Circle Warlock

Chapter 26 - Blade pass

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

Xi Penglin intersection, which is the name it wrote in the official document, is also the default southwest border of the kingdom of Peng Lin.

Before the rise of the southern town federation, the three northern countries had always drawn the boundaries of the kingdom south to the sea. This is why the guerrilla brigade where Milton was located was sent to the Green Corner Bay for investigation. But with the rise of southern city-states and frequent wars among the three northern countries, any kingdom has to retract its tentacles that extend to the south and give up those areas beyond its reach. At this time, with a vast barren south, it is far better to choose a position that is easy to defend and difficult to defend, ensuring that the truly rich center is more realistic.

The Blade Fortress was built during this period. It is located in the narrowest part of the mountain pass, and the horizontal road cut off the southbound commercial road. The fortress is tens of meters high, all made of boulders. The lower part is in the form of an arch bridge, the road passes under the bridge, and two huge iron gates in front and behind can completely cut off the road if necessary. The gate can only be controlled at the upper part of the bridge, and the upper part of the bridge is a completely enclosed military barracks, and the main body is all located on the bridge surface.

The army on the bridge is only responsible for garrisoning and controlling the gates. The road patrol has another station. Except for the supply of supplies, the bridge barracks have no contact with the below, and there are two beacon towers on the bridge! As long as 20 soldiers are stationed, this fortress can block 10,000 people out of the valley for 10 days or even longer.

Therefore, in the people, people call this “blade.” After the two large iron gates were pulled up, they looked like guillotine blades from below.

Now that the Northern War has entered the final stage, the Pass and the patrols have also been restored to the level of two teams with a total of 50 people, of which the number of patrols is even greater. They set up a checkpoint under the “bridge hole”, the main goal is to stop the increasing number of southern peasants who fled at the end of the war.

The nobles knew who their wealth came from. They used force to plunder, manage with whips, soften with churches, and propaganda with bards. If you ask who is the cornerstone of the kingdom, the standard answer is always noble! Those who say that the cornerstone is the masses are the SB.

The reason is very simple. One hundred fools gather together to give birth to a robber leader; a thousand fools gather together to produce a baron, and one hundred thousand fools gather to gather out a king. But Yumin is always Yumin, and things are so helpless. Even if we look through our history of the world, we will find that when a country needs revolutionary power, the order of choice is military, politician, consortium, bourgeois / landlord class, worker … the peasants are mobilized if there is no choice. When the revolutionary force is pinned on the peasants, it is ready to make a comeback throughout the country.

In short, since the war is coming to an end, the peasants on the land have escaped, so who will they exploit next? Not only Yumin’s appetite is starving, but the pockets of the old men are not full now. So as soon as the war showed signs of coming to an end, the focus of the kingdom’s nobility immediately shifted to how to fight and capture the fugitives.

At the moment, there was a cry in front of the blade.

The team waiting for the exit will meander for miles. Four soldiers guarded the barricade under the pass to check the release, and more than a dozen soldiers walked back along the line, pushing the ragged fugitives out of the line, and dozens of people were locked in a temporary fence. Some of the fugitives who dragged their daughters and women were crying and crying, and even those who were not picked out in the ranks also wept silently.

Originally, Shen Yan at the end of the team felt that these people were pitiful. He consulted with Penny and consumed a little divine power (about 0.5 units) to push down a large fence. The fences of the people there were not very strong, and there were only a dozen soldiers on guard. As long as one takes the lead and runs, the rest is gone. If the soldiers above the pass can’t come down, with the total strength of less than 20 people, how can they stop thousands of fugitives!

However, a funny scene appeared-the moment the fence fell, the fugitives who were locked were crying! Then, more than a dozen people who were close to the fence actually lifted up the fence together … supported … to get up. That’s how it helped you, shut yourself up again. When the soldiers who quickly ran to the gap patted the fence and praised those people, they actually showed a happy smile.

“Fuck,” Shen Yan poured backwards into the pile of rags, too lazy to look over there.

Listening to the cries of crying again, I just felt like a chirping dog and a wind in my ears.

Seeing that Milton hasn’t shown any anxious colors until now, Shen Yan knew that he should have prepared for this level early. At this time, there were some leaders’ wrists. And Milton finally seized an opportunity to pretend to be forced. Whenever someone asked him anxiously, he would tell the man lightly, “Don’t worry, I have a plan”-a commander The fixed fan, Beier has face.

Shen Yan dare to say that this time, at least he added 80 points to the villagers. Milton accepted the salutes of the village head, tiger, and Catherine, etc. The only flaw was that when he proudly “passed by” by Shen Yan’s car eight times, Shen Yan was sleeping with his eyes closed. Did not give him any chance to force.

“Don’t pretend to be asleep.” When Milton walked away, Oma appeared beside the car like a ghost. “Can’t look down?” He turned his head towards the crying crowd. “I tell you the truth.” It was the team’s turn to pass the pass. Milton was walking in front of the team. Omar followed him. Walk by car and preach while walking.

“I once had a friend who was a front-line swordsman in the army. He used his two-handed sword very well and was one of the first fugitives to flee to the south. In the south, he found a fertile land. The land was already There are many peasants who fled, and he is considered the most powerful warrior nearby. Some people encouraged him to stand on his own, but he never moved to take up the sword to rule these people and became the lord. He buried the sword in the soil. , Randomly found a piece of wasteland, picked up a **** and seriously cultivated.

He was fed up with noble exploitation before fleeing to the south, and he hated being a hateful person from his heart. Guess what happened next? “

“It’s dead, there are thousands of ways to die, but there is only one kind of fool’s death, and he is stupidly killed by himself.” Shen Yan said with her eyes open. The most annoying people in this world are idealists-they will die from ideals, and then their stories will be depressed to those who listen to them.

“… Yes. In the fall, a rogue in the vicinity announced that he would become the lord. Not only did he take away all the farmers’ income, but he also besieged my friends with these farmers who had received taxes … Putting a pitchfork on your stomach is worthless. “

“What does this story tell us?” A story without healing meaning is not a good story.

“… Don’t mess with peasant farmers.”

The team stopped, Shen Yan sat up, followed Omar to look forward.

Sure enough, when the convoy arrived at the barricade, Milton took out a roll of what seemed to be an order and gave it to the soldiers.

However, things did not seem to be going smoothly. Although the soldier read the order, he still pointed at the people in the convoy and kept asking — after all, it was really suspicious that there were so many old people and children in the 200-person team! No regiment carries so much burden when carrying out its mission. Then Milton argued loudly with the soldier, attracting the nearby eyes.

“Shoot that weird bow under the tree, and wait for the signal to start!” Omar said quickly, and disappeared directly. Omar accompanied Shen Yan to practice arrows for several days. He still couldn’t believe Shen Yan’s archery, but he could trust infrared sights. After calculation and correction, the pulley bow equipped with an infrared sight is shot within 50 steps! Of course, he believed the person holding the bow even more. Shen Yan had always felt very reliable, and he was worthy of trust if necessary.

“He is at the end of the line,” Penny reminded.

“Well.” Shen Yan secretly took out the pulley bow from under the rag, borrowed a half of the carriage to block it, lay flat and half opened and stopped the red dot above the guy’s head. “You help me stare at Oma and Milton.”

It seemed to have received the same signal. The two half-elf archers of the team also pressed their hands on the arms. The tiger approached the position where three soldiers stood, and Catherine deliberately unbuttoned a button and spread her hair A large white chest immediately caught the eyes of nearby soldiers.

Shen Yan took a deep breath and tried to stabilize his arms. His eyes were slightly slanted, and he secretly determined the second and third goals. Once the battle begins, Catherine and Tiger, who are upset, will surely attract a lot of attention, and Shen Yan lying in the car and putting cold arrows will be ignored. This made him more convenient to continue to attack, Shen Yan estimated that he had at least four or five opportunities to draw the bow. As long as he can hit two, the remaining amount is not to be feared. If all three hit … then he can refer to this for a whole year.

“… No, the suspicion of stepping on a horse! Lao Tzu was born and died in the north for the kingdom. You are hiding here safely, what is the right to doubt …”

Milton’s voice came from afar, Shen Yan was shocked. In terms of fighting quality and intuition, Milton is definitely the strongest in the team! Although he is not a qualified leader, he is a qualified commander. Tiger and others are already in place, he can’t see it. At this time, he drew his sword and chopped a few people in the pass. Everyone worked together, and the odds of winning were extremely high! Of course, it is necessary to pass quickly before the garrison on the bridge finds it. Otherwise, once the iron gate is lowered, it will be completely finished. However, Milton didn’t mean to do it at this time. Does he still have a follow-up?

The timing is fleeting. If you do not seize the opportunity, the opportunity will punish you.

Just after hesitating for a few seconds, the squad leader who had quarreled with Milton had already felt wrong. He stepped back without hesitation, away from the distance of Milton’s assault, and blew his whistle! As soon as the whistle sounded, Shen Yan aimed like a frightened rabbit and jumped behind the tree. Other soldiers were similar, and then someone on the bridge over 20 meters above the head protruded and looked down. “嚓 ~ 嚓 ~” The sound of pulling out the sword was everywhere.

“This is a lot of trouble.” Shen Yan smiled bitterly and directly pulled the bow to switch the aiming target to the alternative body. If you don’t do it or do it endlessly, there will be no good results even if you lay down your arms. If Milton dared to raise his hand to surrender at this time, he would dare to shoot a direct detonation battle!



Two shouts, one after the other, sounded one after another.

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