Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1171 - Shadow Creature (2)

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“Uh, wait.” Ryan’s explanation was just finished. Aura suddenly flashed in his mind. He quickly continued: “I seem to think of something … Yes, shadow, these **** guys are all shadow creatures. , They hide in the shadow plane to invade the other world, and we want to kill them but we must also enter the shadow plane to face the body. This is the problem we have to face now. “

Ryan said here that the meaning he had expressed had been guessed by the closest Victor and others, so Victor succeeded him and continued to say: “Yes, at this point, the Queen of Night actually used the law Power, so we ca n’t work with normal means, and it ’s impossible to really rush to the shadow plane, which is even more dangerous, but since it ’s a shadow, we must naturally obey the corresponding laws, so this is indeed a Very good idea. “

The strong players in the field all heard a cloud of mist, including Aledia, who is more familiar with Ryan, and they also could n’t understand what Ryan and Victor said. This is because everyone ’s environment has always been It ’s a dim alien world, and I do n’t feel much about the shadow mentioned by Ryan and Victor. It ’s like living creatures that ca n’t see water forever in the desert, and naturally there is no way to imagine the existence of buoyancy.

Ryan gave no further explanation. His eyes turned to the distance, staring at Shadow Ferrer and the three complete soul hunters summoned by himself. This kind of creature living on the shadow plane is extremely large, and the shadow Ferrer is more than 30 meters high after the projection, and it is already a behemoth for ordinary people, but any soul hunter who has completely projected around it can stretch his tentacles. Easily wrap Shadow Ferrer completely,

When Ryan looked at Shadow Ferrer, the latter seemed to feel Ryan’s gaze, so he turned his head to look at Ryan. After confirming Ryan’s identity, Shadow Ferrer raised an arm, His body leaned forward slightly, letting his flexed fingers point in the direction of Ryan, and after receiving the attack order, the soul hunter around Shadow Ferrer invariably stretched out an innumerable number of tentacles and issued ” “Cracked” sound, then rushed towards Ryan at high speed,

The three soul hunters appear in the shape of “Pin” in front and back. They move away from each other at a high speed, so that each soul hunter can swing his tentacles without being affected by his companions. In this way, the fighting power of each soul hunter can be exerted, and the direction in which Ryan may escape is blocked as much as possible.

“Be careful.” “Retreat.” The powerful people in the field cried out, but Ryan ignored the warnings completely, still standing still, and his eyes slowly swept from the three soul hunters. I watched them open their tentacles like a deep-sea octopus that hunted, trying to swallow their own prey,

“The gods created this world, and everything has rules …” Ryan easily recited a short hymn of praise. Although his voice was very weak, it seemed that only those standing by him could hear clearly, but he didn’t know. What’s going on, this faint voice completely ignored the noisy shouts of the powerful in other fields, and appeared clearly in everyone’s ears,

The scene suddenly became quiet, and every powerful person in the realm of the outside world put his eyes on Ryan. At this time, Ryan became very solemn. This is the usual way of showing peace and humility. The expression that appeared. When the hymn was over, a book with a very simple cover appeared in Ryan ’s hands. Although it was formed by the magical energy gathering, the appearance was extremely realistic, the closest to Ryan. Famous and powerful people can even clearly see the traces of slight damage caused by repeated flipping,

“Huh, Huh.” When the three soul hunters flew this kind of frightening roar, the one that ran at the front was less than twenty meters away from Ryan, it just had to go A little bit earlier, you can let Shu’s unfolded tentacles touch Ryan’s body, and then he can bind this prey homeopathically, and then completely **** his soul and wreck his body,

Facing the threat in front of him, Ryan hurriedly brushed the surface of the quaint book that had been turned into a panic hand, and then the book was automatically opened upon request, revealing the mystery written on the first page. Text, this is a text that mortals can’t understand at all. Its appearance makes Ryan’s figure shrouded in a holy light from the sky,

A soul hunter must be at least 40 to 50 meters in size. In contrast, Ryan who is only two meters tall is naturally very small, but when the holy glory appears, Ryan is in the heart of the strong of the four-nation alliance. But it became very large, and a breath of heavenly air emanated from him, completely suppressing the soul hunter attacking opposite,

Then Ryan’s body took a half step forward, and even walked up to the soul hunter. He stretched out an arm and said with his fingertip to the soul hunter who was less than 15 meters away from him: “God Say, the dust returns to the dust, the earth returns to the earth. “After Ryan said this sentence, the body of the soul hunter who was moving at high speed suddenly stopped suddenly, and then a yellowish light shone on its body. On the top, the stinky smoke rises from the place where the light is irradiated, and the shadow body of the soul hunter quickly melts and shrinks in this case, just like ice cubes placed under strong sunlight,

Before and after the blink of an eye, the first soul hunter had shrunk to the size of Ryan. At this time, the two companions behind it were able to rush forward, so Ryan waved his hands and moved these two souls. The hunters are exposed to the aura of flame from the sky, so that they have no chance of struggling, completely killing these three shadow creatures that are enough to kill the powerful in the ordinary field.

After Ryan lifted the threats around him, his body continued to lean forward, and took the second step. The mysterious texts jumped from the transfiguration books in his hands. These texts enveloped in the holy atmosphere constituted a text. Faith Proverbs, appearing behind Ryan, this process seems a bit cumbersome, but in fact, it is only completed when Ryan takes a step, and when Ryan takes the third step, he is already standing In front of Shadow Ferrer, the distance between the two is less than ten meters,

Shadow Ferrer seemed to be confused by everything he found in front of him, because as a loyal subordinate of the night queen Tyrese, he was naturally aware of the terrible power of a complete invading soul hunter, which could be killed in a frontal battle. Powerful in the ordinary field, or directly destroy a city inhabited by tens of thousands of people, and include it in the existence of the Shadow Plane, but now a few magic spells in Ryan, a few light understatements shrouded in smoke, and even beaten The opportunity to return to the Umbral Plane has not disappeared in this way. It is not only that the projected image is destroyed as simple as that, but also the power of the real soul hunter whose body is still in the Umbral Plane. In his memory during his lifetime, it seems that only the demigods with the same strength as the Queen of the Night can do this, and the Ryan in front of him has not released the suffocating pseudo-divine power, nor has he entered the kind of half-step **** to enhance the strength State, how did he do it, is it all an illusion,

Ryan did n’t know Shadow Ferrer ’s thoughts. He used a very random action to imprint the magic of faith and proverbs he released on the other party. This kind of order magic that locked the soul imprint was against the creatures of the evil camp. It can explode several times of lethality, and Ryan also used pseudo-divine power in order to achieve the best results when launching these bright magics. Its destructive power is no less than that of a real demigod king, so Neither the three soul hunters nor Shadow Ferrer have any room for resistance. Not only that, even their bodies on the shadow plane have not escaped the power of the laws of order contained in the magic of light. No suspense is completely obliterated, completely disappeared from this world,

Seeing the end of Shadow Ferrer and those soul hunters, even Ryan himself was a little shocked by the power of light magic. He started to think that since Shadow Ferrer they are all creatures composed of shadows, then use the most sunlight-like creatures Attacking with bright magic will definitely achieve very obvious results, but the whole battle process is completely destroyed. He also used some pseudo-divine power, and there was almost no other consumption. This result surprised Ryan again. At the same time, it also allowed him to vaguely find a way to counter the nightfall of the Queen of Night. If he entered the state of half-step closure, he would go all out to use pseudo-divine power to launch faith proverbs or magic flame magic …

Ryan ’s thinking only lasts here, because the enemies from the Titan Alliance have reappeared. This time it ’s not a soul hunter, but the domain powerhouses of the Titans, wicked monsters, and eye demons. The closed dark space is The enemies of the Queen of Nights are in a state of absolute death, but for those subordinates and allies, there is no threat at all, but they still have to be careful about the impact of the confrontation between the demigods and kings, so they are better than the shadows. Ferrer, a creature that emerged directly from the shadow plane, was slower by a half step, but Ryan ’s reputation has deterred these Titan Alliance powerhouses, allowing them to clearly occupy a numerical advantage, but no one dared to go. In the first half of the step, I just stood on the edge of the area shrouded in twilight, and faced Ryan with the false **** realm behind the queen of night,

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