediately felt itchy and could not bear it for a moment.

Shen Yan three times, five divisions and two removed himself, and a flash flashed into the bathroom.

After a while, “Ah ~ ah ~~” screamed twice in the bathroom!

Two people in the bathroom covered one above and one below. Shen Yan was stunned, and a woman sitting in the bath and reading a novel was also stunned.

“Hello, Shen Yan, this is Chen Xiaoyu’s girlfriend Su Fang.”


PS1: Some book friends say that they have too many complaints. This will be noted in subsequent chapters. However, these chapters are true. There are three chapters of the man’s manuscript, so they will not be modified.

PS2: It is better to explain in PS. People who entered the world of the drawing room, although unable to command their own magic, did not disappear. For example, Shen Yan, after the battle, about 200 points of magic left into the world of drawing room, these 200 points of magic are still there.

Activating the portal requires a little extra energy. The ordinary magician is cut off from the channel of spiritual command magic power, and cannot activate the portal. If you find a tool, you can also “extract”, “save”, “pay”. Shen Yan can do the same, he can naturally communicate with the portal, and he can also “swipe” to pay through the system.

Otherwise, you can only wait to be hit by a special lightning, play a mysterious game, get an electric shock, the toilet flows superfluously, and the sky spit meteor.

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