Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 52: Aunt Zaira Learns My Secret

After revealing who I was to Aunt Zaira she sent me out. I was very confused and I was wondering what was up with the sudden waterworks. I did not even have the chance of giving Bernard’s note to her and I also did not see her in the next few days.

Confused was probably an understatement to what I was feeling.

The first week of winter break passed by quickly. I was mostly at home, thinking about the last time I saw Aunt Zaira. Other than that, I spent my time practicing the abilities I unlocked with acquiring my fox core and doing my assignments. Sometimes, I would practice with Thomas or hang out with my friends. Bernard asked me every time we met up if I already gave the letter to my aunt and my answer was always:

“She’s very busy right now. I still can’t find a good timing to talk to her about it.”

“I see. I’ll just wait.”

I could hear and see Bernard’s disappointment at my answer, but there was really nothing I could do if I couldn’t even meet her the past few days.

Aunt Zaira was also not the other one who was busy. Edmund and Eliza were dragged by Sebastian to help him in preparing the Winter Ball which was due in a few days. As the crown prince, his father, Emperor Ivan, gave him the task. Zach, as Sebastian’s personal bodyguard, was with him by default. Apparently, Grand Prince Leo (Senior Leo) was also part of the people preparing the ball and so he dragged Torii with him.

-Haa… Everyone’s so busy.

Speaking of Senior Leo and Torii. I found out from Eliza that the two were engaged ever since Torii legally became one of Aunt Zaira’s successors. Imagine my surprise when I found out about it.

Back to the problem at hand… I was getting sick and angry with Aunt Zaira’s evading me. How did I found out she was evading me? My intuition. And one can never underestimate a fox’s intuition, much less a woman’s intuition.

It was the day before the Winter Festival. Aunt Zaira returned home. I decided to confront her even if she had to punish me for it. After our last conversation, I was left with many questions and she left me hanging!

I stood in front of the door to her study. I took a deep breath and opened the door forcefully. I saw Aunt Zaira freeze on her seat with a shocked look on her face. She was probably caught off-guard since I hid my presence, something I got better at the last few days of practicing out of frustration.


I walked briskly towards her and stood before her. I was controlling my expressions so it wouldn’t slip into becoming an angry one but my actions probably gave me away already.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Aunt Zaira…”


“To be honest, you’re a weird a person.”

“Excuse me?” she sounded offended.

“Let me finish.” I said. “You’re weird and scary at times, but you took care of me when I knew nothing, had nothing and did not know where to go. But can you at least give me answers to the questions crowding in my mind?”


“Last time we talked I told you who I was, but after that... nothing. What’s up with that?”

“Uh… I was… preoccupied?”

“Do you really think I believe that? You always say that among us, I was the most intuitive and observant, do you really think I’ll let go of your suspicious actions when it’s related to me?”


“So… I told you I’m Nyxtriel Wetcheit li Stedus, princess of the Fox Clan, a high goddess among the Celestial Race of the Celestial Realm. But right now, I’m Luna Hysi. What are your thoughts about it?”

Aunt Zaira shook her head and sighed. “To be honest... I don’t know what to say. More than a hundred years ago, my friends and I were under the gods’ protection as well as scrutiny. We helped them subdue the demons, slayed the demon king and yet they were doubtful and fearful of us. So, I have reservations among those beings we believe and call gods.”

“During that time, I was probably on the run so I wasn’t one of those celestials that watched your battle against the demons.”

“On the run?”

I sighed and took a seat. I actually calmed down. “Do you want to hear my story?”

“Do you want to share your story?”

“To you? Yes. And I would like you to keep it a secret.”

“Then I’m all ears.”

I gave her the short version of my story as Nyxtriel. Technically, I just gave her the important points; my sister’s execution, my family’s massacre, me being a fugitive and lastly falling to my death.

“That was seven years ago.” I ended. “And then I suddenly found myself inside this, Luna’s, body and you saved me. And you know the rest already.”

“A few months ago, you said you, I mean I guess that was the real Luna, was attacked by a yellow-eyed demon. Am I right to assume that she died that time?” she questioned.

“I think so.”

“Wait, I’m confused.”

“You’re not the only one.”

“I suppose. The spiritual core appeared fifteen years ago, if the legends are true and a year in the human realm is only a day in the celestial realm, then that’s fifteen days ago. If the spiritual core is really yours, then where were you eight years before you took over Luna’s body?”

“Good question.” I was wondering about it as well. “I don’t know either. So… that’s the story. What are your thoughts about it?”

“To be honest, it’s kind of overwhelming and I’m not the kind of person that is easily overwhelmed. But… I believe you.”


“A spiritual core is a core that belongs only to one individual. I already assessed that the ore they were experimenting on was a deity’s core. If it wasn’t yours and you merged with it, then you’re probably dead by now.”

“You have a point.”

A deity’s core belonged to himself or herself alone. Nobody else could use it. Even if the deity gets destroyed, as long as the core survives, that deity had the chance to be revived.

-So, I really did die and my core somehow found its way here in the mortal realm.

I was still a little confused though. Aunt Zaira had a point. I thought I died seven years ago and I found myself inside the mortal Luna Hysi’s body, but my core showed up fifteen years ago. What happened to the eight years in between?

“By the way… err… Lady Nyxtriel?”

“Just continue calling me Luna, Aunt Zaira. Remember that I’m a fugitive in the celestial realm. Names have power.”

“Oh. So even though you’re an ancient fox who’s probably older than me by thousands of years, you’ll still call me Aunt Zaira?”

I only smiled. “You believe me?”

“Of course! Even if you’re technically ancient, I did raise the mortal you these last few years. I can tell if you’re lying or not.”

“Touché. Anyway, as for addressing you, it’s more comfortable that way. I have already considered you as a real aunt ever since you adopted me.”

“Wow. It feels nice to be called aunt by a former goddess. Or a fallen one at that.”

“Stop that.”

“Right. Anyway, this is rather a very big revelation. Have you told anyone about it?”

“No, just you so far.”

“You didn’t even tell your friends?”

I shook my head. “I lied to them about my connection to the core. I thought, it’s for their own good.”

“Good choice. Although it’s such a shocking secret, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

I smiled at her words. “Thank you. I have a question again.”


“Why did you cry the first time I told you who I really was?”

Aunt Zaira went silent at that.

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