Chronicles of the True Wizard

Book 1: Chapter 1

Ding Welcome to the Multiverse. I am The System. You are a part of the 256th universe to be integrated into the multiverse. Please wait while I transfer you to a preparation room before the tutorial begins.

After 5 hours of snoring, loudly, Felix stretched out and rolled around in bed.

Good Morning. I know you are awake. You appear to have slept more than is commonly recommended for your particular race. You should likely get up now.

Felix tried to open his eyes but failed due to the bright white of the room.

"Mind turning down the lights a little?" he asked.

Felix tested the waters by squinting one eye open and noticed the room was now bearably bright instead of scorching.

"Either this is a dream, I was kidnapped or…" Felix stated aloud to the empty room, then finished with a hint of trepidation, "something else?"

"I am The System, you are a part of the 256th universe to be integrated into the multiverse. Try pulling up your status screen."

"So ‘something else', got it. So our- sorry, my universe? Has been… or is being… integrated into a- sorry, the multiverse?"


"What does that mean? I understand the words and the sentence… What does it mean though?"

"Your universe was previously detached from the greater multiverse. The multiverse is a collection of universes that have been combined into one, greater whole, over a long period of time. Previously, your universe was left to naturally progress on it's own, now as part of the multiverse, your universe will be overseen by me, The System."

"What… What will change from a day to day perspective? Is everything the same except now you are god?"

"No. Your universe had almost no mana within it previously. It was also void of many other substances that can be found in the rest of the multiverse. As part of the integration you will progress through a tutorial which will help acquaint you to your new reality. You will find things that previously limited your race have been eliminated. You will also have access to a status screen and will gain experience from various activities. The status screen is my best estimate of your current abilities. The status screen and the stats do not affect you, they represent you. Changes in your stats will not directly change you, the stats only change to reflect changes within you."

"Limits… Mana?"

Show status screen Felix thought.

Name: Felix Kade FREE 0

Level: 0 STR 12

Class: ??? DEX 9

Race: [F - Common] Human AGI 8

Profession: ??? PER 9

Health: 90/90 VIT 9

Mana: 160/160 INT 16

Energy: 110/110 END 11

"Huh, Human, Common, yeah that tracks… Sweet working out has finally paid off, fair, fair… Hey System, what are the average stats for humans?" Felix asked.

System: "The entirety of the human race averages out to about a 10 in every stat"

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Also fair… Oh sweet I always figured I had a pretty high IQ, never really had enough of an ego to go get it tested though. Nice to know… Perception below average, probably the glasses. Oh btw, do I need to speak out loud to you?" Or can you read my thoughts?

We can communicate in whichever method you would prefer Felix heard directly in his head.

Kinda creepy… nah this is more efficient, also who cares you know everything about me anyways. It's not like there's anything to hide.


So Mana, experience… Is this a video game?

No. Though you will find many similarities.

Does everyone go through a tutorial? What about children? What happens when you die?

Yes, if there is anyone in specific who's status you would like to be aware of, you may send a request to them. They do as well. I cannot answer that.

I see… There's no one. My only real friend died a couple months ago.

If that is all, you may want to check your message logs.

Show message logs.

Welcome to the Multiverse. I am The System. You are the 256th universe to be integrated. Hold tight while I transfer you to a preparation room before the tutorial begins.

You have 1 hour in this room to choose your class and ready yourself for your tutorial

You have 15 minutes in this room to choose your class and ready yourself for your tutorial

It appears that one of your tutorial members is not ready. Please stand by.

It appears that one of your tutorial members is not ready. Please stand by.

It appears that one of your tutorial members is not ready. Please stand by.

We have waited the maximum of 4 hours for all participants to be ready. The tutorial will begin now. Good luck!

It has now been 1 hour since the tutorial began. You may want to wake up now.

It has now been 2 hours since the tutorial began. You may want to wake up now.

It has now been 3 hours since the tutorial began. You may want to wake up now.

It has now been 4 hours since the tutorial began. You may want to wake up now.

Good Morning. I know you are awake. You appear to have slept more than is commonly recommended for your particular race. You should like get up now.

"Oh shit." Felix cringed.

Am I in the tutorial now? He thought.

You remain in the preparation room as you have not chosen a class. I have attempted to rouse you without physical contact but it appears that may have been impossible.

How long has the tutorial been running now?

4 hours and 23 minutes

Oh shit, well… hope I didn't miss anything too important.

Felix looked down and finally noticed that he remained on his own bed curled up in his own sheets.

Wait, my bed came with me?

It has been determined that it is safest if I transport everything that is directly touching the participant. As there is nothing of value on this planet before the integration, bringing things into the tutorial has been deemed, a non-issue. It has also become increasingly challenging to determine what the different races consider clothes. Even parsing your every thought, feeling and emotion I have had complaints about missing clothing in the past. This new method has resulted in a 14.8% increase in satisfaction.

That is not insignificant. Moving on. Class Selection

A screen with 3 basic categories appeared in front of Felix: Physical, Magic, Healer. Felix immediately chose Magic, as the other choices were evidently inferior. Who learns that magic exists and doesn't at least explore it? The magic category expanded to reveal Caster.

[E - Common] Caster

The caster is the base form for most classes that cast spells with a focus on non healing spells.

+2 DEX per level

+2 PER per level

+3 INT per level

+3 FREE per level

Well, that's an easy choice. Hey System, once I select this class, will you dump me into the tutorial immediately?


What else can you tell me about stats, You, mana, anything really?

Stats or attributes are numbers that quantify different aspects of your person, they increase when leveling up dependent on your class or profession. Often including some free points that may be allocated. On a basic level, strength is the power you with which you can move your body, dexterity is the precision with which you can move your body and agility is the speed with which you can move your body. Perception is the efficacy of your senses. Intelligence is the speed and efficiency of your thoughts and dictates the size of your mana pool. Vitality is indicative of how much you can recover from and how quickly you can recover from it. It also dictates your health pool. Endurance is indicative of how resilient you are and changes how much damage you take from a hit. It also dictates your energy pool.

I am The System, I see all, I know all, I control everything. Mana is a resource typically used with magic. It is commonly believed to be the base form of all matter, energy and other in the multiverse. Energy is a resource consumed throughout the day and when performing particularly intense physical activity. Health is about how much damage your body can take and recover from. You will have to discover anything else you wish to know yourself.

Alright, thanks System. Tutorial Screen.

Tutorial Status

There are 99,153/100,000 people.

There are 123 days, 20 hours remaining.

You have completed 0 dungeons.

You have helped kill 0 world bosses.

You have captured 0 forts.

Oh nice, that worked. I guess that means there are multiple tutorials. What's the environment or setting for my tutorial?

Correct. The tutorials are designed to best acclimate newly integrated individuals into the multiverse.

Alright well, guess there's not much left to do here… Felix looks down at the bed he is still lying in. Shit this is likely the last time I get to use an actual bed for a while. Damn… WAIT, System, can you send my bed and shit back to my house where it was please?

Anything in this room that you are not in physical contact with will be placed in your inventory.

Felix rolled to the edge of his bed and stood up.

That works I guess, thanks. Select Caster.

A screen appears in Felix's vision asking him to confirm his class choice.

Hell yes I want to cast spells. Confirm

"WAIT I FORGOT I'M NAKED" Felix screamed into the tranquil forest around him. His only response was a distant howl.

"Shit shit shit, fucking hell."



2500 Tutorial Credits

[E - Common] Inferior King Bed

[E - Common] Inferior King Duvet

[E - Common] Inferior Pillow

[E - Common] Inferior King Bed Sheet

[E - Common] Tutorial Weapon Selection Box (Caster)

Tutorial Mana Bolt Spell Book

I could wear the bed sheet, but I don't wanna ruin it. SHIT. Ok I gotta find some gear.

Felix summoned the Weapon Selection Box from his inventory with a thought. A small white palm sized box appeared in his hand as a System screen appeared in front of him.

[E - Common] Tutorial Weapon Selection (Caster)

Warning: This action is irreversible.




I don't really want to hold anything in my hands, I feel like it would just get in the way. Wand seems the most useable. Select Wand.

The box vanished and in its place a foot long, mostly straight, wooden stick rested in Felix's hand. Felix visually examined the wand causing a System screen to pop up.

[E - Common] Tutorial Caster Wand

A wand designed for the Caster class in System run tutorials for newly integrated universes. A wand aids in aiming your spells.

Well that's lame.

Felix stowed the wand in his inventory and summoned the Mana Bolt Spell Book with a thought. A small palm sized journal of only a few pages appeared in his outstretched hand.

Not a complicated spell it seems.

Opening the book, Felix was presented with a short paragraph on the first page and a geometric pattern on the next.

Welcome to the multiverse. Mana Bolt is one of the most basic spells in the multiverse and is widely considered to be the ideal starting spell for any caster. The spell forms a simple dart of solid mana and launches it forwards. The mana cost is quite low as is the effect. Don't point it at yourself!

That was dumb. What the hell am I supposed to do with this? I guess I do have mana, that seems like a decent place to start from I guess… Great so I am stranded in the middle of the woods, buck naked, with no way to defend myself unless I sit here close my eyes and try to manipulate the metaphysical. Awesome.

As if in response to Felix's complaints a large fox the size of an adult german shepherd prowled around a tree a dozen meters in front of Felix. The fox introduced itself with a wolf like growl before racing towards Felix.

Oh come on.

All free points into agility, wait I did get free points from choosing Caster… right?

Felix summoned his wand, the only weapon at his disposal into his right hand and crouched down. Just a few meters from Felix the fox bounded into the air with its jaws aiming to wrap themselves around his neck.

Felix jumped to the side as best he could managing to save his neck but still ended up scoring himself a deep gash on his thigh. He turned and stabbed his wand into air, just above the fox's eye.

The fox quickly recovered and pivoted. Felix tried to step back but tripped when he felt pain shoot through his thigh, falling to the ground and smacking his back against a tree instead. The fox pounced, looking for another bite and Felix lacking a better option, desperately tried to block it with his arm. Felix dropped the wand as the Fox clamped down causing searing pain to shoot through his arm. He scrambled to pick up the wand with his other hand then stabbed the Fox's eye repeatedly as it held itself tightly to his forearm. On the second stab the wand broke and Felix jammed the remaining nub into its nostril.

Ding You have slain [E - Common] Fox (Lvl 4)

Ding You have gained a level in [E - Common] Caster

Felix lay against the tree and carefully removed the fox jaw from his arm. The mangled corpse dropped to the ground and Felix breathed to let the adrenaline pass.

Ok I need somewhere safe to rest and figure out this stupid Mana Bolt. Hopefully the wand isn't necessary.

Felix summoned the bed sheet from his inventory and ripped off strips to tie his thigh and forearm wound as best he can. He put the remaining sheet in his inventory then also stowed the corpse of the fox he had just barely slain on a whim.

Oh man, I really didn't want to ruin my sheets. Status.

Name: Felix Kade FREE 3

Level: 1 STR 13

Class: [E - Common] Caster (Lvl 2) DEX 14

Race: [F - Common] Human AGI 12

Profession: ??? PER 14

Health: 38/100 VIT 10

Mana: 230/230 INT 23

Energy: 96/120 END 12

One more scratch from a fox and I might bleed to death. My health is way too low for comfort. All free points to Vitality. Huh, I got an extra point in each stat, maybe from leveling my race? Not sure how that happened. No complaints here though. . . . . .

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