Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1203 - Battle of the Mad Lich Tower (1)

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After devouring the Underworld Banshee, the ugly wax melting demon seemed unsatisfied, and wriggled towards another nearby undead creature. There were many similar and dozens of different around the wax melting demon. A variety of spider creatures are mixed with those undead creatures, and battles continue to erupt. These pets of the spider goddess Rose are naturally summoned by the mother spider Herist, their fighting force is more powerful. Although the number is limited, as the summoned creatures, even if they die in the battle, they can only lift the summons, and Mother Herster can get constant supplements from the goddess of spiders anytime, anywhere.

The huge undead army is completely incapable of blocking the advancement of Ryan and others. This is not because they are incompetent, but the enemy is too powerful. The three half-gods teamed up to run across the whole world. The gap between them cannot be compensated by the number. This became more and more obvious as the battle line gradually advanced deep into the Mad Lich Tower.

“Come back.” A cold voice that made people feel very pleasant in his ears echoed in the space inside the crazy lich tower. Although the sound was not very loud, it was clearly transmitted to everyone. In the heart, under this order, Ryan found that the densely packed undead creatures quickly left in the distance, and the group of undead in front of him split a gap, and a woman wearing a purple magician robe slowly walked away from the corpse mountain. Walking out of the sea of ​​blood, he stood in front of the three demi-gods.

“Catherine.” Ryan couldn’t help but squeeze the familiar name out of his teeth after seeing each other’s looks.

“Ryan.” Catherine’s voice was still so sweet, but the look at Ryan was very complicated. I thought about the situation when I was overlooking the other side of the Royal Arena in Fernando City ten years ago. Catherine only felt a bit bitter lips At that time, she could use some means to crush the opponent, but now, ten years later, even after her reverse conversion to humanity, her strength is better than when she was a lich. When facing the boy in front of him, he didn’t even have the qualification to look up.

At this moment, Catherine ’s indestructible faith, determined to be desperate to obtain strong power because of what she encountered, seemed to have some kind of unpredictable crack. A thought that had never appeared in ordinary days quickly flashed in her mind: Following a teacher who is a demigod lich is not necessarily the only way to gain supreme power, maybe … maybe I missed something. “

Catherine quickly suppressed the idea almost at the same time as she flashed it, and she continued to Ryan without changing her face: “There are also two kings, Herast and Mozartfeller, please follow me. , The teacher has been waiting for a few more time. “

“Lead the way.” As the leader of the three, Mosazfiler responded with an opening sentence. He had no interest in these undead and Catherine. As a demigod king, he did not intend to continue to block himself. I’m too lazy to bother about it in this respect. After all, I just warmed up with the mentality of the game. If you really want to do it, Prince Mozartfeller can even a huge city with a population of hundreds of millions. Destruction, how could it be as simple as tearing the armor on a few dark knights.

Under the guidance of Catherine, Ryan and three others soon came to the palace where the demigod Lich Constance was located, saying that this is a palace is actually not appropriate, because this space actually has no boundaries such as walls, but The surrounding environment is always enveloped by a deep layer of darkness. Whether it is direct observation with eyesight or magical detection with mental power, it is only limited to an area that is not too large, so it gives people a place in a huge The feeling of the palace.

A huge golden skeleton made of pure energy floated quietly in the center of the palace, and its two eyeless eyes continuously radiated cold and evil dark breath, but this terrible breath filled with false **** power They did n’t spread out to the surroundings to bring them any sense of oppression, but they were almost perfectly absorbed by an unusually complex magic circle on the ground with the same area. They did n’t know what way to go, only occasionally leaked out. The slightest hint of Ryan vaguely felt that this dark breath was slightly similar to the black sticky mist that enveloped the cursed crypt outside. Perhaps this is the source of the mysterious techniques such as the transformation of the undead.

Catherine came under the huge skull with a dim golden halo and bowed in a very respectful manner. Then she straightened up and said, “Teacher, the three guests have arrived.” The golden skull did not speak, and Catherine was directly transferred out with her own power. The Mad Lich Tower is basically equivalent to the pseudo-godland of the demigod lich, just like the shadow plane of the Queen of the Night. Do n’t say that Catherine will not have a consciousness of resistance. Even if she wanted to fight against the power of the demigod lich, with her strength to cross into the realm of the realm, there is no way to fight back.

After Catherine’s figure disappeared, the golden skeleton, the demigod lich Conss, made a voice: “Mossefeller, Herast, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“It’s really you.” Herester and Mossfell both listened to the demigod lich and couldn’t help but change their face slightly, because the other person looked very familiar when he said his name, which shows that today is not The first meeting between the three people, then according to the previous guess on the origin of the demigod Lich Constance, is he really the new **** who lit the fire but was chased and killed by other demigods from other circles? Of course, this change of Mother Hearst and Prince Mossfeller may not necessarily be a fear of opponents, but just remembered the violent fierce subconscious reaction of the original.

As if guessing the thoughts of Saul Demon and the Dark Elf, the demigod Lich Conss made another voice: “No, not what you imagined. In fact, Barlock, who took that step, has already fallen. I just merged. Because of the distraction he left behind, I have mastered some of his skills and strength. I think you must be very familiar with this point, because you have been in contact with a failed fusion while taking an adventure in the underwater world. “

“Thousand souls.” Ryan frowned and said the name, then he said: “So the blood race across the plane, also …” Ryan paused a little here, he seemed to want to find out A more appropriate word to describe, but because the ins and outs of the thing mentioned by the demigod lich is simply a half-understood, so this sentence stuck for a few seconds, and I still could n’t find a suitable adjective. .

“You shouldn’t think that I’m only focusing on the plane of Eslar.” The demigod Lich Conss was also concealed, and he directly responded and said: “The soul is converted into the power of the undead, but I The domain power gained, how blood and clan known for its speed and elegance, how willing to give up his body like love treasure, he is just one of the many goals I chose, but unfortunately the blood clan’s desire for life, but let him fail. “

“So, Alexander, Emperor Andrew, and the catastrophe that happened two hundred years ago, and the many sufferings of the human world before, were all manipulated by you behind the scenes.” Ryan asked this sentence with many questions hidden in his heart, although He had already guessed the answer.

“No, no, I don’t think so.” Who knows that the demigod Lich Kangs actually gave a negative answer, but it said in the next words: “I just saw many unexpected appearances, as a long life The embellishment of passing boring time, I pushed a hand behind. In fact, everything you said caused such a result that the person could not control their desires, and I at most accelerated this process, or Provide them with such an opportunity. “

The words of the demigod Lich Conss are both beyond Ryan’s expectations, but also within the reason that Ryan can understand, such as the destruction of King Andrew and his empire, not because of that Alexander, King Andrew’s desire for life, but In search of immortality, he was lured by Nicholas, the deputy of the demigod lich, and headed to a path that seemed extremely correct, but contrary to his own expectations, and the blood race that turned into a soul of thousands of souls, mostly In a similar situation, the result eventually became an immortal monster. Ryan believes that there should be such examples in the human world and other planes. It is only his life course that has gone through just thirty years. There are not many opportunities to access this information.

“The catastrophe that happened two hundred years ago, don’t tell me that it was also caused by a human ambitionist.” Ryan threw away the end of other branches and asked about this tragic event that has affected the situation of the human world until now.

“This naive question shouldn’t actually be asked by you. It seems that you haven’t been able to adapt to your new identity.” The demigod Lich Conss said: “To know that we are already demigods from mortals, at least Can have a life span of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Such a long time will not only witness the rise and decline of countless empires, but also witness the rise and fall of countless species, and may even witness the birth of a new plane. Or the collapse of an old plane, how can you put the humble microorganisms that may be wiped out in the long history of history at your heart, using the proverb of your race, that is, the snow-covered pastures will be more lush, Do you have to remove the mosquitoes, ants and ants intact before cleaning and tidying your room? “

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